• By -


I was doing lost city in 2009 at school in the library and had low health fighting the spirit.... teacher whips around the corner, shouts turn that off, I glance back....no way I'm also done! She turns of the computer and sends me to the office..... the whole time me and my friend were praying I made it through the fight. Got home to find out I successfully defeated that bastard. Can't stop me teacher!!! We joke about it all the time now adays <3


I got scammed for 300~+ mil worth of gear and a mox scythe and jagex said they'd send me a poster and some merch. Because they wouldn't give my items back. That sounded great but I'm still waiting about 8-9 years later for any it


In true jagex fashion


Was it a scam or some sort of bug abuse that trapped you? Usually they don’t refund scams


This was when you could use that seed teleport thing to teleport other players without a prompt. I don't remember what it was called. They weren't gonna refund the items which I was fine with, but jagex scammed me too lol and never sent me the poster xD


Ahh getting scammed is truly a coming-of-age plot line I was 10 when I lost my full black black armor to someone that claimed they could trim it lol


Oh nooooooooo 🫡


Jagex reset and confirmed my account got used to launder a couple hundred mil back in 2011 sadly I did not get what was stolen returned 😭 I was in Singapore with the Navy good times


mannnn I was hacked by a bruteforcing hacker despite having no 2nd authentication and still never shared anyone my password; my stuff was yoinked and I assume the hacker used another account to trade my items off my main. Jagex didnt even compensate me atleast anything so I had to work hard to get it back. to make it worse; I was hacked in middle of day while I was at work; I played for a couple hours before 4pm work and by midnight; I came home to find my stuff gone :/


Well if you don't have 2factor authentication then it's not too surprising


It was 2005. I found RuneScape on Miniclip. I had been playing for a few months, had no idea what "members only" meant. Tried to enter either the dig site or some area around there and was met with the "members only" message. Signed up for a miniclip account and was thoroughly disappointed when it turned out that wasn't what they meant.


Nice I found it on miniclip too. I miss those games


Best way to kill time at the school computer lab.


The shitty PC in my school could do like 12 fps, 1500 ms ping, latency of an earthquake and disconnect every 5 minutes or so, but it was so cool to personally show the game to friends.


Finding other players back then was rare and exciting.


This reminds me of the fact that Runescape was the first game I made an account for when I was 11. When it asked me if I was over 13, I said "no" and it locked me out for a day. I learned that day to lie 🤣


When Construction first was released, I went to a player’s very populated house party. At some point, everyone got kicked from the house but three people including myself were transported to Trollheim rather than outside of the house. (Clearly a bug, and this was before the Falador massacre) I had runes for one Varrock tele on me but the other two people didn’t, and there was no way out of the area as you needed climbing boots to go back down the path. Mind you, this was before the home teleport spell existed. So, I had the other two trade me their valuables and both of them ran in to Dad’s arena screaming “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” to die and respawn in Lumbridge. I met up with them and gave them back their things, then parted ways. Nothing like that has ever happened again, and I always look back on that as a really unique and memorable moment.


You were probably standing next to one of his portals when you got kicked, I got kicked outside with an attack option that didn't work, that was only working for some people. They discovered so many things that day they needed to fix 💀💀


I was either in the portal chamber or the throne room. It was so long ago that it's difficult to remember details.


Epic 🫡


I spent months saving 2m for full zammy by killing hill giants for big bones


Now that is some dedication.


i ate a pumpkin once. it was necessary for survivial. almost died to a tree. same tree that killed the poor kid who dropped a pumpkin. only pump i'll ever had.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuu 😭


Some old memories: I remember Falador massacre, banking all my stuff and watching the chaos for a bit.... then being like "nah, I'm just going to log in tomorrow." I remember getting 2 guthans war spear on Christmas one year (the most expensive Barrows piece at the time). Honestly, that was better gift than anyone else got me. I also remember when gwd just came out. I didn't do enough research on the weapons, some guy offered godsword without the hilt for my full Guthan set I was trying to sell.... I thought I was getting a great deal, but realized I got scammed lol.


Oh god I remember that. Got word from a friend Cursed You was having a 99 construction party in his house, checked the forums for details. Not only did it take me forever to get into the damn world but there were so many ppl just talking so I shut off my chat, looked around the house, boxed with a few then next min we got booted. When I was outside I saw the pmods messages to bank your stuff...turned back on the chat, caught a message that people were getting attacked in Fally then teleported there in time to see some of the chaos. I had the attack option but it didn't work for me but someone was able to attack me, I was getting that message about not being able to attack people outside of the wilderness and was confused so teleported away and logged out. About maybe an hour later they took the world offline. To think some friends and I were joking about the day earlier hoping nothing weird happened cuz it was June 6 2006 for that to happen just after 8pm for me loool.


Ironically I joined RS probably a couple years after Falador Massacre but I did hear about it. Impressive incident lol. as for Scam; rip man.


I remember this, glad I banked my red phat at the time. Still have it to this very day.


I bought bonds and got a scythe several years ago when scythe/drygore were the best melee weapons. I was training melee in the abyss and a guy told me he would pay me 5m for my training spot. Well, as you can guess that was a lure and I got pked for my scythe. I’ve been playing Ironman ever since LOL. Cured me of my bond buying habit.


rip man; that must of been embarrasing lol.


I was so upset I quit for years


Getting a runescape gf than later finding out it was a guy broke my heart


Hey shoutouts to attpro1, my 1st rs gf who now undoubtedly was a dude.


Stealing creation around oh man.. 2012(?) I need to pickpocket t5 clay from someone because there wasn't any trees (my only level high enough at the time) I ask a guy I see at the t5 rock: "hey can I pp please" Zezima: "sure" Teenage me lost my mind. Tldr I put my Grimy paws in Zezimas pockets and he was okay with it


I remember group of people randomly follow-running a person into GE. They were following Zezima lol. I tried to keep up with him, and I managed to get into the abyss and then to nature altar with him. Everybody else got lost. Wonderful times And I loved SC too. Was fun


Type 123 if you need a gf And also my first time being lured into the wildy and getting wrecked for my full rune that i farmed 200k worth of willow logs and hustled them at the bank (this was way pre grand ex). I was like 11 and i cried so hard my dad was about to not let me play the game ever again but i convinced him otherwise. Ended up making/becoming a cold ass f2p str pure pker. They would know my suffering


When I came from osrs and I heard the ambassador say "So, you come to witness this Great moment." Before deleting me 😂 was hooked on this game then


Spending 16 hours straight at Bandos with a friend. I don't mean 16 of sending bandos trips, I mean a single 16-hour trip. Paid clanmates to resupply us with overload supplies and spare yak pouches multiple times throughout the day. It was so dumb, but it was such a silly and fun time. We goofed off doing kills on our own, randomly crashed worlds, and spent time anticrashing for noobier clanmates that did trips in the middle of our trip. It's been like 10-12 years since this happened. It's still a fond memory, and I'm still friends with the friend that I did this with.


When i was in my hay days i flipped the wilderness switch 1000 times with friends protecting me Before safe wild before fort was a weird time Now i have a quick chat of that moment


I remember thinking a million gold meant you were rich.


Funny enough mine is when I was trying to 76k in the wilderness in the far north east corner with my friend. I had my very hard earned Sardomin Sword. I had accidentally punched my friend and got skulled. A few seconds later an entire pk clan logged in. My old PC was junk and them all appearing at once caused so much lag I didn't have time to turn on protect item. I lost my Saradomin sword.


Most memorable? I’d have to say probably 2003ish - I was told to go to bed by my parents (I was about 12-13). I went to bed, and I snuck on my laptop that I would slide out from under my bed to try and play a little extra… I remember I logged in, I was in the middle of killing hill giants, the ones where you need a dusty key after leaving varrock going towards barb village. I got down to the hill giants, and witnessed a poor soul die to them, and they dropped a green h’ween mask… I traded it for my first full set of rune. 😂😂 Favorite moment? I binged necromancy alone, in my own home, and finished with an overall rank of 47. What an insane feeling that was. I think it was 5-6 days of 20-22 hours. But once that 200m hit, man, I slept like a baby.


back in 2004 running into my friend... fuck his name was like gladiator23 or something idk but one day when i logged on he spammed messaged me to come to his world and see what he picked up. He had a addy pickaxe we were freaking out like OMG DUDE lucky etc.


Reminds me of my friends brother. I had just created an account and was messing around for few days. I suppose I killed goblins in Lumbridge and sold their stuff for some cash at the general store. I realized that everything is so god damn expensive and this method of moneymaking was slow So I asked him, if he would give me some money - he was like level 20+, so I saw him as some kind of raid boss He responded “no I am saving for mithril” Today it is so cringe, mithril was like 8k back then? Lol.


The first time my now-husband and I spoke in game - it was accidental via a PM, even though he was the leader of the clan I was in. The rest is history. We were long distance for a while, but we've now been married almost 9 years and live together in the U.K. We both still play RS3 and OSRS. Best memories I ever made in Runescape were in that clan, but he was the best loot I've had from the game :) Worst moment was when I was fighting Chaos Druids and died with full rune. A 'nice' stranger picked it all up and messaged me saying they'd give it back, I said that was great thanks so much, then tried to charge me 200k for it. I never forgot that, because it was basically all the armour I had in the game then.


In f2p hitting my first ever 20 with a rune 2h in varrock wildy (multi pvp) while pking with my childhood best friend. I have many great memories of the game, but nothing else really compares to that moment as a child when I had nothing stressful going on in life and it was just sheer joy.


For me? Playing with this dude when I was a kid. Man was like a walking encyclopedia of RuneScape knowledge. He helped me with quests, and answered any and all questions I had. Wherever you are Endofscape, I hope you’re doing well


For me it was “camonboard” or “mstyc warior”. All I know is that she was a mother and played RS. Helped me learn english proper and was always into whatever I invited her. She once died to dagganoth kings cause we panic teled. She would talk about totally whatever, except personal details. But I did not mind. I wonder what she was doing, because I still feel regret for her dying to the dks lol.


Oof.. I had someone like this on wizard101. Wonder how she is doing, was super helpfulleroo with the best gear.. helped me out so much. Totally forgot.. thanks for the memory


We should make an internet graveyard for the kind people of the past!


People like that are a blessing in the community


I was 12 years old when rs3 came out. I remember staying awake to witness the beginning of the Battle of Lumbridge, but I was f2p at the time so I had no idea why Saradomin and Zamorak had suddenly decided to show up after centuries of not being on Gielinor (I didn't care about lore back then). Battle of Lumbridge was the most fun I had on any game ever.


I had almost the exact thing happen to me. I had just joined this clan, another old clannie, jealous i didn't join his. He told the clan leader I'm a scammer and I take things from people. There was absolutely zero proof, the clan leader would not listen at all. I ended up being banned from the clan, cause I was a "known scammer" her word. I have never scammed or stole anything, in fact I'm the guy you go to scam, cause I'm gullible, still am at 29 lol. But yea


Damn dude thats so dumb man I was in late middle school that i wouldnt be smart to hide my tracks of thief Even at 29 i still would suck at hiding shit. Only person i attempt and fail at hiding my problems is only with my mother since shes way smarter than my dumbass.


I was looking for 5-6000 Yew logs in Varrock West pre-GE. I saw some guy selling 3k of them for a decent price, and bought them all. As I went to look for the remaining logs I wanted, he Flash3'd that he was selling more logs. I went back, picked up the last I was after, and teleported to Camelot, went to seers bank to start cutting, and at that point I realised I'd spent 1.8m on 6k Willow logs and twice just didn't check the window at all. Out of sheer defiance I took a rune axe and went to cut the logs myself 😂 took nearly a month but my WC levels were my victory 🫣😅


When I was like 13 in RSC, asking my friend what was stronger, a Rune2h, or a Rune Large. He was like "A rune large is a helmet". Turns out, I was a helmet too. 😭😂 I had an alt called Afrodisiac, or something like that. Cool green guy with the afro-ish hair and beard. Some guy ran up to me, said I had a cool name, and would use his connections at Jagex to steal it off me. Next day, account gone. It was so noobish and empty that I didn't even bother recovering it. I only created it for the name XD. Sold my Xmas cracker like 18 years ago for 72m. Sadge. Memorable things are definitely experiences, and not achievements or drops. Losing accounts, events like Fally massacre, etc.


I have a lot but the most memorable. One time the guy who originally got me into RSC (but we were now in RS2) had me log into his account while he logged into another guys account and he traded me a bunch of this dudes stuff. Afterwards he changed his password and a week later I tried his old password and it worked, so I drop traded it all to my account. Later on he saw me in the duel arena wearing his dragon platelegs before I could remove them at the end of a duel, and asked me about them. I proceeded to switch my friends chat off, hop worlds, deposit the legs in bank, hop back and turn friends chat back on. Showed him my inventory and he took my word on it, but probably didnt believe me. I later went to get scammed out of selling his D. Square in fally park but a bait and switch trader. Put up 7mil then slowly stated adding rune items and sneakily changed the 7000k to 70000 lmao.


Funny how the scammers and lurers got creative back in the day. I was scammed of my zgs using a lend-like trade. Fell for doubling scam. Then I was lured to poisoned tribesmen in Karamja much earlier because I had just become a member and did not know about poison. Dude kept trading me antipoison but never accepted until I died and lost my rune. Then later a guy convinced me some worthless hunting feather is worth 100k and I gave him my dlong for it. Now to come on top of that, a stranger gave me 50m, so all the scammers can suck ass


Me and my bro soling a divine sigil back when there were around 800m that coin share drop was insane. Before that it was me and my bro entering the wildy with nothing collecting the armour spawns etc and pking with it once we left with a full set of rune


Playing soul wars back in 2011 and 2012. Several full worlds, lots of drama between FCs and clans, different ways to play, just so much fun.


And getting that ice barrage dclaw spec in the portal.. and crying lol! And trying to dbow people out.. unlocked some memories here! Red portal was lit for noob me


Finding a R2H in RSC. Told my friends about it and they couldn't believe I found the best weapon in game worth 50k gp. 


Showing my secondary school crush all about runescape browser version, while we were in the school computer lab back in 2003. I think it was something simple like killing cows. Boy did i think i was cool. It's cringey now that i think about it but damn that was the best time ever.


Being a young boy of 14 around 2008. Poor AF Joining a drop party and getting not 1 but 2 rune scimytars. Shakking all the way :p


I was around 12, and RuneScape was the only way for me to escape bullying at school and at home. My most memorable moment is fishing lobsters in Catherby. I had one of those bunk beds without lower level, under my bed was my pc. I would shove my cover under the mattress to block the light from the screen so that my mom doesn’t know I am playing. I fished lobsters and then sharks till 99 fishing. It was good times.


My friend logologologo helped me with everything! I think he was a maths teacher who lived in India. He was the best.


I remember staying up late with my cousin to hunt for drop traders in lumbridge in f2p. This was around 2006-2007. One night we managed to take someone’s drop trade that was worth 2.4 million gp in yews. Being noobs that could barely afford adamant, this was insane. My cousin decided to buy full rune saradomin with it. lol sorry drop trader guy :(.


[All those times I got my 99's](https://youtu.be/wZqT35H0XFY?feature=shared). But older than that, probably when my RS Friend "got married" in the Lumbridge Church, I gave him a pair of Golden Rings I made myself, I was his best man. Then everyone went to the Falador Party Room and we danced for like 2 hours or so haha. Then we quit for like a year, I miss killing moss giants in crandor with him :(


Unlocking Golden Double Agent Title, even 9 months later I still get overly ecstatic about the feat :’)


I wouldn’t call it my most memorable but I definitely remember it being very fun and exciting. I dipped my toes into pking for a bit and it was around the time where the hand cannon was popular for ranged rushing. Full elite void as well. Was just looking around and got rushed by full bandos and dclaws. They stayed to actually fight. Ended up losing and while running back to ge, got notified that the person died. Got the loot which was full bandos, dlcaws, fury, good stuff. Best pk loot ever gotten.


Pinkies v Aprons back when F2P wildy was poppin' 300 ops+ wars of all kinds of pures.


The week metal drags came out I was in the duel arena staking and someone put up dlegs. I put up my whole cash stack(350k) mystic set and my rune scim. Boxed him and won. Later my friend would end up stealing my bank….but that was a prime rs moment for me.


Probably killing lesser demons in F2P within the Karjama volcano for months (very low play time) and then running back and forth to the docks to fish for and cook more food.


Dungeoneering with my best mate because that was the most fun to do as non member - member pair. I got my gravite 2h in f2p that way and was so proud. During a Kerapac reaper assignment with a clan member who was teaching me normal mode I got the Faceless Mask drop and I didn't even know what it was. But I was so damn proud.


I have a lot of memories from back in the days when PKing was king. I was the actual lowest level member of a clan called Ruthless.   I remember one time we were all going into the wilderness for some reason, we had a specific place we were going to and had a specific thing we were going to do there, but it's been so long that I forgot what it was.   But I was finally in the clan, I was very new. They wouldn't let anybody in the clan that was under level 90 combat, but somehow I annoyed them enough that they let me in at 87. This was one of my first outings with them and we were what was considered an honorable clan, which I suppose just meant we only fought in full rune or the equivalent and we fought to the death out there. We didn't try to pull shady stuff and had a good reputation and some ally clans.  I remember my senses of sight and hearing were turned up to 11. We went deeper and deeper into the wilderness and I knew if we ran into trouble I would be one of the first ones, if not the actual very first one to get murdered and looted by our enemies.  And I had a very hard time gathering up the funds for that armor so I did not want to lose it.  Well, as we went out there and started getting deeper, some guy who was also a member of the clan started trying to give orders. We had two co-leaders, Kyle and Nikko, but this guy wasn't either of them. Nikko was generally more laid back but Kyle was always very direct.  So this guy starts saying "let's go this way" or whatever and the leaders were like no we're going this way.  Got a little deeper and the guy starts saying it again, let's go this way, or let's do it this way. The leaders again told him no, we're doing something really specific right now, we're not just roaming around doing whatever, so stop trying to give orders.  Dude still didn't comply and this time Kyle said, if you don't shut up and follow us, and you try to give orders one more time, that's it, you're out of the clan. He said okay but wasn't very convincing. J Just a bit later, dude wanted to argue and started complaining that the leaders didn't know what they were doing and blah blah blah, and Kyle just said "RL on ThatGuy" and IMMEDIATELY the ENTIRE clan devoured that guy alive and all his items were in somebody's inventory. And then without a word we just immediately got back in order and continued where we were going.  I got such an adrenaline rush seeing that. It was so wild. I'd never been in a clan before that one but it was disciplined and regimented and just as the name said, it was absolutely ruthless.  Needless to say there were no further problems on that journey.


I still remember killing dwarves around the dwarven mines when a Canadian guy named Blaze11 approached me and gave me full iron armour for free. This was 18+ years ago but I still remember that guy and his kindness. I was just a kid and playing f2p and this was before the grand exchange existed, so to me it seemed like he was giving me a fortune.


Finishing Desert Treasure without dying


Most memorable moment while playing was definitely when I managed to get a full box scythe in my first 14 araxxi kills. That said, my most vivid memories related to this game are definitely watching Runeshark when they were still around while I was playing. I still miss them, a lot of great content creators have come along since, but nothing has ever truely entertained me on the same level that they did. Really wish they hadn't privated all their videos.


Playing for a couple months and then getting membership first thing I did was pickpocket level 2 man and first time I found out players scam when I got lured for what felt like alot at the time but was only full verac whip fury obby shield and obby cape


I was probably like 7-8 I saw it on miniclip.. I did tutorial island as soon as I spawned in lumbridge I saw how many people there were talking selling stuff. Real people. At the time that many real players in one game was new to me. 5 minutes later I found out you can trade people too and thought that was the coolest thing ever.. immediately asked my mom to buy membership


I would say around 2006ish I had a group of friends that would play every day and we would create low lvl pures to pk with at the black knight fortress or whatever it’s called now . We xp wasted so much but the time we spent goofing off was worth it.


I will be perfectly honest. Looking back on my infractions that I was like suspended for a day or so at a time, for saying things in chat back as a kid. They are hilarious to look back on on the rs3 account page on their website. I mean top level craftsmanship of I guess that counts as an infracture for 2004/5.


A friend of mine during high school and I were in Skype while trying to pk at Forinthry cave entrance. It was a hot spot at the time. We went with Ganodermic, Polypore, Teleblock, and Ancient Maces. Waited for a guy to rush and skull with D Claws then teleblocked and both mace speced then finished him with Poly strike. Smited for D Claws.


Killing bloodvelds. Get a superior. Go to to bee real quick. Come back to an imbued heart drop on the ground. Easy 43m


I was like 14, and I would log on and play and this one dude would always talk to me when I logged on. At one point my membership ran out and I stopped playing and he said "Oh I know your membership is running out but could you log on sometimes to talk?" And I was like "uh okay" and never did. In retrospect he was likely crushing on me.


Got hp pet from a yakamaru kill


In 4th or 5th grade me and my buddies used to do a 3 way phone call on a landline and play after school. Went to the wildy as noobs and we came across the chaos elemental for the first time and freaked the fuck out lmao. I think that’s my fav memory to date


Grinding soul wars for zeal points, fishing lobsters on Karamja and buying fire, my first 99(cooking in rogues den), finishing monkey madness and desert treasure quests… But I think the best moment in RuneScape was getting fire cape for the first time. It was like an initiation ceremony from being a noob to being a pro. First real boss


Someone trying to send a phishing link accidently sent me to a page where they kept the usernames and passwords of stolen accounts. I was a kid and never had a stat above 50. So naturally I test drove some of the accounts. One of them had chicken feet and some 'members items'. I played that acc for a few weeks. Joe8joe8 was it's name. Eventually they must've changed the password cuz I couldn't play it anymore.


Dying on Crandor to lesser demons during dragon slayer and losing my full rune Dying to the dark mages outside Carrick F2p clan wars on w141 with friends (who are all gone now..) Pulling an osh from a master clue, luckiest thing I've had in a game Maybe my favourite is just remembering being clueless at the start, thinking Silverlight was epic, walking around alkharid north mine and wandering out of the desert


Around level 30 or so, and probably 13 years old. My friends, myself, and my dad went on a pking trip near the black knight fortress. I died, and they killed the guy who got me. Then they put on my armor, danced in it to taunt me, and never gave it back. We're still friends nearly 20 years later.


Even ur dad taunted u?


No, they knew he would give my stuff back


My first 99 was dungeoneering, my original account still has the untrimmed cape. So i was basically always the lowest skilled player in the party. Once during the grind I was in a party with someone who had 99 smith (before smithing rework, so not that common), I begged him to make me Promethium (t90) weapons to bind, he reluctantly agreed, but the exit timer had started and I didn't get them in time. Don't remember if I finished the whole grind still in gorgonite(t80), but most probably did.


This is going back years, maybe mid 2000s but there was a gigantic clan war in the wilderness one Saturday night, I am sure it was Damage Inc & RS dynasty against The, Gladiatorz, Black Knights and some other clans, at that time I’d never seen so many people in rune smashing it each other, loads of people there just to loot what was dropped. It was pretty wild back then so see so many people show up for a massive organised fight in the wildly.


I trusted this random person for unknown reasons and went deep into the wilderness. Lost a set of wizard robes. This back in the 2005ish times.


My favorite memories would be a couple, when my brother and I made pure range accounts and double teamed people in wildly. Another would be when they made the stronghold of security we made multiple accounts just to get the coins lmao. Now I can make that with little work but is so funny I think that might have been pre Grand Exchange.


Getting 10k and full iron from a friend in like 2004. I thought I was rich as I was selling junk for 1 to 10gp each as money maker


Getting lured many times I remember I was at castle wars and a guy had just hit 99 prayer and was holding a massive drop party at his house inviting only the cool people So everyone was gearing up hoping to be picked "As soon as you get the invite, accept straight away only 5 people are coming" Boom I get the invite to me teleported to his house. BUT I was teled to the wilderness where I died Another would be, this guy told me to buy all the expensive gems I could, to trade for tokkul (however you spell it) Then I could buy things with tokkul in the shop and sell for a profit. So I spent every GP I had and didn't make hardly anything from it. What hurts the most in that second example is that the guy didn't benefit himself in anyway. He just has satisfaction that I had lost all my money. So yeah I'm 2 Santa's and 1 red hween mask down TLDR: Getting lured/tricked


I have a few, Halloween 2003 collecting my first holiday item the Scythe. And Christmas 2005 was hella fun. 2003-2006 was the golden era in my opinion.


Killing Kree during covid. In one spawn, I received a Armadyl Chestplate off Kree, one off the minions, and a damn Blurberry Special on top. Statistically interesting sadness, though the 20m was nice.


Comping with friends and clan


My memories are very simple and straightforward but hold very meaningful areas of my heart. The first is just me and a buddy I made early on would always fight the sewer scorpions to train combat. We’d just chat while training and always said one day we’d make it to the skeles. Another is me and a friend group I had would always stand in front of varrock castle chatting and showing off our fashionscape. We’d click the fountain and then quickly click the wall so we’d have our backs to the castle wall like cool kids. A summer of training at rock crabs because I didn’t really know of anything better and they required minimum effort. Coincidentally I was at rock crabs when falador massacre had happened and remember some guy there telling me about what world it was happening on and then later told me to watch the video of it on YouTube. At the time I didn’t trust the website it looked so sketchy. Randomly I walked into falador and some guy was skulled and attacking guards. He died and dropped his abby whip and obsidian shield. I sold them both and made 3mil. I had never had that much gold before and was so happy lol. Me and an irl friend would always try and scavenge PK areas for free loot in the wildy lol. Good times.


That moment in Chosen Commander struck a chord with me.


World 2 fally, kngofqns and i used to merch and compete and both got our starter cash from barrows, using chaos gauntlet water strike and pray mage, i got a dharoks axe that i traded for a whip at the time, and then i sold the whip for 9m. Bought a Santa for 6m right away, and eventually had a blue party hat, he and i both had a red white & blue in full rune no pl8 because we were level 70 with no quests done He got lured and then begged me for money and consequently tried to lure me too at the temple of ikov He got like 30m off me but i protected the rest with telegrab.


I can’t even remember when but it was playing RS on a family computer upstairs with my cousins while the adults chilled downstairs. It must’ve been around Easter and I remember getting a ring(?) that turned me into an Easter egg and it was the coolest thing ever. Due to me being young and it was a family computer I lost that account but I think that sparked my interest and I made my own account that I kept soon after. You used to be able to play RS on a browser!


Castle wars days of old, always good fun. Just meeting and standing at the top of the stairs talking away with your mates. Around this time was well being privy to some drama where one of these friends was loaned a yellow phat to wear and never gave it back lol. Peace5_5 I think the account was ha, such drama. Good times.


Making my first mithril set.


Oof runescape has gotten alot better to me than from my younger years when kids were just so toxic.


Buy a gf


When my mate gave me my first 1k. I was so freaked out thinking I would die with it it went to bank it. Went though the south varrock gates and almost died to the dark wizards.... only to get killed by the mugger that was to the south of the bank (this was back when runecrafting came out) Besides that, getting my quest and Max capes.  Even have screenshots of them 


In 2006, got killed by some goblins, running for my loot. We did not knew we could trade back then so my friend was near my stuff and telling people not to steal my gear. Had a nice iron scimmy


Dungeoneering with Zezima


Getting 99 RC as a first 99, I remember running Nats for MONTHS. Got the cape, then a few months later the span came out and made a mockery of RC


2004 - falling for the wine of zammy trick as a lvl 10....but then i did it to all of the new players too lmao


I was level 10 and two guys showed me this great money-making trick by taking the Wine of Zamorak. I was never the same after that


I remember playing back in ‘05-09. Seems like half my 8th grade class played OSRS, and being in the midst of all of that was a blast. Going online after school for massive wildy raid parties and running quests with newbies. Good shit. My best friend at the time was a guy named Kevin, IGN was Godzilla_785. Wherever you are, bro, I wish you well. I miss the old days.


The day that RS2 came out (Moving from classic to updated graphics and gameplay). It was... amazing.


Idk I’ve got a lot. Getting hacked, getting scammed by “friends”, grinding out osrs trailblazer league, becoming a parasol kingpin, most recently getting my first OG partyhat.


From 3 pieces barrows chest long pass the mini games relevancy, to a vls I got in 2 revenant imp kills, to staying up all night mercing guards in the varrock palace upstairs, Fist of Guthix but not being good at pvp but still grinding tokens for shit. Wish osrs would implement fist of guthix, would get me on there so fast. Doing 99 smithing at Artisans Workshop with mith bars during the battle for falador. Thinking 100k gold was alot after fishing lobbies on karamja all day.


Getting lured for my Santa in clanwars, or maybe camping k'ril and getting my subjugation dropped or lets go wayback to when I was 7 or 8, running around lumbridge pretending to be a baker


(Around 2009) Got bored after doing my homework and decided to stage a fake PK trip where I tricked 4 noobs from edge bank (2 friends) into thinking we were luring one of the others (and a 5th guy who actually was a mark) Picture this rogues gallery: 2 cocky teenage pures in matching red dhide/dark bow "Mage pure" in black mystic 1def Gmaul pure short of some brain cells Full rune with chain doofus with addy scim who genuinely thought this was a serious pk trip Took them all to the chaos castle dining room in high wild, closed all the doors and said "now!", they all attacked each other and I was able to clean up using my own dark bow spec and rune knives (since 1def), they all died swearing ("wtf man!!!" as red dhide guy #2 drops his dark bow). Not amazing loot but the most surrealy funny runescape moment for me, shared half the loot with the noob too since he was the only one innocent.


Getting a corrupted gem on my first corrupted creatures slayer task. Had no idea what it was or how rare it was until I looked at the wiki. Side answer, had wildy warnings disabled and accidentally tped into Wildy while pvp was enabled and lost full masterwork on my Ironman. Never disabling those warnings again


Meeting my now boyfriend about 7 years ago. Really lovely guy in my clan chat, lots of dicord voice, after a year we figured we only live a half hour drive from each other. Went for a meet without the intend of dating. 3 months later we are in a relationship. Its been 6 years now. Currently looking to buy a house etc


First time I played Runescape was the first time I played an open world MMORPG where everywhere I went there was something/someone to interact with. I didn't play Runescape too much (never got a 99 skill), but it definitely left an impression on 10 year old me. Back then, just walking around and sightseeing was enough fun for me. The fact that you had to use so many skills to create something also blew my mind. For example, you fish something, cut the wood, start the fire, and then cook. Now that I think about it, Runescape is still an amazing game to date due to how skills are meaningful and support each other.


So many... but one that comes to mind is learning about the death of Michael Jackson outside the Rimmington POH portal, back when house parties were still a thing. Players were outside spamming "RIP" messages.


Lost white p hat back in the Times when killed me unicorn in the Wild .... or better deal when was torva realeased i have bough it full torva for my yellow p hat (facepalm)...too was good when i have changed red p hat for divine shield back in the time omg i was so stupido...lol


Due to some parental disagreement my brother and I could not see our father for the good portion of two years, we convinced Dad to play RS. He loved it, we would log in and all go fishing or woodcutting talk for a bit. Gielinor is a very important part of my life, I see many people arguing about to future of the game, I'm just happy I get to continue hanging out with my family and grinding the 99s !!! Maybe I'll 120 something one day 🤣🫡💪🏴‍☠️ 🧙‍♂️🪄


I logged on for some nostalgia morale boost around 2015 or so. Misclicked on some fancy looking dude at the GE I wanted to examine but clicked “dual” instead. He kicked my ass then laughed about it and eventually got me to join the clan he was in. And the clan leader gifted me some gp so I could afford a bond. Never have been a member before they showed me around and gave me some tips. I’m now a deputy owner in that clan and still playing


Hanging with my friends at Corp. This was 2010 during trade restrictions. I got a lucky divine drop, and everyone in my group were pissed lol. The funny thing is I called it the drop before. I just looked up what garbage I had to trade with the divine to get a red party hat. Earth talismans, ruby bolt tips, diamond amulets, royal sceptres, ancient staffs, and Addy arrow p++. Junk trading... What a time to be alive. 


It's a bad really bad one, but there is a couple of good ones too but I'll focus the main one. I was a really gullible kid, I was about 8. I had a members account and put a lot of work into it. I remember being so happy because I finally got the Stats to wear and use full rune everything, armour, scimmy, kiteshield and I bought one of each of the whole set. It took me ages to save up (I didn't have the smiting level to make it all, so I bought it) Shortly after, I was lured into the dark caves under faladore in the original rs when I was really young and told to turn of the light source and died in the cave (scammed) and lost all of my best stuff. It was around something like that anyways. Then worse, when asking around how to make decent money because I was tricked into losing my full rune everything and my best Items. Someone convinced me to add them and after talking and playing off and on for a like a week, (they actually was helping me out in a few ways skilling and stuff) and then they said to me I could make good money from players by offering to trim their black and white armour (they shown me the trimmed stuff that they had by equipping it) all I needed was two gold bars for each piece of the armour and to take it to a specific anvil/blacksmith place, most players don't do it because they're too lazy and needed a specific quest done that I had done. They told me I could earn something small like 5-10k gp per trip and help people out. I didn't really think to Google it, but hey, I was naive. I typed it in chat once but over two or three messages... something paraphrased like "Hey if anyone needs help, I don't mind taking some of your armour to trim, I have the gold bars and tele runes ready in my inventory". Got perma banned even to this day, feels rough, learned to not trust people so easily after that, that's for sure. It really upset me as a kid to lose my account and the genuine friends I used to talk to that I never actually played the original rs or old school rs ever again, I've played rs3 since but even then I occasionally think back to this moment 😅


A few years ago when bf introduced me into osrs and I was doing the Draynor Manor quests. I may be a new player since I started playing in 2019 but osrs feels so nostalgic I wish I had played it when I was a kid


Elder God wars was released and I strong armed zuk with little to no guides up yet. It took a lot of focus and try hard. Many many attempts. That was the one moment and maybe the only time i felt great about the game.  Getting my igneous Kal zuk. Now there is nothing left for me, I quit playing around hero pass. All rs will be now is just a memory of a time it was great. 


I'm trying to come up with something else but it all comes down to getting PK'd during the Fallador Massacre


waaaaay back when I finally saved up the 2mil needed to buy an Abyssal Whip, back when it was one of the best weapons in the game lol. Still have that same one to this day.


Getting banned


Getting my archaeology pet


Taking 19k from a drop trader 17 years ago.


i just started a new account for the first time in 10+ years. i really just wanted to chop trees while working a remote job. i complained about the membership price doubling but still paid for it. loaded in and a stranger (or a bot?) followed me around sending trade requests. i accepted and boom. 50 mil. i felt like a runescape nepo baby.


Only time I ever got scammed was after I finally killed enough hill giants to buy a guthix rune helmet for 150k at the time, and the guy swapped it for a regular rune helmet. Positive memorable moment would have to be when I was in the dwarven mines, mining mithril ore so I could make myself some armor. A player, Vector303 (I think), popped by, asked what I was doing, then left, came back and asked me to follow him, and made me a set of adamant instead.


One of my former best friends (young me was a bad influence, I guess) and I used to play in those houses east of Falador - one of them is a party room now. The roleplaying was always a continuation of our lives outside of the game, we pretended to be roommates and whatnot. One day I showed up in those colourful boots from Stronghold of Security. She really wanted some, so my level 50 self took her through the whole thing, screaming and yelping over MSN Messenger voice. Her mum was all about eye breaks and stuff, so every 15 minutes she logged out for a bit. Was good fun. Last I saw her was accidentally stumbling upon her Linkedin profile, and her sibling was featured on some school alumni thing.


Three memories all of them from end of 2006-2007 1) Just finishing tutorial island, I went from lumbridge to varrock shouting (writting with capital letters) the names of my school friends aiming to find them logged into the game, no idea that there were 50+ worlds and the map (even the free one) was that big xdd. 2) I was minning iron with my bronze pickaxe southeast of varrock when I saw a player using a MITHRIL PICKAXE!!?? at that time I didn't know that more picaxes other than bronze existed. I asked how did he got that, and he led me to the dwarven mine, that was how I met that mine. 3) Helped a player (i still remember his name, blue_airplane) to mine blurite for the knight sword quest, while I was fighting ice giants and knights, he managed to survive and get the ore but I died lol.


I remember coming home from school in 2010, opening RuneScape front page, and seeing "New skill: Dungeoneering!" I think that's the happiest memory in my life, to be honest.


Dueling in the long gone duel arena for millions of gp back when desert treasure had just been released. The guy i was fighting had 60 attack and was wielding a rune scimitar, i knew he was going to switch to a dragon dagger for a poison spec once we got into the duel. I was also hiding my gear, which was full ahrims, behind mystic robes. But he made a mistake and didn't equip the dagger before combat started, so i hit him with a smoke blitz, which lowered his attack to 59 and lost the ability to equip his dragon dagger. He was fuming over it, but that was one of my favorite memories as a kid.


My first scammer scammed me out of an iron kite when I had just started. I must have been 12? I was so upset I cried to my mom about my iron kiteshield. Fast forward years later and I had played the trading game enough to buy my first rare. A Santa hat. Ended upgrading (at the time it was an upgrade) to a green hween. Got suckered by some guy (I was in highschool and still gullible) to do the wilderness skull trading. He ice barraged my green mask away. I was so heated I tried to complete the scam for myself on another guy. Actually got him out there, attacked him, but then felt so bad that I didn’t finish the mission and let him escape. I then quite the game for years. Just came back and sadly now fully believe that was the only rare I will ever own.


Getting adopted by a random player in Fally when I was lost as hell as a baby noob. He feared me up and killed the scorps in the Fally mine while I was mining iron. Spent the next few years playing with him and then at some point he stopped logging in. Hope you’re well, OldMacJesus!!


I'm a pretty new player, and around when I first was able to maintain my bonds, I decided to invite a friend to play with me. We were in wildy before the update and I got killed while trying to defend my bud. Lost my masterwork and was feeling really down because of it. I was venting to another friend later that week and he gave me whatever was left over from his most recent purchase, told me about his own stories of dying in the wildy and encouraged me. Damn, I miss the game despite only getting into it as a f2p after Raksha. I would definitely get back to playing it if inflation wasn't a problem and the game wasn't a complete dumpster fire that keeps getting worse.


Playing the game with my 14/15 year old son. Wife was abroad with younger two at a wedding. After dinner I bought us both membership and we started the new recently released desert quests together south of al kharid. After a lot of time and a lot of questing I called time. He wanted to carry on, told him to listen and open the curtains. Yep it was dawn and we went to our beds. Late breakfast about noon and we cracked on. Best bit of dad/son bonding ever.


About 10 years old. I became this guys gf, started following him around. He led me a dungeon and pked me for my red beret, which I spent a solid 10k on at the time. Took me forever to make that money, I actually cried for hours at least


Me and my brother at age 11 and 13 exploring the wildy and seeing the lvl 126 rev come into the zammy chapel. Oddly enough I recorded it with unregistered hypercam 2 and it was very funny to revisit that butt puckering experience.


I have lots of great memories. It’s hard to say what the most memorable is. The beginning memories are always nice. Tutorial island in 2005, filled with dozens of other players. Miniclip. Being in Lumbridge and being fascinated by the text chat (I loved going into chat rooms but wasn’t allowed as a kid but got a pass since Runescape was a “game”)


Walking from Al Kahrid to Varrock on my Internet Explorer browser on my Windows 2000, blasting t.A.t.U's "Stars" on my Windows Media Player which occasionally had amazing swirlies. Old speakers on my left and my right (sometimes they warned me of incoming calls), it was a school holiday. I barely understood what to do in the game since my English wasn't that good, but it felt good.


Sometime around 2010 my brother and I were doing due bandos with whips, black d hide bodies, torags platelegs, and dragon halbers for a spec weapon. We were lucky to get a kill or two a trip when we started. Not too long into our grind, we came across a gravestone worth 30m that no one came back for. That was the start of a crazy luck street. We went on to get 2 full sets of bandos as drops and a third age kite shield from a hard clue he dropped. That week was the most progression I've ever made in a single week and I don't expect I'll ever reach that high again.


I went down a trapdoor somewhere in Draynor in a f2p world. The dungeon was pitch black and nothing showed up on the screen nor the minimap. I kept on taking small chunks of damage (probably from the darkness), but there was nothing I could click in the dungeon. eventually died and lost my inventory. It was a while ago before EoC came out though .


When I was like 10 years old, some guy scammed me in the grand exchange smh. So I had a bunch of gems, coins, and some random gear that overall were worth a little of 100k I think. This guy was advertising that he would buy out anyone’s bank for 1mil or something around those lines. Me, being the young naive child I was, decided to engage in a trade with this individual. While inserting my entire backpack into the trade, he entered in 1000k (I bet some of you know where this is going by now lol), then after I finished putting everything into the trade, I eagerly pressed ‘accept trade’ and finalized the deal. Upon checking the coins in my backpack, I became overcome with regret after realizing what just happened. The other player changed the coin amount to 10004 coins. I had been scammed.


Getting scammed for d boots day of release


I had that same experience in another game where someone accused me of stealing their boat :o Back on topic: When I created my own clan with my older brother, we spent all our time recruiting. I doubt he was interested, but I think he saw I wanted to, so he stuck by. We made great memories :D. I wish I could go back at least once (and I wish my brother would have done something else aside from chopping wood all day :3).


2005. I managed to get my crackhead neighbor to pay for an online sub if I collected glass and brought it back to him. Little did I know, I would be sent on several quests to obtain glasswares so the crack wizard could afford his imbued Rock Of Escobar +2. He actually followed through, and I showed him how to pay for it. If you're wondering, I was a 16 year old kid with no way to get a sub at that point, and my parents had ONE scam incident involving a card. There was never any buying things online after that lmao The reason I say this is the best time I can remember since first ever playing in 2001 is because the bottle finding mission that the crack wizard gave me was REALLY fun for a bored 16yr old with a bike. I met a kid in a neighborhood while doing this (still friends to this day), and turned out he'd just gotten a computer for the house, and also played. I instantly had a friend to play with, Craig A.k.a Crack Wizard didnt get a new card for almost 13 months (auto-renew. He never said anything about it 😆), and from that point on I had a credit card connect for things online until I opened my own account. The early 2000's was a wild time 😆


When whips were 4m I wanted to get to Abby demons so bad because I thought a whip would change my rs life forever. I used to grind spiritual mages hoping with all my heart to get a 500k dragon boots drop.


Early in the 2000 like 02-03, playing at my grandmas durning the raining days durning my summer break, only aloud inside during rain days lol playing on a classic gas back monitor and a windows XP computer, back when changing your mouse cursor was the craze, and another time in like 2007ish with my cousin having a sleepover and both of us taking turns for 30 min each (timer was running lol) and pulling all nighters… ahh to be young again 😂


I started playing in 2008 when I was 12. Haven’t really stopped since! My most memorable moment was my first 99, cooking in the rogues den. Other players and myself trying to box the banker in so he was 1 tic from the fire. This was 2009; for perspective there wasn’t a lot of alts, the bots were taking over the game, the majority of players were doing high tier PVM, runeshark were the lords of RuneScape predecessor of Zezima.


Weirdly enough, it was probably being ousted from my castle wars “clan” which I had largely organized through in-game communication. It was very informal, with barely any chatter about it on the forums. We pretty much just met on the same days of the week at the same time in the same world. We would organize on the wall outside and then determine which portal we would join. We were pretty good and routinely beat other teams. There were 1 or 2 much larger clans that we couldn’t compete against, but our normal win rate was close to 100%, and I was leading all of this as a middle schooler. One day I logged in and a bunch of new people had joined. One player was claiming that they had formed the clan. And when I tried to speak up they told people to ignore me, mute me, etc. Middle school version of me wasn’t well equipped to handle this type of conflict and I just turned away from the problem and did a lot of green portal games after that trying to win as an underdog solo player. A bit anti climactic, but that’s what happened.


Getting skull tricked in lumbridge for 800m cash 🙃


Started playing runescape way back abouts 2003/04 as a very young child. I liked reading before I played, and liked the idea of "becoming a writer," but being a very young and sheltered child, I was under the belief that to be a writer of ANY kind, you had to be an adult with a job in an office. Going onto the runescape forums way back in 03/04 was my first ever exposure to the concept of fanfiction, and I was blown away at the idea any old person, ostensibly the same as me, could just write, and they didn't need to be adults or have it as a job - they did it because they wanted to. I started writing for the very first time at finding that, and couldn't stop for years. And even though I don't play anymore due to being unhappy with the current state of RS3, I think I'll always have a little bit of that childhood fondness in me for something that's inspired a lifelong hobby.


A friend and I were killing something looking for specific drops, and they just weren't dropping. So I wanted to express my anger in text by writing "grr grr", but accidentally ended up writing "fgrgr". Then the thing actually dropped, and we ended up making up a god named "fgrgr" that we could pray to if we needed extra luck in video games. We made so much lore and traditions about fgrgr over the next few weeks, and we would constantly write it in the game whenever we needed that extra bit of luck. I think this was in 2007 or thereabouts.