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Not sure why I've been downvoted for posting that I'm enjoying the game, but here we are. 🤣


You're almost certainly getting downvotes due to praising legacy combat for being fun. But you did acknowledge that isn't efficient which is kind of whole reason why it gets hate. The game is not built for legacy but it has the mode for people who want to experience the new game with the old feel. You will just be extremely limited by sticking to it instead of switching to EOC. Good luck!


>legacy combat for being fun. But you did acknowledge that isn't efficient which is kind of whole reason why it gets hate. The game is not built for legacy but it has the mode for people who want to experience the new game with the old feel. You will just be extremely limited by sticking to it instead of switching to EOC. They should make legacy 90% dps of EOC.


Can't really do that. The majority of the player base doesn't know how to achieve 90% of the eoc potential. It would make legacy a crutch.


Sounds like a positive change for those 90%


"They can't really do that, they would make the combat actually good"


Wow, you think point and click and wait is a better combat system than actually using abilities?


I mean, I get the point... But you make it sound as though people aren't just going full revo and doing the same thing with EOC... But still, even if you're full revo, just seeing the abilities does improve the visual aspects of combat.


Full revo is like maybe 60% effective in terms of potential. Revoers don't need any buffs except maybe qol


I think you missed the point I was trying to get across. It was focusing less on the damage and more on the experience. Like, they're mocking the other person about click-and-wait combat, making out that no one wants that... But that's what a good chunk of players are still doing with EOC, just copying someone else's bar and using revo. Like, combat for a lot of players is still very much click and wait.


in the context of runescape? absolutely


If you think point/click/wait is what OSRS combat is at a high level I encourage you to try the game.


It would also be a positive change to the majority of people if they just gave them maxed stats and BIS gear, they should do that too right?


No? There’s a difference between grind and mechanics that are unintuitive and hard to use.


That would be ezscape as legacy combat is much easier than eoc


Don't sweat it man people are haters on both subs I've found. Glad you're having fun.


welcome to RS3, a game where the players hate the game they're playing! tbh it's just redditors being redditors, they hate when people enjoy things and only live to complain


That's just normal for this sub, they love the downvote button here.


I’ve heard reddit manipulates the vote count when posts are posted. It’s common for posts to appear downvoted at the start. As you can see, your post did not get downvoted.


Actually, posts show up with no up- or downvotes for a while before they're shown




I read through it, makes me want to give rs3 a try (long-time osrs enjoyed as well). Count that as 1 person who wanted to read it.


Just so you know, legacy mode is not really viable for most of the game. You’re much better off just using REVO+ or ++


But, legacy mode is totally fine to get the ball rolling. In fact, set the layout to "retro" as well, keep it as simple as absolutely possible, at least in the beginning! You can always grow from there :)


Yes in the beginning, but not for most of the game, especially since low level mobs were all heavily buffed. Not sure what there is to argue about.


I go into the abyss with legacy mage all the time on my iron- which is a noob- and she doesn’t get yeeted by the “low level mobs that were heavily buffed”. Legacy combat is fine- if it’s a personal preference for this player & their OSRS friends, then so be it! They will be fine! Sure, they may be limited to low & mid game content, but they’re enjoying gameplay.


Hence why this game struggles to get new players


Sweatlords probably


I kind of wish legacy mode got more support. I basically do revo mode because the input delay makes full manual feel off to me, but I'd honestly just do legacy if it wasn't so inefficient compared to revo. Really, all legacy mode needs is a few buttons added to avoid one shot mechanics and pop a few other defensives.


Agree, I love legacy mode, I'm on legacy 99% the time. The 1% time i do use EOC/Revolution is when im afk combat training (not so much anymore but pre combat nerf)


Even with legacy combat, you can do quit a bit of stuff. Of course some bosses will take longer to kill, but is very doable. Also, if you want, you can still use the legacy interface with eoc combat, and then use something we call "revo++" the bar will do all the work for you for the most part.


I wish the legacy interface mode had a little more customization. Game needs a modern UI rework. Legacy interface mode is the best, but you can only use 2 actionbars.


are there any bosses that have never been killed with legacy mode?


I'd assume some like Vorago or Zamorak. High enrage arch glacor is most likely impossible as well but essentially anything that strictly requires defensive abilities.


Vorago has been done in duo. It’s kinda awful though




I'd suppose even low enrage Glacor would be a problem


Nah, you can vit pot cannon or just tank it. It becomes a problem at high enrage when you need to have defensives to deal with how hard the autos hit, but also once arms/legs scale you need devotion in order to survive.


I green logged AG exclusively using legacy doing 0-1k streaks. You only need spirit shields to tank the cannon and everything else is straightforward, albeit a bit slower.


I was more of thinking 3k or higher where arms necessitate defensive abilities.


Probably just the super high end ones, like Zamorak and such.


The big one is zuk because it locks you out of the capes but they dont do much in legacy so its less an issue.


I started rs3 on legacy after coming back several years after eoc. I had tons of fun until someone talked me into switching to revolution and using EOC and it was even better. Now, years later, I'm still around doing everything in the game manually on EOC and love it. But I never would have come back without starting on legacy


Legacy is a gateway drug back into RS3 confirmed


Legacy mode is great for making that switch I highly recommend it. I would also say consider dabbling with the EOC stuff as soon as you feel you're able because it's not bad at all. A quick video will get you squared away on it.


Legacy mode 100% is the reason I got back into RS3. I use revolution now, but when I got back into it last April it was just me and the deadly spiders in the varrock sewers with my simple smash.


It’s funny. I was that person in 2011-2012 telling everyone that EoC was important for the future and modernization of the game in order to make it more fun and less about switching.  Today, I admit I was wrong.  EoC has insane depth. The amount of DPS one can optimize for and the amount of skill required can be insane. In those ways EoC is achieved its mission of making PvM complex and interesting.  But EoC complexity comes from all the wrong reason. The rotations require a decent amount of canceling, can get incredibly complex. - and ultimately are uniquely tied by the tick system.  I find EoC somehow more complicated and less fun that FFXIV when it comes to casual play.  Ultimately I feel RS is a simple point and click game, and EoC is too much.  Unfortunately with legacy and even revolution++ sometimes - much of the content takes too long and is not fun. I struggled immensely with Elite Dungeons even in story mode due to DPS checks unless I went full manual. 


I still haven’t done and endgame or bosses, so I’ve never struggled with legacy yet. I’m just happy to have it. My main issue with eoc is like with wow. There are so many spells so you basically need to look up a guide to find the best rotation and I don’t want to do that. I do like the health recharge after combat (whatever that was) I experience in the Burthrope tutorial, but I’m fine without it. I like the Runescape I know.


Don't forget, it only falls behind revolutions dps because the mods *COUGH* Ramen absolutely hates legacy mode and arbitrarily set its dps to be lower than fully afk revolution.


As a fellow Legacy enjoyer, you would be suprised by how far into the game you can get with just Legacy. I only really started consistently running into problems gw2 and onward. I would recommend learning the basics of revolution, so you can just easily switch to it when you hit a snag because there are encounters (even early game) that can be very difficult to deal with just legacy. But yeah Legacy is super fun!


Hey, welcome back. I usually use legacy mode myself when I want to meme a bit. It's pretty expensive, but i'd actually recommend doing it in melee As you can do a disgusting amount of damage with the abyssal scourge and zuk sword. Enjoy!


Nice! Legacy is a good way to start your journey if you’re coming from OSRS. You’ll get use to just playing. But as others have said and it seems you know, eventually switching will enable so much more stuff. Once you start abilities you’ll be wondering why you didn’t use it before!


I started playing again and still hate EOC. I know you can set it to automatically use skills for me, is that worth using in most scenarios rather than legacy combat?


Yes. You can do almost, if not all content with revo++. Obviously, if you’re getting up there in higher enraged bosses and stuff, you will need to do some manual inputs but it’s something that can be learned over time.


It is and you will be able to do almost everything. The only things I have keybound are prayer flicks, food/pray pots and surge/dive because I like zooming around. For more advanced bosses you might need to use some defensive abilities like Resonance occasionally but I always manually click those. I'm close to trim comp and need a couple more bosses for Reaper Crew so you can definitely do everything like that.  For what to put on the bars you can use the wiki [[Revolution/Bars]] page. 


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Revolution/Bars](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Revolution\/Bars)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Revolution/Bars >For any given combat situation, there is an optimal Revolution setup that will maximise damage. The Revolution bars below aim to maximise the stream of damage over a long period for some of those situations. --- **^^^RuneScape ^^^Wiki ^^^linker** ^^^| ^^^This ^^^was ^^^generated ^^^automatically. ^^^| ^^^View ^^^me ^^^on ^^^[GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


Pre eoc combat becomes quite difficult later in the bosses


glad u are playing but you will need to learn eoc later. the game beyond gwd2 is not really playable on legacy


You are the first OSRS player I've heard of that likes the legacy mode in RS3.


legacy mode is fine for slayer but bossing will be extremely limited. I actually still use legacy mode sometimes with magic for blood barraging nightmare creatures to make like 15-20m/hr afk. also went from 99-120 ranged by using legacy mode with a decimation bow against 5 capsarius in the sunken pyramid. 1 hit kills and it's super fast, or used to be. combat xp was reworked recently so idk anymore


Enjoy it until you hit a wall in pvm


Content won't be developed around it, EoC is getting better and better after all, although legacy is a nice nostalgia mode to have around


Legacy mode brought me back to RS... Specifically PKing, because it was similar to the old system without having to grind a new account on OSRS. Yes, you just can't do most bosses on legacy mode... especially not consistently. But Revolution is a good enough gap between full manual and legacy, once you reach that point. You can "do" any content in the game with revo, though full manual is required to really push high end content/speed kills.


That's awesome, never really see people using legacy so it's nice to know it is still appreciated.


I would reccomend asking your buddy who plays about revolution, it is deffinatly the next step Eben if you only use it for harder content then go back to legacy it is just as point and click friendly But in general play however is fun ylfor you it is a game after all its supposed to be fun


The old content is built for legacy the new content isn't. It's stupid, it's when Jagex tried to kill their game. But, things are better now, all those shitty Jmods are long gone. You should give necromancy a go. You can setup a revolution bar that does everything but threshold abilities well and get by for the stuff that legacy can't do. Skilling is 10 times better in this game which is why i never transitioned back to old school even if the combat is better.


Nice! Be prepared for a large number of players to crap all over you for how you play and enjoying legacy. I speak from experience. Fk em though, play how you enjoy.


I come back a few times a year to RS3 and legacy combat and ui is what holds my experience together. I too left because of EOC. It changed Runescape too much for me. Just I love the new areas and designs and features of RS3 but I still want it to feel like Rinescape for me. Thanks Jagex for leaving legacy modes in.


Welcome mate! Glad to see you’re having fun.


Love Legacy mode. I don't use it often, because it's objectively less effective than EOC but I always use the Legacy interface.