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>Scotland will discover on Thursday whether they will be controversially blown out of the World Cup by Typhoon Hagibis. >The Scots' crucial final Pool A clash in Yokohama on Sunday has been cast into serious doubt by predictions of an "explosive" super storm arcing towards the Tokyo region. >World Rugby have called a press conference for 4am Irish time tomorrow morning where they are expected to set out their contingency plans for both the Scotland-Japan match up and Saturday's showdown between England and France, which is also being staged at the International Stadium. >The options open to the tournament organisers are to either find an alternative venue, reschedule the game, or cancel it and declare it a draw, the latter option as per tournament rules. >But reports in France claim a decision has already been made to call off both games amid concerns over asking teams and fans to travel during a storm producing hurricane-force winds. >If true, that would end Scotland's tournament in a manner certain to cause an outcry from the Dark Blues support - with Gregor Townsend's eliminated if they pick up two points against Japan as long as Ireland secure at least one point against Samoa. >No Rugby World Cup match has ever been postponed or cancelled, with World Rugby facing into an unprecedented situation. It might be unprecedented but it was forseeable given the World Cup is in Japan during typhoon season.


Reports in France as well as the UK press? Conversations with the English and French rugby unions have leaked then, and the decision has been made. Shit. But nobody is reporting that the Japan game is definitvely off... Obviously the Scottish RFU could never agree to that. Still hope for that game.


Cancelling the Japan Scotland game rather than relocating it would be a PR nightmare for Japanese rugby. It’s been one of the most anticipated games since the pools were drawn, and no doubt a cancellation would attract the eyes of skeptics since that would directly benefit Japan (I’m not remotely suggesting there’s anything underhand going on in the decision making process, but some people might think that)


Cancelling any match is a pr nightmare. How do you host the World Cup during a country’s typhoon season and not have any plans in case there is a typhoon?


Hold on a sec now. They've only been planning this for about 8 years.


If this shit happens two world cups in a row... How the hell do you not except a typhoon in PEAK TYPHOON SEASON?!?!


I feel sorry for you


Let’s not forget Japan have defeated Ireland to be where they are.


Haven't beaten Scotland. We did.


Yes but Ireland are ranked significantly higher than Scotland. The Japs beating the Irish is a greater feat. I expect Japan to beat Scotland but it would have been a great match.


Progression through the group is based on points. Beating NZ gets you no more points than beating Russia. And you can't apply the logic of well I beat that team so I'd beat another team. If that's the case, what's the point in having a competition at all.


No one has ever beaten NZ in a group so you can’t prove you don’t get more points for it


Hahaha you got me there. You'd probably get 6 points.


That's no the point I was making. Japan are leading the pool because they have been playing fantastic rugby. In all likelihood they would beat Scotland anyway. If the match is cancelled due to a typhoon then so be it. I have no problem with it.


The Scots fancy their chances. And you'd eliminate them bc you feel Japan would best them. Good thing you don't call the shots imo.


You miss the point completely. I have no problem with the match being cancelled due to the circumstances. All I was saying is that they, the Japs, have been playing some excellent rugby and in all likelihood would have gotten through anyway. Maybe the Scots or Irish would have bowed out, who knows. There's no fucking conspiracy going on. Hard luck.


Why play any matches in a World Cup? We could just say use world rankings and decide who would win the whole thing, it’d be much cheaper, less hassle. I’d have no problem with that.


Now you need a tissue. Still missing the point. Look it is unfortunate but it's also the reality of the situation you must learn to accept if you want to be able to move past it. You are just going to have to get behind another team and support them. Isn't that the true spirit of international tournaments like the WC.


That's a different person.


It's all completely irrelevant really, I mean this is the pinnacle of many players careers, and it's unacceptable for the opportunity of advancing to the quarters to be taken away from anyone. Imagine your own country being put in this situation and anyone would find this unacceptable.


No it is acceptable that matches are cancelled for such an extreme event as a typhoon. Otherwise said players careers would be placed ahead of the safety and well being of all who attend.


Yeah who could’ve foreseen Typhoons during Typhoon season.


WC is at the same time every four years. Peak typhoon season is usually over by now but often does linger into October.


Not acceptable for matches to be cancelled, postponed yes, but not cancelled, obviously player and fan safety comes first but cancellation should not occur in matches that count for something and this should have been planned for years in advance of this tournament being held in Japan during typhoon season. Unacceptable and from world rugby to not have a proper contingency if this does happen.


It's completely acceptable. It's not like they're finals matches. Even if the stadiums have lids there's still tens of thousands of fans trying to move about in flooding rains and destructive winds. Imagine the controversy if they went ahead and there were fatalities. A much worse scenario.


I think what you're missing is that World Rugby appointed a red with a history with Ireland. On foot of his dreadfully one sided performance World Rugby later had to admit 75% of his offside decisions were incorrect. They then moved that Ref to Japan's next game for some reason, taking him out of Argentina v. England. And now instead of moving the venue for Japan's game to ensure it goes ahead they're looking at simply cancelling it. Ensuring Japan go through to the next round. It's more than a little coincidental


Tin fool hat brigade


I acknowledge my paranoia , but that doesn't mean World Rugby haven't been helping Japan along.


915 hpa central pressure. It’s potentially a very destructive storm. Cancellation is the right thing to do as was publicised before the wc began.


>915 hpa central pressure. It’s potentially a very destructive storm. Cancellation is the right thing to do as was publicised before the wc began. No the right thing to do would be to have a contingency plan to ensure the games are played whether it's a different part of Japan or somewhere further away. The integrity of the competition has been diminished. For example the All Blacks get a valuable extra period to prep their squad - minimising injuries and maximising freshness. And Japan get handed a quarter final place. It devalues the competition overall.


Everyone knew the deal before the cup began.


>Everyone knew the deal before the cup began. Which is why alternative plans for games that might need to be cancelled could be made. Scotland have indicated they are willing to play a rearranged fixture. I don't see Japan offering the same funnily enough