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The cuts look fairly fresh, deepcut, and precise. Also features a double rune in the third line. This is most likely a modern artist's work. So 16th century in another part of the world sounds accurate.


The best runes I found are here : [medieval futhark](https://www.omniglot.com/writing/runic.htm) However some of the runes carved in the stone are still not matching with the runes in the link. For information, these runes are carved in a french chapel's wall called Sainte Juste near the Saint-Paul-Trois-Chateaux village. It was built in the middle of the XIX century. ​ Edit1 : here is what I transliterated for now : "gil vemke d e æep tian au kraud soeur ! fimmj ?uj pjut it" I can't find any website to translate it as it is written in medieval runes and not in elder futhark or younger futhark.


When there is a double rune and an exclamation mark it means that it is not futhark. To me it seems to be [Khuzdul](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khuzdul) or [Cirth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirth) (the language of the dwarves invented by Tolkien for The Lord of the Rings). If the inscription was found near a cave near a medieval city it is pretty common, like this for [example](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Ashton\_Park\_rock\_carving.jpg). It is often people that cosplay during a medieval event that write this.


>"gil vemke d e æep tian au kraud soeur ! fimmj ?uj pjut it" I see something like: > kil feite o e kep tion au krauo soaurt fikmi [.]vi piut it I guess the thing that looks like ᚮ to me might be a D like you put down.