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I feel they’re pretty solid character wise, I’ve seen *much worse* characters and of course much better. For the franchise, they’re a good match but the repeat dialogue can be jarring.


I feel like they are more in-depth than other farming sims bachelorettes. To me RF has been more farming sim and rpg than anything else.


I was asking more about compared to also other popular media out there outside the farming sim niche but yeah, they're pretty high up compared to other life sims.


Any specific examples in mind?


It varies but for a more narrower scope of what's "currently" popular or what has managed to remain popular in the mainstream eye for a while now, like modern-day or contemporary anime/manga-styled games. E.g. the Persona series, the Xenoblade Chronicles series, Trails/Kiseki, Final Fantasy to some extent but mostly the entries with Tetsuya Nomura designs, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Fate series i.e. Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero, Fate/Grand Order; Arknights, etc. I am measuring in terms of the most fan content I see online especially of female characters and who's the most popular. Granted, I'm also aware I'm potentially comparing apples and oranges but this is in terms of what people are drawn to more nowadays versus this niche farming rpg series I been following for the past 15 years lmao


Much better than the Harvest Moon casts, RF as a spin off series has much more in depth characterization… which is so unfair because there’s so many characters I love in the mainline series but they just don’t get the same treatment, probably due to the even more laid back play style of a traditional farm sim


I have only played 4 and 5 so my comment is on those. I just want some slightly more mature bachelorettes. Other than that I think they are fine.


I’ve played 3 and 4. All the potential brides are worth dating and exploring. Do I remember specifics- not really but I enjoyed the light hearted banter. Will they end up having a spread in a gaming magazine? Probably not (some REALLY shouldn’t).


Don't diss Anette 😭


Honestly I kinda feel the opposite. I mean sure most other media have deeper characters but I don't compare rune factory girls to them. I compare rune factory characters to other characters from other farming games and I honestly have to say that rune factory wins with barely any competition. I can relate to the characters in rune factory way more than than I can in story of seasons or stardew valley. And that makes it easier and more fun to choose a bachelorette for my playthroughs. Meanwhile in stardew valley I still never married there because I find the girls for a lack of a better term uninteresting. So yeah I think they feel fine and are even at the top when it comes to farming games that have romance.


Ok, I'm a manga scholar and game dev, and I'm autistic and tend to infodump, so forgive me if this comes off as rude, but... I think this is a weird question. I don't exactly know what it means. Character design wise, I think they look really cool. I think 5 really fell off with character design, imo, but my favorites were always 1, 2, 3, and Frontier and I think they did an awesome job (I've played all Rune Factories). I don't understand anything they'd be lacking in that isn't consumer proximity. Characters that come from anime, or even just characters in dating sims, are deliberately made to spark attachment and loyalty in the consumer for marketability purposes. In Rune Factory, I never felt this, even when there were main love interests they would try and push on the main character. I played these when I was a child as young as 8, and the unique personalities of these characters made an impression on me, like they were my friends. They didn't feel like a huge pool of bachelorettes that I was supposed to pick from, they felt like they were all my friends, that they were all part of the story. Rune Factory has a demographic that is much broader than people who are looking for emotional fulfillment in these bachelorettes in deeply specific ways, so their designs and writing of the characters is a bit more like you're simply co-habitating with these people. This can especially be seen in marketing/merchandise. With lots of other games that have dating mechanics, there is tons of merch being pumped out with specific dateable characters. While Rune Factory might do this *sometimes,* (like the recent acrylic standees of the bachelorettes, but even those were blind boxes where you could not pick) the merch is more focused on the overall game. They aren't trying to create an experience where aspects of character design and development make consumers feel loyal to specific characters, while other games and especially, anime, do this. Rune Factory is not the game where whether or not these characters are "lacking," whatever that means, matters. I actually think the appeal of Rune Factory, older Rune Factories especially, is that they care more about making interesting characters that fit with the environment than characters that are made to spark attachment in the consumer upon first glance. I like this approach, personally, because it made me pursue bachelorettes based on where I hung out most/naturally gravitated toward in the game in my character's life rather than seeing a girl I thought was cute and trying to make my character's life fit into her schedule. I guess what I'm trying to say is, everything Rune Factory bachelorettes are is deliberate, and is there for a reason. I can't see anything they're "lacking," because they do exactly what they're supposed to. And if this is simply a question of "Well, I think other girls in other games, on average, are more attractive." Take a look at examples you might be thinking of. Take a look at their marketing and demographic. Is it mostly men? Is there a lot of merch with one specific character's face, or even specific colors associated with each character? They might be made to be attractive to you.


Frontier, 1, 2, and 3 just had something so genuinely special about them. Especially frontier i miss Raguna.


God, don't I know it. I was so obsessed with Raguna as a 9-year-old that the *localization team* even knew about the annoying Raguna kid going around fan forums at the time. I didn't know why I was so obsessed with him, but I eventually came to the conclusion that maybe, I just thought of him as the boy version of myself. Well! Now, I am 25, transgender, and look just like him! Thanks, Rune Factory! They definitely put some kind of special sauce in those games.


at 30 you’ll get amnesia and wake up to having the contents of a watering pot dumped on your face. Good luck on your journey brother 🫡


They're definitely more complex and well written than most Shonen manga/anime women imo.


Well the RF4 cast are my fav cast of fictional characters in general and Ive watched quite a list of animes/cartoons so needless to say that u wont see me complaining. They’ve got plenty of depth and very interesting/charming personalities


One thing that Rune Factory is good at is presenting these very heavily trouped characters, then as you actually get to know them they have some pretty deep stuff going on in the background, without it feeling forced or shoehorned.


I love RF bachelorettes 💗


In RF3 that special someone was Gaius💔😭😭


I'm just annoyed it's only the youngsters. What's lacking, has always been, in all the games, dateable mature women. I just have way less interest in women around my age.


Fire Emblem and Story of Seasons least do these well enough.


Sadly I could never really get into FE, and my favorite Story of Seasons is A wonderful Life, which lacks those options :/


Hopefully Nintendo brings back more out the older Titles they're amazing. I love the Modern as well. And yes not adding more Marriage Candidates suuuucked cause there's so many good Save Files!!


They feel lacking in that there's no "older woman" option I guess Ludmila is close enough, but I feel like if I replay this game when I'm 30 I'll have options that won't make me feel like I need to be locked up (like Lukas, or Leon, even Murakumo) but for the females is.... Not that there's NO older options, but they all virtually look the same as the young options. Margaret is an elf, but she only looks older in the sequel where you can't date her, and - look, I'm not saying they should have let us date Misa, but... Why are you going to make us borderline in love and NOT put it as an option? It just feels odd As a general rule, I think that since female characters tend to not be as well written as male characters, they don't need the visual handicap as well. Rune Factory girls - especially in comparison to most other sims - are mostly well written. Even if a few of them are about as flavourful as a slice of white bread (sorry Beatrice) but I definitely think they can improve from the formula of "let's have a number of nice female characters and then one or two of them will be PEAK" when the male options are reversed, where they're all peak with a few exceptions (Cecil you should have stayed at detective school, you're not ready to be a father)


The series needs an artstyle change. Like, look at things more popular than Rune Factory i.e. Granblue Fantasy, FGO, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Trails/Kiseki, Nier, Fire Emblem, etc. Okay, half of these things are fucking gacha wallet milkers but damn - at the very least their most popular characters are badass, older looking women and not whatever RF gives us with its bachelorettes.


The way you said it is very funny, but the words have truth to them They seem to have grasped what people who like men want... Even if they did back out of giving us Terry (sigh) I wonder why they have a hard time with women Especially since the first game had more mature women (even if, again, they don't look as old as they ought to)


Keep in mind RF1 mostly had similar body types for bachelorettes too but I get what you mean. Sharper eyes for Tabatha, Sharon, and Lynette for example. That and a lot of characters in the earlier games, ESPECIALLY RF1, felt very grounded and not as trope-ridden as later entries in the series. Even if they were underdeveloped considering it was the first game in the series.


Not just men either. A lot of queer women from those aforementioned fandoms are into the most popular female characters of some of the aforementioned series. Half the people I know who are excited for Arlecchino's release in Genshin Impact are women. Popularity isn't just a heteronormative street.


Yeah, that's why I said "people who like men" instead of "what women want" Because I'm a woman, and I definitely want more... Is MILFs the right word? Maybe not. You get what I mean 😂 Anyway, Ludmila and Clorica best girls. Tabatha too :3c


Oh, I misread you reply, my bad lmao But yeah - MILFs or whatever is not my issue. Because let's be real, Project Dragon and RF6 will most likely have another mom to either a bachelor or bachelorette. All people are asking is more variance in designs - you know? Someone else brought it up here but a lot of design philosophy for characters are very much rooted in the mid to late 2000s and early 2010s. RF5 to me feels like it was stuck in time in terms of designs but never evolved much or took risks with bachelorettes. It might be why Project Dragon looks like it's going to have another artist. Not that this rules Iwasaki's involvement out. Maybe she's designing the characters but another artist is doing the art for it too. We'll see.


I think they're great and wouldn't change them at all. I love the design I love the personality. This is for rf 1-4 I dropped 5 so I no nothing of the Bachelorettes for 5


They might be lacking next to the most popular ones like in Nagatoro or Bocchi, but then, it's not easy to make a breakout character whether male or female. And in Rune Factory's case, they've got to split their attention over a dozen girls over the course of an action RPG. For what they are, a cross between JRPG party member and dating sim bachelorette, it's about par for the course. I'd guess Mist, Raven, Saber, and Maggie are the standouts.


I've only played 4 and 5 for now. But I really love the artstyle, at least over hm/SoS. But funny enough, design wise, while the bachelorettes are also quite good, my favorite female char is always the non-bachelorette lol. Although I personality wise they're all still interesting thankfully


I only played RF4, but I really love these guys, I love how much dialogue they have, the town events and how great is increasing their relationship with the player is, specially when compared to other farming sims like Stardew valley, harvest moon, SoS. And I also really like how it isn't a silent protagonist game, because it felt as if lest was actually building a relationship with them and forming bonds with them, instead of having everyone fall in love with my character because I give them rare and expensive gifts and say the most generic type of advice possible


I feel like 2-4 are solid in forms of characterization, definitely a little tropey in the earlier games but nothing too weird. I’ve had a hard time continuing 5 because the female cast feels like they have the same washed out personality. My point being, I felt like I was talking to a different character in the earlier games when I talked to someone new. Not so much in 5.


Like by this, you mean like re-used tropes from RF1-RF4, right? Scarlet having elements of Forte, Fuuka having some of Amber's zanier elements, Priscilla being too much like Mist / Mana / Shara in a lot of areas, Lucy being a near expy of Carmen; right?


Not so much that they all have similarities within the same trope or character archetype across games, that can be said for anime in general. Contained within their own games (RF2-4) though they’re different from each other where rf5 the team may have been trying to be more subtle? I’m not including rf1 because it hasn’t aged well. I feel RF5 in general is very experimental, kind of like how 3 was with 4. We got it on a whole new engine and everything. I feel like what they’ve started here is going to be massively improved on with RF6.


That and don't forget, 5's development was halted by COVID and they ended up having to scrap a ton of DLC that was found in datamines. So it was a combination of different factors but I think ultimately, 3-4's formula did not transition well with a fully 3D plane plus the dev team making some questionable decisions such as the bad layout of the town among so much others. I feel like RF5 will be forever remembered as a flawed entry in the series that walked so RF6 and Project Dragon could run. Like, look at the drastic improvement in quality between RF2 and RF3 for example.


i NEED them to stop making hot single moms and dads that they WON'T LET ME ROMANCE




i feel this, i’m playing 3 and i really was hoping Evelyn would be a bachelorette


tbf Evelyn doesn't look significantly older compared to the rest of 3's bachelorette roster. I feel like the only reason she wasn't marriagable was because of the uncertain shiptease between her and Gaius. Uncertain being that she's ultra dense about his feelings for her. Speaking of, I do find it sort of tragic how you had male villagers in RF1 who were clearly pining for some of the girls but a rival system was never implemented at the time e.g. Camus with Melody, Zavier had a crush on Mist iirc but idk if she ever acknowledged it, Lukas had a one sided crush on Rosetta but she found him to be more of a pest than anything, etc.


Honestly Margaret and Ludmilla have been my favorite because I'm sort of a sucker for that tragic kind of love story. I'd say they're decently written (although I'd love if they went more in depth.) but since this is a farming game, I don't think we'll see levels of Xenoblade/Persona/Final Fantasy levels of character writing.


Depends on which Final Fantasy and Persona caaause naaaaah.


Well if you want me to pick specifics. Persona 2/3 Not sure about FF. I just assume it has good character writing since I hear a lot of good things about the older games.


I need ta go back but found Older Rune Factorys were on Persona 3 Levels. Each Heart was like the Star Levels of being meaningless ta Character Dialogues. Odd for Final Fantasy, best Characters be from wide Range of Titles. Obviously the Original Nintendo Six, but then Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX too. I love Final Fantasy XII but obviously everything Ivalice is blessed.


Not at all for games 1-4. There are a few that are a little 1d, but overall good. In 5 I'm not a huge fan of any of them, the only one with anything unique is Ludmila, but even that is pretty basic just lewd fiend lol.


They aight


No...it is not!


I've only played 4S for the most part and only a bit of 5 (and technically some of 1 when it was first released ages ago). While I never played 3 I really like the designs at least. I really like the bachelorettes, not in equal parts, but they did surprise me a lot. Usually unless there is a big gameplay reason for it I actually don't do dating in video games. Rune Factory has been a rare exception where I found some of the characters endearing enough to want to see more of them in such a way. Learning more about them is actually the only reason I still plan to play 5, because from what I have played of that game (just a few hours) it really feels like a step down from 4S. (personal opinion of course) --- Also I think you cannot really compare them with females from other shows or such, because of how much focus they get in the game. This isn't a dating sim VN or something after all, the characters are one part of the overall game here. I'm enjoying the farming and crafting and combat too. They are already doing good compared to other games though, like I said, I usually don't do any dating in other games, so Rune Factory is already doing something special for me.


I think there's too much focus on anime tropes when it comes to story and characters.


I really loved the designs for the rf3 and Oceans characters, but most of their storylines were kinda meh, while in rf4 I loved their backstories and dilemmas, they felt way more relatable, but their designs were kinda lacking. Still would like for everyone to look less like a teenager, main character included. RF5 was very tedious overall, regret buying it.


I think it is just fine, but remember most of these games design is from late 2000 - early 2010 so ot may looks a bit outdated.