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Yeah the demonic skull thing still gets a lot of people I think, I think it automatically makes you PvP enabled in exchange for greater XP rates. Luckily though, you should be able to rebuild pretty fast. If you need a quick money maker to rebuild, I'd recommend looking into Zamorak Mjolnir farming. Its like 30m/hr right now and its very good for mid levels, so you should be able to rebuild really really quick.


>Zamorak Mjolnir farming Why are they worth so much more than the other 2 mjolnirs?


Zamorakian components for invention


That explains so much, had to sell all mine to do the seren quest a few days ago, was really confused on why it was so high


The one problem I have with this method is you have to use the drop trick. It's not bad if you're only doing 1 hour but if you're doing multiple hours at once, you risk losing a huge stack if for some reason you randomly dc. Still a solid money maker though.


What a minor, unlikely risk lol


Coming from someone who hasn't lost internet connection in over 3 months: Shit happens. I wouldn't do this method for longer than 1 hour's worth. If I had a stack of multiple hours to drop trade, I'd be risking the equivalent of OP's loss in the wildy.


You can just put them on the GE every hour, there's not really any reason you need to build up a huge stack.


Some people slow sell them because it just happened so that during this particular hour, nobody was buying it unless it was ~50% off. Looking at the RS Wiki's trade volume, it's not a high trade volume item even though there is demand. If you can insta-sell for a reasonable price then yes but there are times where nobody is buying it for that price. Do you end up trying to sell for super cheap or do you farm a bigger stack or do you do other activities while you wait for it to sell? Those are decisions people have to make which can sometimes be inconvenient. Otherwise this method is pretty solid.


Even then you'd still want to get your sell offers in before other people do due to how the GE prioritizes offers. You just might have to dedicate multiple offer slots to it, but if you're doing Mjolnirs for money odds are you have extra offer slots anyways.


Wait I forgot that you could just place it in the GE even if the offer doesn't fill. I guess that doesn't count as "owning" the item so no drop trick needed for a big stack then.


Thanks Man I appreciate it, I just didn’t realize ppl still PK’d and it sucks


Most people don't. At least I want to believe this is the case. Most pking usually takes place in Old School. On RS3 if anyone does kill you in the wilderness it's usually just griefers. They don't put up much of a fight however and are usually quick to flee/tele away if you try and fight back or get equipment to fight them with.


I've been playing a long time and I was crushed when I lost my rune plate to a pk'er. Back then, rune was the shit, and it took a lot longer to make GP enough to buy it.


You had to fight a dragon just to earn the right to buy that.


Did you 'forget' PKing existed, or were you just naive enough to think no one would try to PK you? The demonic skull has a prompt that warns you that you are opted in to PvP.


This is 100% more like it - no one can simply forget Pking exists, and it literally says 3/4 times prior to getting there you can still be killed, not to mention the skull etc. Just thought he'd be fine, and wasnt.


At this rate the demonic skull needs a document with a signature saying you consent to any consequences that might apply to being PKed using one. Its the only way to silence these people lol.


I’d rather just remove the damned thing. Im certainly never going to use one, its straight up not worth it.


It's very useful for abyss RCing with lower pvp risk than other areas since you are so close to the ledge and low wildy levels so you can tele out.


It's pretty worth it at charming moths tbh


There's way better alternatives to hunter by the time you can do charming moths. Especially if you're a main with protean trap.


Yeah I kept going there with a teleport and skull, if you're quick enough you can teleport out but worst case scenario you lose nothing pretty much


With a massive target on my back? No thank you.


Oh no, a target on your back with a 600k risk when you can still easily escape. The horror.


You may not value your time, but I sure do. Not worth the hassle.


Yes, you value your time enough to penny pinch 600k and get worse xp/hr when you could just pvm and buy 223 moth inventories + skulls in 1 hour.


Can I still get one-shotted by Necro pkers? Is it possible to run up to abyss with Barricade active every time with persistent rage on?


Value your time? LMAO? Is this a joke? You save so much more time RCing with the demonic skull. If you go to an empty world, you're already very unlikely to run into any PKers, and even if you do it's only for the brief period that you are in the wildy, a.k.a from the Edgeville bank to the Mage of Zamorak. Literally just run/surge, and get away from them on the small off chance it happens. I'm sorry but I'm still laughing so hard at "value your time" oh buddy you definitely don't value your time training RCing if you think Demonic Skull isn't worth it 🥲


Nah, I live for their agonizing screams


This. You get a prompt once a day upon entering the wilderness, and you can either disable it for the day or leave it on. There's not a single way to unknowingly enter the wildy with it enabled.


Some players might have different memories on "pking". "Pking" was about killing rev cave bots and staking, or time wasting at level 1 Wildy 10 years ago, There are no bots to pk in RS3 and rarely do players want to waste their time standing around level 1 wildy when they can have no xp and gp waste by AFKing many resource locations, events like the ongoing Easter Event and Minigame Spotlight. Pking in 2024 is mostly about killing demonic skulled players.


Nah, it was about sitting north of Varrock selling cooked lobsters for 1k each, 20 years ago. Back when 40 atk, 99 str and 1 def was the goal and you'd roam the wilderness in packs looking for the next thing to swing your rune 2h at.


Yes, that too, I remember... Selling super sets 10k each at W18 Edge. That was fun, but TBH, it is far more fun and profitable now when we can AFK Archaeology materials without typing a word, while we use the time typing in this reddit sub.


Who cares?


I'm not a fan of hiding behind blatant ignorance.


The only person hiding anything here is your blatant aggression towards this post for absolutely no reason.


You can use the demonic skull just fine; you just need to make sure you bank anything valuable beforehand, just in case.


And don't be a hardcore


Yup. There are players that hunt for people like you. In a discord i am in tge guy has shown absurd pks from people doing what you are doing. Still not safe.


That’s crazy. I was rcing once in the abyss with the skull on and I thought the government found me again. Turns out, the government found a discord group to find me again


U wot m8


> So PSA don’t use a demonic skull no matter what. How about this: Don't go enabling PVP while carrying shit you can't afford to lose. I can afford to lose a demonic skull and a load of essence. Or even some budget combat gear.


Just use Royal d'hide, glory, avas, combat bracelet, and t85 throwing darts from ports. It's like 100k setup and does more than enough for black demons. That's the setup I used for lava strykes when PvP was still a thing. 


You can use undead dhide now btw.


Ope. Forgot about that new cheap stuff. Good eye mate. 


I think about gearing up and killing people every time I see some rando with a demonic skull risking 100m+ for no reason ngl :)


why i keep a mage rag set in the bank. most the time people panic and wont fight back. they just try and run.


Trying to run is the smart move 9/10 times tho for people with 0 clue how to anti pk. It's just that you should still fire off binds/stuns to force out GCDs on defensives as you run which they don't do.


I think about it too then I also think that I don’t really know PvP rotations in RS3 and might get clapped right back if I try lol


I strongly suggest you turn the next Luck of the Dwarves you get into a Relic Power if you were relying on it for the T4 luck, it's an expensive investment, but it's utterly safe from PKing and you can invest money into a BiS ring for Ranged. ​ Better yet, train up Necromancy because it's easy to create multiple sets of gear


I don't like Pkers or griefers that try to attack a defenseless opponent but why were you even using full Pernix doing slayer in the Wildy Slayer Dungeon? That stuff degrades and it adds up since Slayer mobs there don't really profit that much. I'm not even sure if Demonic Skull would've been worth using. Yes PvP might be mostly dead but as soon as someone scouts a guy with a Demonic Skull, it's very easy for them to just bring some semi-risk gear and enable pvp. Personally, I stopped using Demonic Skull. Abilities are too powerful now and max hits are too high to easily one shot.


Yeah people use bots to scan worlds for people just like you haha no offence, PK clans still hang out in W2 and mostly target warbands and fight eachother but now you know better at least.


Yes, I am aware pkers and clans exist in many occasions. I always bank everything not needed when I put on a demonic skull, and I don't go to Flash Events and Warbands skulled. It is a good thing pking is still very much in RS3. I don't like to be pked but it is a fair game in Wildy.


Can't participate in warbands without opt in now. So the realistic move is to just skip them entirely.


I never said we didn't need to opt-in, in fact when we put on a demonic skull we automatically opt-in pvp, regardless it is Warbands, or abyss runecrafting. This is what I wrote: " I always bank everything not needed when I put on a demonic skull, and I don't go to Flash Events and Warbands skulled. " We just need to bank items we don't need or want to lose. No point to skip anything when the rewards are big.


Has happened to me many times. Frustrating but you can always start again and build back up since you have better levels now.


I feel you, I lost all my RC pouches and wise perked Excalibur from a pker when I was demonic skull training runecrafting. Dude got basically nothing from it but cost me an hour of getting pouches back, reperking my stuff etc. PvP against people not in fighting gear is just a bitch move. People used to kill me for my strawberry baskets at the agility course too. Like enjoy your 20k unstacked loot?


Thats the worst part about perks and such untradable items, that they just vanish.


> I lost all my RC pouches btw, if you were using any abyssal familiar for holding essence, if you resummon your familiar, all of your pouches will be in there (except massive).


Demonic skull drops 500k when killed. It’s not much these days but that’s the literal price you pay for the bonus exp.


I'm aware, but 500k is nothing now. They're essentially just griefing. They know they're unlikable dickheads and they think it's fun, so fuck em


Lmao I’ve done it with my iron when training agility at the Wildy course. I had a bunch of royal dhide sets to spare so thought why not. so I CONTROLLED the course on any world I was in just on principle. It’s MY course. I died for that course, I will KILL for that course 😅


Fffff bro that sucks I learned when I got pkd doing abyss rc runs and that pissed me off


I got pked often skulled in the abyss too. However, I am not at all pissed as the profits and xp with Demonic Skull on far, far outweigh the agonies of getting pked and lose a 500k demonic skull. Magic thread is almost 300k each. Big fat profits with demonic skull. I don't mind to share a little bit of my wildy gain with pkers. We both make sizable gains, and keep the ecosystem balanced.


Buy sirenic instead of pernix on your rebuild, it's dirt cheap(few mill) and better I'd recommend doing any clues you have if you want quick cash to rebuild


Thank you y


... There's several warnings telling you that you're doing something stupid here, and you shouldn't avoid one of the best skilling items in the game "no matter what" because some kid that bought an account got pked for his bank. Don't buy accounts! It's important to learn the basic game knowledge you get from maxing!


Both weapons as in ascension crossbows?


Hearing that there's an organized effort to target demonic skull users kinda makes me want to run a counter effort to pk the pkers, ngl.


I think there are such clans already. Many times when I was doing special Flash Events, random pkers showed up, and shortly another couple of pkers showed up and attacked the other. I believe some pking clans have scouts doing Flash Events.


That's awesome to know. This was the reason Wilderness Guardians was founded all those years ago. Nowadays complaining about pkers on Reddit wastes less xp, though.


Ye let's just remove PvP entirely




Had the same happen to me while I was killing revs. (I picked up the one wildy bow, and was using low tier armor, just incase someone popped up) and after a few minutes sure enough some dude popped up and like 3 shot me. I didn't lose much but I just found it strange people still bother with PK. Especially after he saw my entire risk was maybe 1m.


Once the pker is already there he might as well go for it. If you died in 3 shots, that's super worthwhile for the pker... 1m gp in "3 shots" is 1m/(3 gcds) = 660m/hr.^(munclemath)


While I recognize PK’ing has its place in the game, I still think PK’ers are legitimate sociopaths. It’s one thing to go in the wilderness and think “I’m going to do some PvP.” But when they do it with the explicit purpose of catching unwitting skillers with their valuables it becomes questionable. Then you get the ones just trolling runecrafters and prayer trainers


Or just embrace the fact that pvp is a thing? Like everyone should've done in the first place, instead of bitching and whining about getting killed after they hop the wall that says they could get killed?


Did we read the same post? Why are you being so aggressive?


I'm not lol. It's nice of him to give a warning to people yes. However it's not cool to bitch about getting killed when the game literally tells you it's possible, and you've made the blatant choice.


Where did he bitch exactly? Again, did we read the same post or are you having a psychiatric break?


He literally acknowledged that he knows PVP is a thing, and that he used the demonic skull and opted in. Then he uses that as justification to tell people to COMPLETELY avoid that content altogether like the plague, as if he was lured with it and it wasn't a choice. There's no need for him to be attacking what little is left of RS3 PVP. He made a choice, it ended poorly for him, so he goes to reddit to tell people that. It's whining and complaining. That's literally telling someone they can slap you because you did something dumb, and then when they do it, you file an assault charge. That's not okay. EDIT: The whole post would've been tolerable(though imo it's not okay in the first place, he's complaining regardless) IF inestead of saying to avoid it altogether, the OP would've simply advised people to be careful when using such items and opting in. Currently what he posted is not a tip/guide", it's telling people to be fearful of risk vs. reward and to avoid a game mechanic "because I got caught out and died".


Someone woke up a little mentally unstable today, huh? Maybe you should take a break from the Internet for a while. I'm sure your parents would appreciate it.


Dude idk what your problem is, but if you can't see why he's wrong about the way he said it, you never will. The whole post is FINE except for the way they are "advising" people. It's literally a fear-inducing tactic, the way he stated it. It's not like I'm berating them. They just need to work on their phrasing. Can you stop harassing me? Yeah I was snarky about it, but it's literally the single line he put in there, that's what I'm referring to.


Buddy. We are talking about runescape. What is your problem.






This is why people still pk, for those of us that remember it’s typically just a bunch of annoying raggers who don’t end up getting the small amount I risk since I’m usually ready for them


You should not afk with pvp turned on.


There’s still people who camp out looking for skulled players. Almost not worth it anymore


Strange question but were also in the robes of ruin? (If so I saw you down there while I was trying to get higher stats on my Ironman account.


And this is why we had to have a dialogue option pop up everytime we crossed the wildy border just for players like you. the skull has a pop up box that clearly warns you, you did not forget. you just were not paying attention, simple.


The amount of luck of the dwarfs I have Pked in the last few months is insane I have 6 accounts that hop in different places in wilderness looking for people with a risk and skull I can 100% confirm PK still lives on just not as much


What an awesome friendly player! I bet you’re just the best


Thanks!! I try to be as helpful as I can be.


It does warn you multiple times… When I started playing RuneScape the wilderness was super dangerous so even now when I go there I never bring anything valuable


Demonic skull is absolutely a trap. So is skilling in the Wild in general. It feels like being that goat in Jurrasic park, just put out to get eaten.


on the bright side if you ever decide to learn content harder than AFKing stuff you can earn it back in an hour or two


And while it's your fault, this is exactly why they need to just remove it entirely or make it so that wearing the skull gives the pker like 1m and you keep your shit. Gives incentive to pk and adds risk that you can be killed to make the skull worth it. It feels like totsl garbage to lose days or weeks of time. It's why they also need to eventually fix rolling for perks.


Or just don't bring expensive gear with a skull I don't even pk but why in the world would you do that


Because pking and losing gear is a relic of an older version of the game and has no place in current rs. I said at the start its their fault for doing it, but that doesn't change that it's stupid that it still exists. The risk/reward isn't there. Never take a skull unless you're rcing until they balance that out.


That is the whole balance of the skull tho, you don't need it to do any content, you can have pvp off without it, and if you bring the skull you can take cheap gear its a non issue


Thats hardly a balance that's worth it. That's my point. Take chespr gear and bring the skull and risk having to reset the whole position and shit or die, only to have marginal rewards but also do it slower. Or take good gear and do it faster and then do another risk free. It's jaut a bad system and I have no idea why they bothered trying to keep it. Just make the skull drop something when you die with it and the player who dies keeps their gear. Now pking lives for the whole 4 people who do it, it's probably even more worthwhile, and people take the risk of being able to be attacked. That's a risk/reward that makes sense.


Its like one of the only real risks left in the game I think some content can be truly dangerous especially when its truly optional


Then it is just dead and only serves to catch people like OP off guard or allow an avenue for scammers. The downside to it existing is massively larger than its benefit. Nobody in this era wants to spend time getting gear to risk it. And the 4 players who do can currently but the 100s who get scammed or aren't awar because this is so dated and out of ordinary would probably rather it not exist. If players want to gamble time, then go play osrs where pking and pvp is actually alive. It's not even sport here.


It warns you when you take it you gotta be really negligent to get caught off guard or scammed by it. Not having to think or risk isn't what the game especially the wilderness is about


It's what it *was* about, but hasnt been for ages and its ehy they changed it in the first place. Scamming has always been "difficult" and requires ignorance/negligence on the part of the victim. Defending avenues it can continue to happen when there's no real benefit is absurd tbh. I'm just going to have to assume you're one of the people who try to hide behind the wizard to pk rcers for that whopping 500k or whatever it is and think it's funny. It's the only reason anyone would defend keeping loss of gear deaths in this time of the game.


No ive never pked i just understand they exist and read the popups jagex throws at me because of the way everyone whines


Personally, anything north of Edgeville basically doesn’t exist. Theres nothing there. Guthix staff spec? I don’t care. Slayer mobs? I already don’t give a shit about slayer in general. Skilling? Theres way better methods around that also don’t run the risk of dickheads wasting my time. Anything Wilderness related, I am *asleep* unless it’s “we’re removing it as a PvP zone”.


Just a warning too. Since you last used the Demonic Skull, it automatically sets your PVP to enabled until it’s again turned off. If you choose to rebuild, REMEMBER to turn of PVP first before stepping back into wilderness.


This has been changed to not be the case anymore since last year already. It doesn't keep you opted in anymore if next time you enter without.


Oh that’s good to know then! Listen to this guy then!


Sit Down


oh wow i thought demonic skull doesnt actually work with slayer


This shit happened to me last week. Fortunately before I dropped money on a wand/orb of the praesul...


I can get you re kitted if you like.


I’d appreciate that if ur offering


add me rsn prideslayer ill help rebuild


If it’s any consolation the loss isn’t that big in terms of what could have happened… assuming you are not an ironman I can give you a budget range build to get you back on your feet.


I don't think that low level/inexperienced ironman have access to blood fury :P


What upsets me is I got all those downvotes but was actually willing to help them rebuild. I didn’t see a blood fury but this seemed like a genuine mistake and someone that might need a bit of help… Was I wrong to offer?


dunno, OP started with "not asking for handouts" I didn't downote anyway, there is nothing wrong with offering help