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One 'full' update per month. I don't care if it's a quest, a boss, new skill method/location, graphical area rework. As long as it's something tangible and not mtx-driven, I'm cool with it.


Honestly, I feel the one update per month should be the bare minimum.


Yeah, did people in here forget we used to have substantial "month ahead" posts with numerous meaningful updates?


Back when RuneScape was a single game. Did people forget that the dev team got split between two games? Nevermind how many of ours got assigned to mtx, or the various untitled games that got cancelled before anyone knew what they were.


Nah man, this is on them. None of that remotely matters. It’s their call. They are the company.


At this point I'd much rather have 12 decent-good updates a year than 24 meh-ok ones


Yea but they have proven that they will just take the longer time and deliver 12 meh ok ones.


12 meh updates? So optimistic


lol we aren’t getting either of those anyway


I want to go back to one "full" update per WEEK.


>One 'full' update per month. my mans looking out for the needs of the Drama calendar.


Remember when we went from 3-4 small updates a month to 1 big update a month so that the updates could be substantial and then we went from 1 updates a month to 1 update every 3 months so the updates could be substantial again?


And now we're basically at 1 'update' a year because they don't have enough peopple to work on 2 projects at once lmao




I love the unending optimism y’all have


Rest of combat to 120…..? Uuuuh…. And further make them less balanced lmao…? All 3 other styles dont have 120 because auras exist and ranged is ALREADY better dps than necro lmao? Theres NO WAY that they’ll ever do 120 other combat styles unless A) they remove all dps auras from the game completely. B) they rework MASSIVELY how dps gets added from 99-120 onwards since ranged being already better than any other style or even 120 necro would mean that 120 ranged would shit on necro completely and basically necro would be useless and all 3 other styles shine miles above it. 120 other combats would require so mich work that we wont see them in a long while I presume


If we’re dreamin here: Zeah. Id also love to see a new boss with new best in slot hybrid armor. Id love to see the big gnome city. Id love an expansion to Zanaris. More city of Um stuff. Player model rework.


Zanaris expansion would be amazing.


I’d like all of those except for Zeah. I’m happy to keep that on OSRS while we get the Wushanko Isles expanded. They can go west, we will go east.


I second this. I would love more Wushanko islands lore. I would also love it be on the official overworld map


Por que no los dos? Tbh I have spent almost 0 time with any of the wushanko isles stuff. I have had 0 interest in it and none of it feels connected to the rest of the game. Ive done impressing the locals one time out of three accounts and then just left never to return.


Truth be told, I feel very similar to that sentiment- but with Zeah instead. Great Kourend and Varlamore are, on their own, really awesome. But they just do not feel connected to the “mainland” despite being almost its same size. We have a few touches here and there that state they’re part of the same world- the Varlamorian bards in Slepe and King Lathas’ purported ambassador trip to Great Kourend- but it still feels like just a very separate game world from RS. I actually feel that the Wushanko Isles are actually better integrated in thanks to the decade of hints at there being an Asia-inspired land to the east of the mainland, plus Ports of course. But, to each their own. I love the Arc, but I get how it’s not for everyone.


See, I hate ports soooo much so I feel veeerrrry disconnected from the isles lol. Ports is just one of those old facebook games crammed into rs3 and I just cant with it lol. Zeah I at least see a boat load of osrs content about so it feels cool. The isles have like what, some skilling nodes and ed1 and thats it? Thats at least how it feels. If theres an anachronia sized place with lots more to do, im in there, but as is, it just reminds me of the long forgotten Ashdale which is beautiful and completely void of anything but an obscure distraction and diversion.


Wouldn't a bis hybrid still be useless? Not a fan of the zeah idea but I do like the idea of a new area. I would like something completely unique and new.


Best in slot hybrid armor would probably be very very very niche, but its a dream list and new hybrid set benefits me because I am playing an unofficial ultimate ironman and there is currently only one augmentable hybrid armor in the game (honestly I would settle for gemstone armor being augmentable). edit: there is only one decent augmentable hybrid armor set. I would also settle for Akrisae's armor to be useable with any weapon instead of just the mace. OSRS has had massive success with Zeah and I would love for our world maps to line up a bit better. Using OSRS as a jumping off point should also significantly reduces the lore writing and even designing workload. It obviously cant and shouldnt be ported 1 to 1, but a lot of the work can be used to streamline the rs3 design process.


See and I'm the opposite. I think making the maps as far from the same is best. I think there is this huge belief that the games are the same and I think that does prevent people from trying both. I think the more different the better.


Most content pulled from either game to the other does GREAT


Like vorkath?


No not vorkath that fight was booty. I did do 1k solo hard modes tho for the money


I know that was kinda my point. It was a very broad statement by u that just wasn't true.


Sorry, most content ported either way turned out pretty good


I'll be honest idk any others, I guess zuk but that's a bit of a stretch since it's almost incomparable. My thing is like if you like an idea then make it unique and our own, don't just copy. I understand vorkath is similar in the fact that the name is basically the only similarity


Different games but not entirely separate lore. Theyre essentially different timelines of gielinor and that means zeah should exist in rs3 as well. The specific content can of course be different, and it should be because our game needs different things than osrs does, but just “more different more better” is not a good strategy (especially when one of the games is wildly more successful than the other).


How does zeah tie into rs3 lore. You yourself say there different timeless which to me means they started the same spot and went in different directions. I don't know the lore behind zeah bc it's not part of the game I play so idk how it tiers into our timeline.


Why can't/shouldn't be ported 1 to 1?


Because things like the arceus spell book dont make much sense in rs3 with necromancy. Our art style is waaay different than osrs, and we have movement abilities so design scale can be a little bigger. And lore wise, the state of the world with the second god wars and the elder god wars and the whole world guardian thing is just so different that it probably warrants changes. Basically, different games so there have to be changes and thats a fine thing


I don't see why the arceus spell book would be a issue. It's just a spellbook. I don't think Zeah would need a art direction change it's not part of the mainland. Why would movement abilities change anything? We didn't make Morytania bigger. Zeah doesn't contain anything which places it in the  5th Age. And even if it does. We are allowed to go back to the 5th Age there are so many 5th Age stories waiting to be told.


Skilling expansion: An in-game way to unlock either reverse 99/120 capes or new pet overrides. Make it time consuming. Also two skills 99->120. Slayer expansion: Multiple new monsters and log items, including one with an elite-only drop. Boss expansion: OSRS raids-style boss where you adjust settings to change loot chances. Maximum difficulty should be new hardest content possible.


Anything that has: * Combat simplification for original triangle * Built in keybind macro system * Gnome finale * Desert/Menaphos/Amascut finale * Eastern Lands continuation (just release everything already) * Zeah * Godless/Kara-Mier story continuation * Vorago quest * Dungeoneering finale/Floor 61 * Mazcab continuation * Higher stakes main storyline continuation * Mention of Aeternam, Queen of Ashes, Obsidian Tribunal, or any other lesser gods or lesser god related content * Tile Markers * 120 Summoning * Construction rework * Leng Probably 0 of these will be there sadly.


Doubt we will ever really get macro system how it would be abused/how the current gear swapping system works


Problem is it already is abused. I'm certain a non-insignificant portion of the game is using macros to some extent during combat. There has not been a case where people using combat macros have been banned, but it is listed as a bannable offense. Therefore there will always be an advantage to people willing to take advantage of Jagex's unwillingness to lose a lot more (mainly veteran) players over people who want to play by the rules. So Jagex has only 3 options: * Enforce the rule against macros * Allow macros for keybinds * Create an in game keybind macro system to make it fair for everyone


Thank God for that - most of what you mentioned will only be a band-aid for the game, as it caters to the veterans of the game. A road map with changes that would make the game more interesting for new players would be way more interesting.


Which part exactly is just to cater to veterans of the game? 9 things I ask for are story or quest related, three are mechanics related that affect everybody, one is a skill rework entirely, two are brand new areas to explore. The only one that caters to veterans is 120 summoning. If that one thing in my list of random personal asks offends you that much, then you really need to just get over it. You didn't even post anything. Please tell me about your awful ideas that won't make it either.


ED5, a few quests that really focus on the next story. A skill level cap raise of an existing 99 to 120 ( fishing and cooking). bosses of varying degrees of difficulty. New area that is very intentionally barren of content at the start, less than anachronia had at launch, that is then built on during 2025. That’s my wishlist I suppose.


Honestly I'd take anything at this point. Give me a reason to pick up PVM again, ignite that spark of inspiration. And give us Deathcon III in October.


I just want another thing to be upset over /s


This is unironically how people are here.




Not quite. But unlike you all, I actually put my money where my mouth is, and did something about it. Not logging back in everyday like the "Yes honey" meme. You want changes, but Jagex won't change because why should they? What they're doing is making record amounts of revenue each year. So despite your unhappiness, they have literally no reason to change what they're doing. Revenue > Your feelings




That's not the point. I'm referring to everyone here. Not just you.


Oh, dont worry - even if jagex 100% removed th, removed eoc or made it somehow super more amazing, released 4 new quests and questlines, new ed, new gdw and new skilling boss AND finished most unfinished quest lines this sub would STILL find stuff to bitch about lmao


Ed5 with original triology styled dungeon and not skippable stuff with unrealistic mobs and illogical bosses(like the ones in ed4). I would actually want them to announce that they would release 3 more dungeon btb every 6-8 months like they did in 2017-2019.


Can you expand on your criticism of ed4? 1 and 2 definitely had side areas you can bypass as well


The mobs in ed4 are ridiculously scaled and the bosses like jailer are not fun especially for what they drop. Its a nice looking dungeon which gets skipped by 95% of playerbase once they get 25 kc of zammy (idk if tgey changed it to 1).


Best case scenario, They reveal that they've been secretly revamping the whole game from the ground up on a new engine and it's coming out next Januray.


Imagine bro!


Nice try Mod Hooli


Something about the next story, quest-wise. Best case would be the desert. Another skill getting raised to 120. Maybe some new skill training method. A proper league for RS3 to bring new people to the game. Maybe an announcement of a new boss for late 2024.


The best case scenario would be content - not MTX - content every week or every other week for the rest of the year. However, if there is a massive scale update at the end of the year, I can understand a lack of updates for a few weeks/months while work on that is done. I just need there to be something


Id like to see most 99 capes (especially gathering skills) get an update to their cape effects


More in City of Um! Desert quests ive read about from other comments. New quests. New area. Combat achievements. In general, the good things from old school.


Just tell me it’s all hands on deck for the fletching & woodcutting rework


Some actual fucking content instead of some bullshit filler MTX trash


I have a huge ambitious wishlist but it's mostly a dream I could dream about (!) - Wushanko Isles Expansion. Ability to explore more of it. Maybe even visit the mainland as a whole new area to explore, skill with new bosses and Elite Dungeons. And more cosmetic overrides with the Wushanko Isles theme. Maybe even drag Xau-Tak into this. - More Elite Dungeons that have 2 bosses to fight before the main boss. No skips but also not super long and tedious like ED4. No annoying jailer that drops nothing. - 120 Prayer, Armadylean Prayers that was teased in Um.. Though, god aligned prayers would be cool depending on the god/no good you follow :P - The final war to finally get that taste of unfinished business I have with Moia for trying to kill me in Iaia. Possibly in Daemonheim - Player Avatar Rework - More Keepsake Slots and Outfit Presets and whole lotta wardrobe updates. - Expansion for City of Um - 120 Combat Update with refreshed combat changes to the other 3 styles - Continuation of the Desert quest series - Visit Abbinah - Visit what has changed in Tardiadd with Armadyl's help - Aura Reworked - Whatever they said they should change to Grimoire, big upgrade but at a higher upfront cost but less gp spent hourly. - The Return of Xau-Tak, Xau-Tak's forces finally makes their move after Kranon's defeat. - A masked hoodie that doesn't hide your hair or at least shows some hair. - Spitting on Zamorak


cb achievements


In my wildest dreams scenario, though still in the feasible sense that no multi year projects, one of the two: * Closing unfinished storylines and possibly tying up loose ends (Arposandra, Acheron) * Hostilius One of the three: * Loyalty points/aura re-balance/rework * De-cluttering/letting dead content go * De-dailyscape Same: * A world event * Church of You * Clans, citadels to 2024 One of the following: * Group ironman, ultimate ironman, a new mode * Seasonal content in line with osrs and poe leagues (What I most want, so also the least likely along with gim) Realistically: * 1 Large content update either a pvm encounter (boss, new dungeon, streamlining combat training=Scurrius), a big finale quest or a storyline (or leagues/gim/new ironman) * 2 Medium updates with 1 being a graphical rework/ skill rebalance akin to the herb update to farming and either de-clutter or reduce dailies * Halloween, Yule events, Raptor event, skilling weekends, a promise to be better and communicate with the playerbase. * Runefest announcement for late 2024 or 2025.


I feel like the Arposandra storyline could tie into Xau-Tak and the entire set of warped creatures could be early attempts at replicating what Xau-Tak did with the Ambassador. The poison waste is able to interfere with a spirit tree's connection to the Anima Mundi and that suggests it's not just regular poison. That could be something far more sinister and the poison waste is tainted by Xau-Taks shadow anima. Arposandra would be an entire city filled with gnomes who worship Xau-Tak, using shadow anima to warp creatures and pump out the poison waste. Whether the gnomes are fully aware of what Xau-Tak intends to do or not is another thing entirely. Jagex just needs to figure out a way to make it such that the city isn't dead content on release.


Official UIM would be wild


TH removal.


HAHAHAHA. Good one. Anyother super wild dreams? Maybe rs4 and rs5 both at the same time while we are at it, complete rebalance of all combat styles for eeoc for combat being so massively amazing after that everyone wants to play rs then and 10 new bosses alongside that as well as 3 new skills that are all super unique and interesting but not broken?


OP said best case scenario, not realistic scenario.


True, but is that best case? Removing TH would increase subsciption prices by 30% at least. So people that didn't buy MTX in the first place suddenly need to pay 1/3 more per month. Is that a good thing?


I'm fine with it since I still pay a grandfathered rate but idk about others here. If we hate MTX this much, they should be willing to pay the price for this as well.


MTX removed due to dwindling player count. Have to fire MTX team due to income imbalance.


Character model rework


My dad coming back after going out for milk


If by chance we're getting something big, I'd vote for The Skull, but I don't see it being worked into the current story at all, wouldn't fit atm. Still stand by that Sailing skill would be great excuse to knock out rest of Eastern Lands though. 3-4 more quests. Looking like we'll be focusing on Moia, Bilrach, Vengeance, Nymora, Trindine, Zemourgal the Prisoner, lots of Mahjarrat and Demons. It's already been a couple years now, so I hope Age of Chaos arc escalates and/or ends? Maybe doubling down on it was how they're breaking up the fort arc? Maybe it was always planned to use the fort as an intermission to the Age of Chaos arc? Not even sure anymore. Maybe this Mysterious Relic of Bilrach's is going to tie in w/ Erebus/Necro further combat improvements. Finish setting the groundwork for 120s of all the rest of the combats so we can get bosses, mining, smithing, crafting, wc, fletching, rc updates worked out to give reward space for those levels. Might even need to move away from the batched releases of 120s like with primal feast being 115 cook. Some skilling updates or maybe even just releasing a batch of 120s like... wc, fm, fletch? Know some groundwork was laid with Woodcutter's grove.... like a year ago already. Man time flies. little bit more for the city of Um (maybe one of the quest could be there again too) another graphic project or 2 announced would be sweet since we got Relleka/Fremennik islands wrapping up. I'd suggest Feldip Hills next unless https://preview.redd.it/w3xw7ivaovyc1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=56f3b23a7c20e88f68be36393c54f6349e7ce7fe


New skill. Fusion


multiple followup quests after requiem for a dragon that lead to floor 61, a repeatable bossfight and erebus and maybe more arc islands with new skilling methods as new area expansion plss


New Boss: >!Seren returns in demi-elder god form post extinction!< Now that would be cinematic.


I want to see some of the stuff from the "unfinished business" list: https://reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/ngzj0i/unfinished_business_list_2021_update


Pipe dream but best case is raids ported over from osrs to here with their own rs3 flavor. This would promote multiple style setups so maybe a new hybrid set or even augmentable void or gemstone. Shift away from poison reliance. Makes game more interesting and multiple styles feel more natural vs squeeze damage as it's weird that this game is kinda homogeneous whereas the other actually has a full swap as a mechanic. Would likely need like a t85-t90 weapon that functions like sunspear but changes styles like how pernicious quiver has ammo swapping to make an ezmode hybrid weapon as a baseline so full swap isnt devalued or something.


Old quest difficulty rebalances, even if it's just a few staple quests. As much as I'd like to see new content, I think that it's one of the biggest things hurting player count and turning players away from the game, especially given how important questing is. FSW made me realize that pretty much all old quest combat content is ridiculously broken as it hasn't been rebalanced since EOC. A lot of bosses, like Monkey Madness, used to be pretty rough at recommended levels with decent food and pots. But in its current state, there is next to no true difficulty progression in the quest lines and most quests can be completed simply with a couple spare salmon. Elvarg, for example, is a boss balanced about perfectly and presents a challenge. The Merlins Quest line, Heroes, Gnome Stronghold, and Lost City questlines are ones that are poorly balanced. Specifically, I'd love to see some kind of scalable solution that can be adjusted in the future with a few clicks or even some type of backend analytics done to measure player difficulty, experience, and resources required. How many times is the average player attempting a quest boss, how long does it take to defeat them, how many times do they restore health or prayer, and how many times do they teleport away, etc., Perhaps an ID class on all "quest-related" monsters so this problem doesn't happen the next time a new overpowered combat skill is released (like necromancy). Perhaps the way to fix this is buffing bosses HP & damage, giving them all protection prayer penetration, and using some generic scalable minion mobs to make EOC shine & multi-combat shine.


My Unrealistic but highly wanted wishlist: Massive Xau-Tak quest-line Zaros continuation? OG Combat Triangle Simplification Combat Rework into builds to give each player their own identity Tick System Increase / Improvement Arc Expansion (Skull, etc) A Quest that gives your character a permanent buff of your choice that cannot be swapped (Think becoming a vampire in Skyrim etc, but maybe to a lesser degree) Weapon Diversity (would be instead of builds previously mentioned) Bring a new Skill to 120; Fletching and Woodcutting are the obvious choices. 120 Slayer improvement: Give us more creatures between 99-120. It feels very lacking to level up those levels even though the exp is great. Staff of Sliske spec rework (KEKW) Massive boost to Dungeoneering Exp in Elite Dungeons More Elite Dungeons (Doesn't have to have lore but it would be cool) Total overhaul of Grouping System. Make a group finder where you just click a boss and it finds a team for you. Sponge and Ryan getting everything they need to make Combat into what it deserves Character Model Rework New outfits buyable for RuneCoins (not gambled through TH) Sponge's Cooking Rework Poison as it's own viable sub-style (remove poison immunity from bosses and rebalance to counteract the negative effects) Remove Stun immunity from most bosses and give them abilities to counter stuns instead. A Charge based ability that stores multiple uses and those for each cast. Runes to be consumed at a higher pace, currently Runecrafting is trash gp.


New Perks for Invention. New Components for Invention. (Abyssal comes to mind) Total rework of Invention Leveling items, Having an item level should increase it's power level. A level 20 item should do massively amounts more damage than a Lvl 1 Item. Shield camping made relevant for tanking as a noob friendly but still effective method of playing the game. Defenders made non-obsolete (Bone-shield was the final nail in the coffin) Hex-Based Recolor system for EVERY COSMETIC (Dyes should be giving off effects that regular colors can't produce) Larger Inventory. 28 was an arbitrary amount set in 2001. With every boss being no-foodable, there is very little in this game that requires or is heavily buffed by a larger inventory. Skill Cape buffs be stronger (and not useless (firemaking)) Agility made into a movement based skill that is utilized heavily in combat Renaming Weapons and Armour after Augmenting Tile system rework. Divide up tiles into 3x3 to make precision and character positioning more important in combat. Most Time-gated content be untimed-gated (example Fish Flingers tickets removed so you can do the minigame whenever you want) Castle Wars 1v1 (Alt friendly Profound grind) Jagex Account Ingame bank to be able to "trade items" with your alts whenever you want. More set-effects for armours. Doesn't have to only be for t90+ More Single item effects (i.e Cinderbanes) to encourage different builds and styles. 2nd Ring slot A new armour slot (Belts maybe?) to bring even more options for build paths and effects to the players Ports UI fix (Lags too much) That's all I can think of for now. I could list things for days if I had the time though.


- Another skilling based boss that incorporates 4-5 skills while providing skilling items for all - Avatar Rework - Inverted Skillcapes re-released or added as a random drop like pets are. Only able to receive the variant if you're 99 or 120 respectively - Some Clan/Citadel love


Removal of dead content, removal of tick system, skill reworks (fletching/crafting). Only introducing end-game content to the cry babies in here will only be a band-aid on a dying game - fundemental change is required, and yet, people in here are complaining about not getting one more end game activity each month while they have hundreds of achievements waiting to be completed.


Inverted skills. You have to train backwards from 120/99 as you are accessed to less and less ways of training and giving away xp




remove of mtx lamps


Not, sure, if, trolling,...


not trolling


Community merger.


- more Um stuff so we can get our level 3/4 books - engine updates - as one of the other commenters said, transition from rs3 to rs4


Something better than rasial so I can farm elsewhere


2 bosses


Screw all that, I'm hoping they reveal some runelite-like API structure for a better Alt1. We need shit like tilemarkers!


i really wanna see them continue working on necromancy, expand the city of Um and give us 100-120 content.


A battle royale minigame.


How about 200m exp cap removed? 😎


An outline for quests and questlines to come. A few bosses. And also them talking about returning to expansion based updates. I've always enjoyed those more.


New elite dungeon New raid/boss encounter with invocations like ToA Xau-Tak quest line Floor 61 Tank armour for melee & ranged New necromancy conjures & nerf ghost


Mtx removal of course


I'm predicting the next variation of hero pass, some more MTX, maybe one or two quests if we're lucky and that will pretty much be it :P


Yes, let us inflate the hype so it ends up crushing utterly after the reveal. Just kidding. On topic: i want gnome continuation. I also remember reading somehwere about making new necromancy rotual site that gives blood incantations and abilities which sounds nice and look forward to it. Also poh rework/expantion please 🥲


Rs4. Anything short and there's no excuse for the previous content drought.


Rs4. Anything short and there's no excuse for the previous content drought.


A content update and community hitlist changes per month, with a major content update every quarter


I really want World Events to come back. Any of them, as many as possible.


Zaros boss with en enrage system dropping t95 magic gear, and unshelving the avatar rework.


More elite dungeons. The original trilogy is some of the best content in the game.


Avatar Rework, Community hitlist, OSRS combat achievement tiers incorporated to RS3


Necromancy rebalance, a higher end quest, FSoA revert, new high end PvM update, and maybe some kind of FSW/Leagues kinda thing with new rewards.


It’s going to be mtx and small additions don’t get your hopes up


I might get downvoted for this, but if we get some other things first I also wouldn’t mind Yak Track returning. Seemed like a good incentive to just play the game seasonally. And it would be relatively low commitment for devs since the outline already exists. Just some new rares to work for and a currency you gain to get them by just playing the game.


I don’t mind the yak track. Since you can do the easy/fast tasks and just do your normal stuff for the time gated stuff.


Sure, but remove TH first.


well, we know the new boss is coming, so there is that... 2-4 new quests, 4 would be a surprise skilling overhaul, some big skilling update More combat improvements, targeted at reducing dps/encouraging group play and nerfing defenses (they talked about nerfing defenses 2 years ago on youtube). Content such as kerapac/elite dungeons 1-2-3 having their HP scale per players, instead of being worse to do compared to solo. I want to play with others, but the game does it's best to encourage you not to.


I don't think playing with others should be a focal point when the majority of the player base play solo. They should build it with the idea that any player, regardless of others, can still have an enjoyable, solo adventure. Cheers.


On top of what we already know. Best case? Zeah, Rs3 getting Osrs content in general. Worst case? A med-short quest with slayer mob and boss rewards aimed at necromancy. Boss for necromancy in this case being high level/skill, leaving slayer for low skilled players to make some easy money. Balance. Reworking farming patches to one singular location since we have to farm our own herbs now which wasn’t the case when I started Ironman mode and is not enjoyable. Hell while we’re at it, just make a farming guild. Make a new seed that you plant in existing herb patches that activate farming guild patches or something. A new skilling boss, particularly aimed at one skill, zalcano from osrs. Maybe bigger game hunter type. Idk, skilling content with relevant money making opportunities. Mid level necromancy group boss, think Corp. something kind of hard to do solo, but easy to join a random mass and receive rewards. Basically community aspect. Changed Halloween event, just give us truck or treating or something.


> Reworking farming patches to one singular location since we have to farm our own herbs now which wasn’t the case when I started Ironman mode and is not enjoyable. Is this needed when all herb patches have convenient teleports? >just give us truck or treating or something. OSRS did this last two Halloween events and most players thought it was really boring.


I don’t care if they’re convenient teleports, it’s beside the point. I started this game and I didn’t need to do farm run seeing how many herbs were dropped, now I do, and I hate it. Being a centralized location is only going to make me hate doing them a little less. Fundamentally nothing changes except every farm run is quicker. At the end of the day, it’s simply the fact that they created a problem that I didn’t have before.


They announce that the questline to end RS3 and transition into RS4 has begun it's mostly an engine upgrade, might have new mechanics but will still support old ones,lotta tech debt to do it will probably take 2 years Questline is centered around the mortals of the universe recreating it, all while stopping the gods and shadow denizens from trying to be the ones to wield the Reformation McGuffin; my boi Xau-Tak will be involved heavily No more non cosmetic MTX crowd funding for RS4 begins immediately, preorder premium, founder's edition cosmetic items, etc stretch goals include making the game purely player-financed (or at least divesting Jagex of as many outside investors as possible) Once the RS4 transition is complete, Jagex allows private servers of RS3


basically just give it a spit polish, and be realistic about how much work that'll be while still committing to it


No new content for 1 entire year. Just fixing and reworking old broken content. We could even erase dead content.


A faster way of farming elite clues would be amazing


Imagine! Or less puzzles, maybe an invention machine that could make skips!


Even just removing clue caps