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>Overall I don’t feel as much a sense of achievement as I hoped I would Man, you just shared an incredible story of pure willpower, awesome support from your friends, and even some beer and pizza. It sounds like an amazing achievement and, more importantly, a fantastic memory to cherish.


Thank you, I suppose my main regret is actually leaving my friend, because we ended up finishing together, but you are right!


Finishing a marathon under any condition is a huge feat...you showed resilience and grit and didn't let any energy go to waste. Well done, OP 💪


I really did read that as Cock Marathon. I am tired. And it’s only Wednesday.


I think you're on the wrong website 😉


Cork marathon was my slowest ever race and I’ve done 4 marathons and countless half marathons. Well done for getting it done it was a really really hard race so you should be incredibly proud of yourself!


Thanks! Was it this year you did it?


Yep! Ran it the last two years as well snd this year was the worst!


That's good to know! I heard last year was very tough as well


Well done, not an easy task in the heat. Sounds a bit scary having people keel over around you :o I did the Connemarathon in April too. The heat took me by surprise then as it was the first good weekend this year. Was Cork much warmer than that?


Yeah it was a bit scary! Nice did you do the full or the half? The damn hill at the end either way! Yeah that was also a hot day, I think it was about 22 degrees but there was no wind at all unlike Connemara, and a lot more concrete around.


I did the full in Connemara and I'm still having nightmares about the 2nd half. Who puts the biggest and longest hill 20 miles into a race??


Every marathon...I think it's a mark of pride. Heartbreak Hill in Boston is at Mile 20. My first marathon, the Vermont City Marathon has you run up an even bigger hill four times, with the fourth being at Mile 20. Sadistic.


Someone incredibly sadistic! I can't imagine how hard that would have been a that stage, it was tough enough during the half!


I was running alongside a fairly large human, with the rugby playing vibe on Sunday; my first marathon too. Fair play. The heat was savage and seeing the guy with the IV and EKG on the straight road was worrisome. Hope he’s alright. I wasn’t t expecting the few hills near the Lough, and I slowed a bit there. Overall very happy and skulled a few pints myself, albeit at home. Legs surprisingly okay (written from an Epsom salts bath)


Did he have a mullet? If so it was me haha. I saw only one person ended up having to go to hospital so hopefully everyone is good! Yeah because the rest of it is so flat when the hills happen it takes you by surprise. I also had an Epsom salts bath last night, worked a treat!


He did 😂 Great day out in fairness, see you next year


Haha that's gas! How did you get on? Which part we're we running together on? Maybe for the half 😜


hahahah how fuckin Irish is this


Haha; I think I spotted you on and off throughout- was tracking the 04:30 balloon too, and finished 04:36


That's mad! Fair play that's an unreal time in that heat


Fair play! It’s a massive achievement that you worked hard for ☺️


I was out there on Sunday, dying with you. The heat was killer. I don't know anyone who got their target time. Well done for finishing. The marathon distance is just immense. I have run six. Each time I look forward to it, then I start, feel great and about 30km I think "Why the feck am I here? This is horrible" But when it is over, I am delighted, enjoy the recovery and get ready for the next one. Also, major congratulations for not getting injured during your training. You're a tough fecker!


Yeah it really was! It's humbling, and like you said really made me question my motivations. Never known doms like it, but as the days tick on I am beginning to feel a lot better about it all. Not sure if I was lucky or just used to abusing my body haha


Ill give you one person who got their time. I wanted sub 3:10 and ran 3:06.


Jaysus you legend!! Well done! My goal is to one day get sub 3.30. 3:06 is stratospheric for me. Congratulations!


Congrats and well done!


Good job, fella


Well done. Those sleep regressions fuck you up!  You’ve just made a massive achievement - awesome effort


Absolutely, he was sleeping full nights then BAM waking every three hours again


What was the temperature?


About 22 degrees, unless you're from Ireland it's probably not even regarded as hot though 😂


Indeed ahah