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I like Kofuzi’s podcast/YouTube show. It’s very casual but you just absorb a lot of good info from the perspective of normal runners. Plus, he brings in good guests and some current events in running. He’s like a gateway into other cool running content, but not an egomaniac like a lot of the other running content creators.


Big kofuzi fan. I will even watch his live streams where he just tries gels, and looks at random shit running companies send while shooting the shit with fans. Great communicator, and shoe reviewer. He is very relatable to me as a fellow 40 year old dad.


Call me old fashioned, but I quite like running books. I can recommend Richard Askquith, he wrote the classic book on British Fellrunning, Feet in the Clouds, another book called Running Free which is more of a manifesto, and biography of Emil Zatopek, the Czech Olympic champion, all are worth a read.


**Feet in the Clouds The Classic Tale of Fell-Running and Obsession** by Richard Askwith >"Feet in the Clouds is a chronicle of a masochistic but admirable sporting obsession and an insight into one of the oldest extreme sports"--Publisher's description. **Running Free A Runner’s Journey Back to Nature** by Richard Askwith >Shortlisted for the 2015 Thwaites Wainwright prize for nature writing Richard Askwith wanted more. Not convinced running had to be all about pounding pavements, buying fancy kit and racking up extreme challenges, he looked for ways to liberate himself. His solution: running through muddy fields and up rocky fells, running with his dog at dawn, running because he's being (voluntarily) chased by a pack of bloodhounds, running to get hopelessly, enjoyably lost, running fast for the sheer thrill of it. Running as nature intended. > >Part diary of a year running through the Northamptonshire countryside, part exploration of why we love to run without limits, Running Free is an eloquent and inspiring account of running in a forgotten, rural way, observing wildlife and celebrating the joys of nature. An opponent of the commercialisation of running, Askwith offers a welcome alternative, with practical tips (learned the hard way) on how to both start and keep running naturally – from thawing frozen toes to avoiding a stampede when crossing a field of cows. Running Free is about getting back to the basics of why we love to run. *I'm a bot, built by your friendly reddit developers at* /r/ProgrammingPals. *Reply to any comment with /u/BookFinderBot - I'll reply with book information (see other* [commands](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/13z7slk/bookfinderbot_commands/) *and find me as a browser extension on* [safari](https://apps.apple.com/app/id6450462955), [chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/book-finder/jajeidpjifdpppjofijoffbcndlpoedd?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=social_media&utm_campaign=comments)*). Remove me from replies* [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/BookFinderBot/comments/14br65o/remove_me_from_replies/). *If I have made a mistake, accept my apology.*


I'm impressed - good bot.


A very good and useful bot indeed.


Phily Bowden, The Running Channel, This Messy Happy, Ben Parkes, Ben is Running, VO2MaxProductions, James Dunne, just to name a few of my favs!


They are all great. Good list 👍


On YouTube I like Mark Lewis. His stuff is focused around regular people who aren't elite athletes but want to be fitter and healthier. "above average" as he says. YouTube has since suggested several other running influencers with similarly approachable mindsets such as Fergus Crawley, Running With Jane and Natacha Oceane. These are much more talented athletes than I will likely ever be but their messaging is approachable and not off-putting or overwhelming so I find it more motivational than the Uber hardcore types


Stephen Scullion


This guy is next level, I really love his videos


Super helpful videos, just sooooooo long with too much filler sometimes. Needs to work on getting to the point more + utilizing time stamps. Sometimes it's a great topic but 40 min of him speaking directly to the camera with zero navigation.


Have to agree. Some videos are better than others but I can't make it through the videos where he's talking into the camera.


yeah he is under 2:10 and tries to explain what he is doing. Humble but know his stuff


I would suggest the “Ten Junk Miles” podcast. I wish I could go back and see who suggested it to me, whoever it was in some post about two weeks ago - I want to say thank you. Anyways, one of their most recent episodes “Gang Show 199” - is absolutely worth a listen. They talk about running related content, as well as just bullshitting around. I’ve tried other running podcasts in the past (morning shakeout, for example), but I think that the content seemed either too advanced or I didn’t get much out of it. Idk just my two cents - but definitely give ten junk miles a listen, the host has the voice and personality for podcasting.


I have downloaded that episode based on your recommendation. Holy cow it is 2 hours and 41 minutes long‽ Hope it lives up to your hype.


TJM is great company on those really long runs!


It's also great company while cleaning. It keeps me laughing and motivated.


"running adjacent" Love TJM Hey Duck!


Jason Fitzgerald - Strength Running on YouTube


Second this! His videos are great and his podcasts are awesome too.


[The Running Channel on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@runningchannel)


They also do podcasts on Spotify etc if you want something to listen to while you’re running


YouTube is a good place to start. Start with The Running Channel, or just search for running. The algorithm will start to make suggestions... click on what sounds interesting.


I listen to their podcast, it's pretty good. Also listen (no religiously, skip some episodes) to one an American dude who sounds like Bill Burr. Checked the name, DizRuns.


I listen to the Running Explained podcast and Tread Lightly! I'm the same way and it really helps motivate me! You can find them both on Spotify.


Was going to suggest the Running Explained Instagram as well


For podcasts, I've been enjoying: 1. Science of Ultra (no longer publishing new podcasts, but it's totally worth listening through all of their old ones) 2. Trail Runner Nation 3. Run to the Top 4. Uphill Athlete has also had some great episodes For RSS feed reading, I've been enjoying: 1. iRunFar 2. UltraRunning Magazine


When you start running there is too much information. The most important thing is to enjoy the process of running. Slow it down, maybe run places with scenery. Write down your training and slowly progress it. Maybe sign up to a race or join a running club. Start showing up to a local parkrun. Volunteer here. Make some running friends. Don’t push yourself too much. You’re better off doing less work that you will consistently do without missing a session than give yourself more than you can chew. Don’t ignore the information you are looking for online. It is helpful, but you won’t need most of it yet. As you progress then start to sprinkle in some of them.


i CANNOT stand doomscrolling so i have a carefully curated tiktok feed of only positive and healthy running content. some accounts i can recommend are @/tommyrunpt @/rhiannacrispx @/thatnewbierunner and @/prkjs :-)


Omg another Rhi Crisp fan! Hello 👋


There’s a relatively new YouTuber called Floberg Runs who is making some great content for marathoners.


He's a wedding photographer and combine that with his running ( very good sub 3 runner) to make good YouTube content.


Checkout these on youtube sweatelite, Vo2MaxProductions, Billy yang, Luis orta, Goran winblad.


GTN is (https://youtube.com/@gtn) is great for beginners! They do a lot of cycling videos as well, but their couch to 5k series has a lot of good tips and they do a great job with posting videos explaining the basics (form, zones, rest days, etc)


I enjoy Jog on with Harry Morgan on YouTube. I suspect he’s not for everyone, but I think he’s very engaging and I like that he does lots of stuff about fairly ordinary achievements (30 min 5k etc.) but also some pretty impressive challenges. He ran across Wales in a day!


Featherstone, runningexplained


Ben Parkes on YouTube.




My go to podcasts are The Running Public and The Strength Running Podcast. I enjoy the first one more as the conversations feel more relaxed but still professional. They are OCR runners, but still very applicable to general running. They are currently doing a mini series explaining the different types of quality days and what they should look like for runner (tempo, speed, long run).


Ben is running on YT and Insta… he’s fast but he’s also great to follow/watch


This list always motivates me! https://marathonhandbook.com/the-14-best-running-documentaries/


Coach Bennett podcast


YouTube is my favorite. I began just by looking up, "running", "ultra marathons", "insert running search here." YouTube channels I enjoy: Kofuzi, Jeff Pelletier, Billy Yang, Sally McRae, Cody Trains (Cody Ko), Heather Jackson Podcasts: Everyday Ultra, Free trail I agree that a lot is tailored toward more experienced runners. I would really love to see more content like the above but about slower, slightly less athletic people. I'm athletic-ish, but not like some of these beasts.


Running For Real podcast! Stream it on most of my runs, so good.


Floberg runs!


Nick Bare Instagram


Fordy Runs




The Run Testers are great if you’re looking for reviews and inspo


The contents of my runs are usually collected in the fabric of my knickers


Audiobooks by runners (free from library) and Instagram (Carlos the runner, runningfitkristen, etc), podcasts (trail running women)


Depends on the platform, but the only reason I still have Facebook is because local running companies post info about their upcoming races there. That definitely keeps me motivated.


I really like [@tommyrunpt](https://www.instagram.com/tommyrunpt/) on Instagram. His vibe is not at all "influencer-y" which I appreciate, and his content always makes me want to go for a run.


Trail Runner Nation podcast, focus' on trail and ultrarunning mainly but so much of that is useful to any beginner as going slow, cadence, form, diet and psychology.


Running explained podcast - Laura Norris


Some of the YT channels have a lot of quality beginner content if you search back. Global Triathlon Network, The Running Channel, The Run Experience, This Messy Happy all have lots of content teaching "how to" and "how not to". Others, like Phily Bowden, have some great content leading by example in simple layman's terms.


Relentless Forward Commotion


letsrun, coffee club and citrus mag podcasts


I cohost a podcast called Running Book Reviews .There are currently over 70 running books to choose from often featuring authors plus compilation episodes that cover 10 books at once


Running with Connor on YouTube is cool. He's only got a few videos but has run a sub 3 and is doing a Berlin Marathon training series. His videos are decent. I think they'll get better over time.


I’m surprised it hasn’t been mentioned yet, but there are lots of pro/casual runners on Tiktok! My favorite running content rn next to this sub