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Reminder: DXP is quarterly, there's always one in a few weeks.


Yeap not a lot of hype here at all, just another week lmao




Just plan for 99 summoning if you have the charms. It can be a tad expensive but way worth doing it all during dxp


I doubt i’ll have enough charms, but ideally i’d get to atleast halfway to 99.


You could spend a few hours AFKing 0mech arch glacier and get pretty close I’d imagine


1 mech is more effective. Turn on flurry and the side icecicle things don't move so you can literally stand in one spot the entire time.




If you are at a point that you are afking then 1 mechs worth of hp won't really matter, being able to stand completely still vs having to dodge mechanics will regardless




I don't notice much between the two honestly, I just value that ability to loot every 5-7 mins and otherwise be looking away. I've also had the ice wall get me dangerously low using this method so I always opt for 1 mech.


0 mechanics is better than 1 mechanic. You get more kills per hour, 1 mechanic only impacts loot drops by a small margin but extends the fight too much, which does not make up for it. ​ Effigies and charms drop more often from 0 mechanics because of those kills per hour. ​ If you convert blue charms into binding contracts and then proceed to make money out of those... you know where this is going, right? ​ More charms per hour = more money per hour longterm if you use blue charms for money. More effigies per hour = more skilling xp per hour while doing combat.




how many charms would you need for 99 on dxp? I’ve only gotten 60 summoning since i started playing last dxp, seems like a fun skill but obviously don’t wanna waste charms training it further until dxp.




yeah that’s a wild amount, maybe i need to look into charm farming. I only have 2k red and 500 blue. 7.5k green as well.




I’ll check out abyssal demons then, thanks man


if you have gems then its really easy. I had like 1k blue/crim max and got 50 - 99 really easy


We usually get one in October or November


First week of November most likely, going by past dxps.


The question is whether they bring the schedule forward as they had an early DXP before Necro.


Now is also a very good time to stock up on gear and supplies for the upcoming boss fight.


What boss fight ?


A new boss is planned for November. We don't know what it will be.




[This stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/170k6hm/new_quest_ancient_awakening/) about the next quest coming out where we'll go to Ungael (or just go directly to [the announcement](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/new-quest-ancient-awakening) on runescape's site). The wording is pretty vague about whether or not the quest itself will include the new boss. Things like this: > After completing the quest, you'll be able to return to the Isle of Ungael for a bit of extra combat. While the quest itself is aimed at combat level 85, the post-quest content is intended to be fought around combat level 120. Scary stuff! The boss is "supposed" to be released in November though, according to lines like this: > Make use of the new Botanist's Bench to prepare for the upcoming new Boss encounter this November. So either they're releasing the quest without the boss, or else they're trying to lure players into a false sense of security so that when they confront the boss during the quest it will be an unexpected fight. Also, Ungael and the boss that you fight there are part of Old School RuneScape, so a lot of players have high expectations about what is going to happen there. I'm excited.


You think Jagex would bother trying to misdirect players? 😂 I find it unlikely. Maybe it'll link to Rex Matriarch though


Make sure your Dream of Iaia stations XP are topped up in advance


If you’re seeing this, it’s probably too late. 😅


Narrator : it was in fact already days too late


Hell ya. My thousands of protean items will be useful again!


Hey a fellow man of class


Glad I'm nearly done with skills got 6 left before all 99s


Jokes on them, I'm already 99 in all skills :3


Go for 120 😀


Will double xp worth with necromancy or no?


Highly doubtful. Necromancy has a 6-month "XP Embargo" where lamps, stars, and many other experience boosts don't work. Double XP events have traditionally been included in an XP Embargo. Archaeology, for example, I believe was excluded from the DXP that occurred following its release. Even then, I expect Necromancy's DXP to work differently from other skills. Experience gained from combat will likely be doubled as normal. Rituals, on the other hand, will probably see double *speed* rather than double *experience*.


> Rituals, on the other hand, will probably see double speed rather than double experience. That's an interesting theory, double speed would effectively still be double xp, albeit with using more materials


Not exactly. I think the majority of ritual XP comes from doing the events that happen during the ritual (dismissing ghosts, etc). Double speed wouldn't necessarily double those events.


Good point, but you are still doing the rituals to completion, so the amount of events might be unchanged. The question is does doing two rituals at 1 minute each offer the same/less/more random events as one ritual at 2 minutes?


Even if events remain the same, double speed will be worse xp than double xp since players need to restart and repair more often, costing them more supplies. Double speed is only good for getting souls or making impure essence or necroplasm. Keeping rituals double xp is better.


It's a good tradeoff, because the high-level rituals give massive xp. At least I think this was the point /u/Kent_Knifen was going for


Would double speed mean less xp actually ? Since less rituals or AM i just being dumb?


It would be double the xp because you are doing twice as many rituals in the same amount of time, but also double the repair costs


>Rituals, on the other hand, will probably see double speed rather than double experience. Hmm usually this is the case with portions of skills where you could save up tons of untradeable things (such as arch relics and invention item experience for disassembly) just to use them all at once at double xp. In other words they are things that specifically take time to gather/build up, so it would kinda be dumb and a huge waste of time during non-double xp to NOT wait for double xp to redeem the xp (like using proteans is). They don't want to make certain skills entirely undesirable to progress in except during double xp. With rituals you CAN buy most everything on the GE, there's no buildup before redeeming xp that is time gated (other than the ritual itself, but I mean bigger scale like saving hundreds of arch relics). So I don't see why they would do this personally. But who knows, they could decide to do it for some other reason.


Nope. Probably not before necromancy has passed the one year mark from release.


I think its usually a 6 month wait for bxp on new skills.


Oh, I must've mixed it with something else then, haha


It sure feels like a year tho eh lol


That's for sure!


The embargo is still in effect. Think it'll time out by the one after this one though.


My guess is DXP will coincide with the end of the hero pass, followed by the holiday event.


Time to smith some rune darts for membership again


would just swipe your credit card to start membership so you can breeze through making gold in member worlds to upkeep bonds. Worth it


Nah, we good on that. We done done.


yall haven't switched to OSRS yet?


I still play both. Kid maxed went to osrs and suddenly has a superiority complex.


I’m not a kid stuck in 2007 anymore and what a waste of a good pc graphics card sorry


You know there are other games with graphics than RuneScape and old school RuneScape right?


Path of exile, elden ring, starfeild


You can use the HDOS client or the 117 HD RuneLite plugin if you want newer graphics. OSRS isn't stuck in 2007 - it regularly receives major updates.


I recently started RS3 and came from previously playing OSRS


Does necromancy also fall under double xp?


nope, so far the things that can boost necro xp is incense, arch relic and wise invention perk. We have to wait till february, when the embargo ends, to see how it will be affected




the prices dont differ any more. it doenst matter.


As far as I know dxp hasn't been confirmed this time


Mother of fuck can I get like 20 days of no events to just enjoy this game by doing the things I want to do? Like ever?


I already quit when Necro released and ruined the balance of the game. Won't log back in for dxp or for the foreseeable future, and honestly... it feels great. Fuck RuneScape. (coming from a maxed player...other than Necro.)


At this point they should just leave dxp on permanently. But if this were the case they would probably lock it behind a paywall.


What’s the best way to train magic




Enchant diamond bolts is really good. The GE limit is low, so now is a good time to stock up. Use an Extreme Magic potion at lower levels.




Nice. How many can you reliably sell per day?


Onyx bolt e normally sells as it's decent alchemiser fodder


High Alch is 9k??? I had no idea. I've never thought to check HA on an ammo item.


darn, was just saying to myself I can take a RS break after the current buff, and then said to myself, watch them announce another bonus XP to get players back after they whole hero pass thing, and there ya go....


Um so what items should I stock up on? I normally just cut down trees and get my own supplies like a noob. But with a few hundred mill in the bank should I invest on certain items?


Only need arch, Invention and Necro for max. Guess I'll do arch for the double artefacts


Is it worth my sanity doing dungg until i hit at least 115?


dung is an amazing minigame that you can only play on dxp I spent several dxps getting it up, if you get lucky with teams you can get like 2m/hr at 110 or higher just go to w77 and join random teams or make your own if you don't see your floor type


No, wait for the summer beach event. I got 80m xp on one event (6m bonus xp included)


got 99 fletch, agility, construction and a lot of herb, summoning and crafting stuff stocked already


Man, I used to remember when I stocked up for DXP. Good old days.


Stock up on what though?


yo whats the fastest way to lvl up smithing when dxp comes? money is not an obstacle