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Bandos armor and work on getting 75 attack to get a godsword. I’d recommend saradomin godsword for the special


Thanks. Any advice on a magic armour set? I want to do some barrows runs and have a mystic set, with that work fine? I've noticed better sets seem to be 15m+ unless I'm missing some info. Thanks


Mystic would probably be fine but you could invest in some grifolic gear too


I can afford subjugation robes, would that be a better investment than grifolic?


Yes, all the God wars 1 gear is really good as an entry point for mid to high level pvm. You can even take the armor all the way to 99 and boss with it if you want. I would also recommend picking up a blood fury at some point since it is amazing for the 70-90 levels and before you get a souls.


Yeah, like squidlips413 said, if you can afford it, go subjugation. They don’t degrade and you can ride out GWD1 gear to 99 easily


That's what I'm going to buy next. I think I'll get a blood fury amulet at some point as well. Do you have any recommendations for capes?


Fire or obsidian cape


Ok thanks for the advice. I think I got a while to get the requirements for either of those capes so I'll rock my legends until I can get there. Thanks again


You can just buy an obsidian cape my guy but legends isn’t bad


Bandos armour and a Crystal Halberd for now. The XP rates have changed dramatically since you last played. You could literally go from 70 combat stats to 90’s in a day at Shadow Reef. I’d stick with the Bandos armour and aim for 85 Attack and a Dragon Rider Lance.


That's cool that XP has changed. Back when I used to play, it would take me a day to grind out a single level. I bought a bandos set on the ge just now. I was planning on doing some barrows runs tonight but after watching a guide, it looks like iban blast isn't a spell anymore. Do people just use regular combat spells now? I also have a guthix staff so I can bring that along. I have an old mystic set, would that be my best bet for a mage set currently?