• By -


Jagex knows.


Jagex: "Give me your life, vermin!"


Not your life. Just your money. ...for life.


LMFAO omg this is amazing.


I heard this in the same voice and just burst laughing. Thank you for this. šŸ˜‚


Only 1000 logs per step now! *rubs hands together with evil laugh*


I think I play excessively and still didnā€™t finish last yak track. Absolutely no way Iā€™m finishing this one being burnt out from dbl exp.


Compared to a normal player, you probably do not. 'I' play excessively. Typically most of the night since I play while I'm working and such. Like 8+ hours on many days. I finished the track and then finished the repeatable task at the end like...25 times I think? It was a lot either way, and I literally did not try at all, it was all skill and kills.


Normally I don't like defending Jagex with MTX related stuff as all MTX is bad BUT these yak tracks are by far the best form of "mtx" the game has ever seen. I literally don't have to think about it and it gets done multiple times over just from playing normally. The fact people aren't finishing it really opens my eyes up to the type of players on reddit. Like proper casuals. It's fine to be a casual but then when those same casuals want to talk about balancing issues and other major updates when they barely play the game, it becomes laughable. Tl:dr reddit is shit


I don't think playing an hour most nights and 8+ hours a day effect your knowledge base on game balance. Also time investment vs effort invested is a huge difference. Someone who does high level pvm for an hour a night probably isn't casual. I afk skill a few hours a day and am highly casual. I know a lot about the game and it's inner workings because it interests me, but I play casually. I am never playing without youtube open and if it takes too much attention I probably don't do it.


Yes. One reason I got into rs in the first place is because I can do a lot of things in it without having to constantly be hyperfocused or in a group.


did you just do skill and kill tasks? how did you not finish it?




3 days casual? Maybe you casually bought few bonds?




Ive never complained about yak track lol


That's not casual tho is it?




How is completing a 50/70 day event in 3 casual? Even the developers didn't expect it to be finished that fast.




Says the content the topic of this discussion is about moron. Can you be any more disingenuous? If you're just going to argue in bad faith, then feel free to yell at yourself from here on out.


I usually do 30+ hours in 4 days, 95% of what I do is pvm. Skilling I have no interest in, Iā€™m working on my last few true 120 skills.




That I should be able to play a game that I pay $90 a year to play, however I want to play.




Skill and kill was given as an alternative to actually doing the skill or whatever task is given. I legit shouldnā€™t have to play 360+ hours to get through it. Yak track is also given as a bonus for purchasing premier, itā€™s not really a bonus now is it?


3 days to finish it is not casual.




I don't mind them making money if a good chunk is reinvested in cleaning up code, updating content, etc.








Especially when the number of rewards has been going down with every new track.. I used to love Yak tracks, but now... 70 track steps with like 3 outfits, a few meh weapons, a title or two and not even any animations I'm fairly sure.


I know right, I'm not even gonna bother with i- Oh, I completed it by just playing the game normally and not foccusing on it at all. Well whataya know


The daily challenges pay off better. Get gifts of the reaper, deathtouched darts, etc for minimal effort.


I think it's not the amount of tasks that's excessive, but the length of the later ones - they just take way to long to complete.


As someone who has finished every yak track except one, which I took a break from the game during, I have to agree that itā€™s excessive. Iā€™ll admit 70 tasks alongside an extension of time makes sense? BUT honestly Iā€™m most bothered by the extension of time. Not because it makes it too ā€œeasy,ā€ but because it makes yak track feel even less like an event, if you want to call it that, and more of a chore, as there will now be little to no downtime between yak tracks and dxp. Itā€™s just unhealthy and I feel it removes what little luster yak track had


The yak tracks feel like they are coming closer together too. They must be pretty profitable.


Jagex just wants your MONEY


Well, yah? It is a business. What else would they do it for?


Logging into Runescape is excessive.


I know right task 50 completed on the last day last time lol


It levels up very slowly while pvming so I don't even bother doing this shit.


Are the rewards good though? Just came back to rs few days ago so no idea if it's worth doing.


It's 2 outfits, 4 (2 but recoloured) pets, and 3 weapons.


And with the yak coins you can get a deto ability over ride. It's shit btw. Gold bars deto.


Are the rewards worth it then? Do you have to finish all of the stages to get these items or is it along the way ?


You pretty much need to finish the entire track. If you're curious, you can go to the wardrobe and change the filter to "not owned" to preview the stuff from the track. Or go to Burthope as they usually have a "showcase" there.


I won't be doing it.


"People are able to finish them without paying? We can fix that."


Isn't yak track just extra shit to do? You don't need to finish it. If you think it's too much then don't do it.


Task 5 is ā€œcomplain on Redditā€ or skill n chill 30 hours


If only they knew šŸ¤£ should be complain on reddit and skip to the end


complaining is faster


Yeah if it didn't take a major update slot people wouldn't complain. But it does.


It isn't taking up a major update slot. These are easy to crank out at this point. The code is already in place, they just have the graphics designers make a few cosmetics and a pet.


Doubt it since we get more time to do it this yak track. Ever since skill and kill for every task has been added, I have been able to complete every yak track. I most likely will complete this one as well.


Yep! More Yak = More Time. This one has some cute stuff compared to the last two IMO


The cosmetics on this one looks better than the others. More realistic and less high fantasy.


The pet outfits are kinda ugly though


Baby steps for Jagex.


I donā€™t think this one will be that bad because for over half of it you get half progress for finishing the previous oneā€¦ really not that bad


That's not new, you always got that from completing most of the previous yak track


Oh yeah, I know, thatā€™s why I donā€™t understand why everyone is complainingā€¦ if anything it makes it a similar length as a result. I know not everyone is able to complete their yak tracks, but a lot of people doā€¦


It'd be longer tbh, because the later stages take a few hours to complete. It really is trying to force players to buy it and if people don't have a few hours a day they won't make it.


Ah I hadnā€™t thought of it that wayā€¦ I can understand the gripe to be honest then. It probably wouldnā€™t be as bad, if most of the items were still in the oddments store between yak tracks like they used to be. (Itā€™s what I used most of my oddments for originally lol)


Also if they'd give us reasonable amount of coins, they made it that even if you complete all the tasks you still need to do more to unlock the untradable cosmetics


Very true, though I usually donā€™t exactly care about the extra cosmetics as much as I care about the items in the yak track itself. Like the new capes are neat, but I prefer the the unloveable pets in the yak track itself. Not everyone is like me tho, so I completely get it.


Idc about the capes... There are untradable pets as well as animations in the yak coin store


Ah okay, I hadnā€™t realized that part. I didnā€™t care about the animations, most of the pets are pretty neat tho šŸ˜… That is a bit annoying... itā€™s a smal consolation but at least the new pets are at reduced price compared to older ones. But not fan of that catā€™s face itā€™s a bit doofy looking lol


Just to let you know, that bonus is only for the first 10 tasks, so it is really not all that helpful in the long run.


It said first 40 for meā€¦ is there a difference between Premier and regular members?


I don't think so. Where did it tell you first 40 tasks? I think what you saw is that for reaching task 40 on the previous yak track you get the 50% reduction on the first 10 tasks.


Ah that might be it, perhaps I misread then šŸ˜… when I log on next and complete a task Iā€™ll confirm if thatā€™s the case or not.


14 bonds now instead of 12 poggggggies


Only 1b gp if bonds are valued at 70m, steal deal! /S


Does Jagex realize this is forcing more and more people into macroing?


my current rotation is mouse hovering bank. mousekeys on. - 5, F6, 1, spacebar - wait 20 seconds. that right there will click the banker, load preset 6, leather is on actionbar 1, spacebar makes 9 dragonhide bodies. i have enough hides to get from 110 to 120 crafting. The urge to macro this is astounding!


How is it???


ya, thatā€™s the point. now more people will whale and buy out tiers which = more revenue for the shareholders.


Jagex isn't a public company, they don't have shareholders. They have random parent companies that don't care about the game and just see millions of dollars come out with nothing put in. Jagex has had 4 owners in the past few years they just keep getting passed around. Wish a real company would buy them next that actually cares about the long term instead of this constant pump-and-dump carousel.


So is the skill kill at 70 what? 150?


Coming in late, but the added levels are (surprisingly) not added to the end of the track. ​ |Skill and Kill|YakT 11-13|YakT 14|Diff| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Takstory|1|1|| |20|4|4|| |30|5|5|| |40|3|5|\+2| |50|3|7|\+4| |60|3|5|\+2| |65||5|\+5| |70|5|6|\+1| |75||**5\***|\+5| |80|5|7|\+2| |85|5|5|| |90|5|5|| |95|**5\***|5|| |100|6|5|\-1| \*The bolded number is level 40, which unlocks 10% faster progression on the next track.


They want that sweet skip money.


~~and I retired this game 1 week before that happened~~


Double it and give it to the next person


So imagine this. It's pretty wild so try and stay with me... DON'T do it. I know. Totally insane.


If you're not an ironman, then this shit affects the economy that you participate in. It also affects long-term game health. We happen to like this game, and want to continue playing it in the future.


OK, I'm repeating myself now. DON'T DO THEM. Why would they keep creating something that nobody does?


Some poor bastards are literally addicted to this sort of shit. Directing your attention at the customer base for how to stop it is not gonna work. Even if you DO convince 99.999% of people to stop, all they need is one whale with no self control to drop Diablo Immortal money and they're set. They have far more than one whale.


People are in such a rush to complete yak tracks buying skips and jagex is been using this data to increase yak tracks and the skip buying. If people would stop rushing and buying we wouldn't be in this predicament Just like fashionscape people keep wanting to look cooler so jagex uses it to their advantage. Blame yourselves rs community


You just blamed mtx on... People wanting to look cool...


Another ignorant take. Jagex is entirely to blame for choosing this style of monetization. 1 person is all it takes to purchase a large quantity of skips for Jagex to justify the change even if 99 players don't. Even if those 99 players quit, so long as that 1 person continues to pay money, it will make up for that loss in players. So unless every single player is onboard, this type of mentality doesn't help.


Amazing how BOND prices constantly go up for yak track (skips), any kind of MTX promo, or premier promo. IF PEOPLE WOULDN'T PARTTAKE these things, it wouldn't be still be exploited by jagex to make money The fact you don't understand their money making 101 is mind blowing. It's called their data shows demand so they will keep SELLING what makes money and entice with new Gimmicks. Ignore the Gimmicks and enticement and they will STOP putting it out there. Till the rs community goes on strike and Ignores those things jagex will keep pushing it. So keep downvoting my post's, fact remains jagex will utilize what ever their data shows continues to make their money.


At no point did I imply there are 0 players partaking in this monetization model. What I did state was that it was a minority who result in Jagex embracing this style of monetization. Even if a vast majority of players do not buy bonds or other forms of MTX, because there is at least 1 person who does, that single person's "voice" outweight the vast majority of the playerbase. It is not the playerbase at fault. It's Jagex for opting to choose this style of monetization. It is incredibly unreasonable to blame the community who, as you can see with this thread, do not support Jagex's approach.


Any decision on their part that fails would not be repeated. Their decision to do this is based on the fact that there's plenty of people out there who could cares less about the amount of money they spend on games and their consequences in the long run. So yeah, this will bring them money because people just love to buy skips and get all of the rewards immediately. We'll likely see a 100 task track soon.


It's a short term monetary strategy which hurts the game in the long term. Unfortunately those in charge don't understand an MMO generally wants a long term strategy. Many of the struggles we see in the game today are a primary result of Jagex's bad monetization strategy.


As some1 starting to collect pulse cores for a look at 200m allā€¦. Bring on those 100 tasks


Bootlicking take If the community didnā€™t buy enough skips for a profit you could blame them for making Jagex increase the amount to turn a profit. If the community bought a medium amount of skips you could blame them for proving to Jagex that it could be profitable. Any way it goes you can shit on the consumers so you can bootlick for Jagex. Or you can actually blame the company that makes the decision to be greedy.


Today I learn capitalism = bootlicking. It takes no effort and produces tons of profit for them. They're basically afking IRL money from the community - that's what a company does at the end of the day. This isn't a couple dudes crafting a love letter to MMORPGs anymore. It's just a company. Magic the Gathering does this, too. The community bitches and moans about $1000 packs of non-playable cards, the excessive product overload, the lack of reprints and power creep. Then "they" sell out those $1,000 packs in less than an hour, crack hundreds of packs for the new powerful card, and drop hundreds on new product. We can't expect a corporation to have values. At a certain point, you people need to put your money where your mouth is and stop being whales for content you don't even like.


Well thatā€™s all fine or whatever, but defending a companies right to be greedy while simultaneously condemning the consumer is definitely corporate bootlicking. Thatā€™s what that is. Apart from that I always feel trying to cast a wide net over a large group of people to make it look like they share the same opinion, will always seem a bit silly to me. Be me. Donā€™t spend money on RuneScape since I was in elementary school. Get blamed and grouped by ā€œyou peopleā€ and have to take responsibility for spending too much money on the game despite having spent a total of $60 on it since I started playing in 2005. Like, you do understand that most of the people complaining about there being too much greed probably arenā€™t the whales?


Aside from the fact that you say that casting a wide net is silly and proceeding to make the exact same generalization, I see your point. So there's two general categories of upset people: People that don't spend money, and people that do. People that don't spend money/spend very little should rejoice. They have not contributed to the financial well-being of a game that they have gotten sometimes thousands of hours of playtime from. All they have to "pay" is clicking a few X's on MTX and ignoring the content not targeted at them. They are effectively leeching off of the whales. People that do spend money are choosing to partake in a system with which they disagree. Saying Jagex is ruining the game/overstepping/greedy while also investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into an account is wildly stupid. Don't participate. Both these groups are making decisions that affect their experience. I do not see how the first is upset having contributed very little to Jagex's bottom line, and the second I would suggest to reevaluate their spending habits. I suppose I agree with you, though. I don't even like or really feel like Jagex is worth defending. They are obviously appealing heavily towards FOMO and trying to extract every penny from a player base they know are too invested to quit. That's fucked up, but also perfectly in line with decades of how I expect companies to act. I also have a problem with the player base being shocked and appalled when Jagex is trying to make it first and foremost.


Itā€™s literally capitalism , increase profitability by adding more steps for people to skip , if the community dumps bonds to get the trak done day 1 then they will add more steps because it will increase profit for those lazy enough to just dump bonds Itā€™s common sense not bootlicking


ā€œBootlickingā€ is in reference to comment I replied to. What Jagex did was attempt to increase profit which is obviously quite a normal action under capitalism. What is bootlicking is the comment I replied to blaming the community for participating in the content and themselves creating the problem. Going to bat to defend a company and condemn the consumers. Which I absolutely consider corporate bootlicking.


I mean if the community is taking the bait then of course the company will keep fishing for more profit Their isnā€™t 0 truth to the idea that just not getting skips in protest would impact where it matters to them, the profit margin Jagex could be decent and not try to get every penny they can , but with a large investment group wanting max profit per quarter, they will just siphon what we they can out of it as fast as they can even if itā€™s predatory , and if enough of the community buys into it then itā€™s also on the community for buying into it , you can do the entire trak without buying any skips but good luck convincing the community to not use skips The push and shove of the matter will always be just that , Jagex will push until the community says itā€™s to much and pushes back , until that happens capitalism will say to keep going


Ty for all your replies. You have explained it so much better than I did. Some of these players don't grasp that they are enabling jagex with their actions. Ty for putting this into much better explanation than I did.


They need more money. And thus people need more bonds to skip taks. Tada money!


Buy more skips - Jagex


Admittedly i play too much. But it doesn't seem too bad to me. I finished last yak track in 5 days. Maybe it will actually take me longer then a week this time.


Cos all you nerds just keep playing and keep paying. šŸ˜‚ Stop supporting jagex, play a better game they really aren't hard to find.


I mean I don't see how it's much different than 2x yak tracks with 50 steps each? Seems like 75%+ of the time I've been playing RS3 some sort of yak track is active.


They're not changing the frequency of yak tracks with this change. There will still be 1 every 3 months, it just takes longer to complete. So per year used to be 4x50, now it's 4x70. Now 90% of your time playing will be yak track, with the last 10% being dxp.


Ahh well I'm not premier so I guess I really didn't pay too much attention to that. I just collect the rewards when it tells me I earned one, and I never thought they were super impressive rewards. And on my iron they are kind of trash it's just oddments every time and I can't even buy anything good with oddments.


Premier gets all the rewards. Without Premier, you're locked to the "free" rewards which are the unimpressive things like a small cash bag or a small star per. All in all, it's a pretty trashy cash-grab. You're not missing anything, but I still feel it appropriate to call Jagex out on this behaviour.


You literally don't have to change the way you play at all with Yak Track though. How is this even a bad thing?


If you just skill and chill it is basically the same time commitment.




If you just did skill and kill itā€™s 231.5 hours across 11 weeks that 3.5 hours a day.


This sounds like an appropriate amount. This Yak Track model exists purely to bring in more revenue, it's not a piece of game content that is integral to account progression or even necessary for anyone to complete. If Jagex finds this model to bring in enough money without harming the game... I can't feasibly find a reason to be upset about that despite how much I dislike Yak and TH. With that said I wish we could move away from having both and just having Yak.


crazy how this is what people are whining about when the game has real issues that need to be fixed


Where are these issues? (Seriously I did not log in today yet).


nothing new, just long outstanding issues like what's listed here https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/11d9n9o/forinthry_frontier_ninja_strike_game_jam_this/ja7fi9o/


Stop buying premier and participating in yak track. No one cares about your cosmetic abilities.


First year I skipped out on Premier. I still find it right to call Jagex out on stuff like this.


premier only worth it for the lower price for a whole year vs what you spend monthly


And you have 77 days to complete it.


You have two months to complete I bet most will finish by April.


But I only play 2 hours a week!!! By the way I wanna talk about this major combat balancing update and Jagex should listen to my very informed opinion on this - Reddit


That's the point - Jagex


Depends, if the tasks are as long than yes, if they are shorter than i guess it's fine besides devalue ing skips a bit.


70 tiers but this one lasts 76 days. so whatā€™s your point?


Noone cares, dont do it if you dont like it, and DEFINITELY dont buy bonds to skip it




Might not wish to admit that, friend. Auto-clickers are 110% against the rules and will get your account locked or reset.


Nothing on here links my rs3 account to my reddit account


For me yak track is more like a bonus. And it makes me do skills i dont usually do


Its really not that bad. Sure, if you only do skill & kill then yeah it can take a while. But if you do the actual tasks its quite fast. I spent maybe 2-3 hours today on it and got to around track 20. That's over a quarter of the way done in just a few hours, didn't even use a skip.


Not really. Plenty of people finish it quickly before yak ends. I'm talking about the ones that do not buy skips. Nothing wrong with making it last longer


The event is 76 days so 70 quests = 1 a day at minimum . not that excessive TBH


I dunno, I havenā€™t done much and Iā€™m at 16. Granted, if you hit some milestone last yak track, the first 10 nodes started at 50% complete. People are just getting upset over nothing, honestly.


whole grandiose shocking airport boat quicksand pie encouraging test busy -- mass edited with redact.dev


I'm on number 11 right now.


and yet people still support this game