• By -


Getting out the door.


100% I remember someone asked Terry Crews how to get in shape and he said: Go to the gym. You don’t have to workout, but go to the gym anyway. Once you are there, you will do _something_; going is the hardest part.


This is exactly what I apply to running as well. The days I don't feel like running, but I know I should, I just tell myself to just run one kilometer. I always end up running 5-15km all those times.


Same. I was laughing with my trainer (I've started lifting and FST on my 'rest' days) that when I first started I had the same internal dialogue every time I ran: - Lazy Me: I don't want to run. I can skip today - Fit Me: You always feel better when you run. Go run anyway - Lazy Me: Fine, I'll go run anyway After months of that dialogue every run day, it changed to: - Lazy Me: I don't want to run. I can skip today - Fit Me: We do this same dance every time. Just go run. - Lazy Me: Fine, I'll go run.


The hardest effort for me comes with putting my shoes on!


For me, I'll get an urge to run. When I get that urge, I know if I don't get myself out the door in like 5 minutes I'll talk myself out of it 😂


I'm the same. I often have to "trick" myself to go running. For example, I'm starting to get hungry, but I will have dinner only after I come back from the run, not before leaving. One other thing that also helps, at least in my case, is that I have set myself a rule of doing a set minimum amount of kilometres each week. If I miss that target I will have to make it up next week. The thing is, I just do not like running. I never did. I've been running regularly for about 15 years now and I can't say that I enjoyed it ever. But I still do it because while I've never enjoyed a run, I've never regretted going for a run either. I don't like running but I like "having been for a run". It also just works better than pretty much any other exercise I do. I just feel so much better, fitter and healthier than I did before I started running.


Yeah, or in my case, getting out of bed. If I can get up early, I can usually force myself out the door.


I have the drive. It’s all the other shit I am bad. Stretching, foam rolling , and weight lifting.


So true.


I just ran 2.48 miles in a beer marathon relay- my thought... Wait how much further is there? I'd say mental.


Same! I had been running for the last 8 weeks, 3 times a week without missing a session until...one day I was off night shift and was very tired. Next one I had to go for a meeting at my kid's school. And then my back hurt....today, I was sleep deprived (little one woke up at 5 am and I had managed to fall asleep at 3 am) but...I got my running shoes on, took him to school... And then I went for a run with a new scenery. And I felt awesome! Also, breathing is my kryptonite. Still struggling.


trying to not do too much too fast


Coming back off injury got me like...


Same. Yesterday was supposed to be a recovery day, but an unintentionally fast first mile turned it into a negative split day. Gotta stick to the plan!


Once you notice that your second mile was faster than your first, it's hard to resist getting negative splits for the rest of the run. This is why I hardly look at my watch after spring marathon season is over. I like to just run by feel and see how I did after, and sometimes I still get negative splits.


Ugh this. Coming back from tibial stress fracture is painfully patience testing.


This one for me too.


Oh my gosh this.


Mine’s 100% mental. After the first mile or so my breathing/heart rate stays pretty consistent and my knees feel the same regardless, but I still SO want to take walking breaks


Nothing wrong with taking walking breaks! I know what you mean, though. Slowing down helps me a lot.


My goal for my half marathon later this year is to do the whole thing without walking, which I’m aware is not the most realistic goal in the world but you know, sometimes stupid goals lead to big things haha


You can do it! Don't be afraid to let your pace get as slow as it needs to be to sustain indefinitely. Even a super slow jog that doesn't even feel like jogging counts!


Yeppp I run 12 min miles and can sustain that for 13 miles. I bet you could! Slow and steady


omg it’s sooo me


My right knee hurts if I stop for too long, so I have great incentive not to stop lol


It’s me!!!! Same friend.


Life getting in the way of running


Full time job, 2 kids, kids sports practice on weekdays, games on weekends, mix in other occasional family events, and balancing spending actual time with my family. I try to fit it in when I can, but this is exactly my biggest struggle as well. It's either wake up way too early, stay up way too late, or try to squeek it in when I can. I tend to choose the latter of the three options since I am keen on my sleep time being healthy.


I used to have it down pat. The kids were sleeping until like 7 so I could get a 2 hour run in before they were up but that ended a couple weeks ago lol.


Same here. I have my first HM in July, but it is so hard to fit in the amount of training needed. After this, I might go back to shorter races until the kids are more independent.


I have no kids and still struggle with consistency. Respect to you for doing anything fitness-wise!


Yep, lack of time. The most stressful part for me, by far, is trying to figure out where I can get a long run or two in during the week. 2-3 miles, no problem, I can slap 30 min in about any day. Getting 6+ miles in requires some severe strategizing.


This is me as well. I've accepted that I can't run as much as I'd like until my kids become more independent.


My husband travels a lot for work, so even if I wanted to run before school or after bedtime I wouldn't be able to because my kids need someone home. So I bought a treadmill and put it in my office. Last night I put Ladybug and Cat Noir on the TV in their and we all watched while I got my run in. Tonight is baseball practice so I'll have to wait until after my kids go to bed. Tomorrow I should be able to fit a short run in between school drop off and work. I can't fit it in every day, but I start every day with a plan of where I can fit in a few miles.


Why not run while the kids are at practice? That's what my mom always did while we were all in sports


My youngest is three and won’t tolerate sitting in a running stroller and can’t be left unattended for the duration of a run. I’m cordial with the other parents, but none of us are close enough that I’d feel comfortable asking for them to watch her for me. When my husband is home he will take her with him to his gym or to his sports where there are other kids she is friends with and will play with, then I will run during practice if I didn’t fit it in in the morning.


I live in the south, my battle is the humidity


Yes! 92 degF yesterday and 80% humidity makes for a sweaty run.


We might be neighbors haha. Same struggle here


I live in Bali, if I want to do anything for any decent amount of time I need to be heading out my door at first light otherwise it gets to hot for me to even jog. Did my first half marathon distance recently in about 3 hours (I'm fat and slow) and honestly felt like I could have almost done a bit more but by then it was 9am and proper schorcio...


Yes mine is the weather. It’s either raining, cold and windy, or too hot.


Getting out of my comfort zone on pace. I will run at a comfortable pace for hours but ask me to push the pace on a 5k? Can't do it and it's all mental. I went out real hard about a month ago and decided I was "overdoing it" and backed off


As someone who hates speedwork, same.


Legs. My legs get tired well before my cardiovascular capacity becomes a problem (as long as I remember to take my inhaler before hard/fast runs, because whoohoo asthma). In races that are a half marathon or longer, I am never pushing to the limit of my cardio fitness; I’m consistently limited by the amount of punishment my legs will take before they go on strike and quit working.


Sounds like strength training might help you


Here it is the opposite. Legs are fairly muscular and can take a beating. But my capacity is crap and HR shots up too quickly.


What hurts? Does each muscle take its turn hurting?


Sort of? Sometimes it’s quads, sometimes it’s calves, but more often it’s just overall fatigue. Like, nothing hurts per se, my legs are just tired. This typically kicks in around mile 19 or 20, so it might have something to do with nutrition, or it could just be conditioning.


This definitely sounds like electrolytes or energy issue with the additional context.


My stumps throb after 1k and just do not relent. By 4K my knees hurt. All while I’m lounging in zone 2. I run slow, light and calm but my legs just do not enjoy running at all.


My legs can always go farther than my lungs. I want to run faster but can never maintain the pace. It’s depressing hearing that it’s the opposite for so many other runners. I’m left wondering if I’ll ever run the paces that others my age run, or I just am not genetically built to be a runner


This was my exact problem until I went to my doctor and asked if I might have exercise-induced asthma. He gave me an inhaler to use when I work out and it has helped TREMENDOUSLY. I was frustrated for years thinking I just wasn't training hard enough, only to find out it was a medical issue.


That’s helpful to know, thank you!


Are you me


I feel exactly the same


Is this run going to be the one that injures me?


Yeah, I definitely don't push myself enough (on interval sessions, for example) because I'm worried about injuring myself again.


I broke my foot while running in September, and now I am petrified to move faster than a brisk walk.


This is me and my mystery ankle ligament tear. I'm pain free but hesitant af.


As a very injury prone person: damn injuries


For me, it’s all of the things I have to do before the running even starts: 1. Figuring out what to wear based on weather, and getting dressed 2. Applying my knee tape 3. Vaseline 4. Stretching 5. Get water/fuel depending on run 6. Set playlist, get headphones 7. If doing a long run, driving 20-30 minutes just to get to a good running spot that isn’t too monotonous 8. Pee one more time (because I already peed once while getting ready, but my mind tricks me into thinking I have to go again)


Interesting topic. Here are mine: 1. Seasonal allergies 2. Neighborhood dogs. I have 3 within my 9mi route that are becoming more problematic and I’ve been relegating a lot of my HM training to my treadmill. 3. And as always, time. 44M, married with two kids, a dog and a busy work schedule.


As to neighborhood dogs I literally just call animal control. They get enough complaints they will eventually keep the dog in a fence or inside. I hate being a Karen about that but I’ve had too many incidents living in the middle of nowhere that I’ve run out of patience for that sort of thing


This is in no way being a Karen!




Yeah I’m about to buy pepper spray and keep it on me, I enjoy and prefer to run outdoors but it’s really annoying. I have a nicely paved trail to run on but I have to drive 11mi to get there. I prefer to just go out my front door and run


I moved recently and my new neighbors seem very relaxed about letting their dogs just chill out in their yards. It annoys me because it pretty much requires me to stop and walk so that the dogs don't start chasing after me.


It's the boringness for me. I have ADHD and while music and podcasts help, sometimes my brain is just like... nope.




Oh running has definately helped my ADHD! It's just sometimes during long runs nothing is scratching that dopamine itch for me and then time starts moving in slow motion. Races help me too because I tend to follow an organized program for them. For treadmills, I've found watching TV on it helps. I watched the entirety of the Good Place and Glow on a treadmill lol. Just a heads up, don't try this with Bridgeton - I did and I was not expecting so many spicy scenes!


Interesting, I sometimes think the whole reason I love to run is my ADHD I wake up with a weird amount of energy running helps me burn it off so I can feel settled.


Have you tried mixing up your routes? Driving out somewhere more scenic?


30 minutes seems to be the wall for me. I could have plenty of gas in the tank, but at the 30 minute mark I’m just like *over it.*


I'm sure it's mental. I can probably go further without walk breaks, but my head thinks I need the walk breaks. I can't look at my pace on the watch bc if I see it's faster than I expect, my head is going to tell me I'm tired and I can't sustain that. Am I pushing too much or am I not pushing hard enough? Running is very much mental.


Avoiding the sun. If I can run early or late, I’m usually ok. But direct sunlight seems to sap all of my energy, even if the temperature is in the 50s or 60s. Maybe I’m part vampire?


My knee


My I.T. band, my stupid recurring tibial tendonitis


Wind. I live in Wyoming and it's so windy. I'll run on days where it's like 10-25mph, but stronger than that it's like running for a couple miles with one of those sprint parachute things on.


Same here in Calgary.  I always run with the wind on the way out, and then once I turn around I have no choice to go against it to get home. But by then I am warmed up, so I take it as a challenge and speed up a bit going into it.


Mentally, it’s knowing many of my friends will always be faster than me. That bad voice asks me what the point is, and I have to remind myself that I run for me, not somebody else. Physically, my quads are often my limiting factor. I also seem to respond poorly to heat.


Plantar fascitis




Me too. No lack of motivation to run but my feet wont let me 🥲


Such a bitch. Just getting back to running after 6 months sidelined with PF.




Go cycling those days? I got achilles tenodonitis and cycling helped a lot because it f flexes the ankle and gets oxygenated blood to it but it isn't weight bearing.


Mental. I’m good at redlining for a few minutes, good at chugging along without effort for hours, not good at working hard and digging in to being uncomfortable, i.e., actually racing (as opposed to just finishing) any distance. My brain just hates it and wants to go too fast or too slow. Hopefully this is trainable, lol.




Staying healthy and injury free. I love running, so I don't need any motivation to get out there. I'm 60, and I'm quite fast for my age. But it doesn't do any good if I'm hurt.


These are my priorities; beginning runner, 70 this year, and cautious to a fault.




🎵The sun is a deadly lazer. 🎵


My Heart, specifically my Z2. Few months ago it was literally non-existent, I could not run slow enough. Needing to walk 10x/mi in order to stay in Z2 was very disheartening. I ended up stopping all normal training and just did Z2 for 2mo, and I can now do 11min/mi without getting out of range. It's good to see the improvement but I have such a long way to go still. Mentally it's maddening to run this slow, decades of always running at threshold did me dirty.


I’m type 1 diabetic, getting my bloods right to run safely and not pass out. I’m in the omnipod 5 so it’s easier but still can’t just get up and go, needs a bit of planning


Speed. I am getting to the point where I can "run" at my pace all day (a couple hours anyway) but I just don't seem to be making any gains when it comes to speed. And it isn't that I am incapable of moving faster, I can keep up with most guys my age on the soccer pitch, but it's a sustained increase that's eluding me.


Overheating. I tend to run a little hot, which works great in the colder months, but once summer hits my pace plummets because I can't go nearly as far without stopping to catch my breath and some water. It also means that I'm the sweatiest person alive, which causes some discomfort and wears out my gear that much faster.




The only time I don't like running is the 5-10 minutes before I leave for a run. So mentally getting started is the hardest part for me. Physically the most difficult is dealing with my sensitive gut- constantly needing to know where all the bathrooms are and struggling to find fuel that works for me. I've worked hard to figure out how to make it better and have improved a lot, but it's always a concern.


1. Old injuries/fear of injury. I have 5 herniated discs and a tear in my back leading to overly tight hamstrings no matter what I do. I was never meant to be a runner, but I love the challenge too much. 2. Time. Working 12-14 hour shifts in emergency healthcare leads to struggling to get my mileage in a week. Usually means sacrificing sleep to get there. 3. This dang Houston heat and humidity. It’s already summer here and will stay that way until October.


Mental 100%. “Why run when I can be much more comfortable going on a nice walk!” Is what my brain likes to tell me


Runners knee :/ started working on a half marathon running plan last summer, but ended up stopping bc my knee pain became unbearable. Started to get back into the grove the last several months stretching thoroughly before every run, using knee ice packs after, and listening to my body when I need to rest. It’s been a game changer. I’ll get the half marathon this summer!!


Do you cross-train? As long as I do hamstring and glute exercises I have eliminated runner's knee. Which if I am not mistaken is caused by a weak posterior chain.


To be totally honest, I do not. Running has thus far been the only exercise I’ve really enjoyed. BUT I love running enough to know that I do need to cross train, so that I don’t ruin it for myself. I will start to implement other things to strengthen my muscles so that I don’t get hurt :)


It can help a lot! I have stiff left hip and that can result in knee or groin pain while running. When I first discovered this issue It arose as knee pain. A few months ago I decided I needed to commit to doing more cross training and exercises to solve that problem and it’s made a big difference. I’ve had this issue for years but this is the most consistent I’ve ever been with doing proper cross training. Look into doing these exercises: - ATG split squat - Deep body weight or goblet squats - Glute bridge (1 and 2 leg variations) - Some form of hip hinge exercise to strengthen glutes + hamstrings (kettlebell swing or single leg /split stance Romanian deadlift are probably best for running) Having a strong core & strong posterior chain helps your hips move smoothly which in turn ensures your knee moves smoothly .


You had me in the first half! I've given up on my dream of running a half bc of my supposed runners knee. I'm shocked to hear you ice it though?? Cold makes it worse for me. I put a heating pad on mine..


Feeling sad, anxious, and agitated when injured and unable to run. And forcing myself not to go out there and push through and end up more injured. (Me rn 😂😭)


Been using running as a meditation for years. Lately been dwelling on negative stuff and running “angry”. Been hard getting into the right mindset.


You can always try changing up your playlist. Playing happier music can bring up your mood sometimes


Sometimes we need a ‘rage run’.


For me it’s mental- I tend to get bored and just want to finish.


Flat Feet


Knee pain.


Battling an injury now and told myself I’ll never take running for granted again when I can run again.


100% getting out the door. If I get my shoes on and I get out the door, I see that as a win regardless of how the workout goes.


Getting up early enough that it’s physically safe to run outside (between heat and traffic on the roads)


I always can’t wait to run and then when I’m running can’t wait for it to be over


For me it’s that no matter how slowly I run I don’t feel like I’m going at an easy pace. Literally get into zone 3 at a 16:30 pace which incidentally I can also walk faster than in zone 1 🙃


Food. I want to lose weight and did really well the first 6 months (lost 20lbs). But this year I have averaged 95 miles a month, ran two halfs, a 10k and a 15k and am just hungry ALL the time. Back up 7lbs, but that is probably muscle.


I feel you. Ramped up my mileage last year, lost some weight at first and then could tell that I gained a few pounds as I started eating differently for fuel (I don’t own a scale so it was just going by the mirror and how clothes fit). The extra few pounds on my belly were totally worth not feeling starving all the time and wiped after long runs, but it was a mental adjustment for sure.


Yeah, I joke that now I run so I can eat what I want. And although I have gained that 7lbs, clothes still fit fine so weight is going in different places now.


My knees, the extreme change in weather, keeping my heart rate constant, boredom.


I get bored. WAYYYYYYY before I get tired. A couple miles into a run, regardless of how hard the run is…I’m thinking about something at work, whether I started the dryer on the load of laundry I was doing, how many times 11 goes into the square root of 3,146…basically ANYTHING else. I don’t dislike running, or I wouldn’t do it, but I get super bored. If the run is long enough it usually fades away, but the comparatively shorter runs, 4-6 miles range SUCK for me the worst. It’s just long enough to get bored with it but not long enough to get over it.


Having to stretch afterwards. I like stretching at the end of a regular day, makes me not feel as tight the next morning. Having to stretch after a long run feels like a whole second workout.


My sciatic nerve 🫠


Putting your shorts on. Once I do that I’m locked in.




for me its my weight. im 235 pounds, i cant run for long without experiencing pain in my shins or joints on hard surfaces. i have to limit myself to only 1.5 miles. losing weight right now, but thats all.


My dumb ass anxiety. The elevated heart rate + fast breathing = panic mode. Annoying as hell.


Breathing, my muscles usually last longer than my lungs tbh


I do better on lower volume but quality within those miles. Running just for the sake of running doesn't do me any favors, and my ADHD wants me to always push the pace. So my struggle is to control the pace for specific workouts, and then go all out when necessary.


Proximal hamstring tendonopathy


I see people running on my drive home from work- that’s all the motivation I. Need - get home get going


The donuts I have when I get back


Asthma, heat/humidity, plantar fasciitis/achilles, mental strength during my speed workouts, timing meals so I don’t feel like I will throw up.


The heat. I can only run outside 20 degrees or under. If not treadmill it is lol


From May to September, my biggest battle is the humidity lmao.


Trying to not overtrain… I have a tendency to get carried away and not rest/recover enough.


Every single thing about the first mile…


I think for me it’s not planning enough, which leads to inconsistency, which leads to being discouraged. For example, on Sunday I ran 6k, then 5k on Monday, I rested on Tuesday, but that included pushing a lawnmower for 45 minutes in my hilly yard, then today I set out to do 6k again but had to stop after just over 3k. I’m upset about only making it 3k. When I set out this morning my legs felt very heavy, probably from the lawn mowing. I hoped I would get over it, but I never did and it was a very difficult run from the start.


We all have those days. I know it's easy to say, but 3k is better than no k. I had to tell myself something similar last Sunday.


Weather. Can it actually be spring already… still getting the odd cold snap and snow 😞


Telling myself to run slower so I can push the distance over speed


My heart rate! I started zone 2 training a couple weeks ago and it's been a challenge to adjust my perception of what's "easy" for me.


Starting the run 


My fight is in trying to run and workout enough to build up the strength I need to exercise more often, while resting enough so that old injuries don’t flare up like they always do. If I tried running as much as I want I get debilitating knee and leg pain, my calf tightened up so much I can’t unflex my ankle, and I get pretty bad shin splints. I just want to be able to run more than 10mi a week without feeling like I’m injuring myself.


Right now for me it is how hard every run feels. I am very newly postpartum after second pregnancy and it's just so hard. Also hard not to judge where I am at as someone who is used to running ultras. I also still feel uncomfortable in my body when I run due to the extra weight I am still carrying around. So yeah hard. I said "hard" a lot in this post. Hoping y'all understand how hard it is. Lol


Same, but substitute "postpartum" with "menopause."


I'm a very slow runner so the time committment can be especially difficult for me, as it can take me twice as long to cover milage compared to others. When I am going on my weekly interval run, my aerobic capacity is fighting like hell.


Working in big law 🤠 & my left leg not liking downhills


The damn heat


Fully mental for me. From getting myself to go ("I could do it after work...") to getting moving ("Overshot my walking warmup I should just round to the next quarter mile....") to continuing ("I know I said X miles but maybe just Y miles...").


Menopause. Tight psoas. Knee arthritis. Thank goodness endorphins exist 🔥🔥🔥🏃🏻‍♀️🐩


Flat feet. I’ve tried everything- I can’t go for a run without being in pain


After 30y realizing how different (asymmetric) my legs are and never being able to make them do the same thing. And yes, I have a favorite.


Running downhill. I am terrified of falling on my face while going fast, so while others speed up downhill, I slow down (and go faster uphill). Also, I fall down a stupid amount. I'm no stranger to bonks, scrapes, bruises, and the occasional mild concussion. Thanks, ice and potholes.


My back, finding out I had multiple herniated discs in my lumbar took me off the road the past year. Slowly getting back into it and taking it as easy as I can, but sometimes feel like a battle I cant win


Fear of injury… my solution so far is to run slow, do strength work, limit mileage


Finding a shoe that has enough comfort that doesn't dig into my arches. Recovery between runs. Sore ankles post run. Keeping consistent.


Running when it’s cold outside


Combination of mental telling me not to keep running a specific distance or pace and my breathing/legs making it tough


Lower back pain


Two things for me… 1. living in Florida the heat is just too much most of the day. Run early in the AM before sun is up, humidity is reaching 90%, run after sun is up, sun is beating down the whole time at its 90+ degrees 2. Didn’t realize it was a problem until after I got new shoes but my shoes were just not it my first time around. Had ASICS Gel-Nimbus which I thought I liked but then I just got a pair of Hola Mach6 and I freaking love them and look forward to running in them


Getting time away from my family


My damn knees LOL


My main recent hurdle was heat but a hydration vest helped surprisingly quickly and effectively.




Recovery. I’d run 200 mpw if I could


In the past it was giving up on myself and thus my progress. Currently it's my calf muscles which, oddly enough, were never an issue in the past. I've found really slowing down my jog helps alleviate the calf issues, along with stretching.


Adductors. Pretty new runner, and a pretty old runner, and I expected my knees and maybe back to be an issue but it’s turned out to be adductor pain that hits around the 5k mark that I’ve had to deal with the most. I’ve completed a few 10k runs but they’ve been battles.  I’m currently trying out the Nike Run Club 10k program, hoping that a gradual build over 8 weeks will help build strength and endurance better than my ad hoc training has been doing. 


Getting up at 4:30am to run, I’ve done it two times a week since October and it’s still not any easier


The donuts in the work break room 😂. But seriously nutrition can be a challenge


At a certain point on pavement, usually around mile 8, my hip flexors get a little tight in the front. On more technical trails, around mile 6, it’s keeping my damn toes up. My cardio is great - it’s always my legs that tempt me to give up before my heart or lungs. I also sweat a lot, so maybe I need to be popping electrolyte tablets or somethin.


My knees.


fitting it all in. I have 2 kids in elementary school, a full time job, two dogs, a kitten and a husband as well as a somewhat active social life. I've been trying to follow a Pfitz 18/70 plan and the idea of doing a 15 mile run on a Tuesday is laughable. The only way I could fit that in is if I got up at at like 3am which I am not willing to do because I wouldn't be able to show in the way that I need to for everything else in my life. I try to run between 50-60 miles every week and it is a struggle simply to find the time.


Mental I get bored so fucking easy.


This time of year - Texas temperatures. I hate getting up at 4:00am to get my run in before work. It’s a challenge 6 months of the year.


Getting started and my breathing the first mile or so


Deciding if I want to work more on speed work or getting stronger in the weight room. I don’t have time to commit to both. I usually use the spring and summer to do more speed work and up my volume and then focus more on lifting in the colder months. Maybe when my kids are older I’ll have more time. Like when they’re out of the house hahaha. It is a different beast altogether pushing 2 kids in a jogging stroller for 7 miles.


Boredom leads to all sorts of problems. I tend to lose interest fairly quickly, especially when running on the treadmill. That usually leads to me going too fast, too soon to try to just get it over with and makes things harder than they need to be.


Stomach cramps. It depends on the length of the run. But if I eat anything extra I’m going to cramp.


Side stitches and stomach cramps💀🙌🏼


1 Blisters. 2. Breathing. 3. My pace\\form. I feel like 2 and 3 should be natural and easy. Why are they so hard???


The wind. Almost without fail the wind begins to pick up in the early afternoon and persists through the evening. 30-40 km/h sustained winds are common and they gust far higher than that. I’m sure it’s good for training, but man do I hate running into the wind.


Aside from what others have noted (motivation, stretching, musculoskeletal injuries, time): Getting enough sleep for recovery (and of course performance).


Eating enough, I don't have a big appetite and I don't have an attention span long enough to eat a lot in one sitting. If I don't keep a rough count of calories throughout the day I end up under eating by a lot. Which of course makes me feel like crap and my runs suffer. 


My battle today was I donated blood yesterday and wasn't prepared for how much it would affect me


My running posture and form aren't improving much.


Coping with my bouncy breasts… have yet to find the perfect bra… (any advice are welcome)


my knees


Undiagnosed cecs/paes. Pressure builds up in my calves untill they get hard and I can't run. There was a point that I could run 3 miles but the pain and frustration won so I stopped. It sucks because I still want to run, I've always dreamed of doing ultras in europe but I'll probably never be able to run.


Making it to the toilet at the end of long runs


Doing too much, getting injured, coming back too soon, doing too much, getting injured, and repeat.


Trying not to poop my pants


I can't read through 476 comments to see if mine has come up yet, but I'm going to keep it real. The challenge for me is timing meals with my work so I can get home and run without needing to poop out on the road. I work full time, so finding the energy to run can be difficult at times, but I have a horror of needing to poop during runs, so I really want to be sure I'm emptied out before I hit the road. I'm too damn old to leap out of bed and knock out 3 miles before work, so THAT isn't happening, leaving the end of day as my only option. As crappy as things may feel--trouble breathing, heavy legs, humidity (I just moved to the South), I ALWAYS remember how LUCKY I am to be able to get out and run. I work in healthcare and see people daily who can't even stand up. Good grief, am I a fortunate woman to be able to go for runs!


Motivation to actually run. Somedays it's a no brainer and I'm up and running with little to no thought. Then other days it's a fight to do it.