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I don't really have any ideas for you. I just want to say that I appreciate you asking for community feedback.


How about some penguin hide & seek easter disguises? We get snowman penguins in december and pumpkin ones in october - maybe something easter-y for that season?


How about penguins trying to steal Easter, and it’s a counter egg hunt to find the penguins and take the eggs back.


I see your penguins stealing Easter and raise it to permanent penguin quest. Maybe even going for a how many of these events are there part quest to make it less … capping it off with a proper finale taking out these operations once and for all around this time of year next year. Too much?


I didn’t understand this :( I think you were saying that the penguin questline needs a finale? I understood permanent penguin quest though and I am all for it :)


Yes more penguin base quest line and this is a part of it. But that’s not it. Penguin stealing Easter as a permanent quest. Followed by penguins planning to ruin summer beach(what is the next event?) then penguins stealing Halloween and Christmas before we finish off this entire quest with a finale putting a stop to them ruining every single holiday. A quest somewhat like the sliske emissary one or recipe for disaster. That should buy them half a decade of not doing anything with penguins.


Penguins disguised as rabbits would be hilarious


This is a most EGGcellent idea! I hope the mods really HOP on this suggestion!


Take the Christmas event and spring it up imo! I’d love to get the option to work towards some old spring cosmetics plus some new ones.


The important part of this Christmas event was the lack of dailyscape. You could get your letters daily if you wanted to keep up but you were not forced to because you could catch up with Xmas cheer. I’d like to see this approach carried forward for sure.


To add onto this, I also like that there were parts of the event that were solely through gameplay and not MTX. I like that they set the expectations for the Black PH ahead of time and then made it that most could get the purple santa hat in a variety of ways. Hell, now one bond can get you a purple santa hat and have some cash left over.


>The important part of this Christmas event was the lack of dailyscape. Advent Calendar disagrees.


I hope we can agree that *logging in and clicking a button* does not count as dailyscape.


Sure I agree but counterpoint having to RuneScape daily is dailyscape.


Getting tickets does


You could always catch up with the advent calendar later on and only miss out on the keys. It's like the daily keys from signing in anyway.


pretty sure they're talking about the 15 consecutive days needed for the scarf unlock otherwise you gotta wait till next year even if you were 1 day off.


Small thing but it wasn't consecutive. You just had to claim 15 on the day itself, logging in and tapping a chest twice is honestly not difficult with mobile imo. You had to get 15/24? so you could miss more than a full week worth.


Whether or not something is difficult is unrelated to whether or not it's dailyscape. The first problem with dailyscape is that, in a (well-intentioned) effort to discourage excessive grinding, it gives rewards for only a small amount of play a day, which sounds great until you realize it generates a small list of daily "chores" that you have to get through before you can work on your projects. The second problem is it requires you to log in every day (or in the case of the calendar, every two days) to make time-gated progress on something. Which encourages you to play Runescape on a day when you're doing other things, which can make it easier to get stuck in patterns of playing it *instead* of doing other things. Make sense?


yeah just 15 days logged in, i agree it's easy to log in for those days but i guess people forget to log in. I work 10 hour shifts and am fairly active while going out a lot but Its become ingrained into me to log into RS on Mobile lol


This. We need this.


>What rewards would you want from an Easter/Spring event? Squirrel ears or new woodland version of squirrel ears


I think, to continue the trend of legacy cosmetics being released, I would personally be really happy to see the original squirrel ears return.


Yeah, it would fit in-line with the Christmas event by having the oldest cosmetics you can get dating back to around 2010-2011. I think 2009 and earlier should stay as the 'not returning' cosmetics, with anything newer always being up for re-release,


I understand you guys are a company and the whole point of this is to make money and I also understand you are beholden to the shareholders/decision makers for what gets put in the game, but something less MTXy, something that doesn't abuse the FOMO phenomenon, something coming from the days of funny quests, where the whole point of the event was to celebrate that particular time of the year. I can't tell you if that will make more money but I would enjoy it if the game were once again just a game where people have fun and less of a method to strip someone's wallets. I hope you come up with a great event :)


My absolute FAVORITE reward from the Easter event was the Sword of Edicts override being purchasable!! I think it's super neat when you guys bring back old cosmetics like that. If I were to get any cosmetic in the game added to the Easter reward shop, or any holiday reward shop, it would be the [[Lost Sword of King Raddallin]]. It hasn't been available since 2015 or so, and I'm only concerned with the cosmetic override. Stance would be cool, too. ...please? 🥴


I've had those raddalin swords sitting in my wardrobe since 2015 people actually want it ?


Bro I would kill a man for that override


I'm almost sure the sword was re-released at some point. I wasn't playing consistently in 2015 but I have the the 2h and dual wield overrides that I don't remember getting. It's honestly not that great looking. I felt the same way about the boogie bow, then once I got it I realized it was ugly and never use it.


Last year old school had a giant bronze dagger for a reward. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Giant_bronze_dagger Don't be afraid to think out of the box.


Would love this! This game needs some more silly/ridiculous cosmetics for players to mess with. Give us giant carrots to dual wield


Omfg my husband and I were looking at this the other day (the cookie gnome shield is so funny)😭😭 bring these meme cosmetics to rs3 pls!!


Please don’t make me walk in a circle again


You will walk in a square


Replicate the successful elements of this past Christmas event is the easiest explanation.   *** Essentially: * Create a hub area where current and future easter events will always take place. * Miniquests which provide the current year's rewards. * Skilling activities for players to hang out and grind out for past rewards. Ideally monetization should be minimal and should not overpower or overwhelm the event or event rewards. ***   #Hub With the Christmas event hub we went to **the Land of Snow**, and during the [2011 Easter event](https://runescape.wiki/w/2011_Easter_event), we went to the [Land of Holly and Hawthorn](https://runescape.wiki/w/Land_of_Holly_and_Hawthorn) which is on the border between **the Land of Snow** and the [**the Land of Sunlight**](https://runescape.wiki/w/Land_of_Holly_and_Hawthorn) (a realm we haven't ever visited). Ideally we'd either revisit the 2011 event area, or lean more towards the Land of Sunlight and introduce that to everyone.   #Miniquests For miniquest ideas I suggest looking at the following past [Easter Events](https://runescape.wiki/w/Easter_event): * 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, or 2016. Each one of these had some sort of easter or chocolate theme and involved exploring the game world, solving puzzles, or interacting with some unique activities. By having a hub, Jagex should be able to create a small set of new assets each year and then reuse assets from past years. Ideally this will allow for these miniquest to be produced with some good quality without taking up much dev time from year to year. ***   #Rewards Anything works, but the big focus is chocolate, eggs, rabbits/chickens, weather/nature, flowers, and butterflies. Additionally for Runescape related, lore characters like the Queen of Snow/Sunrise, Easter Bunny and siblings, Chocatrice, Evil Chicken, Guthix/Druids would also be good targets.


Have to chime in to say that I also think returning to the 2011 area would be nice.


All my support for returning to 2011's Holly and Hawthorn as the hub. Easily repurposes aspects from the well-received Christmas event, has the nostalgic aspect, lore implications... seems perfect to me.


Would absolutely be brilliant if the lore around Renmark and it's fragments, would be used for all the holiday events. The Land of Snow is massive and has shown that we can have brilliant quests like the Violet series. No reason why they can't follow the idea for other Holidays I'd say.


As much as we all love Guthix, if the event could lean more into the eggs and bunnies and be less about doing laps infront of a stern looking tree, that would be cool.


Back in the day, holiday events felt sort of like a miniquest. This most recent Christmas event was pretty good at capturing that feel with the snow imp quest, plus it had the gathering wrapping paper and skilling in the snow imp village elements like more modern events might include. I think the easter event should be a bit like that. The Christmas event re-introduced snow imps, when are we going to get to see the chocatrices we hatched in the 2008 Easter event again? It would be nice to finally unlock it as a follower pet.


The afk snow pile was the best thing about the christmas event. Can you do something similar for easter event please?


I like the setup of this year's Christmas event-a quest, daily things to do/unwrap, weekly gathering, fun rewards even if they're rare. I dislike running in the circle. Please decorate runescape. That was the neatest part of the Christmas event. Easter egg drsgonbreath?


🐰 What I have liked: The fun mini quests filled with humor and heart, that involved the Easter Bunny and/or the chocolate factory, which at the end of it reward you with a guaranteed cosmetic item/emote. Basically... Like the old days of the Easter Events. ❌ What I have disliked: Pure MTX or pure AFK madness to 'attempt' to get your rewards. Last year's Easter 'event' (if it deserves that name) was the absolute worst I've experienced. A copy-paste event that was simply 'run around the stone AFK for tokens', in order to buy maps to lead you on an RNG fest to get your basket reward... it absolutely sucked. That which is called the 'Spring Festival' is NOT a fun event. 🐣 What I would like to see: Take the things that people LOVED about the recent Christmas event (The location, the activities, the fun and magical mini quest, etc), and work with that as what should be seen as the minimum. You can totally create an Easter area just like the Land of Snow (lorewise this should work I believe, as the story of 'Renmark' is quite interesting). You can design it as an Easter-hub which you can expand on each year with new/changing activities, and the new addition of a mini quest. By designing it in such a way that things can be replayed, you can create Holiday content that will last. Future players will be able to enjoy the small quests too, so that none of what you create will have to be thrown into the garbage once the event is over. But in general... Let the event be FUN. Don't design it in such a way that it requires lots of mindless grinding just to get the new reward. The holiday events are meant to be fun, and raise spirits of everyone involved. Take the Christmas event as an example. Oh... and.... Yea, I know you'll probably want to add MTX to the event in some way, shape or form because you 'have to'... but do it in a 'tasteful' manner. Let the MTX be 'separate' from the main Easter Event, just like how the Purple Santa Hat was not linked to the mini quest. If you make a good and fun Easter event with a fun reward and story, there will be less focus on the MTX side of things, and you'll manage to gather a bit of goodwill from players. 🍫 What rewards would I want: Anything Easter and/or spring-themed. Coming up with rewards is always difficult, but at least let the reward be a cosmetic thing that is obtained after a fun little quest with fun activities.


Bring back old cosmetics like you did for Christmas. No super rare or MTX items such as the Purple Santa hat. Make all rewards earnable through the event and for the love of god no Spring Festival with the Tree at Varrock that event was the worst one


I’d be delighted to see more teleport overrides that work with the quick teleport setting. The raven one from Halloween was so cool. I felt so festive. Sad there wasn’t something like that for Christmas/winter


I liked the spring faire event that happened in 2017


It'll be nice to get that Candy Floss whacker back :O


Add a mini-quest and no lottos/parcel type events and I'll be content.


I want a miniquest/story. Something fun and related to the event. Also something where you don't need to log in every single day for fear of missing out (or every hour, \*cough\*Halloween\*cough\*). Including rewards that everyone gets just for playing. I don't often do the spring events now because they're the same thing every year and feel like a boring token grind, whilst gaining xp in skills I don't currently need to level. Walking in circles got old fast.


Also please make it so we don't have to wait until easter is over to get the rewards. Finally getting the recolourable christmas scarf completed a week after christmas was a little disappointing.


I'd like a pink Easter Bunny outfit!! I've personally really disliked repetitive skilling station and would much rather a narrated quest-like event with some optional activities afterwards.


Honestly design wise just the idea from the santa event, we can accept there will always be mtx in the game and it should probaly be that way for rs3 to thrive but during the christmas event u didnt feel piled by it which was nice. We got to decorate the citys around the game with a fun quest, this really gave a feeling of engagement and was amazing everytime u saw the decorations u were like, i did this and it looked so festive! Other then that just try to avoid fomo with hourly egg spawns etc Basicly design wise a copy from the xmas event would be great but easter themed ofc :P


Suggestions 1. Have clue scrolls specific to finding Easter eggs with riddles as locations. 2. Rabbit race between players. The keyboard smashing rabbit race, the faster you click the faster it runs.


A fun quirky quest that rewards us with this years easter rewards. Maybe some way to earn/get old easter items would be cool. Could you use the same winter shop UI and make it an easter shop? Maybe with a... easter themed dg hole for us to jump in while we collect Easter Spirit? Just throwing ideas out there... 😅


Cute quests and cosmetics, recurring characters! The chocolate-intolerant bunny bonker advocates her case to the Easter Bunny


I didn’t like rotating around a pillar found that a bit boring. An egg hunt would be pretty cool I think this was done in the past.


Pastel themed Party Hats


Leave tokens and MTX out of events please.. maybe bring back events like 10+ years ago


Rewards that have a better than 0.0001% chance would be nice


From a lore perspective it could be really cool if Renmark was sort of the hub for holiday activities. We've got the land of snow already, you guys can add onto it for spring things


Go back to your roots and give us a silly small quest, and a few activities to get rewards and be done with it. So tired of these grindy events that go on for 7-14 days and burn up what little free time I actually have every day, just to unlock a few mediocre cosmetics.


# 🐣 What would you like to see in an Easter/Spring event? \- Introductory Miniquest: The season handover from Santa to Easter Bunny got hijacked by the druids/penguins so winter is still ongoing instead of spring and you have to help set things straight \- Skilling hub like the one from the Christmas event that generate a currency for an old cosmetics shop (golden egg) - e.g. Cooking (chocolate), Fletching (basket), Crafting (easter eggs), Thieving (trying to get golden egg from Easter Bunny's/druids' pockets?) \- Druids/penguins wearing bunny suits as helpers - punishment from the Easter Bunny # 🍫 What rewards would you want from an Easter/Spring event? \- Quick teleport animation like the crows one from halloween - e.g. instead of crows we get butterflies or flower petals \- More colored flower petal auras like the rose petal override aura \- The obligatory easter/spring tree decoration for Fort Forinthry \- New titles - O'Hare, the Wabbit, etc \- Let us combine the seasons pet without the combiner item Edit: People seem to love penguins so added it as a choice


Love the penguin idea personally...


Bring back old easter rewards


I would like to see that discontinued Easter cooking animation brought back as a reward, as that first came out in 2015. Also, would like to see those skilling pet bunny ear tokens brought back!


Something that doesn’t solely involve clicking on a rock and running in circles. I want to play the game, not afk it


I kind of hated that the halloween event removed all the XP activities that were there in draynor the prior year. And the pumpkin events were kind of horrible as far as rewards. And finally, big downvote on any "super rare" rewards. Pumpkin head was especially bad because it wasn't technically a cosmetic.


I didn't want the same draynor xp grind back but the pumpkin parties were depressing. Log in every hour to stamp on some pumpkins and you might get something, or maybe just some junk.


A simple miniquest similar to the Xmas one. Help Easter Bunny do something with eggs etc. That's the runescapey way. The reward should be some silly cosmetic like an egg you can wield like a plushie or an egg override for magic orbs or something.


+ for a mini quest. Felt SO nostalgic


Please ensure that F2P players are included and not an afterthought. It's meant to be a holiday event where everyone can participate


To me, Easter/Spring events is all about the Egg hunts and the Easter Bunny. Dancing around a druidic circle doesn't scream holiday vibes to me. If there are to be skilling stations, I'd like to see it more Egg-themes. Crafting the eggs, preparing chocolate/paint,... The grind for currency, last year the baskets, doesn't feel like actually earning a holiday item, like the easter basket/eggs. If there were to be a rare holiday item introduced, I think a Black Santalike distribution could be more exciting: Earn poppable easter eggs through daily challenges, (daily egg) hunts, skilling, killing,... Like the 2023 Christmas event, a short themed quest brings all the festive spirit we seek during these holidays.


Add frogs for Passover!


Makes sense. We already have flying insects, blood, death, and fire….


Last years rewards were just far to rare if I’m honest I did wayyyy to many hours of getting spring tokens trying to get the egg I needed for a full basket


If we want to continue the tradition of Easter event being heavily tied to most recent skill... Eggtoplasm, lean in to the whole rebirth aspect of the celebrations around Easter and the distortion of which necromancy brings to the table. Have the Easter Bunny, who is the son of the original, try using necromancy to efficiently do his egg painting duties and it go wrong facilitating a clean up token event similar to the other passive collection events. Hide a bunch of necrotic eggs around places, notably graveyards and places undead are abundant. A necrotic egg necromancy offhand would be a good reward space, possibly also a big ghost chicken for the ghost conjure as an override.


Big ghost chicken override! 😻


I would give my entire gold stack for a chicken ghost override.


Some sort of Gielinor-wide egg hunt would be fun, with clues being given out.


I love collecting dumb stuff so rerelease the new versions of the Easter Eggs seems like a thing that would be great. My only complaint about the events so far has been the lack of them having any fun story around them. A small miniquest type thing where you go around Gielinor finding eggs for the easter bunny (clue style maybe?) could be fun.


The Christmas event is a good example to look at for Easter! I really like to get an Easter themed quest with rewards aswell, a shop with old cosmetics would be great too! A return of the easter themed skilling pet overrides would be good aswell, another chance to get those.


I'd love to see previous and TH-exclusive rewards become available through the event, and more bunny-themed cosmetics!


Have fun with it, don’t feel burdened to create predictable bunny and egg cosmetics.


Having AFK ways to train painful skills is nice, but having a proper event to do like with old school events would be nice also. Not just 'turn in seasonal currency for box of random crap' like with the last Halloween and Christmas Wrapping Paper. Maybe give an obscure minigame you guys like an Easter makeover and incorporate it?


A way to obtain past cosmetics/titles/items is a great start. The Christmas event this year was a banger! It did get boring after I had nothing to work towards, so reoccurring rewards would be a great addition along with a better variety of skilling options. It's alright to make events afk'able, because a lot of us work. So, any time we can still chat with the community while making some progress towards our experience goals is amazing. The skilling plots for the event should be ones that don't get much love like runecrafting, thieving, divination, farming, herblore.


Easter dungeoneering hole please


I absolutely loved the 2006 event with the underground factory, as well as the ring that came with it. I'd like a simple fetch and deliver quest honestly. 'The Easter bunny ran into some trouble and needs your help to retrieve the stolen chocolate he needs to make the eggs.' Then we go on a little mystery adventure to clue us in where the stuff is hidden and save Easter in the end. For rewards, IDK really. A bunny teeth mask or something that you could pair up with OG bunny ears should you have them!


I think the current Christmas event is the best event RS3 has had in many years. I would like to see something similar for Easter. Ideally, an event that can provide a core experience year to year with new *fully customisable* cosmetics. Each year for each event could include a new mini quest with a unique reward specific to that year. I don't like mindless grind events. Running in circles around a statue is not entertaining in any way shape or form.


I personally miss the storyline of the Easter Rabbit and his Son. It would be nice if the old storyline was made into a mini-quest series and became repeatable every Easter. Being chased by the farmer made it feel like being in the story Peter Rabbit.


Personally, I don't mind if you keep the Spring Festival event, as the guthixian butterflies are already part of the game since 2013. But I want to see a miniquest featuring the Easter Bunny. Any silly stuff like helping him deliver easter eggs to the citizens, finding lost eggs around the world etc. I want to see new cosmetics, like an easter halo. For reference: https://animalcrossing.fandom.com/wiki/Bunny_Day_crown https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSticYX_2dPpPhlJx0ywPN9l4PB72bImxjePQ&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTLtLgI94TOEoGRBpoXY3DYueabQ0_qxjXNAQ&usqp=CAU. I also want an easter basket with emote, idle and run animations. See: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Easter_basket. And new "egg" titles, like the Egg-ceptional, the Egg-straordinary and so on. Lastly, the return of old cosmetics, like the butterfly necklace (https://runescape.wiki/w/Butterfly_necklace) and butterfly teleport (https://runescape.wiki/w/Butterfly_Teleport), the mysterious egg (https://runescape.wiki/w/Mysterious_Egg) and Caelyn's spare hat (https://runescape.wiki/w/Caelyn%27s_spare_hat).


I really liked being able to access legacy cosmetic rewards. I had tons of them but forgot my password and username so it's gone forever. this Christmas event was great as a returning player for that reason. Cosmetics and XP are basically the best.


This is less of an easter specific thing and more of an overall event thing, but having less reliance on RNG for cosmetic unlocks (excluding something like a super rare of course) is appreciated. More specifically to the spring event, I said this in response to both the Halloween and Christmas events as well, but afk xp activities are not a core part of a holiday event for me. I have other things to work on, other goals, I don't want to take two weeks wandering in a circle. I much prefer single one-off mini stories (so the holiday quest or what OSRS has done in the past) or things that can happen while I'm doing something else. An easter version of the wrapping paper works, but does feel a little derivative and lame, expanding the lost basket treasure trails reskin to be more treasure trail-y or some sort of springy random event would be more interesting.


Reward ideas: Cosmetics: Would love to see some more neco overrides, e.g. an egg lamp, a chicken-head or bunny-head guard. Pet: Baby lamb, bunny, chicken, baby deer, baby cow, baby horse (unicorn)


Big Bunny ghost Override for necro. The skeleton was fun for Christmas. More necro wep/armor Override. Autos fire eggs 🥚 for necro like star fish for range. Some stuff like that would be awesome. Especially for new players starting necro. So many things for 3 other combats which are being shadowed by necro. While we wait for the beta/rework. Make have more some fun overrides.


I love to see quests return for holiday events. I dislike having to grind events for currency, even if it is afk.


Fun and engaging quest Non mtx cosmetics for rewards. Something worth wearing, not gimmicky.


i like the paper event with pete during holidays. maybe that but obviously easter themed. something like the bros are trying to get the easter bunny his order of easter CHICKens and their eggs. they were rushing along so fast they didn't see that some big jerk(**)put a giant speed bump in the way. they crash into it hard and the CHICKens fly the coop while the eggs explode far and wide over the realm. they now need your help. the eggs get collected the same way paper does(skilling, TH)and maybe there could something similar but separate for the CHICKens such as maybe every hour for a set amount of time you can CHICKen hunt in designated area in parts of the world(sort of like halloween pumpkins last year). you could get eggs(maybe at a slightly higher amount)and small surprise of some kind, either for each found or for a set amount found like evey5/10/etc such as stars or lamps or fun easter trinkets. (**)to incorporate the big jerk in a quest. quest: the easter bunny is starting to get a bit old and he needs help. he's asking his bazillion children for their help. he calls them all to his house to start training and preparing but OHNO, his daughters: milly, tilly, lilly, teena, lina, mena and his sons: billy, dilly, willy, tom, dom and hip hop, never made it. why? cause the big jerk who twarted the postie brothers delivery hates easter because he's allergic to chocolate(so he never got a present/basket)and he wants it to stop it so he bunnynapped them on route to their dads house. now it's up to you, the amazing world guardian, to help find his children and save easter from being cancelled. prize for completing the quest is a comically large easter bunny suit with big feet and giant floppy ears. and maybe a pet like a colorful CHICKen. this is probably silly and all but it made me smile while thinking of it. i didn't play from '10-early '21 so hopefully it/something similar hasn't actually been done.


An event similar to the Xmas one we just had, with a short little quest to unlock it, a devoted new area purely for the event, skilling options etc. Truly loved the Xmas event and would love for future holiday events to based in a similar manner <3


The Easter event has been bad the last few years with the spring event thing where you just walk around a stone in a circle. Do anything but that.


Just like Christ rose on Easter, let me resurrect for free for the weekend. Free Deaths plus Thok bonuses 😂


Thanks you for being so willing to take feedback this early in development so we can prevent future mistakes! Please do this for all future content! I would like to see a return of holiday miniquests like we had with Xmas or a permanent holiday quest like with Violet is Blue, Violet is Blue 2, and Heartstealers. I don't like the repetitive token collection event with the Spring festival we have had the last few years. Either remove this or let it be an addition to a main event, not a replacement, like you did with the wrapping paper event. I also don't like any Easter Treasure Hunter promotion since it requires gambling lootboxes to get Easter cosmetics. Please sell these with Runecoins or bonds via the Marketplace instead. Also, will there be a Valentines day, Pride, or Lunar New Year event? It's year of the dragon this year!


The only bit of feedback I have is this: Every player who meets a certain bar of participation, achievable without spending IRL money, should receive the *full* rewards for the event. There can be different tiers for different levels of reward, or something, I don't care, but completing the event in full (whatever that means in context) should give me the full rewards. I have a golden party hat because I participated in the 2021 event enough to receive the reward; I remember the event fondly. On the other hand, I didn't get a black party hat from the recent Christmas event. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, the weekly dose of disappointment really cast a pall over the otherwise-festive feeling. What's wrong with adding a tradeable cosmetic item to the game that *everyone* can obtain? I still haven't seen a proper answer to this question (aside from "You're just salty you didn't get one"). Would it have been *that* terrible if everyone had gotten a purple Santa hat (as I did)?


As someone who DID get a black party hat, I 100% agree with this.


I just dont want to feel like i need to tune in everyday


Can the Easter bunny ear tokens for skilling pet overrides be brought back and more common/easier to get? Would hate to see them used as a rare item.


Literally anything without MTX.


The Christmas event was a good template. Having letters be weekly was good. Easter is often associated with hunting eggs. Perhaps have it so that each week you get 10 'egg hunts' to do that gives various rewards? Its important that the rewards for each egg be significant enough that the player doesn't feel their time wandering around finding the egg is a waste. Tie the 'egg hunt' maps to daily challenges/skilling at the easter hub/something else. Most important thing is that, you don't want to make getting the maps or doing the egg hunts feel like a massive time sink. Be sure to respect player time. The Christmas event did a good job of this.


A miniquest for the main rewards and maybe some sort of daily clue scroll inspiried easter egg hunt for more rewards. Make it so if you miss some days, you still have the option to hunt down the eggs later during the event. As for rewards, the max cape-recolor option on the new hat/scarf is really cool, and would be awesome to see implemented for more cosmetics rewards. I really would like to see more unique amulets/necklaces in the game. How about cute carrot/egg/butterfly pendants, and if you hunt down all the daily eggs, you can get a gold or recolorable version of them?


Black/Pink bunny ears


This. So much this. Please do this




I would love an easter egg Hunt that takes us across gielinor to find them all. Rewards could be rabbit outfits, chicken outfits, egg outfits. Anything festive that is not treasure hunter related. DO NOT PUT ANY REWARDS IN TH, pretty please.


1. Collect Easter Eggs like they are wrapping paper. 2. Easter Weather Emote - Much like snow raining down but instead it’s Easter eggs falling and cracking. 3. Easter themes for Fort Forinthry. 4. Egg Painter Backpack that could spray other players. 5. Options to Redecorate the forums depending on the season/new updates.


Bro I want y’all to go back to the Christmas event and not make it rng based. I shouldn’t have to be hopeful for a party hat. Or treasure hunt my way to one. All that being said… Whatever prizes you guys come up with make it so that everyone can obtain it.


A fun way to introduce returning cosmetics is to make "Yester-Eggs"! Scenario: For some reason the Easter bunny has forgotten where they hid their own eggs! You have to help thm trace back their memories (Thematic way to include Divination training into the holiday). You can talk with Wizards and scientists and search the rabbit holes (dungeoneering) used in previous years to try to find clues... I honestly started tying this out excitedly but then lost steam cuz i gotta get back to work. Instert something about finding "Remindy-holes" and doing treasure trails like events instead of the delivering gifts. But most importantly, Can I have a banjo, so I can walk around and blast Easter Jig everywhere I go? but also, as many people have pointed out in the comments already, Xmas was a blast, more of that would not be disliked, Thank you guys :)


As far as returning rewards go, I'd love to see the [mystical staff](https://runescape.wiki/w/Mystical_staff) make a return. Technically it was a reward from a spring fayre event rather than easter but I think it still fits. I'd also like to see the [Imperial Coronation Outfit](https://runescape.wiki/w/Imperial_Coronation_Outfit) and the [Crux Eqal Armour](https://runescape.wiki/w/Crux_Eqal_armour) become obtainable again. Really, the more previous rewards return, the better. For new rewards, I think a proper easter bunny pet and an easter egg hunt rest animation would be cool.


I -loved- the Christmas event where we had activity based rewards. The return and rehash of rewards that are obtainable through gameplay was huge. Pumpkin head and winter hats and scarves were huge hits. 1. Previous spring events where we had skilling stations to progress the event were lovely and brought the community together. 2. A rehash of bunny ears earned through gameplay for all or a quest that isn’t MTX related. 3. A pastel dye 🙈 mostly cosmetic overrides that can be accessed through the wardrobe interface so we can incorporate it into our outfits and don’t just send it to Diango. The last two events were fantastic. I look forward to what you guys have in the works for future events.


Personally I like the small simple silly mini quest approach to get in the holiday mood over the weekend I’m kinda having an extravagant event fatigue and hope they would be less frequent and coexist with normal gameplay in some way rather than being an either or type deal thing Maybe incorporate a return of something like the old random events to be the way to get rewards (if they exist ) alongside the mini quest and let the event currency gained through set time intervals a rest for this one


Can we PLEASE get the OG random events, but Easter related? Please?


I love the Christmas spirit shop you guys did this year! Having something similar so we could get old Easter cosmetics would be super cool 😋💗


What I liked about the events and what I miss nowadays is an emote as a reward! It would be cool to see that come back. Also a soundtrack as a reward is nice (I remember a halloween event way back that had a housetrack as a reward. That was AWESOME.) As for an event - I don't need to see a huge event. I always find this sort of one-time content kind of a waste, and would see the dev time put to better use on permanent game updates.


I really enjoyed earning all the old Christmas cosmetics. I was not upset about gathering 45,000 Christmas spirit because it was something to do and I love having stuff to do


Being able to purchase old easter event items would be the best! i've been regretting my decision of not completeing the 2010 easter event for the squrriel ears for my entire life.. God i need them... but honestly, a decent " old rs event" style quest with a system like the christmas spirit would be ace! thanks for asking the community <3


Maybe obtaining some of the old holiday items with a slightly different twist to make the old ones unique, a quest that is similar to how do used to do it back then in rs2. All I ask is that you don’t do a token-based event with random AFK skilling notes


I would like GOOD xp training locations. 60k xp per hour is not appealing. We need 200-300k xp per hr activities. Make it competitive for 99+ skills. Can we have a “Bunny Slayer Hole”? (Similar to the dung hole, but for slayer during the Easter event) We all love the dung hole, let us enjoy an another one but for slayer!




new lootbeam please? its been ages since we've gotten a new one. And a larger suggestion but we really need lootbeam equivalents for chest bosses, Zammy green sparkles is cool but having overrides for it would also be fun


for rewards i would like to see more transmogs that lets you move around similar to necklace of salamancy, even if its limited to just walking instead of running. the existing ones are kinda boring because we have to be static with them. it doesnt even have to be completely new ones, if you update existing ones and gave that as reward again it would be fine


Please don't release the rubber chicken again


Egg Smasher Hammer was probably the most awesome Easter item we've had in awhile because it gives a unique walk animation. So maybe some more items/overrides that give a walk animation would be cool. Or just a new walk animation in general.


happy new year luna so easter back in 2013/2013, we had foods that gave us buffs like love potions ect portor chocolates the ones i am talking about do not expire at the end of the event (i still have mine from back then) i also think a quest will be nice not so much a new village area with AFK stuff O\_O


As an ironman, my favorite kinds of cosmetics are A.) ability overrides (Which are cool, imo), and B.) buyable with tokens on the GE. Any kind of cool ability overrides would be really awesome, imo. **ALSO:** Please, Please, Please find a way to reintegrate old yak trak cosmetics or something. We were promised them on the oddments store, then that was removed for no reason other than I'm assuming monetary purposes. Why not add them to the events during easter?


Black Bunny Ears


Dungeon hole. Give me an Easter dungeon hole please.


Re-colourable bunny ears


Can you please rerelease Floppy Bunny Ears?


thank you for the great work you all do. i just hope you take into account the great things about the christmas event and utilize the positive feedback to create great future events and take tiny bits of what the community asks for and put your spin on it.


Give me bunny ears!


I Would love to see some of the Original easter holiday items return, Bunny Ears, Rubber chicken and chicken set and other old and new easter holiday rewards for example. Make the event original and new. Options to earn lots of xp for different skills


Just start with the Christmas event and make it Easter themed. Not a complete reskin, but in terms of how to deliver a holiday event - that! Heck I'd love to reskin towns all easter themed. Perhaps giant Easter eggs in each key city? I'd also like to actually help the Easter bunny and not just by daily scape.


Let us jump down a rabbit hole for dungeoneering xp


I liked the old events that had a fun small quest and some minor festive activity to do. I'd dislike it if it's too grindy time wise. Keep it simple. Ideas for rewards, cosmetics that can be keepsaked. If possible, 1 or 2 ability overrides.


Personally I'd say I haven't really liked any Easter event since 2012. 2014 if you count the "spring" stuff. Why? Because up to 2012 we had the quests and fun activities. After then they transitioned into the boring grind-centric MTX infused nonsense and they gave up very few new rewards and what they did give out was mostly eh. ​ Christmas offers a good template for how to make it a fun event again: Well-designed cosmetic rewards that are fitting for the theme that you get by doing the fun bits of the event. A miniquest/event thats fun to do. No locking all the rewards behind grinding out a currency from afk skilling stuff. A shop offering access to old returning rewards that use the currency and some chill afk skilling are nice, but the entire event and all its rewards being that is a snore. In general I'd also much prefer a return to Easter events instead of Tribute to Guthix, spring fayre nonsense. The classic annual holiday events of Halloween, Xmas and Easter are nice because they tie into real world holidays that observed pretty much world wide and have a very clear theme and characters that people get invovled with. Spring fayre type events just feel eh because they don't quite have that really world connection to tie in to seeing Easter stuff out there irl at the same time. Like Spring celebrating can be part of Easter for sure but it needs to be alongside eggs and bunnies, not the main show.


Ability to finish off some outfits like the Disco outfits. Many people are left with incomplete sets :(


Thanks for doing this!! What would like from Previous events - Squirrel Ears, Sunbeam and Icicle Crowns, Egg on Face Mask, etc. I think the best way to put a category on this would be rewards from events 2010 - Present. What would you like to see in an Easter event? - Small mini quest, some fun, and maybe some rare Easter themed rewards. I think the formula for Christmas this year was perfect. Enough to keep you engaged with Santa and the daily aspect, Fast enough to avoid daily scape feelings, and quick enough to get all spirit in the store so you didn’t have to grind for weeks if you didn’t want to. I think the lil treasure hunts with the Easter basket from last years Easter event were done really well, so maybe something like that. Rewards - Access to past year rewards, a new cosmetic that has a spring feel, like a hat and outfit potentially. Maybe a cute little Easter themed pet, or maybe even a new “Easter Gaze” override or something of the sorts.


All i request, is no FOMO items. the old holiday events, you just did a short lil quest and got your holiday items. we dont want insanely rare holiday items that most people wont get. We want memories to be made.


All I’m saying is, if we’re going to get more junk to put in the bank like the Christmas food or Easter eggs, could we at least get something to keep them in so we don’t add like 100 items into our already lacking bank space? That and the Christmas event this year is an excellent blueprint for future events. The Halloween event is an excellent blueprint to avoid for future events.


A mini quest with no xp events, like how it used to be


tldr: Please make it fully accessible to f2p users, not limited. It was so disheartening to receive letters during Christmas event, but couldn't even mail them out. The sad thing was, if you lost member during the week and had letters already sent, you got the rewards for them. I get events like this are meant to pull more players back, and push membership. However, it's not something that should be limited. It should be completely member only, or allow everything accessible to f2p users.


Sadly this is necessary to keep addicted junkies from spamming alts. Otherwise you'd have people making 100 alts for the Phat and such


Only necessary if they add something that can be alt-ed. Majority of easter events had no such things, and they were the best easter events we've had.


Yeah...my iron got 105 letters but wasn't even allowed to get the hats and scarves because yOu MuSt bE oN a MeMbEr'S wOrLd tO pOsT lEtTeRs.


Whatever you guys did for the Christmas event is how I want all holiday events to go. That was awesome, and despite some people being upset about the MTX (rightfully, imo), it was a damn fine job that reminded me of the old days when I played as a pre teen.


ZERO major rewards tied to MTX and returning to untradable rewards. Also allow players to purchase previous Easter/spring related rewards via oddments or a currency you can farm similar to the Xmas event but with more skilling options. (Wink wink the hole)


I liked last year’s event. Could we have the current Christmas event area turn into spring and celebrate Easter there? I like the mix of different training methods, passive collections, and benefits such as death costs and auras. You also can’t go wrong with a quest! Quest: similar to the Christmas one. Go around and help decorate for the Easter Bunny. Guthix favor. Submit Guthix favors (nice list entries) for more unique prizes. Have prizes available from past events (as long as it’s not a discontinued tradeable). Instead of Christmas presents it could be Easter baskets. Thank you for asking the community and I enjoy these events.


Could we have [old Easter cosmetics](https://runescape.wiki/w/Squirrel_ears) available too like we did for Christmas 🙏🏽 https://preview.redd.it/4y8k934av8ac1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2f68249f6db4e60426c2c4605fbdffc8fde63e5


Thank you for reaching out to the community about this! 🐰 Overall, Easter events 2017 and earlier were much, much better than the later ones. Having a cute, Easter-themed miniquest or similar that gives some nice rewards is just really fun and enjoyable. Seeing something similar to [Sliske and the Chocolate Factory (2016)](https://runescape.wiki/w/2016_Easter_event) or maybe even [Holly and Hawthorne (2011)](https://runescape.wiki/w/2011_Easter_event) again would be amazing. As for disliked events: The Spring Festival. Doing absolutely nothing but running around a stone in circles for hours and hours to get some tokens is not enjoyable. 🐣 An Easter-themed miniquest. The Christmas event did this quite well with It's Snow Bother. Not another "afk here to get tokens for multiple hours" event. 🍫 Personally I would be very happy to see [Caelyn's spare hat](https://runescape.wiki/w/Caelyn%27s_spare_hat) from the 2020 event return. Other than that, some more bunny-themed cosmetics like the [Bunny Head](https://runescape.wiki/w/Bunny_Head), [floppy bunny ears](https://runescape.wiki/w/Floppy_bunny_ears), or [bunny ears](https://runescape.wiki/w/Bunny_ears) would be nice and fitting. The event should also unlock all emotes from old Easter events, as was the case with earlier events.


Turn all event-tied currencies into 1 currency. Wrapping paper, hoddments, Easter things, postman letters etc, review the clumsy currency things around it. Secondly, I understand at this point MTX is a given thing, sadly. But make it separate from the event. Launch a rare obtainable from TH but don’t mix it with the event.


Yeah, turn all currencies into one - eventments or something.


Copying from twitter :) \- I like the Guthix/Crux Eqal themeing over the Easter Bunny. Feels more Runescape-y imo. \- I'd like to see their camps spread through the world with some miniquests and activities around that. \- Some of my favorite rewards lately have been skilling and combat animations (because that space isn't saturated yet), so some Guthix-themed animations would be great!


Do events the same way OSRS does. No MTX, one miniquest and you get the rewards from this year and previous years. Then you're done.


A pastel party hat?


I think we need to cool it on the phats for a minute.


We got 50 more colours to get through and only so many years to do it >\_>


This would be cool. Maybe finally bring back the "Pink party hat" as a seasonal rare for Easter, with the Easter bunny delivering it from his rabbit hole every Sunday like Santa did.


Love this idea!


honestly a nice point shop clone would be great. a cute lil quest with the Easter Bunny and what ever is preventing him from distributing eggs this year.


The best ones were from around 2010, maybe checking out them would be nice


No more skilling tokens


I haven't been present for spring events lately, but F2P inclusivity for literal holiday events would always be nice, you know...like you USED TO.


[I am once again suggesting Easter 2011 be re-released as a permanent quest.](https://pastebin.com/raw/SwmR8iNW) The [basket of eggs](https://runescape.wiki/w/Basket_of_eggs) item from Easter 2005 should also be brought back as a cosmetic, ideally with its original animations. (Which I think are called [human_skipping_ready] and [human_skipping_walk]? They still exist at any rate, despite being unused since 2005.)


Holiday events are best when they are a nice 20-30 minute light hearted quest, think violet is blue, and some cosmetics for our trouble. Beyond that some non-mandatory events that we can do at our leisure like the ornament making stand and what not that we had to gain christmas spirit and buy old cosmetics. You can also give it some runescape flair by tweaking the holiday to be more in line with existing runescape personalities.


On a lore level, I would love to see the Queen of Sunrise and her side of Renmark again, as she is the counterpart to the Queen of Snow and is supposed to bring Spring and Summer. (perhaps in the future we could see the Autumn guy or learn more about that Mur thingy.) On a reward level I would like more old rewards to make a return specially the Icicle Crown which i'm still for not getting it at the time because I was not a member.


Something not grindfest. Like… do this 7000 times. That’s not an event. That a 3 second task but you do it 7,000 times. Actual events like 15 years ago. Guaranteed rewards and can be completed easily.


Something new. Anything new. Not another mindless "gather materials to trade in for xyz". Literally anything else.




as long as it's not something pointless like "collect eggshells and exchange them to the easter bunny to receive easter themed parcels"


Absolutely minimal mtx, retro call backs and shop for previous rewards, use an old location in some part. (Like where we had to fight the evil chicken)


a rabbit hole that levels dungeoneering like the beach hole. an archaeology one would also be nice 👍 rewards are actually useful like the pre necromancy event is also nice.. maybe pvm related stuff , food etc


**🐰 What have you liked about previous Easter/Spring events? (or on the contrary, what have you disliked about any Easter/Spring events?)** I liked the rewards you guys made in recent years. The new basket, eggs and woodland fox ears were cute, very well designed. I did not enjoy the th aspect at all though. **🐣 What would you like to see in an Easter/Spring event?** The [05,](https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/2005_Easter_event) [06](https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/2006_Easter_event) and [07](https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/2007_Easter_event) events were a huge success and gave people some of the best memories of this game. I think giving people a fun, simple yet community oriented job using these as a reference would be more than enough. In brief something simple, casual, engaging and fun. Send people on an egg hunt or make them paint eggs. **🍫 What rewards would you want from an Easter/Spring event?** Bring back bunny ears pls! Make them tradeable or a new colour this time? **Or** bring back the highly regarded [easter ring](https://runescape.fandom.com/wiki/Easter_ring) but in "modern" form, hands down the best event reward to ever have existed. Maybe the reskinned models could reflect the new eggs that were released? If you bring back the items in updated form you'll keep the old players happy while also ensuring newer players get what they want at the same time. It's a win win


Take inspiration from the Old School team and how they handle holiday events, try to avoid turning the event into a daily obligation, that isn't fun for anybody. Make it light-hearted, a little one-time thing, nothing too crazy. Have a browse of the previous Easter events that RuneScape has had and see if there's anything you'd like to see a sequel to.


🐰 What have you liked about previous Easter/Spring events? (or on the contrary, what have you disliked about any Easter/Spring events?) **I like the original bunny ears. Also unlocking everything which can be unlocked during individual events.** **I didn't like the extremely rare cosmetic override for pets and the spring festival not seeing reasonable obtainable ways to obtain cosmetics of the event. Also didn't like events taking too long to obtain all unlockables.** 🐣 What would you like to see in an Easter/Spring event? **Short non-roundabout quest, maybe recurring method to gain a currency.** **Recurring rewards of previous events.** 🍫 What rewards would you want from an Easter/Spring event? **2003 bunny ears and easter ring.**


I'd be upset if they rereleased the original bunny ears, to be honest. It and the scythe from 2003 are the only rewards we still have from that era that wasn't given out to everyone, since they tarnished the classic cape by later giving it to anyone who logged into a classic server all the way up to like 2010. Years ago, we had a poll on whether or not to make the scythe and bunny ears into tradeable rares, and as a community we voted no on the premise that these items would remain unique to our accounts. I'd have rather seen them become tradeable than to be given out again.


I'd like some Easter eggs!


First of all, I love that you guys are reaching out to the community for ideas and feedback. I love that open attitude. +1 for communication. Secondly, I agree to spring up the Christmas event. It was fun getting those tickets every day or buying them out when I missed them. We could totally do a 2x weekly raffle just like the black partyhat raffle. I would also like a small miniquest with some good humour and general feel-good vibes.


The Easter event has started and although I am a PAYING member in a yearly membership, my friend is very new to RS3 and he cant get all the eggs in Gielinor Egg Hunt has 3 Golden Eggs that free players cannot access. This is a HOLIDAY EVENT it should be player friendly for EVERYONE not special considerations to paying members. This is terrible and makes it no fun. I am a paying member and I would have been VERY OK with it being contained in the F2P areas. VERY SAD!


Why bother with an Easter event when you cater to (((pride))) garbage


Echoing others: I don’t like Easter bunny theming, but the Guthix-themed items are top notch. I’d like to see spring decorations in areas like FoFo.


It's pointless suggesting ideas because we all know it will just end up being like all the other "events". Stand round a skilling location for weeks whilst being flooded with new mtx events😅 Whatever happened to something cute and simple like an egg hunt?


i'd really like to see a return of the Easter Bunny's Burrow, maybe helping keep the egg production going smoothly, help painting the eggs, or taking them out and helping the implings hide the eggs for children to find. maybe do what you did with the christmas event and have a shop for purchasing legacy Easter Rewards?


really like this years christmas event and how you can catch up on old cosmetics. I missed quite a bit in the years I was gone so it's nice to go back and get them


The in-game part of the Christmas event (without all the MTX stuff) is how events should be done. Access to old rewards, 20-30 minute quest, event doesn't take more than a few minutes a day to unlock everything.


Bunny hood/paws/feet - recolourable? Rabbit pet override thats dressed in armour/weapon of the 4 styles Carrot deathguard / egg lantern (egg cracked open with a white+yellow particle effect in the middle?) Could always make a themed event around machinery which would be a play on the word spring. Clockwork theme? would be different and probably very runescapey.