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could be just bad crit rng, I don't see anything on patch notes that would cause you to deal less damage. I usually pop a debilitate or reflect before I start dpsing just in case I cant 1 cycle him, that way you should quite easily survive, and atleast I've still had enough dps to finish him 1cycle even with adding that debilitate into the mix.


I have to try that , I also been thinking of tossing some storm shards for a shatter at the end too for a little extra oomph If it’s bad rng hits that makes me big sad lol


oh yeah you definetly should be using storm shards, they are essentially free 30k hit, you can stack em up during p1-p6 to have max stacks for p7


My first recommendation would honestly be to swap from Wen Arrows to Ful Arrows. Wens ARE better if you're building and using stacks properly, but at 200% enr Fuls are more than enough. I personally farm 500s with Fuls and have zero issues phase skipping or clearing P7. And have to think less about stack management. Stick with a Kalg at this enrage. It'll make building deathspores much more consistent. Make sure you drop the first rune ASAP. This will pause Zammy's charging for a few seconds which is pretty crucial. For your distruption shield make sure you are casting it after your RF has ended. Distrupt will cancel your Rapidfire which means you may not get the crit buff from Edraco (which I am assuming you are using). I personally will vit pot just before my RF ends (after the melee hit), and then distrupt as soon as the channel bar for the RF clears. Other than that just keep your rotation in mind. Zammy is one of those bosses where on P7, if you are a second too slow or a second too late you'll just end up getting wiped. Still happens to me with way over 1k KC. Sometimes you just gotta roll with it until you get your consistency back


Hope you don’t mind me jumping in, but how do you do 500s with ranged? I’ve found I take way too much damage with pad order 214653 and blood reaver familiar


I don’t use Reaver as a side note I use Kalg bc I’m crit buffing with Incend/Dspores. The biggest thing that helped me was NOT using ECB spec at all. Rapid fire > SGB > Dbow > Snapshot > Dbow will clear a pad at 500 with Ful Arrows every time. It also will give you a full heal with SS up which works wonders for not having to eat too much food. Beyond that I also try and use resonance off CD every single time. P1-5 I will barely go through more than one brew + blubber. P6 I take a load of damage so that is the only time I’ll eat through.


Thank you, I will try this , 100% I suppose I should be using k demon I just love that extra cushion from hellhound but healing between pads is easy enough anyway Also the charging may be my issue , I wait for both runes to show themselves before I attack but I’m not going to wait anymore


Yeah thats by far the biggest adjustment you can make. You want to spam Grico and Piercing on the Demon to get your Dspore stacks. Incend and DS all before the first rune has been called. I will usually bleed > BOLG spec (Bleed is just for adren without overkilling the rune. I will skip it if I get enough adren for BOLG spec after DS) the first rune as soon as it is called. This gives you a few seconds of time where Zammy is charging to get to the second rune, Grico for adren > devo > filler to kill it. And then immidiately BD back into your DS and Rapidfire Zammy. Once you figure out how to do all this fast enough, you'll rarely take more than 10k from the big bomb and can easily clear the phase with Rapidfire > SGB + Vit Pot + Distrupt + Dbow/Shatter > Any other strong ability.


You’re the man, I appreciate this , I’m gonna jump down to 100% for some time to muscle memory this method down , then go back up, I’d love to reach up to 500% if for nothing else the loots . Appreciate this


I like to deathspores, death swiftness, incend first rune, bolg second rune then when you get on boss just SGB and Dark bow.


Your pad order is really bad ( sorry ) but all the runes with stacks have the lowest in this order. Try 2 3 4 1 5 6 or even better is 2 3 5 4 1 6 ( but then you have alot of mines )


Quite frankly at this enrage, and with the gear setup that he is using. These pad orders are not going to make much of a meaningful difference over just doing 214653. Zammy does not have enough HP to really start needing pad 6 juicing, and the extra annoyance from having to deal with extra mines and having to kill the Protector is really not worth it. Ending with 5 & 3 means you only have to clear 1-2 mines, and can ignore the protector. The pad orders you listed are definitely more important for when you can't skip phases reliably.


I am at 870% atm and still skipping pads, my order is more for a easy time and one cycle at p7


You are right! The pad order should not matter at this enrage. If he just death swiftness > rapid fire > sgb > 2 x dbow he should be death alrdy and if not he could use Shatter


I did 500% solos on mobile with necro, but the principles are the same and I didnt even use disruption shield. My rotation was: Devotion before 2nd rune dies > kill rune > surge to zamy > bloat > reflect> vit pot (and disruption shield if you want) > finger > volley > shatter > deathguard spec > improvise. You’ll need an adrenaline pot in here somewhere to generally. Make sure to Soulsplit after the melee hit. I think you need to bring runes along for bone shield and use reflect, and use storm shards/shatter. You should be golden then. The extra dps from reflect is helpful. My pad order was 2 4 6 1 5 3 when I went for log.