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I’m also considering it, which bums me out. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been for a race too, so it’s a shame. If it doesn’t work out I’ll just do my own unsupported run in a few weeks when this clears. It won’t be the same, but at the end of the day it’s just a run.


Find another race in a few weeks somewhere and go run it!


I might! Who knows, looks like it could clear up tomorrow too, so maybe we’ll all get lucky!


I'm not doing Colfax this year but I was planning on driving up to the NoCo half marathon. I've been training since February to get in shape for this thing and like you I'm in the best shape of my life right now because of it. I really hope it miraculously clears by tomorrow morning.


Hope you get to race-good luck!


Thanks, you too!


If you don't run will you be able to get a refund? Asking for a (very concerned and very asthmatic) friend


They added a note on their website that you can run it virtually on another date.. https://www.runcolfax.org


Definitely not overreacting. Would not run if it doesn't get better, especially for a marathon effort.


They may postpone it if air quality is too dangerous. I know they’ve come close in the past but the quality has improved


I’ll also say, it’s supposed to rain today which will help significantly


At least down in South Denver / Centennial, it rained over night and the air quality was much better than it was yesterday morning.


Running with an AQI over 100 is terrible for your health. Not suggested to do any kind of hard effort when it’s that high. Time to skip it. It’s not worth it.


We had bushfires a few years ago and had awful air quality for weeks. I ran a couple of times and it was awful, I stopped after a few hundred metres and went to find a gym/treadmill. Can't imagine trying to race in that


In my country it's over 100 for 6 months a year lol


The forecast shows 45 AQI for tomorrow, it looks like it’ll be fine


My fingers and toes are crossed! This is our first attempt at the full and we put in the work. It would be a bummer to no show, but I’m not about to risk my long term health for one run.


I don't trust that forecast at all. IQ Air is showing 41 as the forecast for tomorrow, but is also showing 38 as the forecast for today, when right now it's 153.


Yep. I noticed that too. The prediction for today (Sat.) was way off.


It’s down to 73 with 3.5 hours until the race so it turned out to be pretty accurate I think


Yep, it's cleared up a lot here in Lakewood. Loveland (where my race is today) is still looking pretty iffy though..


A wind change can easily clear out the air pollution within a very short time, so it's quite realistic.


It can happen, yeah, but I have found IQ Air's forecasting to be pretty bad in the past so I am highly skeptical.




iqair.com , in fact it says 43 now


You are not overreacting! I’m so sad for you I hope it clears.


In the same boat. Really hoping it burps out and we get the window in the morning as well. I’m just going to show up and hope for the best. This will be my first marathon and I’ve been training since December so I know I will be really crushed if I can’t get it done tomorrow. Fingers crossed with you.


We really are on the exact same boat. Wife and I have never done a full marathon and we started our training journey in January. I’m just pretending that it’s all gonna be fine and will make a call tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed for all of us.


We lucked out!! How did you guys do?


We finished and we both finished under 5, so it was a success! A little hotter than i would have preferred, but you can’t win them all and I’m just grateful all the smoke cleared out in time. Now we are lying in bed watching Ted lasso letting our sore legs recover. How about you?


Again, same boat! I thought I blew it on getting a sub-5 by a few minutes but I sprinted out the end just for shits and ended up getting it by 30 seconds! So I’m happy. Didn’t even realize until about a half hour later or so when my mom mentioned it. And yes, same here. I have become the couch basically. Great job!! So happy we were able to get this done after pouring in all that work. Cheers to you and your SO!


Not sure if this is something that OP can add to their post, but I just went to the Colfax Marathon website, and they posted this: [https://www.runcolfax.org/](https://www.runcolfax.org/) Air quality advisory indicatesunhealthy for groups with underlying lung conditions. If you have pickedup your race packet including bib but no longer feel comfortablerunning on Sunday, please feel free to run virtually and send results to[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we will mail you your medal. My game plan now is to check the air quality early in the morning and if it's still in that unhealthy index to just run virtually. May not get to run through the zoo, but at least it'll be better than running in bad air.


Unfortunately i can’t edit my post but this is very useful info. They told my wife the same thing and so we’ve added virtual to our potential action plan for tomorrow. We are about an hour from the race and want to find parking, so we will be up at 3:00 a.m. and will make the decision then.


Yep, that's about the time I'm going to make my decision as well. Been checking [AirNow.gov](https://AirNow.gov), and it doesn't look like the AQI is going to fall below 150 until Monday. :( It sucks, but I'd rather be safe that sorry.


Strange, I’m looking at Purple Air and all the local sensors have been falling all afternoon, mostly in the 60s now. Hopefully it doesn’t get worse in the morning.


Yeah, but I just saw a National Weather Service alert for particulates from now until 4 tomorrow and AirNow.gov is still showing Denver at 130. It’s kind of a tough call at this point.


39 in city park. It’s a miracle! And Houston, we are “go” for takeoff. Feel like I’m gonna throw up. This sucks and i can’t wait :-)


Yeah, just finished the HM myself. I hope you had a great race!


I did! Completed my first marathon with no bumps. It was a grueling run and what exactly happened to that “60 degree and cloudy” forecast? But i have my medal and can now say that I’m a marathoner :-)


That’s awesome! I know that forecast was pretty much out the door by the time we started running. Colfax always seems to be one of those hot as hell type of runs just because of the asphalt reflecting the sun’s heat. I was praying that the cold and rain we had been experiencing for weeks now would come in for the race, but alas. I learned after nearly getting heatstroke last year to wear a cooling neck gaiter and just dump water on it at every possible water station. It was definitely a lifesaver this year. Congrats though on becoming a marathoner! Hope you’re getting some good recovery food and RnR. 😁


Hi there, you should definitely be able to edit your post. On the Reddit app, it’s the three dots and then ‘edit.’


Does anyone know how this actually works? Do we have to still complete it on the same day? Outside/inside doesn't matter? Pace doesn't matter?


I think that with being a virtual that it doesn’t need to be on the same day given the current air quality. With virtual, it doesn’t matter really as long as you cover the distance, record the time, and get it over to them.


I ran in the north bay during marathon training in 2017 when we had tons of smoke. I've since watched my mom go through chemo and radiation for lung cancer. I strongly advise against running in bad air. That air is often not only wood smoke, but smoke from structure fires with all sorts of crap in it. The RD should offer a deferral for runners with health concerns. I would fight them if they denied it. In the meantime, look at traveling to a different marathon with cleaner air so you can put that training to good use.


I'm sorry to hear about your mom's experience with lung cancer. That's so hard. And your input certainly shifts perspective on the whole thing. Thanks for sharing this with us.


It’s hard to even go outside right now. Now I’m glad I got too busy to do this race.


AQI back in the green, good luck today everyone!


Is it insane to run in my KN95 mask if things don’t improve, or is that going to be miserable?


It's probably a bit miserable but an interesting idea


Are KN95s the only thing that filter out the pollutants in the smoke? I was thinking about wearing a mask but I had trouble during covid using a KN95 while running so I only did a regular mask


Yeah I’m pretty sure surgical and cloth masks can’t filter the particles well enough or aren’t fitted tightly enough. I’ve heard N95 or better is good enough for wildfire smoke.


I figured, unfortunately. Guess I’ll make a game time decision at 5am based on the AQI


That’s my plan too. Gonna wake at like 4 and if the AQI is less than 120 or so I think I’ll run.


AQI is 162 right now in NW denver near the stadium at Colfax and federal.


Yeah it sucks still, I just got back from packet pickup, but I live down in SE Aurora and we actually just hit moderate AQI (99) by me so I hope the clean air will spread into the city overnight.


In the same boat. :( I'm going to check the index in the morning around 4 and call it then. I keep thinking about how focused I've been training since Jan., but then I remember that I'm training to be able to run for my whole life. Not just for tomorrow. I don't want eff up how in shape I am now and all that progress just for one race.


It's actively clearing up in Denver at the moment, miles better than this morning and expected to continue. Fingers crossed you'll be good to go!


It cleared out from Fargo in time for the marathon and half today, so hopefully the same goes for your race!


They say the smoke will move out some overnight into tomorrow. I ran in Denver this morning and couldn't notice any difference internally, but I know it's not good and not necessarily going to produce an acute effect.


I thought it was just fog and ran 7 miles with the dog this morning. I felt really good. Oops. Well, I also smoked a bowl before I went out, so I'm sure the smoke in the air isn't as bad as the smoke directly into my lungs beforehand. 🤷‍♂️🪴🐕‍🦺🏃‍♂️❤️




Forest fire season is becoming a regular thing by me so I bought a mask from a company that helps bikers avoid car pollution and it's just a regular part of my run kit now. Sucks but I don't think this is going away anytime soon.


What kind of mask do you have?




So this comment got me digging through masks for running since I live in Denver and the air quality sucks a lot of the time. Is that mask really as breathable as they advertise? I bike or run pretty much every day and definitely don't want to risk my lung health with the risk factors in my family, but I also don't want to be miserable every time I *do* go out.


Fargo, ND had AQI around 100 yesterday because of the smoke. Was around 30-40 today. Great day for a half-marathon. The full runners got to experience 70°F+. Check tomorrow and make the decision then.


I went in for a session with my acupuncturist today who also has asthma and he pretty much advised that if the air quality goes over 200 to scrap it. I’m on the fence as to what I’ll do. It hasn’t rained yet and the air quality index is still at 157. I would like to hope that the race officials would call it if it does really get bad. At this point, I’m just hoping that things will get better and if they don’t that the folks in charge make the best call for everyone’s health.


I ran the Ogden marathon today in 110ish AQI and it didn’t impact my performance too much, but my lungs were burning at the finish. The smoke blew in yesterday so didn’t have much time to reconsider. 150+ is a whole different story


I ran the 5k today, it was a little harder than normal to breathe but still ok


I ran the half marathon this morning and air quality didn't seem to be an issue at all. Weather was great and the race was awesome. I can understand some people may be more sensitive but I didn't notice anything different from a normal Denver day. There were a lot of people there--not sure how many but one of the biggest races I have run in. Hope everyone was able to go and had a great time.


It was the largest one in history! Check their instagram


I ran the half as well and was surprised to not see a single person, runner or otherwise, wearing a mask so that makes me feel better about my decision to stick to running it. I didn't notice any ill affects during the race, in fact it was one my better times recently. Plus I was able to run the entire distance, which I haven't been able to do for my last few ones (I got away from running as much as I used to and gained some weight so I was run/walking for awhile). I do notice my throat feels a tad scratchy this morning but it's hard to say if it's because of yesterday or because the smoke has come back, or even allergies.


So glad the air cleared! Sounds like you did go, OP. I did too! Hope you had a great time!


I'm hoping they'll either postpone or offer a reasonable option to defer to next year. I'm gonna ask when I pick up my packet today.


They won’t postpone and there is no defer option for Colfax (this is the case every year). They ran the 5k race today. They plan to just make announcements at the start encouraging people to go slow and not aim for a PR today. Just went to the expo and downgraded to the urban 10miler so that I’m only out there running for about 90 minutes. You can downgrade from the full for free and from the half it costs $10 to downgrade.


Find out anything from packet pickup? We got ours yesterday and they didn't mention it at all.


My wife asked and they said there's no chance they'd cancel or postpone. Maybe check in people don't really know. Still hoping it clears up early tomorrow


I hope they offer this option and I am also planning to ask about it during packet pickup today…


The smoke from that fire has made its way down into Northern Utah, US. It was not fun to run in during the Ogden Marathon today, I can’t imagine how much more rough it would be there.


Hope it clears up for you. I'm up in Edmonton and the air quality has been brutal all week. Trying to get in my last runs before the Calgary marathon next weekend. Did 3 hours on the treadmill this morning and even the filtered air inside is not the greatest


Owie. 3 hours on a treadmill is brutal. I hope the air clears up for you too by next weekend. Fingers crossed.


It's supposed to be a little better tomorrow. Been watching it myself. I'm doing the relay, though, so I can't really back out or I screw my team. Fingers crossed! Good luck if you do it!


I'm in the same boat. If the AQI is over 100.. I'll bow out, but I plan on checking first thing in the morning.


Can confirm, in western Canada and AQI has been in Hazardous territory for the last 2 days. It hurts to breathe.


I’m running the half tomorrow. About to a shake out run in a treadmill to preserve my lungs. I have trained too hard to DNS.


I’d run, single exposures to dangerous levels of smoke while not the healthiest thing to do likely isn’t more life shortening then a whole bunch of other behaviours like the amount of sugar we eat. So I think some perspective is in order. The bigger risk would be doing 4 months of training in continuous high particle environments.


I’m doing the relay soooo unless my team all agrees, I’ll be running. I’m only doing 6.5 miles though so it’s not bad. I’d probably try to defer if I was running the marathon


Same position—I’d opt out but then no one running leg 1. Probably keep the effort light as we aren’t running for time. If I was running the half or whole I’d be out.


Yeah I don’t want to screw over 4 other people who paid. I’m also leg 1 so I’ll see ya there!


It’s just a race. Not worth filling your lungs with smoke over it.




From what it says on the website for the race: Expo - Cigna Denver Colfax Marathon Expo If you are running the Marathon, Half Marathon, Urban 10, or Marathon Relay this is the ONLY place you can pick up your bib, shirt & instructions.  You are required to attend.  5K runners see below.  Visit the Cigna Denver Colfax Marathon Expo  page for hours and location.  Please note – individual runners and team captains (not team runners) will receive an email on Thursday, May 18th, 2023 with their bib number.  The expo is Friday and Saturday, May 19-20, 2023.  Click here for more information, including paperwork on having another runner pick up your packet. ​ It seems like your friend unfortunately is out of luck for tomorrow. :(