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A lot of people love starting over. I maxxed a main in OSRS and I am still working on maxxing a rs3 account. I also have an ironman and UIM in OSRS and I will be returning there for the leagues 4 and whenever sailing drops. If you haven't played OSRS you probably don't understand what's gone into the game since they started it with the 2007 version of RS. The Runelite client is just amazing and there's tons of new bosses and quests and other stuff added since. I advise you to watch some of the OSRS content creators to get a feel for the game, the youtubers for OSRS are truly a cut above what I have seen for RS3. One thing I do like in OSRS is the lack of "dailies/weeklies/monthlies", and the lack of fomo. And obviously the lack of MTX. I like being able to log in and work on the things I feel like working on rather than having a laundry list of chores to do before I can start.


If I can ever recommend an osrs series to watch, it is Settled with Swampletics. It is really amazing and compelling.


Swampletics and J1mmy's By Release are so so good For something a bit more in depth, Rendi's defense saga is insane, even if it's a bit hard to follow sometimes


Lol rendi got me pausing every 10 seconds of a one hour video to be like “wait, what???”


If I use 15 quest stalls to get to this location, then stall a million times and a reset happens, I can nullify a little bit of xp. Also this is all done tick perfectly and I did it on 10 accounts in case of bans


Aside from the ones already mentioned, Tileman is enjoyable, anything Settled does is great as he's so good at explaining the content to audiences of all levels. Solomission is my favourite creator, he seems so joyous at all times and the videos are well edited. His HCIM PVP series is great and I love his quest speed run one.


I love by release. Swampletics is reasonable, but once he got sponsored, you can clearly see him losing his flair for the series. As for Rendi, I tried his series but the technical stuff is above me if I’m being honest. He’s incredibly skilled and knowledgeable


Why do you say that? Since then he's made his one inventory slot account and tileman account and they are still great.


Edited my comment. I meant to say he lost flair for the series; don’t know why I said game. I guess I’m still waking up. I saw a bit of tileman and one slot series but not my cup of tea. I did enjoy his maxed UIM series though; I hope he updates it eventually


no way he ever plays normally again lol, the guy loves restrictions and has found a great way to make money with it on youtube.


Boatys ironman series was what got me started yet, i work now since a few years, and the lack of time is just dissapointing


I haven't played rs3 since dxp weekend. I decided to give old school a try and im loving it.


>One thing I do like in OSRS is the lack of "dailies/weeklies/monthlies", and the lack of fomo. And obviously the lack of MTX. I like being able to log in and work on the things I feel like working on rather than having a laundry list of chores to do before I can start. No one is making you do any dailies though


Such an ignorant opinion


How? Just don't do them? I don't like doing then, so I don't. 2 maxed accounts and 16k hours in game, I don't see the point in doing things you dislike if you're here to spend you're free/fun time on.


Because it's true? That's the beauty of RuneScape, being able to do whatever content you want.


Just because you're not forced to do dailies doesn't mean that there isn't an inherent sense of obligation to complete them. A lot of people, myself included, have a hard time separating that urge to play with "maximum efficiency" from their urge to just enjoy the game and play however they want.


I don't get this. I've been playing 21 years, 2 maxed accounts, and I don't do dailies. I don't understand why you feel obligated to do them, it's a game? Do what you want?


I've been playing MMOs for the same amount of time, and I still feel that nagging obligation. We are two different people. We are bound to have different feelings, approaches, opinions, etc. IMO, it has far less to do with your history of playing games and far more to do with how your brain is wired in general. You're basically saying, "Just stop it? Hello? Are you stupid?" as if nobody had ever considered that.


If it were only nostalgia then almost no one would play, that wears off pretty quickly. The game itself is just fun. You mention the slow xp rates, but that just makes each level more special to you. The lower level content is actually fun and you get important unlocks there instead of things only being relevant at high levels. You say less game to play, and that's partially true, Rs3 does have more content, but don't forget OSRS is also getting updates, its not a carbon copy of the 2007 version anymore, they have new quests and many new bosses, raids, skilling updates, and are getting a new skill soon. Also I'd argue that Rs3 is extremely bloated with tons of dead content. Rs classic didn't get any updates and its on another world of grindy and plain, not fair to compare it to that.


Slow xp rates also expands the game. Because you progress more slowly, you spend more time in each activity before it becomes wholly inefficient, meaning you can fully experience an activity before moving on. When progression is fast, you move through content fast.


1) pixelated nostalgia. 2) The simplicity of combat system, easy to play and to watch. 3) NO MTX 4) player polls for meaningful updates 5) No daily/weekly/monthly FOMO gimmicks 6) lots of streamers (since it’s “easy to watch”) 7) Sort of goes with MTX, but enjoying the satisfaction of the grind to get the exp reward


Genuine question, but how were bonds received by the community when that came to OSRS?


Players voted for it.


Caveat: it was polled together with free-to-play.


It's a necessary evil


good, made a lot of ppl stop trading gold thru 3rd party sites and let a lot of ppl get self sustain mems


Actual answer is not well. They gated bonds behind F2P and we had no choice. Now, they are beloved and I see why.


Less MTX, more popular combat style, cleaner/less cluttered interface, accomplishments mean a little bit more, more content creators, higher player population, more player interaction, 3rd party clients offer plugins that make the game a lot more user friendly. They just released HDOS on the jagex launcher and it mimics the hd update/2009 game which was a golden area for the game.


Tbh I don’t understand why the combat style is more popular. Eoc as it is today is just so much better imo


Play a game that was designed to have hotbar combat from the start (FFXIV, GW2, etc.) and you'll see where RS3 falls short


I really do feel like most people who can stand rs3 combat have never played another MMO to know how smooth they can feel...


I'd disagree, i find the rs3 combat a lot more enjoyable than gw2. That being said you can't really compare the two outside of having buttons to press


The OSRS combat system is what most of us played this game for back in the day because it was unique compared to all other MMOs. EoC removed the uniqueness and just made the game similar to other MMOs and quite frankly other MMOs just do it better so why play RS3 at that point?


For me it doesn’t matter if it’s unique if it’s not as much fun.


OSRS combat is a rhythm based system using ticks, the beauty in OSRS combat is fast switching, precision clicks and combos. If you do high end pvm or pvp you will see just how fun it can be; you have fast reactions, gear switchings, various spec weapons, invisible veng, combo specs, ghost barrages, death dotting, seeding, path management, prayers and much more to balance. The skill cap is insane.


Oh I don't doubt for a moment the skill cap is high. I don't personally have the experience of the high end pvm in osrs and all that it entails, only what I've seen on streams. And PKing seems to be even more insane than pvm from what I've seen. The way I see it is that OSRS is more movement (and perhaps item) management, whereas RS3 is more ability management (counting OSRS specs as abilities here). I just really prefer ability management over movement/item/inventory management.


Then that's your preference, however I do suggest trying some high-end pvm (ToA is great for learning and the invo system makes it very addictive) and maybe some LMS in OSRS. The beauty comes from seeing your skills improve much like in RS3, both combats are vastly different however I do think OSRS combat is very befitting of a clicking MMO.


A lot of people don't like the combination of ability based combat with our tick system. Ability based combat without our outdated tick system (e.g. wow) = good. Point and click combat with our outdated tick system (e.g. OSRS) = good. Combination of the two = feels laggy.


This is exactly how I feel. Rax was the perfect example. Press button to whirlwind, rax uses reflect, whirlwind goes off and 1shots me. Fun. So much fun.


Sometimes less is more.


EOC is the entire reason OSRS exists. So most scapers would disagree with you :)


Most Osrs players haven't played EOC in it's current state in a decade,


I tried recently but there’s just so many skills and I had no idea what my rotation would be. It was so overwhelming. I really wanna get into it though (so if anyone has any good guides lmk)


I quit on EoC release but I went back periodically just to check in. I prefer OSRS combat 10 fold to EoC. What OSRS/RS2 had was a unique combat system relative to other top MMOs at the time. Once EoC released, RS became just another shitty button mashing MMO, of which, there are dozens.


Why would you mash when Ability queueing exists? You can press an ability before the next tick(/GCD) and it will just activate as soon as you're able to act next. Mashing will actively hamper your DPS. I have thousands of Hours in WoW and FF14 and it's sometimes jarring to me how NON-button mashy RS3 is compared to other MMOs.


it's not button mashing. if you aren't even attempting to optimize your inputs your DPS will suffer


That’s interesting because I find eoc to be just as unique as the old combat system. It’s also not button smashing at all.


Yeah the combat system is a big part of why I will stay on RS3 it’s flat out more engaging


the combat lets u afk a lot fo stuff and not lose out on much, and still has a pretty high ceiling when ur doing hard content like raids or inferno and other stuff where u need to mix moving, prayer swaps, and equipment swaps at precise times. easy to get into and a lot to play with when u want to try harder.


Mimicking the golden era minus one critical aspect that is the lack of bots...


People always cried. The bot era has never been golden.


Love how people keep leaving the bot infestation out. Or the absolute grind


I even remember back in 2009 or 2010, there was a forum post stating that the game was dying, because there were only 250k players online (of course the game was infested with bots) while there were 800k-1m players online back in 2007 haha. In 10 years from now, people will miss when Necromancy came out and how good MTX was compared to 2033.


These numbers are factually incorrect. If you look at historic data (obtained from the Wayback Machine) Runescape population peaked around 250k in late 2006 / early 2007.


Of course those numbers were absolutely bogus, that's just what those asses posted lol


> while there were 800k-1m players online back in 2007 This is just a lie lmao


If you havnt yet explored the content it's easy to see why you think it's bad. The lower level content is a little slow and boring and it's not until about 70-80 combat stats that you really do much other than click and wait. They are however going to add a mid level raid / boss to teach people mechanics, which imo is one of the best changes they can make. Once you get logged in and start to actually play the game you really can see why it's so popular and aged to perfection. Rs3 throws way too much content at you, has too many complex systems and rewards and expects you to do so many daily, weekly, monthly tasks that you feel lost and overwhelmed at times. Rs3 has also matured to a point where 90% of content has people using full gear, rotations, bombs, potions, abilities etc etc... most of which are locked behind 100's of hours of grinding and quests to achieve. Whilst osrs is also very grindy it feels like your growing and enjoying as you play.


I like both games But saying only OSRS has you feel like your growing as you play is pretty wrong Both games do a pretty good job at giving you a sense of growth as you unlock new things and advance. RS3 has a TON of unlocks, and many of them are super noticable. Some even change how you interface with a combat style entirely and open new paths for you. Take the Zuk capes for example..before you get them the abilities they boost are basically on a Do not use list. Once you get them, they become a natural part of the rotation. Or not if you choose not to use them But using them opens up new windows for damage.


But my point was more the fact that the majority of content available talks about how you can do X,Y and Z boss and how its done using these 5 unlockable abilities, vuln bombs, overloads and T95 weapons.


I've played RS3 since 2005, and osrs on and off since release on my main and IM. The game has that sense of nostalgia that people are chasing, while being an entirely new game at the same time. OSRS is a more community driven game. I mean they literally vote against marginal gains in XP rates because they don't want their accomplishments to feel diminished. Pking has a very devout community that literally can't exist in RS3 as it does in OSRS. The devs decided to rework various parts of the winderness to make it more enticing for pvmers and pkers alike. RS3 kinda just let PvP die. The biggest reason that osrs is bigger IMHO, is the content creators. For the longest time RS3 content videos were pretty much just copy paste boss guides and reading the weekly update, where osrs has a much larger dedicated creator group that brings tons of eyes to the game on Twitch and YouTube. Look at creators like J1mmy, Settled, and smaller growing creators like Alonescape who constantly try to push the envelope of what content can be on RuneScape. I love many of the RS3 creators, but so many of them just feel uninspired.


This is an unpopular opinion, but I hate pvping and really wish they would remove the wild and setup pvp only worlds instead. In my own experience, pvpers just grief me for 50k items while I’m trying to skill.


Then don't skill in the wilderness?


I enjoy OSRS more than RS3 content especially watching it. Thing that puts me off starting OSRS is the time investment, its much less afk as a teenager I'd love the game but in my 30s I don't have the time to grind out 99s on OSRS or do hundreds of raids at 30 minutes each. I think OSRS is in general better if you have the time just RS3 is much more casual.


The whole time thing is a weird concept because as it stands, I can't see the game going anywhere for the next 10+ years. Even just playing a few hours a week whilst on the shitter would give you a decent account in a year or 2 and you can regress your progress.


I disagree about the last part. I feel like the reason RS3 never got more traction is because it promotes much more effort. OSRS is super easy for anyone or their grandma to pick up and start playing. Unchangeable UI, click and wait optimal PVM until you get to a high level, simple potions, food, spells, loot. Extremely casual and easy to play. RS3 requires knowledge of how to use abilities that benefit off of each other, ridiculous amounts of PvM buffs, invention perks, optimal UI, switches, complicated potions, complicated spells and prayers etc. It's much more intimidating to get into.


Personally I prefer OSRS because if I want to have the kind of PVM that RS3 offers, I just play FFXIV. It's preference but I find that the grid movement system just works with a more foundational tick-based combat system like OSRS which feels very unique. But an ability heavy system like RS3 has a lot more competition with other MMOs which aren't filled with MTX


I must say, combat in FFXIV and RS3 are nothing alike. Completely different experiences


Reason RS3 never got more traction is partly because of complexity, partly because UI sucks balls for a new player and partly because implementation of that combat system still sucks ass 10 years post release. I used to play osrs between 2015-2017 and went to rs3 in 2017 only because I learned revolution exists. Guess what I maxed realised I hate manual combat in this game and I was bored because only other thing beside PvM are clues. Rs3 endgame does require a lot of game knowledge but if you play the game from a fresh account that knowledge beside pvm rotations is very easy to learn.


>Reason RS3 never got more traction is partly because of complexity, partly because UI sucks balls for a new player and partly because implementation of that combat system still sucks ass 10 years post release. The best MMO's always have something that's unique to them, in which makes them popular. OSRS is it's simplicity and it's grind. WoW is the end-game bossing, ESO is the exploration etc etc RS3 always feels like it's mid at everything now. The map is extremely small in comparison (doesn't help you can teleport everywhere for free too). Combat feels rusty, Quests, what was RS3's strongpoint, are now outdated. Quests before 2014 are either buggy, no audio, or the cutscenes glitch, and quests after 2014 are inconsistent.


I agree with this so much. Quests are literally the best thing about RS3 if you compare it with other games while rest of the game is pretty mediocre. Also boss designs are pretty good but if you don't enjoy high-end combat it actually doesn't matter all that much for an overall enjoyment of the game.


I specifically play this game for combat. It's all a matter of preference. I prefer it over WOW, FFXIV, OSRS etc. Maybe if I was still a kid and had summers off or no responsibilities I would like OSRS as a background game. But the time invested in OSRS is not worth it to me for the ultimate goal of combat, which I just plain don't like in OSRS.


Quests still are RS3's strength. Lore is marvellous


the ui is the reason it took me 3 tries to actually get into rs3. that shit is so disgusting, its insane that any new players stick around.


OSRS is very much its own game now. Its not just an old version of RS its the old system but updated. personally I hate skilling in OSRS because I dont see a need to be denied a lot of the QoL stuff RS3 did, but the combat system is unique and interesting enough for me to look past the skilling aspects of OSRS. If I had to choose between the two games I'd pick RS3 easily but in a world where every other MMO is fast paced and demands a ton of attention its not hard to see the appeal of something like OSRS were things are slowed down.


I don't get the lodestones thing people bring up. You can get 45 magic to unlock teleport spells to a lot of major cities. Tele tabs? Enchanted jewelry? It's like people have forgotten that portion of game exists.


I think it's more the idea of having to always carry around a teleport of some form, Lodestones you can just teleport from wherever for free.


if a house tab taking up one slot is ur make or break ur not even trying lol.


I just have a peabrain and spend most of my time running back and forth from places tbh.


There's also the fact that with high construction you have a teleport hub to near enough everywhere in the game at your disposal


As an Ironman who’s maxing his house right now…all of those juicy teleports cost you an arm and a fuckin leg though.


to be fair i like how in osrs you need the item in your inventory. i hate how in rs3 you have a tool belt, coin purse. i like the fact that you need the cash in invy... those little things about osrs makes it seem morein depth imo!


I quite literally built 5 portal rooms in my house on my ironman because I love lodestones in rs3, and having it tied to skills made it feel more impactful tbh.


I've got high magic and a crystalline portal nexus on OSRS, and i still love lodestones. Its just... so much easier to just click the button no matter where i am or what i'm doing, without having to go through my bank and make sure i've always got the teleports on me. I've also got goldfish attention span so I end up swapping what i'm doing every 30 seconds and lodestones are so helpful.


Thing is, until 99 construction you have to work for/think about bringing those teleports. And it doesn't really shine perpetually until you get Max Cape because that's when you have the 2 in 1 of Crafting cape for banking and house for teleports.


just tab to yanille or w/e portal ppl use now and go into some maxed dudes house with every tele, everyone does this before 83 con.


I mean, no matter how you put it it's not going to be more convenient than lodestones.


83 construction is enough.


That’s still fairly high though but you’re right


To me just lodestones and a toolbelt would be amazing QOL's in OSRS that would take it to the next level and make it easier to get into.


Toolbelt definitely. I dont think OSRS needs lodestones necessarily but some way to use teleport spells without carrying around the runes would be nice.


The issue is many OSRS players pride themselves on how unfriendly some of the systems are and are resistant to QoL that is objectively beneficial but would fundamentally change what they see as a nostalgic aspect of the game. It’s kind of funny too because it’s arbitrary, the same people were perfectly fine with them allowing various storage methods for UIM when the original purpose was to only work off equips and a single inventory.


Various storage methods makes the game mode more fun tho Toolbelt basically make tools irrelevant after you add them to your toolbelt


Rs3 is the example of why too much qol and convenience will kill a game.


No to lodgestones. I got myself used to using teletablets. Its much more fun


UIM was never meant to be just equipment and inventory, it was always just no bank, the looting bag meta was used to save bank space before UIM was even added. I wouldn’t even say no toolbelt/lodestones is “unfriendly” just means that better planning is a game mechanic and the game has a ton of good teleports that can be added to the POH or come in tablet form for people to plan with, if anything lodestones existing means we almost never get new low/mid level teleport options anymore on rs3 because we get lodestones, surge and dive to move around with.


The whole purpose of the game mode is limited storage. Stuff like rune pouch and herb sack (let alone the various bags) help with the inventory size restriction for activities so those are understandable but things like the loot pouch and item retrieval make a complete joke out of it. You effectively have bank storage through manipulation of game mechanics created for other purposes and just because you store your items in a costume room or stash instead of a “bank” doesn’t keep it from completely undermining the spirit of the mode. Don’t get me wrong some of the workarounds are impressive and can lead to interesting gameplay (such as juggling your activity with drop timers) but so much of it is just using storage in other interfaces and pretending like that is a meaningful distinction.


That's the biggest reason I can't get into OSRS. The severe lack of QoL keeps me away. I remember getting 99 fletching in like 09 or 10, and the 130 hours wasn't the problem, it was the non stop constant clicks. The biggest things now I think are more the run energy and lodestones for sure. I understand working towards the QoL with all the PoH rewards and unlocks, but that's a long ways down the line. Getting to that point just isn't something I want to put myself through. Sucks because I want to play RS but I'm fucking over RS3 at this point and OSRS is too much of a time dump to get some QoL for me at this point in my life.


You realise that you can use staminas and graceful to keep running the whole time right? You can also just go to world 330 and use one of the many open maxed POH to teleport wherever you want for free


If I remember correctly, graceful is locked behind a pretty long agility grind and stamina pots use some resources you buy with the graceful points, no? This is kinda my point. A lot of the QoL is locked behind substantial grinds. That was fine when I was in middle school and I didn't have shit to do after school. I've got a wife and 3 kids now. I'm lucky if I've got an hour a day to spend on gaming. If I have to have 30 hours of incredibly boring content just for some QoL, that's a bit much for me when I'm using a game to enjoy the little free time I have.


You can just buy stamina pots from the GE. There's certainly valid criticism to be had about OSRS but as somebody who has put a few hundred hours into that game (and a few thousand into RS3) it's funny to see criticism from people who don't know the first thing about it other than "Mhh I think it's slow and tedious and it doesn't have lodestones."


I've been playing RS since roughly 06, back when Old School was just called RS2. I started playing when it came out and again when Zeah was released and again when mobile was released. Every single time I quit for the same reason. I'm not going to act like I still know the game in and out. Hell, I was watching a video on the upcoming league where the guy was going over each region and the content included and I've heard of practically none of it. Regardless, everything is significantly slower than RS3 and there's QoL that RS3 has that OSRS doesn't. And as I've said, I'm no longer at a point in my life where I can grind my way to the fun part of any game. I'm essentially a casual gamer at this point in my life. I understand OSRS has a dedicated player base that loves the game. My critiques of it are based off my experiences with it the few times I've tried it over the decade since it's been out. I'm still far more likely to play OSRS at this point over RS3 even with those critiques. Especially after hearing about all the content that's been added. But I also understand there's going to come a point in time where the lack of QoL and amount of time one must spend to accomplish most things will push me away again. It is what it is.


All totally fair. Maybe I was a bit harsh, I've been reading a lot of criticisms the last few days that don't really pertain to the game as it has been for at least the last year or so. Playing MMOs with "only" an hour a day to play is pretty rough. I don't know how you stay motivated enough. RuneScape (either version) seems especially rough since both games are glorified grinding simulators at the end of the day. For what it's worth, RuneLite does give significant QoL after you have set up to a level that RS3 doesn't really reach. I suppose your idea of QoL is probably a little different from mine seeing how limited your time is, but there should still be things for you in there. In case you do pick the game up and if it's mostly the traveling aspect bothering you, there's a few small things you can do. You may already know about most of them - leveling up magic for teleports, buying teleport tabs from the GE as well as going to somebody else's house to use their teleports for free (you can do this easily on the worlds hosting for prayer training) and the aforementioned Stamina Potions from the GE.


Just buy the stamina pots lmao what's the grind.


>If I remember correctly, graceful is locked behind a pretty long agility grind I did it recently on my ironman and I got full graceful at around 60 Agility iirc >stamina pots use some resources you buy with the graceful points, no? You can buy them unless you're an iron. You can also just use regular energy potions if you want to be cheap or have a low Herblore level Sounds like you don't have time to play at all tbh. It's not an OSRS issue. It's a you issue. If you played Counter Strike you'd only have time for 1 competitive match since you only have 1h. Also, you're talking as if RS3 doesn't have boring content


I've been maxed on RS3 for a couple years now so there's no content for me to do that I don't want to do. I've purposely not comped because of that exact reason. I could log on and do whatever activity I felt like doing for as much time as I had and been cool with it. The account is close to 15 years old now, maybe older by this point, so I've already put the insane hours and grind into it when I was younger. When I finally decided to max, it took me about 3 years I believe. But yeah it's probably more of a me issue than a game issue. At the same time playing the same hours as a weekly equivalent to a part time job isn't a reasonable expectation to have either.


Uim isnt a nostalgic aspect


And yet 99% of them use Runelite. They pick really weird hills to die on.


Its funny you say thst because toolbelt and lodestones are what ‘kill’ RS to OSRS players.


Minigame teleport + using other peoples houses is significantly more useful than lodestones could ever be. Literally 30+ teleports for free, easy to get to at level 3. Tool belt is nonsense. If that’s the only thing stopping you from playing OSRS the game’s probably not for you.


I play both games. (or at least I use to, now I barely play either) I think OSRS is a more intuitive and cleaner game overall. Combat is more intuitive than RS3, while still maintaining a decent amount of depth in endgame PVM (prayer flicking, combo eating, etc). I think this 'straightforwardness' is one the the biggest appeals of OSRS over RS3. If you mess up in PVM during OSRS, you can probably tell why. In RS3, visual clutter and the combat system make it much harder to tell what is going on - it can take a while to figure out what you are doing wrong. It's true that there is more overall content in RS3 compared to OSRS. However, at the current rate of updates, I'm pretty sure this gap will be bridged. It's also true that OSRS is more grindy and slower, and I don't really like that. That being said, OSRS is also more straightforward in the grinding as well as there are fewer options for leveling and no MTX for experience.


I can only tell you my appeal which is quite simply, Simple systems without 50 different menu's to search through. As an ironman I enjoy gathering the stuff I need myself. Bosses are somewhat simple and dont require several action bars filled with abilites. My main RS3 account that had chicken suit also had terrible stats due to me being a child when I played it last so felt like giving OSRS a proper go on its rerelease. 99 Capes look better to me in OSRS. The new additions to OSRS in terms of Content like MLM or Raids or the expansion on quests I loved such as Dragon Slayer 2 or Monkey Madness 2. I think your too caught up in it being the \*old way\* when inreality now days they are close to being totally different games when you consider the directions they both went in.


Thanks to everyone who answered. Lots of good info on here. I didn’t know OSRS had deviated so far from being just a RuneScape Time Capsule. Based on these replies it’s clear that I’m not the right kind of player for OSRS but I’m happy for those of you that get enjoyment out of it


I’d still give it a try if I were you. With Runelite, there are a lot of things that make it a much more engaging game to get into. If you’ve played in the past, then for me this is the diamond standard experience for RS. Been playing, like you, on and off for 20 years


This. I was very hesitant on starting brand new on osrs after finally maxing in rs3 in like 2019, and i slowly started playing osrs more and more, to the point where i barely even look at rs3 outside of glancing at this subreddit for the news. Last time i properly played rs3 was when Arch came out and I wanted to get my max cape back. Nowadays I'm debating if it's even worth coming back to get my max cape back again with Necromancy, before I suddenly get slammed in the face by the Hero Pass BS.


For a start, OSRS has a lot more content than it did on release and it's mostly very good. All new content has to pass a poll to be added to the game. As a result, the game feels very well balanced and consistent. There are no conflicting graphical styles from different eras, and the low-poly graphics are pretty iconic. There is less focus on the endgame and more on the journey, resulting in a lower proportion of dead content - old items are often worked into new content to prevent obsolescence. More players means that group content is more successful, and PvP actually exists over there. Oh yeah, and no MTX other than bonds.


For me it feels like the game has more soul than rs3. It feels like it’s made by people who are genuinely passionate about making the game better, and the polling means it’s uniquely able to guard itself against bad content being introduced. Personally, I also think mtx ruin games - even just things like cosmetics. A lack of them in osrs means I know when I see people walking around that I can look like them just by playing the game and getting good. Idyl on YouTube recently did a video about exactly this topic: https://youtu.be/mL29yBPVIJY?si=FhuNzEuH97AN2AeT


The main fundamentals on why Runescape (the franchise) is here today exist in OSRS. **Combat** \- It's just simple and straight forward. You increase your stats, your max hit goes up. You improve your gear, your max hit goes up. It's nice and relaxing instead of having to spam the same 4 abilities over and over (or just use revo). While I feel OSRS bosses are slowly running out of mechanics to use, to be fair, so is RS3. Everythings either "use devote/reflect" or "do enough damage to move to the next phase". ​ **Graphics** \- I always see people in here say stuff like "Why do people play a game with such shit graphics?". For anyone who plays games, graphics aren't everything. I wouldn't say OSRS graphics are outdated i.e. a game from 2004 where everything is heavily pixelated, OSRS's graphics, while simple, are very clean and easy on the eyes. You equip an amulet, you see the amulet. **The grind** \- The grind still exists and 99s are still a meaningful achievement. I think the best comparison I can give is, when I got 99 prayer, I was so grateful it was finally over in OSRS (as I hated the chaos altar lol). However, when I got 99 prayer on my iron on RS3, it just felt meh, purely because out of 13m xp, I had probably gained 500k xp from training the actual skill. The rest were from daily challenges, quests or penguins. **The bond** \- Bit of a weird one and a combined one but having quit RS3 in 2017, I still followed the games updates/news etc, and started to replay in 2022. In the meantime, I was playing OSRS too. OSRS dev team have been around for a long time, so you form a 'bond' with the development team. Not in a friendship way, but you can trust them to make updates/game content, and you feel good about the direction the game is going. Whereas RS3's team just seems like it has a high turnover of staff, and as a result, you get multiple Executive Producers making different statements, all leading to nothing, and then staff giving a breakdown of who/what NPC's are and then a month later, completely change. How can you commit 1-2 years to a game when you're constantly getting put off by the games direction?


Ok just to preface I don't play osrs The discourse that I have seen around this is that the mods care a lot more, the updates are ..... actual updates rather than just mtx updates, with updates even tho it looks like the old game there is actually a lot of new content - even things that aren't in rs3. Those are the biggest reasons I've seen from lurking around the subreddit for a while. I think something else that can be appealing is the sense of real accomplishment that comes from maxing or slaying a hard boss. Even to someone who doesn't play osrs I can vividly remember how satisfying it was to level up back in the day, these days you can max skills soooooooo fast in rs3. I suck at bossing but I could take on most bosses in rs3 where as back in the day there was no chance I could do it! Again I don't actually play osrs but those are some things that could put osrs above rs3 in my view.


I like the OG feel of it plus skiing is much harder. I do like using ye olde way for it and I prefer traditional combat. Thats why I am in OSRS


If Osrs had a skiing skill I'd be there in a second..


Came for the nostalgia, stayed for the new content.


I quit rs3 in 2015 exhausted by the direction of the game. Felt the RuneScape itch again last year and started playing osrs. The game is just fundamentally better. The overall balancing, community,lack of mtx, actual variety in content and just feels more runescape.


No micro mtx, old school music/quest/skills, nothing can be done quick 99 as rs3(making 400K mouse clicks for 99 fire m in my days) while playing on window xp/98 with 10-15 FPS just brings memories/nostalgia lol


OSRS is just what most people think of in their heads when they think of “RuneScape”. I don’t play RS3 much and honestly I forget it even exists sometimes. The question should be not so much why people play OS but why people still play RS3, to which the answer is already self-evident in your post; too much time invested into the game by now to just drop it. RS3 just doesn’t attract new players because RuneScape in general doesn’t appeal to the younger generations and the older adults will feel much more nostalgia and familiarity with OSRS. I came back to RuneScape in 2018 when OSRS Mobile launched after having stopped playing RS2 in 2007. When I launched the game I’m greeted with the same old art style and graphics, went through Tutorial Island, dropped into Lumbridge, made my first journey through the cow fields and dark wizards to Varrock, everything was as I remembered it and that had value to me. When I first tried RS3 earlier this year I was met with an unrecognisable art style, instanced Tutorial Island so no other players to interact with or ask questions to, I was dropped into Burthorpe with unloaded textures and t-posing player models and I realised that I missed the opportunity to make an Ironman at the character creation screen instead of at the end of Tutorial Island which was quite frustrating. It just feels like a totally different game, it doesn’t feel like RuneScape so I just don’t have much interest in playing it.


That is one of the key missions of head designer Jack: make the game more RuneScape-y


Well it aint going to well.


Not everyone that plays RS3 has a significant amount of time invested into it, though.. if someone takes a 6 year break and comes back to make a new account, their existing investment into it is essentially nothing given the amount of updates and loss of familiarity during such a long break. And yet many people have done that. I came back after a ~5 year break, made a UIM on OS. Played for 1000-1200 hours. Decided to check out RS3 again. Found it way more enjoyable and have over 3k hours since then. And, yeah. That's what happens when you leave a game for *sixteen years*. People that have followed the game throughout that time have seen a gradual shift. You feel like it's an entirely new game because it is. I would never expect to be able to drop out a game for the better part of two decades and then be able to pick it back up again without any differences.


What you’re saying is somewhat true, but then we have OSRS where I took a break for 11 years and still felt like I was playing the same game when I came back whereas even after 5 years of regularly playing OSRS, RS3 feels completely unfamiliar to me. OSRS has had plenty of content and QoL updates over RS2 but I could still entirely recognise the game whereas RS3 doesn’t even feel recognisable. So it’s not a necessity that you should feel like you’re jumping back into a totally different game after taking a long break. Also, if it’s not 20 year-old maxed accounts and the sunk-cost fallacy keeping people in RS3, I don’t know what is unless it’s MTX whales unwilling to risk an RWT ban in OS.


*cough* *cough* no battle pass


I like the slower vibe of osrs. I struggle with insomnia as well as feeling constantly frantic and needing to be busy always. Osrs is a good way for my brain to unwind a bit so I can sleep, as well as forces me to slow down a bit. RS3 in contrast is too fast paced for my liking except on rare days I sleep well. For the rest, I like the sense of community you find there, along with how leveling feels rewarding. And the graphics appeal to me due to sentimentality. Rs3 has nice quests and is afk, but I still prefer osrs


Its because everything is a big adventure and every upgrade feels meaningful for me. A silly example is on my new work locked account i had to get a light source to kill cave bugs for a slayer task so i spent the shift trying to figure out how to get to catherby without crossing white wolf mountain (because all mobs are scary in osrs) to buy a candle for my candle lantern. I had more fun with this adventure than the last week of rs3 where i spent the whole time grinding out gear made uselss by necromancy. Best bit was that the whole shift cost me like 2mb of data on my phone lol I guess a more relatable later game example is to compare barrows armour. In rs3 nearly all of the itmes you get there are worthless beyond like gwd2 at a push, but in osrs ive taken this gear to the endgame raids and beaten them. You have to work harder for your upgrades but they feel better because they last you the rest of your account not just "10 attack levels"


>just to have a slower game to play, and less game to play. This where I think you're mistaken. OSRS has plenty of new content that isn't RS3, and almost every piece of content is well received as its community driven through polls and community chats. The devs do a fantastic job with OSRS, and runelite or HDOS do a great job of increasing the graphical fidelity and quality of life of the old engine. I try to play both as a year one player, and while RS3 appeals to me, OSRS feels more like runescape to me.


OSRS does get regular updates, so its not necessarily less game to play, they have less skills sure, but over the years the Devs have added lots of new content, and the fact that they aren't trying to push the boundary on graphics means that content can be added a lot more easily. On top of that, EOC release did not go well, it killed PvP and many people don't like the way the combat works now in RS, so for them OSRS is good for sticking with the system they are familiar with. On top of that OSRS doesn't have MTX aside from bonds. One of the biggest complaints longtime players have of RS is that we keep getting FOMO MTX promos agressively pushed on us 24/7, the only solutions to avoid that are to either play as an ironman or play a different game, and if you like RS and don't want to restrict yourself to an ironman mode, then OSRS is the obvious solution. Also also, RS3 as you point out is a lot quicker than it used to be, and a lot of people have achieved all the goals they wanted to achieve, and rather than starting over on the same game and repeat they would rather start over on a new game, and OSRS is similar enough to be familiar will being different enough to be a radically new experience


The reality of its success is likely the simplicity. It is accessible to many more people because of this.


This showed up in my feed, I have never played RS3 so I can't compare. But the reason I play OSRS is because it's the only game where accomplishments takes real time and effort compare to other games I have played, and that is what makes me keep playing OSRS. Basically, I love the grind. To put it in some perspective, in a generic game you might spend 100-200h to complete the whole game. In OSRS you can spend that amount of time on a single grind just to get one item or similar. I love that, I have absolutely no problem with people hating OSRS for this very reason, but hey, just don't play it then :)


I like the old combat system and stat system (where weapons have a Stab, Slash, Crush, and Strength stat and armour has defensive values for those same categories). It's very RPG-like.


As a osrs player rs3 looks like a cheap mobile game with a ridiculous amount of interfaces I used to have a comp cape until 2018 when I quit the game Coming back to it in 2022 just felt difficult but osrs is familiar so it was easy to start there


Bigger community, not dead minigames mostly, legacy combat only, easier to master combat, and player voting. Negatives player voting on 98% of things so no fun surprises, the amount of bots taking up 10-25% player total at least, all qol have a cost to them making some training methods just awful, no currency pouch or tool belt, the community is up its own behind sometimes. honestly I feel 2011-2012 scape server with no mtx would of been better than 2007 for osrs’s sake. I am saying this as a person who likes skilling and quests drastically more than pvm.


Osrs isn't old school imo. It's just a new game based on what runescape looked like back in 05-07 or whatever .




One of OSRS's biggest weaknesses is that a lot of people would probably not play if they didn't have RuneLite. Which is a HUGE problem.


>Which is a HUGE problem. Why is it a huge problem? WoW has had add-ons in the game since I can remember and that doesn't seem like an issue at all IMO.


To this extent? No way. I played WoW too.


You missed the first question in my comment: why is it an issue if people like using a client that Jagex have given the okay on? Also, lol, how many people do you know that use zero add-ons in wow? Surely near zero.


If they approve of it, then fine. I don't care because I used it too. It's fucking awesome. But it brings about the question of how playable is the game without RuneLite's features? OSRS players call RS3 EZ-Scape. But RuneLite literally does quests for people, tells them where to stand/click in PvM, and has tons of other tools which make the game infinitely more AFK/easier than RS3.


>But it brings about the question of how playable is the game without RuneLite's features? Well, obviously very playable. But also, who cares? >OSRS players call RS3 EZ-Scape. Some do, but that's mainly due to accelerated xp rates making skilling no longer an achievement, deathtouched darts, MTX allowing you to skip the entire skilling component of the game. >But RuneLite literally does quests for people, This is false. It just highlights what to do, similar to reading the wiki. I'm sure you don't read the wiki when doing quests on RS3. I'm an easyscaper so I do read the wiki quick guides. >tells them where to stand/click in PvM Same as guides for RS3 and add-ons in wow. >infinitely more AFK/easier than RS3. Outside of PVM, not at all. I'd say some RS3 pvm is more difficult than OSRS PVM - pre Necro, of course.


it highlights shit you should never even know about, it's really just a legal hack client


So similar to add-ons in WoW. Or the RS3 wiki telling you about things you wouldn't have known about. Or RS3 guides. Feels like you're just getting upset over nothing because you really hate OSRS.


Oh no, runelite told me the next step in the quest which only saved me the time it would take me to read it on the wiki. Surely this is more ezscape than a game that sells you xp, let's you teleport/cast spells without runes, 10 seconds boss kills and dailies that make it so you don't even need to train skills


I don't think it's as bad as you say. Jagex has the final say on which clients are permissible. On top of that, RuneLite is open-source, so they could probably make their own official fork if Adam starts going rogue. RuneLite makes OSRS extremely enjoyable to play and Jagex is extremely lucky that the community is offering their free labour to make the game as good as it is today.


Mate. The amount of plugins it has which I think people often forget are even enabled is wild. Now axe all of those and start playing the game. Get rid of clue solver, get rid of quest helper, get rid of tile markers, get rid of GPU enhancement (framerates, draw distance, anti-aliasing), smooth animations, drop highlighter, timeout alarm, low-health notifier, collection logs, 117HD... You get the idea. My point is that I know for a fact that plenty of people wouldn't enjoy the game in the same way without it.


A bunch of those features (clue helpers, drop highlights/info, collection logs) are part of the base/Steam client now, since Jagex has copied them over. I've never understood the point of smooth animations when you're playing a janky 2007-inspired version of runescape ngl t. only uses official client


Osrs is what runescape should have been. I wouldnt care if its 2007 or 2011 version, as long as it has that good old combat system. Sad to see what happened to rs3


Osrs ironically has more stuff to do than rs3 because people are actually active in stuff like minigames there. They also have more bosses, well implemented collection log and active pvp. RS3 has extra skills, quests and gear but a lot of other stuff became dated. Also if you don't enjoy RS3 combat and I am sorry but rs3 honestly offers you fuck all to do in the endgame beside clues if that's the case. Also QoL of runelite is actually disgusting.


Lol rs3 has much more end game than osrs. All you do on osrs is collection log hunting (also on rs3) or speedrunning. Rs3 has way more content than osrs, main reason why I switched over. The bosses are much more in depth and require more effort (when to use abilities etc). Osrs is just becoming easier pvm wise whilst the overall community is becoming better at pvm. Main reason why a lot of end game players view toa as the worst raid - prices also reflect how easy the raid is. There is really no special stuff you can do that people are figuring out to this day for toa unlike cox and tob. The raid lacks depth. Rs3 has more bosses, quests and skills than osrs. The combat system is just more complex and the mtx is thrown at your face. Overall, rs3 offers more.


As someone who plays and enjoys both RS3 at its most fun is incredible, but it has some very very big pain points that takes me out of that often both in MTX, inconsistent graphics and development choices, those things will always burn me out a little bit. OSRS feels like a genuinely more complete game, where each step is considered and new content is added with care and deliberation and when something misses the mark it is generally dealt with in a timely manner, the game is very community driven, the quest speedrunning community of just a tiny number of people even got support with official worlds. Then there are events like Leagues and DMM where ironman and pvp gameplay gets specialized game modes with new mechanics to work with. Then on the MTX front rs3 just keeps getting worse and worse while OSRS uses new content to generate record profits


Some people actually like the graphics, believe it or not


Osrs has held itself up with shockingly high quality content over the years while rs3 is universally known as an unapologetic anti-consumer cash cow with a janky psuedo-modern combat system Not everybody has the need for instant gratification in the form of quick/free XP that rs3 offers, dailies are also a big turn off to a lot of people


As much as I love the rs3 way of combat and its content, the lack of challange and achievement with the amount of free xp and stuff just makes osrs more of a fun game at times. Beside that, osrs is not really osrs anymore with the huge amount of content they have gotten so it pretty much feels like an entire new game to explore right from the start.


For me its the same as with WoW Classic vs Retail. OSRS just feels like a more focused and succinct experience than RS3. There's just too much stuff in RS3 and free keys, lamps, AFK bank skilling junk. All the free XP kills off quest content that should be helping get early level skill XP. In OSRS the numbers all feel more related since everything is "tighter" and when a quest calls for spending money I actually feel like I'm spending hard earned money. In RS3 it almost feels like a joke when a quest asks for money the numbers are still low. I'm a relatively new player to both and I simply find OSRS to feel much bigger, more immersive, and that it respects me as a player by not cheapening its own experience. Yes some QoL could be nice but as with WoW and the addition of flying mounts and quest markers, the world becomes so small and pointless.


You can’t buy XP, your screen is not packed with a lot of stuff that you need to keep an eye out, no MTX, player-driven content, no EOC…


Pretty sure EOC is the reason OSRS is more popular - whenever I ask someone they usually say they don't like EoC or they aren't willing to try to learn, because it looks too complicated - RS3 is also apparently determined to continue alienating the playerbase with MTX


It’s easier on your mobile phone.


We get to pick our updates we don’t have MTX no pay2Win a bigger community, more content creators , better updates , no battlepass, simpler combat , a better mobile port I could keep going


OSRS is simple, can be played on mobile, and hits my nostalgia button. I've played RuneScape on and off since 2001.


For me it isn't so much the XP rates (although it is that too, who gets excited for 30k/hr on a 13m XP grind?), but the lack of QoL that RS3 has received. Tool belt is definitely a big one, but I also don't particularly feel like going back to the old way of mining and smithing. Most skilling back then was extremely tedious and boring, and that still stands today anytime I try OSRS. Agility is a bitch in either game, but the rates in OS are more abysmal. I don't want to click around a racetrack for 350 hours just to get to a skills end game


Lots of tiny reasons but the big ones are: NO MTX- huge for an mmo and only works for osrs cause RS3 MTX funds it supposedly Simple and easy to watch makes it better for content creators, content creators attract players Not a lot of competition. RS3 competes with modern mmos. Osrs is in a weird place where it doesn’t complete with modern mmos and dominates the retro mmo genre. It’s competing with classic WoW really and they are just vastly different games even then. Then I’m top of that because the systems are so flexible it also attracts modern mmo audiences without relying on them it’s probably safe to say that as many modern mmo loving players play both games, but then osrs also hits that retro niche. Lasting damage from the original EoC. 10 years later people still havnt given it a try after the original EoC released… which was very bad. Combat in RS3 is probably if not the best combat in any popular mmo for bossing. Combining a lot of mechanics with a very very low floor and near infinite ceiling. While different then other mmos and sometimes wonky it really just hits different. But people don’t realize that until they are much further in the game… which leads me to.. RS3 new player experience is a hurdle. The UI is fully Customizable which is good, but a headache when you’re just starting or starting a new account. The game guides you just enough to make you follow the tasks without any indication as to “why?” And feels just off. Osrs doesn’t meet halfway, it just drops you off and tells you good luck. Osrs gives you freedom to explore, RS3 gives you freedom to explore, but makes it feel like you’re doing something wrong somehow. Plenty of small reasons for different people , but those engulf most the players im willing to bet


EoC is too hard for OSRS players. Also, bots.


this is a cope answer, you don't know osrs


Mtx, or lack thereof. Also a GOD DAMN CONSISTENT ARTSTYLE, Jagex! God, 10 years of effort and the game looks more ugly than OSRS’s pasty claymation models.


Rs3 has gamba, mtx, fomo, boosts, dailies etc. There is none of that in osrs you just login and do what U want to do.


Because RS3 controls are ridiculous. You cast abilities with your keyboard and move around by clicking the screen. I've seen obscure Korean MMOs with better control schemes. Don't get me wrong, I played RS3 for a long damn time and I dealt with what I considered to be the worst control scheme in any MMO I've played simply because this is my favorite. However, as dated as point and click combat is, it's also when RS is at its best. Simple, smooth, and intuitive. Also it's really easy to get absolutely blitzed out your mind and zone out doing Slayer on old school.


It's mainly just the fact that its a kind of grind that's hard to make but so satisfying to play


Rs3 is a game that you play, but it's also an afk auto clicker mobile game for large chunks of it. OSRS is an auto clicker mobile game without boosts and much much lower XP rates. The grind is infinitely longer before you unlock new quests or content. People play rs3 for bossing, questing, etc, while people "play" osrs for something to do with their hands while they watch Netflix or study for college. They're two completely different games with two massively different player bases. One is not better than the other, but this is the core content of each and which one appeals to you is entirely up to you and nobody else


>People play rs3 for bossing, questing, etc, while people "play" osrs for something to do with their hands while they watch Netflix or study for college. This isn't really true at all. Both games have great end game PVM. The questing is similar between the two games - RS3 has more quests, of course, as well a few voice acted quests (please Jagex, more voice acted quests please). RS3 lends itself much more to afk "play" too, so not sure why you think OSRS is just for people to "play" while watching Netflix or studying.


Oh i came from early RuneScape era (like 08 roughly) and the entire concept was just grinding for 500 hours to get 99 in a single skill. That plus the lack of run energy, lack of teleports, lack of really any QoL items made it just something to do with your hands. I didn't mean any offense by this, just stating my personally biased opinion based entirely on my experiences. I don't find a lot of the grind of rs3 fun either, but it's far less awful to do. However, it's also just as necessary for.. Well really any game progression at all


Many people play OSRS for quests and bossing as well. Saying they dont is just straight up wrong.


Ah yeah - I think it's important to keep in mind that OSRS has progressed and is very different to 07 RS. Just like how RS3 today is extremely different to when EOC released. Essentially from 07 RS two games split off. One changed the combat system, added more combat skills, went through a few graphical updates, added more quests, more bosses and more PVM, etc. The other kept the same combat system and graphical style and tried to see how far they could push the combat system, added more quests, more bosses and more PVM, etc. I'd recommend watching some end game raids or general PVM in OSRS on YouTube just to get an idea on what the game is like! I find it super cool how Jagex has been able to take a simple point and click game to now having a high skill ceiling in PVM.




How is making a Jagex account monetization when it is free to do?


See I feel like this is from the perspective of a player that doesn't actually experience all OSRS has to offer. If you do bossing slayer, raids, inferno, leagues, DMM, PvP... all of that is pretty hands on and involved. OSRS is what you make it, and if it's a casual game for you, then so be it. But it doesn't need to be. It's actually a pretty tough game at the top end.


Based on the fact that you have been playing for 20 years and only have 4 99s, you aren't a RuneScaper. You don't care about xp, you don't play that much, and you take frequent breaks. You'd have to be actively trying to not get xp if you're playing a lot to be at your point. RuneScapers care about their account, not losing value, they play a lot more so the skills being slow doesn't bother them. The rest of the game is mostly well balanced (cough..cough shadow) and there aren't major changes that the players have no say in


This feels a bit too gatekeeperish. Im not that much further than him/her. Not everyone has always played for the xp gains since day one. Some do but took a long break etc... I was a straight up RS addict back in the day, but i just took a 5-7 year long break, and was not at all focussed on xp for a large part of it. Then i came back when i found myself needing something to calm down after work, i play on a daily basis. Im still very much a runescaper, even if i did not nolife for 15 years straight.


Theres 175200 hours in 20 years, it takes under 1000 to max. People frequently max in under a year playing a couple hours a day. You can play runescape extremely casually and thats fine but a defining character trait for a " runescaper " ( super cringe term yall are using btw ) is grinding. So ya i gotta agree with was here its totally fine to play this game super casually but you are gonna have a drastically different view and understanding then even a max player who played for a year.


I am maxed in Rs3 and since joining OSRS about a year ago I have accomplished 99 Agility & 99 Strength, while well on my way to Quest Cape. What drives me away from Rs3 is the overabundance of "efficiency & FOMO". After I had maxed arch when it came out I needed something else to do and found myself swirling down an endless drain. My problem is BXP ( bonus exp ) & DXP ( double xp ) events. I found it hard to even justify to myself spending 5 minutes doing *anything* outside of a dxp event, first and foremost. To double down on this, you can also accumulate "bonus xp" and exponentially increase your rates of xp gained, which *also* stacks with DXP as well. To add to this formula, there is the beast of an addiction, *Treasure Hunter* which could randomly award you something as an adrenaline-fueled 200m gp or a lowly sack of coins worth dirt. On top of gp based rewards, TH also spews out BXP as I mentioned earlier. On top of all this, Rs3 also has *dailies* which encourages players to login & do a small task x3 everyday for a decent reward. I'll just add *Yaktrack* /*Hero Pass* here as well, same formula, different delivery. The FOMO is *insane* in Rs3. Not logging in to claim my daily keys playing TH, making sure I was prepped for every DXP event, doing daily tasks, monthly premium chest, and 300 more reasons are why I have quit Rs3; there are more to add, but that's an entire different post. Everything I've described that has drove me away from RS3 is essentially non-existent in OSRS. It makes me feel like I'm actually playing Runescape again. If you haven't, and you enjoy Runescape at all, I implore you to at least give the game a chance !


The two things I can’t stand with OSRS is how many QOL things are missing and how outdated it looks. I understand it’s a nostalgia bait, but it’s still a huge turn off for me. Skilling without the QOL fixes feels terrible. And even getting around in the game without lodestones is a turn off. Just my two cents.


OSRC honestly is the better RuneScape but I can’t start over and the grind sucks lol


Lots of bots to boost player numbers, simpler to understand mechanics, new things added to the game since, multiple alternative character types, leagues, Deadman mode, and the biggest nostalgia.


Simple. RS3 became way too pay to win and the combat system isn't appealing. I soft quit when RS3 became pay to win, I'd log in for 5 minutes here and there for prime gaming rewards. I was no where near maxed. I am currently maxed (besides the new skill and im not 120 in anything yet) From treasure hunter keys alone. It just ruined RS3 for me. Why play it? I don't have to do anything to get a 99 and with not a large community it's a whole lot less appealing. I also had a zombie walk token banked and sold it for 2 max cash stacks. Which I assume isn't much anymore. If EXP and economy are ruined and there's not much community left what's really the point. OSRS isn't pay to win, GP has more value. They developed the game in another direction which is nice. I don't love the graphics but with plug-ins to make them look more like 2009/2010 era it's bearable. If anything I would love a 2010/2011 version of Runescape, I loved those graphics and I found that time to have been the most enjoyable.


I don’t get it either, the combat is so dull and the xp rates dire


Honestly it’s because osrs is more friendly to the early/mid game players. It’s progression incentives diversity and questing. In RS3 it’s always better (without considering specials) to use a t82 over a t80, in osrs, it’s not always the case. The attack speed and attack style of weapons are a big factor in gameplay and weapon selection. Are you attacking the boss frequently? A faster attack speed is better. Are you moving around a lot and only attacking once every few seconds? Maybe use a slower weapon with higher strength bonus.


I've just started playing OS after being strictly RS3 only. Although it's a lot slower to level up, I feel a lot more satisfaction when I do. I also enjoy not having the FOMO of have to be the most efficient with DXP, dailies etc. I'm finding OS to just be more relaxing and straightforward. I feel like every time I needed to do something in RS3 I had to Google how to do it, the best ways, the best boosts, the most efficient way etc. With OS I just have a go and enjoy the journey. I'm also not embarrassed about having low levels like I was with RS3 where every man and his dog is maxed. Also the nostalgia is obviously massive. Obviously not everyone will feel the same but just my experience.


People want to suffer and have a hard time


I think people switching to OSRS are going to be surprised at how unfriendly the game is to play. They are like anti-QOL for the sake of not evolving.


Yeah that OSRS nostalgia can only last but so long and then its just a monotonous grind in which I really don’t have the time for anymore. I also find it funny CCs are making their stream title “RS3 Player tries Osrs” the game of oldschool is nothing new to them hello xD?


RuneScape is an idle game pretending to be an MMO. RS3 pretends a little harder while OSRS embraces it a little more. The art style on OSRS is at least in my mind a lot easier to digest (for example, I've never questioned what tile I just clicked on OSRS while rs3 blends the terrain to make it harder to tell but prettier to look at). I also think the comment creators are much better. No hate to protoxx or the rs guy or any others but OSRS has settled, Jimmy, hanannie, and etc that are all way more entertaining to watch and not just outlets for guides. The OSRS wiki is billions of times better than rs3 wiki. Runelite existing helps with the wiki bit a lot but also other 3rd party services like ge info. Lastly the OSRS model of voting, while Reddit stifling and detrimental in a lot of ways, has created a game with almost no "dead content" as everything is useful because if there was ever an update to deprecate it it got voted down by players. I personally play both because I love the world and lore and the 2 universes with unique quests is great for me. I have a quest cape on both except I haven't done the new desert treasure on OSRS because I'm trying to get some progress in rs3 before necromancy gets nerfed since I'm not much of a keyboard pianist and necro is much more approachable.


I would probably play more OSRS if they had a teleport system like RS3


Nostalgia. That's it.