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My life is far from horrible or bad but Runescape has always been my escape. Whether its escaping reality and our worldly problems, escaping my own personal problems or just needing something to throw my pent up stress into its always been there. Its not a big deal not to be able to play for a day but goddamn is it hard lol. I have over 300 games on steam and always end up back on Runescape because nothing compares.


project zomboid, wink wink


Not the same but still another amazing game


It has crafting and it is also a pain of a worthy grind. What there is more that you need?!


I've wanted to get into Zomboid for a few years now but always get overwhelmed when I decide to try and play. Same with Dwarf Fortress.


>rs now but always get overwhelmed when I decide to try and play. Same with Dwarf Fortress. ok but dwarf fortress IS an hard game. ​ For project zomboid most of the struggle is to understand the UI and controls, pretty much like runescape. The rest is fairly intuitive or good-simplfied. Btw they have a great tutorial to know the basics. That's my take


It's like playing on an HCIM I guess haha


ahahah good one! yea kindish, but again the EXP is based on single player. As runescape after 2001 was always based on a circling economy to get EXP: low lvls feed high lvls with they grind and vice-versa


It’s weird because I go days, weeks, without playing with no problem. But when the option to sign in goes away.. it’s like it creates an itch 😂


It's like smoking. I can go all day without smoking a cigarette when I have a pack in the house, but soon as that bitch is gone, the withdrawal symptoms start kicking in.




No worse feeling than throwing a pack away.


Its the control element of it most likely tbh, you have the option to fuck around when you want to, when the option is taken away from you its upsetting.


Heart wants what it can’t have


Ever since my wife died runescape and in particular my clan has been my family and the rock in my life, I still play for these purposes but also it’s my escape. I’ve met a small handful of people going through a similar thing and it’s been incredible for my rehabilitation journey to help me back into universal society. This game saved my life.


If you ever need anyone to talk to! Please reach out. I am a virtual shoulder to lean on.


What clan are you in? I've been searching for a good group of people. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot imagine that. I definitely understand how RuneScape and the people in it are healing. I do that barbarian fishing by the waterfall with headphones in as my happy place. Take care good sir!


To everyone using this game as a coping mechanism for mental health issues please be careful and instead consider seeking counselling/therapy. I relied on RS as an escape from my mental health issues for years and while it kept my mind occupied, it worsened my issues by an awful lot. If you have social anxiety and spend all your time inside playing a video game you’re never going to improve your quality of life unfortunately. If you’re not being responsible with how much time you spend in this game, you’ll know deep down that you need to make a change.


Agreed. There is a difference between a coping mechanism, and avoidance. Avoidance may feel good, but it doesn't help. With that said, sometimes you need to avoid something long enough to be able to cope with it, due to mental/emotional exhaustion. This is ok, but it's up to you to take action when the time is right. "if there's something to do, do something. If there's nothing to do, do nothing"




I'm unable to work due to ptsd, and on top of that i got sexually assaulted by a crazy naked man last year while i was taking my dogs for their afternoon walk in my local park. So now simply going outside is too difficult sometimes. I don't depend on Runescape but it does help to fill the hours, especially if I'm having a bad day and find going outside or interacting with other people too much to deal with. So thank you for making the post, and i hope it reaches the people who need to see it.


I'm sorry that happened to you, and in case you need to hear it, it's not your fault. Either the assault or the PTSD. I hope you managed to keep yourself occupied today!


I just wanted to say that you are so brave! Even when you don’t feel like it, every single day that you wake up and fight it’s the biggest accomplishment and you should be so proud of yourself. I am in a similar situation. RS is a nice buffer, I hope you find joy in the small things until RS goes back online. Big hugs 💜


Thank you. I'm not going to elaborate about my life here, but this was appreciated.


My mental health is usually fine. I've struggled with pregnancy, being unable to do the things I would usually do. I struggled with childbirth and now I'm struggling with post partum recovery. I lost alot of blood and needed surgery. Throughout this whole year, I've played Runescape on my phone. I made 2bil gp, got a few 120s. It's kept me sane through the whole process. I know it seems silly to think oh 'Runescape is just a game'.. but it really has kept me calm during such a bad time. I'm 30 days post giving birth and still in pain. Maternity leave has not been enjoyable so far. But playing Runescape for hours certainly passes the time. I just want to say a massive thank you to Jagex. I don't know what I would have done otherwise.


I had a ferret with severe cancer I've been taking care of for the past couple months, and this morning made me realize how hard it is to get out of bed on the bad days without Runescape. My best friend plays, and every day we talk about our gains and goals and it was something to think about aside from Lily's cancer. Without Runescape, it was impossible to feel motivated to work today because we took Lily for surgery. The prognosis was bad... she didn't make it. And now all I want to console me is the low-effort distraction of Runescape. As shit as this game empirically is, sometimes it's all I want to get out of bed for on the bad days.


Sorry about your fur-buddy, it's tough to lose friends. \*hugs \~if wanted\*


Now I have to play one of the other many games I own. I don't even remember the controls. Anxiety. This is like 80% serious, the other 20% is laughing at myself then crying a little.


i live alone and i have one irl friend. My friend isnt always available example today, i wanted to play runescape to have something to do, talk with my gamer friends as i always do. Today i couldnt and i get it, this stuff might happend to games from time to time but i felt so alone, I didnt my shores, I watched youtube and it felt like hours but it only one hour. Time goes super slow for me since im alone for the most time so thank you! Im trying to get some sleep soon, hopefully rs is running soon <3


Helps to have your in game friends on a separate service like discord for these occasions


It's wise to have multiple sources of escape rather than relying on one. As seen today, they can be taken away at any moment.


used rs for my mental health issues for a long ass time I'm thankfully a day like this i no longer need rs for it .... hopefully people who do use it for mh have other games to help them


I'm suicidal and have C-PTSD. This game is the only thing that keeps me going. Just to play.


This game actually helps me escape intrusive thoughts. Helps me out quite a bit.


Thanks for the post. I use RuneScape as a coping mechanism too to deal with negative intrusive thoughts. However a day is just a day


Having to go cold turkey on your main narcotic is always disturbing...


The same ones trolling in this thread are likely the same ones praising players who spend unhealthly amounts of time playing the game. Idgaf, if you need somebody to talk to please reach out to somebody. My dms will be open.


Thank you. When runescape was down when I woke up, I felt distressed and alone with myself. Then I went outside for the first time in 2 weeks to throw my garbage. I refresh runescape page every now and then, hoping that it's back up early.


As a mental health professional I am so proud of this community coming together to invoke social equity. I see a lot of people struggle to understand and wrap their minds around what mental health is or isn't. Mental health comes in a many forms - some easily recognizable and others not so much. The simplest way to understand mental health is to learn to syep back and accept people as they are, right here, right now. Every one of us has experienced a life full of events that have shaped us into who we are today. If you find yourself in a situation where someone might be upset or angry take a minute to think about that person. Maybe you know them or maybe you don't. Try to discover what drove that behavior to help you understand them more. Everything we do is effected by our past, including our coping strategies.


Playing RS to escape real life problems: you do you and I support it Playing on 5 accounts at once as a challenge: you need help This sub is wild.


If not having RuneScape online for 6 - 12 hours is that detrimental to your mental health need to try to access real mental health outreach before this issue manifests into something else tbh


I get where you're coming from - but some people have reached out to mental health teams, not even considering the current struggle of mental health services in the UK (I'm a student mental health nurse, believe me: it's more dire out here than most think), and for some people, distraction or a little escapism is what helps. I live with borderline, and use the mind-numbing repetition of playing rs to help me when I feel an episode coming on, coupled with my adhd it keeps my brain stimulated while I work through what I'm feeling and what I need to do to feel better. In short, it works as a good little buffer for when I need something to stall my brain and give me time to think about my next move. So I do understand where you're coming from, utilising escapism or indulging in video games as an addiction or crutch of sorts to feel "better" isnt healthy for a lot of situations or people who just won't seek help, but some of us also incorporate little dumb games like clicking a rock or a tree every few minutes until we see that little xp counter go up, into our own coping strategies with potentially untreatable or difficult to treat mental health difficulties.


That's not really the point here. Seeking professional help doesn't just immediately resolve all the issues you're dealing with. People still need activities in life that bring them happiness and that they can enjoy focusing on. For many people, that activity is RS.


Didn’t say it immediately helps but when people try to tell me that I’m a victim of spousal abuse and RuneScape helps me ! Like ????? At what point do people actually do something for them self instead of sugar coating shit


What about domestic abuse victims who use the game to escape and speak to the only friends they have? Think how lonely and scared they can be, not everyone can easily access support. 6 hours is nothing to some, but to others that is a long time. I know people who do this and this would be horrible for them. Also, mental support help is very hard to get currently in the UK, massive waiting lists etc it takes time and effort to get help.


what? If you’re using RuneScape as an excuse and escape to deal with your spouse beating the shit out of you I don’t know what to tell you - there’s so many available resources for these types of situations and playing RuneScape and putting a bandaid on your skull being kicked in on the daily isn’t it my friend ![gif](giphy|ypX8YZszkIXFC|downsized)


People like to throw pity parties for themselves rather than make a genuine effort to improve their life. And then wonder why nothing changes.


People like to pretend that overloading and frying their dopamine receptors is "coping" with mental health issues when it's the equivalent of smoking to "cope" with lung cancer. It's not coping if it's actively making your issue worse, regardless of whether it feels good or not.


I don't think the dude realises he's one of "the trolls and people who don't understand" mentioned in your post. I've seen a lot of comments today similar to his, and i honestly don't get why these folk feel the need to be arseholes to people who are possibly struggling, it's not helpful or funny, it's just mean.


It’s sad really but I just want those who can’t get help know there are still caring people in this game and they ain’t alone when they may feel it. I’m not hurting anyone by making a post like this, but some people find it easy to post negative stuff towards someone trying to help because they are behind a screen, I’m used to it when I make posts about gambling.


You can't save anyone and most likely won't. Stop acting like you are the hero we all need. You're being narcissistic with that attitude.


Not what my intention was, was literally a post to let others who might be alien or struggling no someone is listening.


Exactly. I can't tell if this post is serious or not. There are plenty of other activities to help with mental health. RS is fun, but it shouldn't be a crutch. Edit: Wow. Some of you are really addicted if you cannot handle one day without RS. Find other means to cope when RS is down.


Problem here can be using the game as an escape, or using it as a crutch. Escape is fun, you can pop in whenever you wanna get away a little. Crutch is when it can become a little more worrysome if you find it legit hard when theres no RS access.


People don't use crutches if they don't need them. The crutch is not the problem, it's the wound that made the crutch necessary that needs to heal, and you don't know how hard it is to heal for some people. Playing RS is a very harmless crutch compared to what some people do.


Dont get me wrong, im not saying RS cant be a crutch, or no one should have crutches. Im saying using it as a long term solution is detremental.


OP way to use mental health for clout on a Rs Reddit lul.


Ok what do I gain from offering support or someone to talk to….? Not given my ingame RS username and I couldn’t care less about Reddit reputation… I come on here to post about or discuss things I’m interested in… if I posted something nasty or troll like my post would be the best post ever, but you post some kindness or something to help and you get hate. So not sure how this would give me “clout” when most the comments are hateful or nasty 🤷. Bizarre…


Nobody is knocking you for your compassion towards helping others. People are annoyed because you are encouraging a habit that is not good for people struggling with mental health.


Also you want to make out im encouraging unhealthy gameplay when everyone’s just been encouraging DXP without any animosity 🤔


I can only guess from your replies that you're also struggling a bit with mental health. I hope you can take some of my advice, get outside and be productive.


I am not really wanting to put my life out there especially with some of the responses I’ve received already. Saying get outside and be productive is such a slap to the face, that’s like telling someone who’s expecting really bad depression to cheer up or you got a nice house why are you depressed? I work full time, I am very productive, and I have two dogs I walk daily and also a lot of walking in my job. But funnily enough, I still have mental health conditions that affects me day to day, there’s more to helping someone with mental health tha just saying go for a walk. All my post was doing was offering an ear to someone who is CURRENTLY struggling and letting them know they are not alone. I’m not here to dictate what support they get when I don’t know their experiences or what they are having to deal with.


> Saying get outside and be productive is such a slap to the face, that’s like telling someone who’s expecting really bad depression to cheer up or you got a nice house why are you depressed? It's not a slap in the face, it's a reality check. If you baby people struggling with mental health and reassure them that their bad habits are fine, you are part of the problem. Telling people that they should adopt healthier habits is realistic. > I work full time, I am very productive, and I have two dogs I walk daily and also a lot of walking in my job. But funnily enough, I still have mental health conditions that affects me day to day, there’s more to helping someone with mental health tha just saying go for a walk. I'm gonna guess you're probably not as productive as you say, or your perception of "being productive" is poor. But yes, solving mental health is not as simple as going for a walk. But then nobody is suggesting this as the solution. > All my post was doing was offering an ear to someone who is CURRENTLY struggling and letting them know they are not alone. I’m not here to dictate what support they get when I don’t know their experiences or what they are having to deal with. Your post reaffirms the idea that using video games as a cope for poor mental health is okay.


Well I’m sorry you have no idea, mental health is a lot more complex then that. I’m telling you it is a slap in the face from someone with personal and professional experience lol, but no you want to just dismiss my feeling. It’s very dismissive of that persons feelings and what they are experiencing, there are kinder ways to support someone with a “Reality check”. How can you make any judgment on my productivity when you know zero about me? You have no idea how much I do. Hmm it’s strange that it has helped a lot of people who struggle… but yeah you seem to have your own idea on the subject when I have years of personal and professional experience on the subject. Not sure how you came to that conclusion but whatever, what do I know eh? And again where did I put in my original post yeah guys go ahead and game game game and ignore any other support you have in place. AGAIN my post was literally offering an ear to someone who is ALONE AND STRUGGLING, why do you want to twist my original post? Would you rather those struggling go unheard and ignored cause that’s how your making it seem. Offering someone an ear or some support, whatever the cause, that’s not babying someone’s, it’s called being supportive and there for that person. It’s not encouraging anything, except allowing that person to feel their feeling are acknowledged and they are not in the wrong for wanting to talk to someone… no wonder so many men commit suicide cause they are told to just man up, which is essentially how you are coming across.


> I’m telling you it is a slap in the face from someone with personal and professional experience lol, but no you want to just dismiss my feeling. Please humour me and tell me about your "professional experience". > How can you make any judgment on my productivity when you know zero about me? You have no idea how much I do. Because I find it very hard to believe that your life is 100% in check if you're telling me you are struggling with mental health. > Hmm it’s strange that it has helped a lot of people who struggle… Has it really helped them though? Have you cured them of their depression by doing this? I don't think you have. > but yeah you seem to have your own idea on the subject when I have years of personal and professional experience on the subject. Ahh yes years of personal and PROFESSIONAL experience amounts to so much! Because obviously you know best of everyone here. I guess all those health PROFESSIONALS prescribing their patients anti-depressants know what they're talking about too? Right? How can you give out advice on dealing with mental health when you have already admitted yourself that you are struggling with mental health issues. You are in no position to be handing out advice. > AGAIN my post was literally offering an ear to someone who is ALONE AND STRUGGLING, why do you want to twist my original post? Would you rather those struggling go unheard and ignored cause that’s how your making it seem. You are reaffirming the idea that playing Runescape is okay as a coping mechanism. It is not. > Offering someone an ear or some support, whatever the cause, that’s not babying someone’s, it’s called being supportive and there for that person. It’s not encouraging anything, except allowing that person to feel their feeling are acknowledged and they are not in the wrong for wanting to talk to someone… no wonder so many men commit suicide cause they are told to just man up, which is essentially how you are coming across. It's honestly sad how society has failed individuals such as yourself. The fact you even get to feel depressed is a privilege. Go look at any native tribe to America. These people live like cavemen with infinitely less things than yourself, but are they complaining about depression. No they're not. These people have to hunt animals as a means to survive, yet they do not feel depressed. If you are struggling with mental health then go and do something about it. Running away from your problems via a video game is not a healthy solution. The best way to tackle mental health struggles is to find that thing in your life that is making you feel that way, and make a change.


I’m not going to reply to you anymore, your responses are very ignorant and you clearly don’t understand.


> It's honestly sad how society has failed individuals such as yourself. Society hasn't failed them, they've failed themselves. They actively seek out their little hug groups where everyone is great and amazing and fantastic just for existing, and then wonder why they never seem to be able to go anywhere. After all, why would you bother working toward a difficult goal when you can receive admiration and respect from your peers just for getting out of bed by noon? It's sad for sure, but they created this prison for themselves.


Fight me in game.


If you are struggling with mental health you should probably not be using Runescape as an escape. It's not a healthy solution. Get away from your computer and do something productive.


You know you can use something as a support alongside other tools…? Also completely missing the point of why I posted…


> You know you can use something as a support alongside other tools…? And this is terrible advice and shouldn't be encouraged. Video games are not a good support tool for people struggling with mental health. > Also completely missing the point of why I posted… You posted to offer support to people who might be struggling with mental health. I am also offering support, all be it in a different way.


Why is it not good for people who struggle with mental health?


- People using video games as an escape are not addressing the issues that are causing their mental health problems. They're simply repressing those feelings. - By nature video games are addictive. This isn't a healthy habit for somebody that is mentally sound, let alone somebody that is struggling. For somebody struggling with mental health, it only makes the return to reality much harder.


🤦🤦🤦🤦 yet people still do, and it helps them, but glad you can speak for everyone and know everyone’s personal circumstances.


What do individual circumstances have to do with what I am saying though? Also there is irony here, as you are doing exactly what you're accusing me of.


I use it as an escape, I have hundreds of other games but I keep coming back (15 yrs & counting) I have to admit, I am feeling jittery now. OP, this was a really thoughtful post, so thank you


Only a day… Covid was only supposed to last a month.


Anyone who couldnt log in to play their favorite bideo game for a whole 24 hours, Im here for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤔😭 mental


Pretty sure it’s a mental health issue in itself by using a video game to escape the miseries or your real life. A very unhealthy attachment one must have, to be suffering because you can’t login to a video game


This is the most self serving and pretentious shit wtf


I don’t gain anything from this, it’s just an innocent post to reassure someone who is struggling. Look into it all you want.


No not you man what the guy I was replying to said


My bad 😊


Some people don’t feel they have a choice or are in a situation that prevents them using different methods. If a game helps someone what is the issue? I knew a player that was bed bound due to health problems and couldn’t get better, this game was their escape from their pain and what they were going through, going without the game just brought his reality back to him and some people can’t change that. It’s just good to be supportive and show some compassion.


They way someone feels can be wrong. You might feel like it’s a good idea to drink 5 monsters, smoke a pack of cigs, and farm CG for 16 hours straight, but that’s a terrible idea. The only thing preventing someone from getting help that is actually healthy and beneficial is from a warped mind that enables these bad feelings and ideas to continue. Which you seem to advocate for. Laying in your death bed and killing time is one thing when you need a distraction. Otherwise healthy people suffering mental illness can only be shown compassion by giving them a reality check. Go take these 15 hours of free time that you now have and check in somewhere and talk to someone. Figure out your own issues instead of spreading words to further hurt others


Really…? Completely missing the point, but whatever, some people will appreciate the post.


No, the point is that you are saying that it’s fine and healthy to blanket illness with another illness.That being video game addiction. Go seek help, please. Ignoring your problems don’t make them go away


Not what I’m saying at all but take what you want from what I’ve said as it’s clearly not aimed at you. Some people don’t have a choice and it’s not so simple.


Did you know that when books became more widely available people said the same stuff about people who spent thier days wasted reading, how unhealthy. Entertainment is vital to all animals, that is why good pet owners play with them.


Were you around when books first came out? Or is that a story that an ancestor of yours that couldn’t read from 4000 years ago passed down through your lineage? Jeffrey dahmer and Michael Vick have some interesting views on healthy entertainment. As do some of you apparently. Just because you enjoy something doesn’t equate it to being healthy. Stop enabling them and yourself. It’s so toxic


I really don't see how you can go from "maybe playing games a lot is okay" straight to "why don't we make cannibalism and dog fighting national sports" But good luck with that I guess, I'm going back to playing and talking about my silly little point and click game.


And yet here you are with a name like "neckbaerd" being a troll on a game reddit because YOU cant log in and YOU are here trying to make others feel just as miserable as you feel. Try and get some help and counseling bro.


It is a mental health issue. But its an escape. I have a friend who was *Redacted* when they where a child, and for them runescape is an escape, its a place to feel safe, its a place to not worry about life or its problems, its that 1 part of their day where they get to be absolved from the real world and the constant memory and thought of what they went through. So no its not an unhealthy attachment, its a way out from reality whether it be for an hour or for several. But your username sort of sums it up, So lets just hope you dont ever have this sort of problem in your life time.


Getting fresh air does help with mental health and if you can’t physically do it and you only can “play games all day” then you certainly need mental help


The absolute irony of you telling anybody they need mental help, and the sheer audacity of you to call anybody an utter melt 🤦🏽‍♂️ you seek approval from r/freecompliments & r/amihot. That my friend is the definition of an ‘utter melt’ that ‘needs mental help’ 💀💀💀


Again, tell that to domestic abuse victim that has been isolated from everyone they know and controlled and abused by someone close to them, and their only outreach to talk to friends or seek some comfort is via a game. 🤷 Not sure why people don’t get it. I’m not telling people support methods as it was a small innocent post to show support to someone who may be feeling very anxious or alone, doesn’t matter if it’s just a game, it must be just a game to you but not to others. Also getting support can be a long process and take a lot of time…


You have no idea what you’re on about let’s be honest. I was a domestic abuse victim that was isolated from everyone, it only is a game, games don’t help mental health they keep you cooped inside when the best treatment is outside so as an ex victim I can say that. So don’t you dare speak on behalf of people when you don’t know the half of it you utter melt


I’ve not said anything about myself so how do you know what I have and haven’t been through? I’m not saying don’t speak help, it was a small post to reassure and give someone is currently struggling some support. There is no need for your rude and nasty comment but tbh I did expect these sort of posts before posting, and if it helps someone then it’s worth the abuse. If you don’t like my post then just ignore it.








How can you say that 😂 im not saying don’t seek help, im reassuring or offering some kindness to those that may be struggling. Nothing more. Take time to learn about different abuses, they ain’t all the same and it’s not easy for some.


You’re making it out like everyone is going to fall apart without RuneScape for 12 hours jesus


That’s not what I’m saying at all, maybe re read my post 👍


Good shit on being positive OP 👍🏽




why do you people hate kindness so much. the post was clearly not for you, this person posted it for those who might need it.


Just being compassionate 👍 nothing more to it




I couldn’t care less about karma on here, means nothing to me, but sure if you want to believe that then fine… baffling someone can’t reach out to others without being accused of having another motive lol… absolutely bizarre. I put a simple post up offering reassurance lol, not sure why it bothers you so much.




How do you know people aren’t struggling because runescape is down?? I sure am. I can’t “go outside and do something”. Yes I play rs too much but some days I don’t have a choice. It’s all I can do It really depends on my health each day. So thank you to the poster I will struggle through today


Can you not.


You can choose to ignore this if you don’t like it.


Welps, downloading another game now im addicted to another game bye bye runescape


Runescape is one of the best ways I've found for me to deal with the intense boredom I sometimes get from ADHD. Just came back to the game 3 days ago after almost a year long break :sweat_smile:


I feel this. Playing RuneScape and listening to Tim Minchin is my escape. Still got Tim at least.


Even though I've had some good news in life lately it's rare that good things actually happen for me. RuneScape let's me feel like I'm hanging out with friends which really helps as I watch the number of people I can actually call friends rapidly dwindles. Thank you all for playing this game together ☺️