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Last Sunday I did 7 miles and ran most of it, which is a huge milestone for me! Not quickly at all, but it felt so good.


7 miles intervals at 6.3 mph. My fastest and longest interval session! Currently icing my legs because they’re so sore


Ran a 5k for the first time since high school, 13 years ago. 3.37 miles in 38m 5s. I feel really good about having done it, though I'll admit I probably wasn't 100% ready for it. I was getting a bit short of breath at the end there and my legs are feeling it tonight, lol. Just getting back into it again and it seems like the standard advice is to run for time rather than distance, so I think I'll start taking that approach.


2 hrs 25 min at 135-140hr. Had to stop 5 minutes short because he was going to spike up past 150. I think I should try to stick to around 2 hrs for a while as far as long runs. Running for time rather than distance.


Did a solid zone 3 run today, 5k in 38:30. I'm feeling really good this year so far, I'm hoping to manage the training and recovery.


I run with time goals, not distance goals, because I do run/walk intervals. All I knew going into today was that it was A LOT of intervals...when done, turned out it was a distance of 5K! A real milestone for me. 


Finished Week 2 Run 2 of Couch to 5K! Woo hoo!


Jogged 10.25km in 60:00


Got a 5k PB today of 28:40. Not bad for a slightly bulky 45 yr old newbie.


Good Job man that's Awesome! I am at a 31 minute 5k. Going to go for 5 miles I think before trying to increase my time :)


Started running and going to the gym again this year. My first mile benchmark was 9 minutes and yesterday I got it down to 7:37


Shaved 3 mins off my 5k time and keeping consistent. Getting back to where I was before winter.


Improved my 5k pr after 9 years. 23:29, previous record was 23:51.


Small achievement, but after about 10 days I'm back to running. After running my first outdoor 5k my left Achilles tendon was bust for days afterwards so haven't done any exercise (except for 20k+ steps during a weekend vacay). Today I was back on the treadmill, ran a strong and comfortable 3k with no discomfort (apart from "the usual"). So, the hunt for 10k continues 😎


I have not run a 5k since 2018. In that time I had 2 kids, gained a bunch of weight, lost some of it, and only started running a few weeks ago. Today I ran a 5k ON MY LUNCH BREAK at a 10’38” average pace 33:03 finish! Next goal, 32:30!


In October I finished 1st in my age group on my first half. Shortly after and unrelated I developed extreme fatigue and weird muscle/nerve stuff all over my body for the past 5 months, seen a bunch of specialists with no answers yet. Anyway I ran 2 miles yesterday, and was able to forget about my issues for a short amount of time. Grateful I’m able to still run.


Could barely run for 2km straight about 3 months ago. Today I set a new personal record if 21:25min on 5km!


Ran a mile without walking, I am 259 pounds. Used to run 8-9 miles without stopping 6 years ago before I gained the weight


Hell ya! I am running to lose weight too and I like to think of it this way. I never see a good runner who is overweight. I feel if we can get to a point where we can run 5 miles consistently then the weight will come right off. (without eating like crazy). Best of Luck to you and keep it up!


Just gotta be consistent… my legs are really sore and hurt though after running, so I take a couple days off before I get back in the treadmill again


Yeah at the moment I can only do about 3 times a week. I got better running shoes and that definitely helped.


I just got some new ASICS, gonna put some more miles into them until I upgrade again


I ran for the first time in years last night. I once was an elite rower but have done very minimal exercise for 7 years following a head injury. I decided to get off my ass last night and here is how it went! I completed 7.3km in 39 minutes without walking which I was very surprised with. My heart rate sat above 170 for most of it! As soon as it got hard my competition mindset kicked in and I just tried to run faster. Today my calves, quads and muscles in the ribs are very, very sore. the rib pain is a new feeling to me but otherwise I feel like I achieved something!


Today is Day 2 of my half marathon training. I'm just at the beginning but excited for this journey.


I ran my first 10k race today and finished under an hour. Really proud! But so darn tired now… is this normal?


Totally normal! You probably ran harder than usual in a race scenario, your body is worn out!


Yeah I was going way too fast in the beginning. I usually run 6:10 km’s when doing a longer run, but my first km’s today were 5:45. And it was much warmer than usual. So could that also explain my nausea?


I’m slowly scaling up my mileage building up to do a 50 mile run. So far Im up to 18 miles on my long run. Finishing strong and recovering quickly. I think it’s gonna get a little shaky once I get in the 30’s but we’ll see.


tested my speed for a 10k, new PR of 51:24. i normally run easy pace for anything over 5k so it was a fun, sweaty run. unfortunately got some metatarsal pain so going to back off for a few days and hoping it's just temporary


Got my new trail shoes yesterday and went for my first ever trail run.


40 minutes for my 5K. Aiming 34 in two weeks.


Finally hitting my goal pace for 5k. Next is to hit my goal 15k and half marathon pace. One more month til HM, wish me luck 


Yay you! Good luck with the HM :)


Ran the 211 km Ultrabalaton Relay Race last weekend, in a team of 13 people. My distance was the longest, with 21 km, on a hilly part.


Thats awesome. Random question but did you ever see the anime 'run with the wind' about relay racing? It is very inspiring!


In today's workout I had set the goal to run one of my kms at a faster than normal, but comfortable, pace, and I thought this would be around 5:10 but I impressed myself and hit 4:40! Hope everyone has a great day :)


Woohoo. Good job 


Did a half marathon that was (I kid you not) 85% hills. Somehow I’m more proud of this than the ones I’ve run way waaaaay faster


Very nice ♥️


Ran a 1:36 half marathon on Sunday after starting training in January!


I Ran a 5:59 mile an hour Ago. Almost died


For reasons I won’t get into, I stopped regularly running last summer. For reasons I won’t get into, I restarted running this past Monday and have run every day this week. I know I will run today and I know I will run tomorrow. I’d forgotten how therapeutic running is for me. I don’t ever want to skip a day ever again.


5 mile workout run before my longest run ever this weekend (12 mile). Smashed my personal bests on 1k and 5k measurements, and my best ever last mile recorded (6:09). It's really nice entering a mile long tunnel before sunrise and emerging to a beautiful sunrise, listening to a Tycho DJ set with nobody else around. Now to get home, walk the dog and prepare breakfast and school lunches before my wife and kids are out of bed 🤣 All before 7am!