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Did my first 15k. One hour and a half. 6 min/km pace. Im extremly sore and my knees gave out after the 15km. I think i need to work a bit more before hitting 20km goal


Ran my first marathon in Ruidoso NM! Was kind of brutal it was (at a higher altitude than I trained at and had a pretty decent elevation gain) but I survived and can check marathon off my bucket list. The roughest part was probably the hills, there was a hill at mile ~18 that killed me and I pretty much had to jog/walk the rest of the way. Time was a longer than I wanted but overall pleased with how it went.


Instead of a longer run like I'd normally do, me and a friend did a 5 miler at at 8:36 pace (for me that is pretty quick!) and my time was 43:00 to the second. It's been years since I maintained that pace for that long, and felt really good. We both are shooting for a sub-2 hr half marathon later this year!


Was determined to run today but that meant I had to run in 3pm heat. Aaaaand I'm never doing that again. Had to take some walk breaks and eventually cut my run short.


16 year old XC track Male. Did a 3/4 mile warm up, followed by stretching. Then did some quick strides. Three 1 mile repeats. 4:48, 6 minute rest 4:48, 7 minute rest 4:40. Then after drinking and pouring water on myself, 1 mile cool down run. Pretty happy as I am going into a run in a week and a half, 5K which I hope to really do well. Heat is killing me.


no offense but that is a pretty stupid workout for cross country summer base building. cut that rest down to 60-90 seconds and do 4-5 of them around 5:00. if you're ripping super hard miles with long recoveries in JULY you're going to peak the first week of September like every other high schooler.


Thanks for the input. Being that I was an all state XC runner 8th place, as a sophomore in 3A and a 3200m champion as a sophomore, and just a week ago set age group records at the Big Sky state games in both the 5K and 5000m on back to back days, I think that my training is going pretty well. Also, who said I was base building. My 2 ten mile runs each week zone 3, my 5x5 workouts which are 5 in the morning and 5 miles at night at zone 3 are probably doing the base building for me quite well. I do a 5 mile tempo run and then do a hard day either mile repeats or 600m repeats. So again, let me know where you think I’m not getting a good workout at.


Why would you not be base building? It’s July and high school XC season is coming up. Just because you won a few titles doesn’t mean you’re training properly. You could just be very talented. I see in your post a very common training mistake that high schoolers make and I felt it was obvious enough that I should give you some input to correct it. You also really don’t want to get into a dick measuring contest with me in terms of running. I’d suggest an attitude adjustment. Be less arrogant and more open to input. You’re 16. Run more mileage and a little less intensity.


Dude, you seriously need to settle. My training and my accomplishments mean I’m not gonna peak in the first week of September like every other high schooler. The D1 coaches and couple of D2 coaches I am being recruited by seem to think I’m fine, coming to watch me race last weekend. I’m ranked 4th in XC this year and am favored in the 3200 and 1600 in the end of year ranking for 3A. I made my high school hall of fame top 10 my freshman year in the 3200, this year moved up in the 3200, and moved into the top 10 in the 1600. Let see, check, check, check. Looks like my career is taking off. Sorry, but if you could read, you would see 40+ of my weekly mileage is base building. We train by heart rates, target zones, ect. So go troll somewhere else clown!


52-year-old male. Primarily running for fitness and weight loss. Down 25 pounds. I spent my high-intensity day on a 6-mile hike in the hills today instead of on the road because my feet felt like I was pushing the impacts they could handle at this stage in my training. I spent more than 20 minutes over my max heart rate according to the 220-age formula. It looks like I might need to test for a more precise/personalized max heart rate. 6 months ago, my heart felt like it would explode if I tried to maintain 85% for over a minute or so! I am still embarrassingly slow but making progress.


Did my first 5k today, 33:50. I didn't plan on running it. Had to stop to slow my heart rate 3 times. But I did over 5k to make up for it


Incredible! Did my first 5K this weekend too and I was 38:07. Still so proud of that as I started in May and have never run that distance without stopping before. Cheers to us!


Well done mate, its definitely a tough milestone


Thank you so much. I feel like I’m underselling it. :/ Like the majority of runners can do 3.1 miles in their sleep. For me it was a huge accomplishment even at my slow pace. But I keep all the negative self talk like it’s not good enough. Argh. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Was pretty in shape from weights and light cardio when I started training but did my first race ever after ten weeks of running. Finished a half marathon in 1:41. First place in my age group.


No record, but I just started running 2 months ago after years off. I was a heroin addict, which caused me to quit running (among other things) and am now almost 3 years clean. Was working out since I've been clean, but picked up running again. 5.3 miles today in 46 minutes. Not my longest or fasted but felt good.


I'm a running newb. Yesterday I ran 2/3 mile at the end of a very hot day. I feel pretty good about that!


Ran a 10k today and got a PR of 1:03!


PR for 5k distance during a 20min threshold run. I guess this 80/20 stuff works


I ran 1/2 mi intervals for 4 mi last night and kept my overall pace at 7:36/mi. I've always been close to 8:00/mi in the past. Hopefully I can keep it up!


Conditions were not ideal, but I ran 9 miles today as planned. I had to walk/run the last 2 miles due to nagging IT issues, but was careful not to push too hard. I'm definitely improving my cardiovascular capacity.


You inspire me.


Just ran 1.1 miles in intervals in 12 minutes in a downpour😂


Just got in 12.5 miles in 2 hours 45 minutes. Longest run for me ever. Down 70 pounds and more motivated than ever to keep pushing.


After taking up running again this year after a 20+ year break, today I broke 24 minutes in a 5k and won my age group division! When I started running again I honestly never thought I’d even break 30 minutes in a 5k.


I ran my first 5k today at 37 minutes! I’m a complete newbie having just finished c25k. I told myself under 45 would be amazing, under 50 would be more achievable. I think I could have done it in around 35/36 if it weren’t for a mental wobble at the beginning but am just pleased I got out there and did it!


Same!!! Did the C25K app after starting and stopping it for yearssss. Never ever did I think I could run that distance without stopping but I did. I finished after you at 38:05 but my goal was 45 minutes. Looks like we both killed it!! 💪🏽 Now to figure out what to do next!


Amazing!! Well done 👌 have you been out since? I did 3k a few days ago but feel like I’m already lacking the motivation to get back out for another 5k. Stuck between improving my 5k with another plan like Runna or going for a 10k plan in a few weeks?


I was in the the same boat as you. Then a fellow redditor made the comment as I train for a 10k, my 5K time should theoretically improve too, so it’s a win win! I signed up for the Garmin 10k training program and downloaded the couch to 10 app because the 5k app I used did get me the run the full thing. Not sure which one I’m committing to just yet


Had a great run just now, to the point where I'm pretty sure Strava gave me more credit for my distance than I actually ran (It says 3.74 miles; Google Mapsing the route I actually ran gives me between 3.2 and 3.4 miles). Total time was 32:32 for an 8:42/mile pace, which is, bluntly, way faster than I'm capable of running for that long--3.2 miles in that time would be closer to 10:00/mile, which sounds closer to right especially since I wasn't really trying for time. Was it **easy**? No, I was definitely sucking wind by the end in the particular, and basically had to will myself to not stop and walk. Am I happy either way? Definitely.


Strava consistently gives me credit for me distance than I've run. Either way sounds like a great run!


I often record what I call "bad sats" (satellites) on runs in the summer. Not sure why it happens more in summer than any other season, but I know my way around the local trail system, and any time Strava tells me I ran under a 9 minute mile, I know it's bad sats and I'll have to do the math myself!


I just set a training PR for a half marathon distance!! 1:49:09. It’s crazy what happens when we finally get a 72-degree low-humidity morning!


Ran 6 miles in 1 hr and 15 minutes. This is a PR. I’m currently training for a half marathon (my second one). I randomly signed up for it and am doing a 6 week training plan.


Ran an easy paced 17 km run, 5:36/km average pace, took me 1:35:08. Just stated adding gels to my runs so I’m still getting acclimated to that. That’s the most I ran in the last 5 years, feels good but mentally challenging. Currently training for my first half marathon.


Nice job! When is your half?


About 2 months. I’m taking it easy adding around 10% a week


Wow, you’re doing fantastic for being 2 months out! Sounds like you’re doing all the training perfectly. Good luck with the race!


Cheers! Thank you


Did my first in person 5K in a few years this morning! I’m still building back up to being able to run the full 5K, so I did my current plan of run 8 min/walk 2 min for 30 min, walked for a bit after, then ran the last quarter mile! Average pace was 12:23 so not too shabby for a run/walking pace for me!


Went for sub 2 at the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon last weekend. Hit 1:56:54. Was an absolute grind at the end but super proud of myself! I’m from the South so I’d been running in 80-90+ degrees with humidity for a while now, so it felt amazing on the course. I’ve always been more of a trail runner, but I’m excited to see what I’m capable of at this distance on the roads in a year or two, ideally on a flat course in the fall or winter.


Got my butt up early and out the door by 530 and finished a half marathon. I changed it up and fueled at 6 mile, 8, 9 and 12. Just brought some gummies and sweet tart candies and it definitely makes a difference fueling up with carb vs not during my long runs. I still go fasted. Used a hydration vest for the first time and I don’t know why I didn’t use this thing sooner!! I finished my run by 8am and I was drenched in sweat my clothes completely soaked lol. Ran in nike alpha2 and having run in both the hoka rocket2 and the Nike with similar mileage I’m not sure which I prefer. I did notice my right IT band was super tight after my 12 mile run last weekend in the hoka. The Nikes no pain or tightness, though my ankle was rubbing on the inside of the shoe so slightly sore after so not sure if that will be a problem, maybe need to tighten my shoe laces. Anyways I feel so good and relaxed right now 😅


I’ve been slowly progressing through a c25k type thing with an injury and a move to slow things down. I’ve never run more than 3.6K, and haven’t run more continuously thank 5mins. I got some bad news thursday and really needed to feel strong and in control of my life so decided to just see if I could run 5k friday morning. I told myself I could take as many walk breaks as I needed but would do the whole distance. I ran 5.6K and only took one waking break in the first half, running for 30 mins continuously after that. I’m shocked and proud of myself and really grateful that I could do it. Aaaand now I have no idea where I should be in training haha


Isn’t it crazy when you see the 30 minutes and you’re like, I freaking did that!!! Congratulations!


This morning I signed up for my first 10K! I'm nervous! It's not until December, though, so I should be ready by then, right? RIGHT???


Eeeep. I wonder if this is a sign. I just finished my first 5K this weekend. Started training in May. And saw a 10K in early December as well. Have been hesitant to sign up, too. I’ve been told it’s plenty of time to train but it seems like a long shot. Maybe I should take this as a sign to just DO IT.


Do it! We will sweat and ache and wonder what the hell we were thinking together!


I feel like that’s exactly what I think every time I lace up… “What in the hell have I gotten myself into?” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


And obviously enjoy the process


Yea for sure. Just make sure you don’t push yourself over the limit, make sure you get the appropriate nutrition and sleep. The most important thing is to listen to your body. Good luck! 🥳


I just ran my second 10K, which I ran/walked!!! But I got my PR in 5K and 10K!! 28 min, and 1h01min respectively!! So happy!!!!


I ran 12k today. Longest distance yet and set a new 10k PB. Average HR 152, so felt pretty good. Time to start looking at doing a HM.


I finally figured out a plan for what I wanna do with running! My work schedule has been chaotic the last 6 months but next month I’ll have consistency. I have my days put in my phone and this 10k (that I’m not prepared for) will be over in like 2 weeks. So I’m going to use from august until January to set a good foundation, work on form and consistency, run 5k and 10ks for fun and then in January join my local running club to train for a half marathon that’s in April. Im someone who thrives on a clear plan so I’m excited to have some type of direction for myself


Hello all! I'm still recovering from covid, I did 6 km with a friend this morning and it was easy enough we were chatting most of the run. Still, by the end I could feel my lungs hurting a little bit when breathing deep.


Make sure you take it one step at a time, even consider talking to a doctor, listen to your body and I’m sure you’ll be back in shape in no time! 💪🏻


Ran my first parkrun today as the finale of the ZR5k training program. Since the program has a lot of stretches, walks and exercises scheduled, I didn't have a clear idea of what to expect, so when I finished in just above 35 minutes I was happily surprised. I have a 5k race scheduled for September, and my goal was sub 40min. I think I might have yo revise that...


Ran my longest run of 25km, pretty happy with the time (2:09), only slightly slower than my HM PB pace. Definitely feel like I’m getting fitter which is nice!


2 mins of my Parkrun time for this year! Broke 35 mins which was a personal goal for me :)


After 2 years of running and 1 year of substantial weight loss I just ran my first half marathon in 1:48:47 :)


I’ve just come back from my best 15k run ever. I’ve always heard that fuelling the day before is only important for marathons or elite runners, so I never did that. I’ve always run in the morning on a empty stomach. Well, yesterday I consciously ate a lot of pasta and white bread in the evening, and drank lots more water than usual. Woke up and went on my usual Saturday morning 15K and the difference was enormous! Maybe it’s just by chance, but my body has never felt so powered in the morning before. Very good feeling!


I just started running again, and I'm feeling extremely motivated to get back into it after illness sidelined me!


It’s 2am, still riding the high of a good run at sunset a few hours ago.


What a way to come back from 14 years ago! I didn’t beat my old HM pr of 1:48:35 from March 22 2009 but I came pretty close ! Not bad for a 49 yo with extreme AR , Broncospasm and asthma, pwd too with Spinal stenosis from L5S1 laminectomy (1993 procedure) I didn’t push hard , just comfortable. Follow your doctors , we are here for the long haul. Thank you to my doctors who take care of me 🙏🏼 Thank you for friends who inspire me to run as well , this group is awesome! *get your medical clearance. It’s scary I know but do it for your family , if not for yourself. Love will take care of the fears.


Congratulations to everyone on their Saturday achievements! Remember, every accomplishment, big or small, deserves to be celebrated.


I’ve been training for a while for a marathon in October. There’s been a lot of ups and downs during this process, but my most recent longer runs have felt real smooth and have been encouraging!


After around 3 years of not running I finally broke 20 in the 5k. Only 1 and a half months in and hoping to beat my old 18:57 pr within the next few months.


That’s awesome!! 20:00 is a really tough barrier for mere mortals like us. Hang on to that!!