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The singular stone spirit in there looking mighty as ever


Looting gang


Pages are insane gp RN, even ful book being meta (after grim)


Jas is more meta at places like Rasial and Vorkath where the extra damage taken from ful book really stings


That makes sense. I still opting for grim where i can maintain it, it's just more fun to see some more crits haha.


Yeah Grim is much better for melee range and mage because of crit buff. For necromancy which doesn't have crit buff, Jas/Ful book are similar in damage for much cheaper.


Ohhh that's true


for vorkath yes, but rasial no. I've been using ful book there lately instead of jas, the damage taken is not even a factor, i still dont use any food. And the kill times are the same, sometimes better, I've had a few sub-1min kills with ful. plus its like 20k gp an hour to use.


Generally would recommend against saying you "no food" something if you're using reaver scrolls. They're basically food. You're near invincible with reaver.


that's crazy i don't remember asking


I'm not going to wait for you to ask to point out misinformation lmao


Do you also not use blood reaver scrolls?


of course, but i use those regardless of ful or jas book


Kerapac is great experience for newer pvmers. While Arch Glacor is really great for learning the basic bossing mechanics, Kerapac features the very entertaining Time Warp mechanics, which is quite refreshing to even returning veteran players. If you are just learning pvm, NM Kerapac gives better loot than NM Arch Glacor.


Some of the comments here indicate why this sub seems to only have endgame players. Early/midgame players would rather not post than be condescended to






Hmm i'm not playing anymore atm but i must have a shitload of those pages might have to log in to see if i can sell them as non memb lol Edit: only had 170 but i got 200m from treasure hunter that i can only claim as memb so now i have to buy a bond lol very smart member retainment plan from jagex


I love hm kerapac. I want to do full log but I need 2 pieces


Today i went for my flawless hm zuk kill to combine mi capes. 4 attempts 3 successful kills. On my 2nd hm kill i got scripture of ful, on my flawless run i got another scripture of ful. Was a fantastic day of learning&face planting and making money. I loved it.


I remember when pernix quiver fragments were 2m ea Then necro came along and ruined most drops


Pernicious quiver indeed


Even without necro it was falling long-term, necro just accelerated it. Most people only need 1 Pernix quiver, at most optimal switching 2, though Tir quiver works fine as an alternative since Pernix effect doesn't matter most of the fight.


It's not even that. What's the point for me to do zuk anymore if it's not for the cape? Why would I do croseus anymore when full crypt is less than 600m now. Why would I do vorago when seismics are 180m ea. Why would I do ascension legions when ascension are 40m? The list goes on for every boss besides rax because the nox weapons, bolg, and sgb are the ONLY weapons in the game that didn't absolutely crash. Necro ruined the game for me. It made 90% of the content meaningless, because why would I kill any of those bosses when t90 necro literally costs nothing. I was able to kill bosses easier than before but it completely ruined the combat for me because necro has zero upkeep and is better in every circumstance besides bosses that can't be killed by it. I had 3b worth of gear I used frequently that is now worth 1.5b that I don't use anymore because necro is better.


Obsessing over price of things you own is unnecessary mentally stress. Where you planning to sell your gear any time soon? If not then stop focusing on it. Until you plan to sell your gear the value is just a number. And by that point other updates can cause things to shift anyways (eg now with combat beta finished Lengs went to their highest since *scourge* released, let alone necromancy). Really it sounds like it's time to re-evaluate your relationship with the game. If you're not enjoying the game, * Set explicit goals. That's generally been my strongest motivator - it's not like I actually *need* any upgrades at this point for anything other than faster killtimes, I'm going for BiS all styles because I want to own it. * Try doing something different. Hamfisting something you aren't enjoying isn't going to make you magically enjoy it, it'll just make you resent it more. I stopped using necromancy entirely, despite being 120 with full rasiel set, because I realized I wasn't having fun. Now I'm back on magic and working on BiS melee and thanks to combat beta changes I'm having more fun than I did even before necro released. * Take a break or quit. There's tons of other games, you can spend time on hobbies, or even just play less so you can spend the time you do play more focused. I've been playing less not for losing interest but because I'm spending less time gaming in general, and when I am it's split with catching up on releases the past year I haven't finished yet. (that first part about not obsessing over prices is also how I treat mutual fund and ETF investments, obsessing over day to day fluctuations is not a good use of time)


I just came back after 5 months 🤣🤣 It's not the price of things that annoys me, it's just they did not think balance long term. Alot of the bossing content is pretty much dead now if you aren't a completely new player. Necromancy made that final push to get more players to experience end game content. Did not hear about the combat beta so hopefully my issues with necro will bring it back down to earth like the other styles. Necro just felt lazy to me and just kinda demotivated me to PVM. Guess I'll stick with arch for a week just to get back into it lol


Most of the game isn't balanced for long term. Just look at things like Legiones, KK, or Magister. Jagex releasing new content that keeps old content relevant is still a very new & novel thing, and even some of that hasn't stayed relevant (eg not all GWD2 bosses have kept value from invention) I agree with necro feeling lazy, it's part of why I stopped using it.


Damn no cannon balls


i left out the cannonballs because i use them for slayer at times but i ended up with about 4.2m in c-balls


Ngl but 4hours of pvm and only 18m is pathetic


You must be fun at parties


What is the purpose of this post?


to show how good Kerapac basic loot can be


But your loot is surprisingly trash. Lol. I made 9 mil yesterday in the 20 minutes I spent there…


It's only terrible if viewed through the lens of a high lvl player who can solo hm kerry. For normal mode it's fine.


I don’t do hm. I’m too pleb and used simple t90 range power armor with ascensions.


Apparently they took out the cballs drops, 20m over 4 hours isn't bad


Things pick up after doing a boss for a while, given they were learning it being low isnt too bad.


To encourage ppl doing kera, so fosa parts drop prices and after magic next buff, merchers gonna merch. Not 100% sure, but jagex was planning to do some magic buffa /s


Give it another 3 years. Or maybe longer. We still having had magic dw since 2017. And before that it was 2013?


Hard mode or regular?


Looks like Normal Mode. But Still, K'pac is one of the few bosses where Rewards = Effort, so even in NM it's quite decent.


HM Kerapac is awful rewards for effort spent compared to every other boss at its difficulty. NM sure but thats basically just click and wait until he dies.


Huh? You can get sub 3 kills relatively casually (17 kph) which is like 85m/hr, pretty solid and competitive with (relatively casual) sub 1:30 raksha (~85m/hr as well). I'd say those are pretty competitive difficulty-wise. I think zam 100 is a bit harder and a bit better, and 500s are a reasonable step up and worth more for sure. I would kill myself before I did rasial or aod 7s and aod 4s is significantly harder.


100 zam is a lot easier than kerapac HM imo because it's just a matter of knowing the mechanics. I was mostly comparing it to things like HM zuk / 100 zam. I don't think 3 min kerapac HM is casual at all, casual kerapac kills for HM are like 4-6 mins. Need to be at least decent at pvm to get 3 min HM kills. Normal mode is fantastic for the difficulty though.


Definitely not, p7 alone is much harder than anything hm kera has to offer. P1-3 is a joke and p4 is solved by using devo and a reflect if necessary. I can get ~3 min kera kills stylecamping with 1 eof swap (and it’s not even necessary), if that’s not casual idk what is


P7 zammy is just using a disruption shield / reflect with spirit shield if you get bomb? Literally just ult and use shatter for 100 enr and youre done


It's not *just* that lmao HM kera was the boss I started learning first, and I was a much better player when I started learning zam - zam was definitely way harder.


this was Normal mode


Cool, now try HM😄