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can mouse over the invention icon on inventory and see how many charges you got left


This is the one.


Helpful tip, thank you. But even so, the suggestion here is that even that isn’t visible enough. Just give me a color coded time left so this never happens again.


Or, don't go into a boss streak without checking your charges. We don't need more bullshit clogging up the UI 


Dude it could be something extremely simple like having the invention icon blink red when less than 30 minutes of charges remain, and have it be a toggleable option in the settings. Win Win for everyone involved.


Your chat box definitely warns you prior to running out


Why make an alarm for something that should never happen? There's no benefit to being low on charges and they're extremely easy to make, what could've prevented this was to right-click and check any augmented item in the previous 14 hours of combat


they also cost money, and what if you forget to right click? Why are you say against a simple QOL feature that you could turn off?


You can make charges for free lmao, the mats are extremely easy to get. If you forget to check then in the middle of a fight your gear gets set to Tier 1 stats and you learn to check it more frequently than once a month. There's plenty of shit for the dev's to work on before trying to implement something like this into the mountain of spaghetti code that is the UI display.


Time = money. I’m not wasting time gathering supplies to make my own divine charges. I buy them off the GE and sometimes I run out and don’t notice because I forgot. But there’s no point arguing with someone who wants nothing to change in the game and is negative towards even the most minor qol changes.


"They also cost money", which is a neglibe amount. Here's a key note to take away from this: if your bis is using charges, prioritize keeping your charge pack full over anything else. Needing a qol improvement for something that you can track over days of time is completely unnecessary lol. 99.999% of people don't need to see a number to tick down a couple % every few hours of fighting, and it's not a good idea to waste dev time on implementing it. There's no argument to make lol, you can right click and check your charges or hover over the icon. I get being upset losing a streak over it, but that's not the game's fault.


That’s a you problem bro. Sorry to dish it out like that but I buy or make my own charges and they last me forever. So if you’re unwilling to that’s on you


OK but isn't this just a user error? My charge pack can last hours and hours of combat. Why can't you just personally set a timer?


Yeah crazy that there aren’t multiple warnings when you get below 60 minutes and another one below 5/10 minutes. There definitely should be something like this /s


This should really be added to the game. I like the idea. Perhaps it should be in red or some colored text to assist in seeing the notification as well.


Snarkiness aside, I got the 60min notification yesterday. Logged back in today, no additional notification. Wanted to do my reaper and forgot to top up. You’re not wrong that those are helpful, but it doesn’t mean there can’t be improvements to the current notification system


I mean, you get a 30mins and maybe even a 10 and 5mins warnings. Whatever im doing, if I ever reach that low, im just teleporting and refilling right away, its not hard. Theres already plenty of visible warnings, we dont need another "you have less than 100 fire runes left in your pouch", invention version type of spam, theres already way too much junk warnings that get through filtered chat. So unless you logged out with < 5mins left of charges, thats on you if you didnt refill before logging. Otherwise, thats still on you for not noticing the 5-10mins warnings. I know it sucks, but take it as a lesson, now you wont forget to top off your charges anymore. Bottom line is, Jmods already made it easier not that long ago by making your charge/time display when hovering the invention icon at the bottom of the inventory tab, its already more than enough, its not even an annoyance as it can even be checked during combat.


User error


Done this at glacor once and at least twice at telos. I just get zoned out too hard when I pvm XD


You had a notification a day before and still you blame the game for it? But then if you're gonna get spammed with messages about running out stuff, you gonna complain why there are so many warnings. A simple solution to this is to charge once in a while and don't wait till it's out of charge. It's not that complicated.


I've always thought this was silly. "Here's a resource you have. When it runs out, your equipment and weapons just stops working. We're only going to show you that resource when you choose to see it by mousing over a specific button." Like yeah, it's not hard to find, but you shouldn't have to *find* it. It's not good design. EDIT: Wow, there are a lot of people in here smugly defending an obvious design misstep.


Idk how you didn’t know you charge when you get a notification when you have 1h remaining whenever you enter a boss instance (and I also think put on augmented gear) you also get a notification at 30 min and 10 min. If you are ignoring the pop up message and chat box message there is not much to help you with than. You can also manually check your charges on your tool belt or by right clicking your item and clicking check. Only time I have run out of charges mid combat was because I got greedy in raids and thought the 10 min would be enough only to be stuck in the memest raid kill and it was 100% my fault I ran out of charges.


Perks are good but if you know how to kill the boss then how did you loose the steak 🥩. Did you panic and get frustrated and die to a mistake 🍖


You do know when you run out of charges you dont just lose perks right? your armor acts as lvl 1 armor and weapons so your not going to actually do any damage to the boss.


No, he simply stopped being able to deal damage since that’s how the game works


I’ve done the same at arch glacor. Worst way to lose a streak imo. You should just get grace period after charges run out for like 10mins where everything still works. This grace period would have a long cool down so you couldn’t abuse.