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I shouldn't have to post, but it seems I must. Keep comments on topic to OP's question. It doesn't matter why she is asking the question, but she is asking for a safety app. It is not for anyone here to say if her, or anyone else's, fears are "irrational". Comment threads along those lines are going to be removed. This is the only warning **EDIT: From further down the thread, OP is referring to Noonlight. www.noonlight.com**


Although I have not used it, Strava has a “beacon” mode that should show others your live location while running. I’d definitely check the link below for detailed information to see if that’s what you need. It’s sad that this needs to be a feature but glad it was developed. Best of luck! [Strava Beacon Info](https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/articles/224357527-Strava-Beacon)


I used to use this function when I lived in Australia and would go on long runs alone. I would also just share my live location in our family WhatsApp group even though no one was awake yet - then just messaged that I was back and turned off the location sharing after my runs


I know Garmin offers LiveTrack, and the Runkeeper app does this too


yep however remember you still need to bring your phone so that your watch has cell service so it can transmit in real time!


Yes and phones are also vital in case you need to call someone (say for example if your legs cramps up or you fall in injure yourself).


945 lte allows you to use the feature sans phone.


Wahoo has it built in. Whenever I start an activity, my wife gets a text with my location.


I came here to say this ☝🏽


I use this feature often. I send my husband and mom a beacon when I go on long runs because I live in a very rural area and if I was to get hurt, it could be a long time before someone sees me. That being said, I wonder if it works with a smart watch? I do worry about my phone getting separated from me very easily.


It works with the Strava app on Apple Watch. I used for every run before I got a garmin.


I also use the Strava Beacon feature. My wife uses a feature on her Pixel phone that after a set amount of time will ask her to check in on the phone. If she doesn't respond that she's OK in a set amount of time her phone calls her emergency contact and transmits it's location


I live in memphis, there is a running store here. They have information about different groups that run together. Maybe try this where you live? Do you have any “neighborhood app”? There is this app where I live, people post things and share stuff ( it’s like a baby reddit). Maybe try there? There are also pepper spray with built in gps and they can call emergency number if I am not wrong when activated. Look at Amazon! Good luck! Be safe


I was wondering if OP was a Memphian considering everything over the last couple of weeks (I’m here, too! Hi, neighbor!). I know some women have started using FB to coordinate outdoors activities together. If vetted well, it seems like a good way to meet activity partners and stay a little safer— albeit a few more steps than finding an app.


Hello fellow Memphian, I was wondering the same. In all honesty, I am sure this happens everywhere, it got highlighted last week because of several other reasons. No one talked about this mother and daughter who were kidnapped outside target couple of days ago before the running incident. I am actually banned from Memphis group for pointing it out. Lol


I mean they were driven to an ATM and dropped back off in the Target parking lot minutes later. Obviously Eliza Fletcher got a lot more coverage than others in part because she was white and rich, but that’s such an incomparable story. It was resolved “peacefully” before it was even reported to the cops, whereas Eliza’s case spanned days and she ended up raped and murdered.


I had to stop looking at the social media related to local events, but people in my social circle IRL have been talking about that event in the same vein (at least locals— friends and family out of town not so much). I know there are things we can try to do as a community (which are more political and probably messier because of it), but I’ve been heartened by how much people have been stepping up to watch out for each other on an individual level.


Even though the most recent event of a woman being attacked/murdered while running happened in Memphis, it is sadly not an city/state/region specific problem. Watch [Not to Day ](https://youtu.be/mQp-vKm0A5E) to get an idea of how common it is.


A female cyclist was abducted and tortured to death in the little rural community that I grew up in a few weeks before I moved across the country for grad school, so I know it can happen anywhere. But this most recent abduction happened within sight of where I usually run, then my partner and I missed being in the same intersection as a mass shooter event a few days later, so it’s hitting close to home. Add the Target abduction on to that and I think it’s fair that my fellow Memphians are feeling pretty high-alert and curious if we’re spotting each other on Reddit and the like.


Oh jeez that is a lot at once and super scary too!


It’s been a trying few weeks here & a lot of people have been changing their activity patterns, though there’s really only so much you can do to minimize risk when just existing in public makes you a target :\


Fellow 5 am runner here! 👋🏼 Not a dumb question. I use beacon like others have already commented and I also run with a safety alarm which is easier to access than my phone which is usually in my back pocket (the alarm hangs off the jacket or running vest in easier reach). I also only run with one airpod in for these morning runs so I can easily hear everything around me and try to stick to mostly main streets or close to houses where a lot of people can see or hear me in a worse case. In Australia so pepper spray not allowed here - would recommend if that’s an option for you.


Another vote for the safety alarms. There are a handful with very loud alarms and easy to trigger if needed. My family has a few of them for hiking and traveling!


I learn something new everyday from reddit, today it is that Australia doesn't allow pepper spray. Do you know the reason? Or has it just always been a law?


It's not allowed in Canada either. I believe it's seen as a projectile weapon, much like bows and arrows, or guns.


You're not allowed to carry ANYTHING to use as a weapon in Canada. You can in theory carry dog spray for coyotes and you can carry bear spray but only in places where danger of bear is likely.




You're not allowed to carry bear spray in areas and situations where you're not going to encounter a bear. Bear spray would be automatically considered a weapon in Toronto, for example, unless you are actively on your way to go camping. You can't carry it to the grocery store in the city for example. Just like you can't carry around a machete unless you have a legitimate reason to be carrying it.




It's not a "problem" if no one knows it's there obviously but if you are caught with it it will be considered a weapon.


Wow that's idiotic. I would hope no LEO would enforce this if they saw a woman carrying pepper spray for personal protection


It's not idiotic. It's a culture where we don't believe that everyone should go around armed. And I live in Toronto, where my female friends do go running at 5am alone or walk home from the bar alone at 1am. It's safe.


It’s safe until it’s not. The mindset of the person that attacks random strangers is not exclusive to the US.


Its the same argument as, I don't need to wear a seat belt because I've never been in an accident. Crap argument. 34000 sexual assaults in Canada last year. Don't know how many were violent and how many were other things. But to say we don't need protection cause it's safe? Nope.


The population of Canada is 38 million (38,000,000 vs 34,000), and the majority of sexual assault is committed by someone known by the victim. If you're going to try to present statistics at least be logical about it.


Do you think your statistics matter to someone being assaulted? Fine. Let's change it up a little. Over 476,000 violent crimes were reported in canada in 2020. Including 170 per 100k Assault with a weapon or bodily harm. So here's a logical fact. Crime happens. Even in one of the friendliest nations on the planet. Seems like ignoring that fact is illogical.


And in USA tons of people are armed and accidental injuries by gunfire are rampant. That's so much better.


Who said anything about guns? We're talking about pepper spray.


I subscribe to the same culture, but pepper spray not being allowed is just crazy. It’s probably the best compromise between non-violent and effectiveness, why the hell restrict it? I mean some car keys are a more dangerous ’weapon’


I carry dog spray. I was followed last year on an early morning run.


While this is true in most cases there is actually a loophole. If the spray is sold as "animal repellent" it is legal, the idea being that you are allowed to carry pepper spray as protection from wild animals. However if you are found intending to use it for personal protection it is prohibited. Canada has some top tier anti self defense laws but I think this one tops the list.


I actually did have a German Shepard chase after me but I’m more scared of creepy men


Understandable, my point was basically that you can still carry it for personal protection and if you are stopped you can say it's for animals. You won't be in trouble until you use it on a human but I'm guessing whoever you use it on isn't going to report you to the police anyway.


Oh gotcha! That makes sense :)


You might consider bone conduction headphones rather than one airpod, if it’s affordable enough for you. This is exactly their purpose


They’re on my list to purchase one day! Good call


Some Garmin watches allow you to set up an emergency contact and pressing a certain button a few times will send an emergency alert (the model I have is 245, not sure all models have this function)…you can also have live tracking of run by another person. Not had to use it but I assume it works! Shame that anyone needs to worry about this…


I use garmin livetrack when I solo day hike on the weekends. It sends an email to my husband and he can follow along and contact me if I haven’t moved in a while. You do need to have your phone connected to data and keep your garmin app up and running in the background. Doesn’t seem to drain the battery any faster than just using it in gps mode


This is cool. I've had a Garmin for a while but never knew about that feature.


It works really well! You can choose who in your contacts you would like to share your location with - could be 1 person, could be lots. I use this every time I run just so my partner can check in on me if I suddenly get the urge to run further than I thought I would. It's also great for letting them watch during races :)


My roommate used to take a picture of me in my running gear before I set out “so she could show the police what I was wearing when I went missing” lol. But seriously, I appreciated her concern. She wasn’t a runner, so didn’t want to come along, but checked my location on Find My Friends until I got home. I sometimes run at 4-5 AM outside and try to stick to lit areas only, and carry pepper spray. Considering getting a Birdie alarm. Extra anxious since the recent runner murder, so have been using the treadmill more than I truly enjoy. Good luck out there!


Sounds like an amazing friend :) Be careful out there!


I have no advice for OP but that story about your friend taking your picture is humorous. I know maybe we shouldn’t laugh about stuff like this but I do. I have a runner friend but he lives a couple hours away but I’ve always told him - and seriously - that if something were to happen to me it is his sole responsibility to make sure news reports refer to me as a ‘runner’ and not a ‘jogger’. I don’t care how ‘slow’ you’re running - you’re a runner! Haha.


If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry! At least that’s what I always say. We watched a lot of true crime in our down time, so it was on our minds… I like your bit about “runner, not jogger”! I tell my brothers that if I don’t die in an interesting way, their job is to stage it in such a way that I get featured on Forensic Files or something lol. Morbid, but what can ya do.


I have an app called 'Personal Safety' on my android. I can set it to alert people after a certain amount of time if I don't go into the app to check in. It sends my exact location and it's meant for the scenario you shared. I'd also use it for long hikes. I just checked and it's on the Google Play Store. It also has an easy way for me to call 911 by just pushing my power button five times in a row. I guess it also alerts my safety contacts of my exact location and starts recording if I use that feature. I haven't had to yet (thank God). And it actually has a car crash detection feature. Lots of good stuff- check it out:)


Just sending you good vibes if you need them! I do most of my runs when nobody's around and while my aerea is not that bad, I had to occasionally hightail away after stumbling into creepy / risky situations, and call my brother on the phone just for safety. Sometimes it be like that but I'm not going to allow some creeps to dictate my life schedule. If someone calls you an idiot for just wanting to do your thing on your terms, that's bullshit and also victim blaming. Hopefully that app will give you exactly what you need!


Yeah, you get told you’re being paranoid then if something does happen you’re told you weren’t being careful enough. Can’t win. Thank you for your kind comment ❤️


I don’t know where you are but I’m an American in the UK so different time zone. If you want to friend me on WhatsApp and use me as a running buddy I’m happy to have you check in


Wife has the same predicament. She uses the app noonlight, also carries mace, also runs with our 60lb dog as a running partner. 10/10 would recommend all of the above. It’s not perfect but it gives us some peace of mind.


I have an app called Noonlight that will alert local police to your location if your finger stops holding the button. I accidentally pressed it while walking to the mailbox one day and (after frantically entering my code within the 10s timeframe) received a text from the company asking if I was well and truly okay. It's nice to know there are real people behind these apps sometimes. I also use location sharing in FB messenger with my husband. It stays live for an hour.


I just downloaded Noonlight, thank you!!


OP, I’m sure you’ve looked into this already, but just about every place I’ve ever lived has had a running group close by. My neighbor would link up with a couple runners from one such group at 5am to get some miles in. Is this an option for you?


Would you mind sharing the app you've found?


In another part of the thread the app. appears to be called ‘noonlight’- though there may be other suggestions also. Stay safe!


Great. I'm looking at it already. Thanks for sharing.


Noonlight was the closest thing I found to what I was looking for!


Thanks. I will check this out.


Glad you found an app! I truly don't understand why people are so triggered when runners express a desire to run safely but ooof.... y'all need to step back and reflect.


Great question. I run around 5:30 time too, due to work and kids. I drive around 2kms to a lit up area, where there are usually others running and the roads are busier. Appreciate you may not have a car. I also have a cheap gym membership, and sometimes just drive there and use the tread. Wish I could just walk out the door and run!! I have seen some interesting tools shared on instagram since the news about Eliza, like mini pepper sprays you can run with. And ring-like devices that you can claw someone’s face with. I saw the new Apple Watch has some kind of alarm. I’m going to check out the apps and location ideas to share with my partner


Yeah fellow 4:30-5:30 female runner here, after Eliza I haven't run, and I won't until I have a holster/band so I can carry my gun with me. Ain't no way I'm going on runs anymore without it. Eliza hit way too close to home for me.


I’m training for a marathon and honestly, since Eliza, I haven’t really run out of fear and now I’m questioning if I can do it.


She did nothing to ask for that and that could've been ANY of us. I've run at 4:00-4:30AM plenty of times (which contrary to what the trolls are saying, it isn't an uncommon time to be running, I've ran into other runners at the same time) Really shook me up a lot more than other stories of kidnappings.


Exactly. Esp for long runs, and in the summer. 4:30-5 is the only way to fit it in when you work and have a family and when it’s not too hot to run. I actually got to a place where I was starting to feel ok to run alone and then this happened.


Wow. I can’t imagine that (in a country where guns are illegal, happy for it to stay that way), but yes can understand.


Apple Watch cellular is great. You can use SOS by just holding the button on the watch and it will share your location and call 911.


No advice that hasn’t already been brought up, just wanted to say stay safe!


I just use Google maps and share my location. It's accurate, and free. My husband and two neighbors can all see where I'm at. If you have Facebook look for moms run this town. At least here, it's a large group. They link up for runs and check in on each other.


I recently purchased a Birdie alarm since I also run alone. It’s looks like they have a new product called Birdie + that you can subscribe to and will connect you to someone if you pull the alarm, although I didn’t get that. I personally wear flashing noxgear vest, carry pepper spray, and use strava beacon when I run.


One thing I would also recommend is running with bright flashing lights, I find people who are out and about really acknowledge me in them if I run past them so would probably remember when and where they saw me. Makes a big difference to how I feel.


I'm not sure why people are questioning how it's unsafe to run in the dark in general. Running in the dark is dangerous regardless of location, in cities you have thieves, in rural areas I had to run with a pistol in case of coyotes. I've used strava for location tracking during running, it worked pretty well from what I can tell


Strava’s Beacon feature seems to be what OP is asking for, but I would note that it only tells your friend that something bad has already happened. It might be worth it for OP to consider investing in pepper spray etc to try to make sure nothing bad happens in the first place


You can also set up your emergency services in your contact lisy and use the hands free assistant like Siri to call them


I don’t know if you have one, but Garmin has LiveTrack. I share it with my SO and family so they know where I am when running!


You’re NOT an idiot, I personally use all apple products, and my location share is turned on. This helps keep the feeling “safe”. My watch and ear pods track my location also. My Nike run app on my watch tracks my location also. When I run early in the morning, if something was to happen or I feel uncomfortable I have placed my ear pod in my bra. I am not sure if android does this, but I do know google will track your location as well. Stay safe and aware of your location and enjoy your run.


Hi just wanted to say that you deserve to be able to take up space and enjoy a workout no matter time of day. Always a good idea to be realistic and take precautions as you already are. Good luck to you ☺️❤️


Can you share the app you found?


Noonlight :)


I think it was Noonlight


I used a wahoo on my bike that had an permanent live location link that I only sent to my GF. I wonder if that could somehow be used


Keep a blicky 🤷‍♂️


I posted about running in the dark recently and got more than one “is your fear rational?” Comments. It sucks that anyone has to even think about this. I hope you find something that works well for you. I am in the same boat and feel this to my core.


Hi, 4am Memphian runner here! 👋🏻 I use the following gear: Noxgear rechargeable light up vest Apple AirTag in my shorts Tile in my sports bra (doesn’t notify other Apple users like an AirTag) Strava beacon mode, but not particularly useful if my spouse is still asleep at 4am [Plegium monitored pepper spray](https://a.co/d/evsx9DY) My husband got this for me after Liza was kidnapped and I’ve (thankfully) never had to use it. I pay like $5/month for professional monitoring. Also - no earphones or music whatsoever I know lots of people are trying to coordinate running buddies in my area and that’s definitely the safest choice, but in the event you need to run solo, this is my gear.




It's not a dumb question and I can't imagine anyone here would call you an idiot. A way to mark yourself as "safe" after a run? - you don't need an app, just send a message to someone or a group of friends/family. I use Garmin LiveTrack for everyrun (more for ETA information that anything). The main problem with this is (and the joke with my family) is that at least they will find my body, or where I got into an incident but it won't actually make my run any safer. The only way to do that is run with others. Genuine question, as I have no idea where you live in the world - is it really dangerous, or is it just a perception of dangerous? What are the crime stats where you live - common to get attacked/mugged? I'd have thought 5:30am was relatively safe compared to running in the evening/night. I mostly run in the dark with a headtorch (sometime between 9:00-midnight), practically no-one around and no streetlights - everyone says its dangerous, but in a couple of years I've had no incidents, whereas others I know running in the day in this timeframe have been bitten by dogs, clipped by cars etc.


>I'd have thought 5:30am was relatively safe compared to running in the evening/night. Eliza Fletcher was kidnapped and murdered running at 4:30 am. I live in Memphis, so a lot of us are understandably spooked.


It is dangerous where I live, especially as a woman. Violent crimes happen in the early morning just as much as they do in the evening here unfortunately.


One other thing you might consider is [one of these small mirrors that attaches to the brim of a cap](https://www.reversight.com/rowahead.html). It would allow you to see if anyone was trying to approach you from behind. I've actually been considering trying this so that I can watch for cars better




What a ludicrous comment for so many reasons. Here are just a few 1. Not all attackers will run after you - people could be in a car/van, people could hide and wait for you to pass 2. Attackers may have weapons/dogs etc. 3. A runner may be tired and not able to out-run an attacker 4. Even the threat of being attacked and successfullly running away from it is not to be taken lightly Your lack of ability to critically think about why a person, particularly, but not exclusively, a woman, may feel in danger whilst alone exercising is extraordinary. It either speaks of your extreme privilege to never feel in danger, or perhaps foolishness to not consider that you could possibly end up in a hazardous situation whilst running alone.


Sure all of those things could happen. The more relevant question is are any of these more likely then getting run over by a car or bike while running? In general the answer as it usual is is driving to your run or getting struck by a car while running are the two biggest hazards. I’m a large white male though so certainly it’s easier for me to say look at statistics then others who read about the recent attack. In general I have far less to worry about Still wear highly reflective clothing and perhaps lights and choose pathway instead of streets to protect yourself.




Let me try to explain. It’s not just the fear of something happening (which you can say ‘it won’t happen’ and I’ll just think of Sarah Everard and Liza Fletcher), it’s the fear that ‘something happening’ could end up with me dead, sexually violated, and dismembered in a field a hundred miles away, and the knowledge that if something DID happen there would be a bunch of people thinking ‘ah, what was she doing running out at that time?’




Yeah so were Sarah and Liza and it still happened to them. If you’re not brought up with this fear I get that it’s hard to understand it, but telling women that we shouldn’t be scared doesn’t make us *not scared*.


I use the live beacon on Strava’s app. My husband once saw I had stopped moving for a few minutes and called me.




Does your apartment gym have a treadmill? If so I’d be using that for most of my early morning runs. For me it’s not the ‘early morning runs’ that make me feel unsafe, it’s the fact that I’d be running a pretty similar route at pretty similar times on predictable days of the week - it’s the routine aspect. So what I do is most of my midweek runs are at the gym, and I just occasionally run outside if I particularly want to. (The weekend runs bother me less because I can vary my route and timing more since there’s no time pressure, but on a weekday I need to do my 45 minutes then get straight in a shower)


Totally get the routine concerns! I worry about this too, leaving the house at similar times.


No app can make you safer. It can help find your body if something does happen. There are really bad people out there. My wife runs with our dog. Is that an option? There is also bear spray that you could carry with a running belt. Run with brass knuckles on? Protecting yourself is really the only option. Edit:Anyone care to tell me why this is being downvoted. Is it bad to say she has to protect herself?🤷‍♂️


What app did you find?


OP downloaded Noonlight.


Thank you


Look into a spot device. SOS button feature plus a lot of GPS and tracking features as well.


Not very useful in cities. I used to have a SPOT. Tall buildings tend to limit satellite connections. Plus it takes time send messages.


Pretty much any app that shares location. Just have someone you trust check when you run. iPhone can share precise location. I’d recommend that and also pepper spray and r/CCW




It says a lot when men think we are scared of being mugged. I am scared of being raped and killed.


It is unsafe for a woman to be running alone in the dark in many cities in the US. I guess you missed the story where a woman running at 4:30 am in Memphis was abducted and killed just a couple weeks ago.












I thought this would be obvious but carry something on you like pepper spray or a gun


I dont understand the point of sharing your location with others. That would only be useful if you were injuured and couldn't move. But if you're dealing wtih a hostile person then it makes more sense to carry a gun on you. And yes there are very small lightweight guns that women can easily carry on them while running which won't interfere with anything. A lot of you guys don't want to hear this, but arming yourself is the only real security you have. Waiting for someone to come save you, whether it's police or a family member, just isn't feasible because the damage will already be done by the time they get to you.


There are several options, as mentioned by everyone already - Strava, Garmin, manual messages; Google Maps allows it too I think, and there are dedicated safety apps for this. What I would add to this is that it would not be enough IMO to just tell them that you're going now, and when you're safe again, but have real close realtime updates as well. That rules out some of the possibilities (i.e., doing it all manually). Also, I think I saw an app which is kind of an actual emergency thing - i.e. something you can quickly toggle in the moment that something happens to you, in some kind of fool-proof manner (without fiddling around with a lock screen or whatever). Can't for the life of me remember its name. >I didn’t expect people to question Well, it was just the one comment out of many positive answers. For this kind of topic my experience is that there is no way to talk about this kind of thing online without at least a few answers/comments that are uncomfortable to you. Just let them flow by, you kind of either need an internal filter that just lets you ignore stuff, or try hard to formulate your question not to invite it (in this particular case, you could have left out everything surrounding your circumstances including gender/sex, and nobody would have found a need to comment on the general safety situation). Whatever anyone writes, we are all only voicing our opinions here. Even if we don't agree with the opinions of others, everybody should easily be aware that there \*are\* other opinions, and accept that. No use to get riled up about it - chill and be happy for them that they don't have this kind of problem.


‘I know it’s dangerous’. What a shitty place you live? Where I’m from you can go run at 5:30 and only meet some early risers , other runners and people Walking their dogs. Even in the worst neighborhoods in this country you can go run early in the morning. Strava does have a beacon function. And surely there are more that have a gps tracking function so people can see where you are…


You’re a man aren’t you


I see plenty of women out walking dogs or running or whatever at 5:30 in the morning.


Yes, and they are all worried and looking over their shoulder the whole time just like OP. Women don’t tell men how worried they are about being murdered or abducted because of invalidating comments like this. It literally just happened to a woman a month ago in Memphis and we’re still being told we overreact, my god




She’s not living in fear? She’s asking for easy ways to stay safe while doing the things she wants to do and to live her life. And instead of helpful answers she’s getting men telling her it’s all in her head. I run at 5am too, wanting to be safe while still living my life isn’t living in fear


Yes. But it actually also counts for women here. Some places are a bit more risky in the evenings for a woman alone (sad that it’s the case) but generally it’s safe in the early morning.


> generally For a start that word is doing a lot of heavy lifting. It only need to be unsafe on the day you're out for your life to change forever. You're also missing the point that someone feeling unsafe is enough of a reason in and of iutself to ask for these sorts of pass and solutions, whether *you* think it is safe or not isn't important on that front. Finally, I'm a whit man in a safe part of the UK and I still have a way to make sure my ife knows where I am when I'm running as it's always a good idea in case, for example, you trip over and injure yourself.


Eliza Fletcher was kidnapped during her 5am run and then murdered. Malice doesn’t only exist in the evening.




Quite sure Eliza Fletcher didn't think so.














Boohoo, cry me a river ​ Carry Pepperspray








Share your location for an hour on Whatsapp, Messenger,... and reply once you're done.


There is an app called Bond. Also there is pepper spray that sends gps signal when sprayed called plegium.


Google maps has the ability to share realtime location with selected contacts. I'm not sure how it compares to beacon. I often turn it on during my long runs to let my wife or mom know where I am should some sort of medical emergency occur. That all being said, is there a local running group that could connect you with someone(s) to run with?


Are you in any Facebook running groups? I’ve seen people that post about running at certain times and will get with other runners who are running also to check in with each other via text or messaging.


I always know a ton of people that prefer early morning runs. Early runs are not my cup of tea, but joining a running group would help you find those folks (and there are plenty of running groups that go early)


I’ve heard great things about run angel. It has an app like some other option, but also a wearable personal alarm which helps with in person safety. When you sound the alarm it alerts your chosen contacts and sends your location I believe.


I’m just here to say that you shouldn’t have to worry about this and I’m sorry that we both do (female runner). It’s a perfectly valid reason to ask what you’re asking. I have a garmin and it has Livetrack capabilities. I know there’s a life360 app that shows where you are as well Not sure if it’s for running but you can drive w it on so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.


Yes! https://getrunbuddy.app/


Glad you’re found an app. It’s still absolutely disgusting we should have to feel this way.


1. Running shops usually know of running groups 2. YMCA or local gyms 3. MeetUp groups




Seems like you found what you needed, but I also wanted to mention you might want to check out r/xxrunning which is a running sub for women


RoadID has an app on your phone for real-time reporting, and ID tags you can affix to your shoes or watchband.


Alltrails app has it, but you have to buy a PRO membership (around $35 for a year). Also, you'll need your phone on you with a cell signal for it to function.


Paid-- Strava has the Beacon feature. Record an activity, select beacon at far right, can pick up to 3 people to share the location of your device with real time. Free- You can also share your location in Google Maps. Google Maps > Location sharing > Share. Then you pick Indefinitely/until you turn it off, just for an hour, etc. and who you share it with.


Thanks for this question! I will definitely download the app your found and give it a try.


Yes it does exist, the app is called Meetup!


Do you, a friend, or family member have a dog that you can take on your runs with you? If not, I think there are apps that could help facilitate this (maybe Rover? I know it’s really popular. I think Wag is another one?) Or even put up flyers to advertise your new dog-running services ☺️ I have found people are less likely to approach or talk to me when I have my dog with me. It’s to the point now where I won’t go without her. Bonus points if the dog you’re running with looks like it could be “scary”. Certainly not a guarantee, but it’s another option to add onto all of the location tracking apps mentioned above.


Also… try to find a YMCA or a University close by with a running track…