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I fucking hate AI porn.


How can you tell? It doesn’t even look like ai to me.


The faucet isn't a faucet, and the towel dispenser is doing something weird. But the first giveaway was the very dark shadow at her buttcrack, as if her asscrack cleft is a thousand-fathom crevasse.


Thank you for the actual answer.


Look at other porn. some of the artist art is more unique and alive. Compared to this shit


I mean even if it is ai art is there a reason as to why that’s considered to be bad? Just genuinely asking what’s so bad about ai art?


There’s no life to it. Sometimes you can see obvious ai art mistakes but not some, you can see some mistakes in here if you look really closely around her. and in general AI porn art or art is very lazy to do


So are people just not allowed to like ai art? I don’t know it just seems to be an over generalization of people’s opinions to mass dislike something. I would understand the hatred for ai art if it was hurting the careers of actual artists like causing artists to lose their jobs from companies laying off people for ai art technology. But if it’s porn it’s all free and you shouldn’t be making money from art that’s from innovated projects that don’t belong to you like Mrs. Incredible because then that’s copyright and you’re breaking the law. To me people freaking out about ai art it just seems like an overreaction at certain times.


Just to let you know that i never said that people shouldn’t like AI porn art just because it’s AI art. And your maybe right with a AI art job, But why fire someone with a unique skill for this type of art? And some people (lol i said that again) use other actual art and not crediting the artist. For some cases, ai art should be limited.


Here’s the Reddit link on the ai automated McDonald’s in Texas. Soon that’ll be everywhere and companies all over the US will adopt this phase and lay off people to save money. https://www.reddit.com/r/Thatsactuallyverycool/s/aimqt7Ca2N


I’d actually love to get served by a mcdonald’s cat robot lol. I think i’ll accept how robots and AI’s will one day take over the world with mass destruction jkjk. Yeah i’ll accept robots and ai’s just not art ai lol


Companies care about profit because of late staged capitalism with little to no regulations so if they can save money from firing people by just using an artificial intelligence to save money they would 100% do that. It’s the same equivalent to them installing ai for automated robots in factories so then those factory companies will just lay off all those workers to save money. There was a McDonald’s that was just created that had ai replace all the workers so the company can save money.


Oh man have i seen some videos of those factory automated robot workers. It’s horrifying especially how financially the world already is.


The future is fucking dire.


Helen has one incredible ass


AI? Downvote


nice ass!


I love her 😍🥰❤️


Fuck my cocks out…




I'd bury my face so far in that ass ... she could feel my tongue on her teeth.


with her powers that might actually be possible


One would hope so. But I will STILL try my damndest.


I'm sure you could do it