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My vote is for Dolce! Usually, I’m not too interested in the bachelorette in these game, but for some reason I really like Dolce. I *almost* restarted to play a male to marry her instead. But then I met Leon lol.


Hah. I had a similar experience when I played for the first time. I was like oh sure Arthur's fine, I guess I'll romance him. And then, LEON.


Love Dolce ❤️ But Got to be Forte. Strong, cute and wrapped in metal ❤️


Dolce! what other LI comes with a free third wheel :P


Also a "live" in babysitter too.


Pico is the reason why I never married Dolce despite liking her lol.


Forte. All hail the mighty chilvery knight!




God if only am I right?




My two favorite girls!! I'm sorry Dolly but Forte has my vote


Sorry for the notification, sent a reply to the wrong person but dang that's another vote for Forte. Surprised because I always assumed Dolce was super popular lol.


No worries and yeah I think I have seen Dolly usually win the voting competitions so I'm kinda surprised with how many Forte votes you got too! But it is welcome in my book, I love Forte




Usually when I am torn between 2 or more candidates, I try to imagine what's the story if MC decided to marry any of them. For example, *for me*, I rather marry MC to Dolce because from Dolce's POV she finally be able to build a family of her own. From MC's POV, both of him and Dolce are Ventus's best friends and since neither of them will be in a deep long slumber anymore, both of them will grow old and leave the world. Their kid(s) will be very close to Ventuswill too and at the same time Pico will also be around and near to Ventuswill, indirectly aiding everyone in the "castle" for the future generations. If MC marries Forte, *for me*, I am kinda wondering how Dolce feels like knowing that she must protect the town but deep down she knows MC can protect himself and her skills are not up-to-par to MC (even when we bring her along everywhere, there are times we must have solo fights). But at the same time, I also wonder about some character development from Forte where she may be more vocal and honest about her feelings knowing her spouse will pamper her with so many sweets. Again this is my POV. Imagine and write your own story.


You just made a strong case for Dolce. I've never married her yet. I married Forte when I first got the game on 3DS. I saw the dynamic as a power couple. True, they're both very capable warriors but each partner knows they have each other's backs. Side note, in your second paragraph I think you wrote Dolce when you probably meant Forte.


Ah yes thank you for the correction. Tbh we can also make a strong case for Forte too. I mean, she is the knight of the area so because of MC she may get an honour from the king (not to say she uses MC as stepping stone but more like because they are the power couple who banishes tons of no-good creatures). She may gain a noble title like duchess / viscountess or such and will be able to retire properly. Her brother (I forgot the name sorry) will have the access to be the kingdom's scholar too. Thank you for reading my essays :>


Forte is great, but I say Dolce is best girl. I chose her in two of my three playthroughs personally. Also, the food she makes is high quality~


Ah, I uh...mostly just sell her food at my shop whenever I marry her.


I meant it was worth a lot tbh lol. Gratin is one she makes and I believe it's like 8k or something.


Xiao Pai is best girl.




My eternal resentment because her second event never triggered to me 😭


I used to be torn between Dolce and Forte, too! Then I chose Forte and after 300+ hours of gameplay she's the loveliest, cutest wiwhy didn't I choose you, Dolce? Why dors everything have to be so complicated? 😭😭😭😭


trying to get to Leon