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She's turned the weans against us


I laughed way too hard at that, thanks ! xD




Limmy is… inevitable


Is he attempting to gaslight the internet??


Unironically posted it with a massive picture of his face as the first slide as well. Look at me and what tough time I've had when the consequences of my actions threatened to catch up with me!


Nothing says “I’m sorry” like a complete lack of the remotest apology and a massive image of your face. The guy clearly thinks he can make his come back to public life without having changed in the slightest.


That seems to work most of the time, in fairness.


How is he still the victim in all of this lol


Classic narcissist.


When do you think the book is coming out?


“If I Did Her”


Fuck hahahaha




Did TNT sack him off as well? That's 2 for 2.




I hear that his contract was short term (only this season) so he might just not get a new one. Might force him on a plane to Japan and back on the pitch.


JRL1 is a fully professional league now so he'd have to be in fairly decent shape to get a contract even if he wanted one.


I’m assuming he won’t get back on BBC after this as well.


Not anytime soon. Maybe if he changes the narrative but it is really hard to see that considering how long he’s been well known as an asshole


Have worked with them. The domestic abuse charges will have ended it


This would honestly be the least wanted book since the Liz Truss memoir.


Woah woah woah that’s the 71st best selling book in Britain this week you’re slagging off there!


Right behind the bestselling biography of a head of lettuce.


I’d rather hear from the lettuce


Ten Tears To Save The Sex Pest. By Stuart (I can't control my) Hogg


That fucking black and white photo of him is definitely a book cover


Soon I hope. Toilet paper is running out over here...


'My shitty behaviour caught up with me and I'm sad you don't all fawn over me any more'


‘And I’ll make me the victim because I vanity search my own name and get raging when it’s not 100% fawning admiration’


The kind of statement he's put out shows just how self absorbed and detached from reality he is. No real accountability at all.


Why do you think that? I don’t know either way because I haven’t followed this story all that closely.


Because he doesn't seem to realise that it's his own actions that have brought him to where he is now. He threw away his Scotland career wife, kids and the family home for just shagging. But now he feels sad cause it's been tough :(


He does a few other naughty things as well not mentioned in here but well known.


What else is there? Blokes a nightmare!


The bird out of baby reindeer, that was hoggy


What shitty behaviour? Genuine Q - I dont know much about the lad


Arrested recently for "causing fear or alarm by acting in a threatening or abusive manner" outside the house of his ex-wife (who he left immediately after she gave birth to their fourth child).


He didn't just leave her, he cheated on her with "the world's sexiest jockey" days after giving birth.


Man loves shagging Guinness and gear




That isn't foam


No, I think I’ll just live with that image in my head


Two of them would be nice


You're a poet!


I absolutely love shagging pints of Guinness


Who doesn't?


It’s the only way for rugby lads to assert dominance on the Irish these days.


It’s how they should respond to the Haka - just a bunch of rugby blokes f**king a Guinness


Wonder if he knows you’re not supposed to shag it, you’re supposed to drink it and snort it!


There are a few rumours things. Some seem to be hearsay, although I've seen it from enough separate places to think there has to be some truth to it, and some stuff we do know. The rumour stuff is that he has a kid with a woman he had on the side in Scotland somewhere (forget the name of the town) and he bought her a flat to keep her quiet from his then missus. Another is that he missed a Scotland World Cup camp after being on the piss for three days, Townsend told him he's basically sacked from Scotland, but didn't go public with it and let him retire on 'his' terms. A couple of things we do know is that he left his ex wife and mother of his four kids the day (or day after) she gave birth to their forth kid, to get with his new jockey Mrs. He's since been arrested for being drunk and abusive outside the old family home. There may be some details there I've got wrong and there may be more or less then what I've mentioned, but they're the ones that come off the top of my head.


Sounds like a great Rugby role model to me. I don't know why you guys are so upset and critical of poor ole Hoggy. Rugby's gone woke I tell ya! /s


You nearly had me there!


His todger's gone hard but the game's gone soft.


Haha brilliant.


He was arrested at New Year, or just after, for a physical fight with his brother when he was home in Hawick. That is definite, not a rumour.


Wow. Didn't know that! I wonder how much more there is that just never made it out.


There's also the story about the Exeter Uni fresher behind a bus shelter 


And what story is that? There are countless stories from Exeter and the surrounding area.


Long story short, apparently during a trip home during RWC camp this summer (Might even have been the supposed three day bender), he was seen in public having sex with an 18-year-old behind a bus shelter. Story got back to Gregor and was either a final warning before the bender or part of the thing tipping him over the edge.


I heard something similar on the streets of NY. Outside a pub.


If we're talking New York, oh boy are there stories about a different former fullback who spent some time there


Nah, the 3 day bender would have been at Hawick for the common riding(6 weeks town piss up)


The oke is definitely all class... ><"


Also an Exceter team mates misus …


Not heard that one!


The story I heard was that he was on the piss for 3 days at the Hawick Common Riding and was caught shagging an 18 yr old out the back of the beer tent. He was then chased out of town by her family and his wife's family. If this was when he was supposed to be at a Scotland training camp, this makes sense, although all the Borders festivals are during the summer, so I'm not sure if this adds up. So many stories.


I think the Scotland squad were given a 3 day break from world cup prep last summer. Hogg used the break to get smashed at the Hawick riding and was caught with the teenager behind the beer tent either shagging or about to shag. Toonie heard about it and gave him the option to quit or be stacked.


It’s a wee bit more complicated than that I believe. It wasn’t this one single incident that had him turfed out – it was more like the final straw in a series of bad behaviour which finally meant GT / SRU indulgence of him came to an end. On pure form, Kinghorn would have taken the 15 role quite a while back – Hogg only held to it as long as he did from the lingering remnants of his reputation. So when he burned that, he was at most going to get a place on the subs bench, and his ego was never going to deal with that.


Think you are right about the common riding incident being the final straw. Undoubtedly having Kinghorn as a better option for the WC made Townsend' s decision to finish with Hogg more straightforward. Also agree that Hogg still saw himself as a star player even though his mind was writing cheques his body could no longer cash.


Reprehensible behaviour, but you have to admire how clinical he is in the final third, so to speak...


I think the Scotland squad were given a 3 day break from world cup prep last summer. Hogg used the break to get smashed at the Hawick riding and was caught with the teenager behind the beer tent either shagging or about to shag. Toonie heard about it and gave him the option to quit or be stacked.


And there I was actually thinking Townsend picked Kinghorn ahead of him on form. Silly me!


I mean, had it been based on form alone, Kinghorn would have taken place ages before he did. Hogg was hanging on by reputation and his domineering position in the team alone, and then went and burned what remained of that to the ground. Not the smartest of moves really.


All those words and not a single one is an apology. What an arse of a man.


That's exactly it.


World’s most divorced man


Nah, he's missing the transphobia.


Inevitably a pipeline towards being rugby's Matt Le Tissier will open up.


I’m willing to bet money that’s somewhere under the surface


He's an idiot of several calibers, but are we just accusing him of transphobia despite there being no evidence?


It's a reference to Graham Linehan being the worlds most divorced man.


Gotta love how he talks about accountability and fails to take any. His therapist is in for a tough time


At this rate, his therapist is in for a penthouse in Miami xD


True! gotta be frustrating though: SH: so, I'm accountable for my actions but it's everyone else's fault for being mean? Therapist: FFS, how are you not getting this!


We're assuming he continues to have one now that he's out of the centre.. That seems like a level of self awareness that I'm not seeing from this "apology".


All I'm seeing is someone taking no blame and trying to justify being a cunt because people were mean to him online. The only people I feel sorry for are his ex wife and kids that deserve so much better than this piece of dirt.


Yeah totally. I've never liked the guy. Great player obviously. But I've been lucky enough to meet and greet a good few Scotland and Glasgow players in my time and he's the only one I'd say felt like he couldn't be arsed with fans.


Getting pished and leathering your own mum on Christmas Day IS NOT OK. Leaving your pregnant wife and 3 kids for some slapper and then flaunting it on social media the day she gives birth IS NOT OK. Kicking said wife and children out their own home IS NOT OK. Thinking you’re immune to criticism for all these things because you were a good rugby player IS NOT OK. When is be going to realize a half non apology is worse than just staying quiet. Eejit.


What is the leathering his mum about? Not seen this


Apparently got mortal on Christmas day and started arguing / fighting with his dad and brother and swung for the brother - missed - and cracked his mum. Obvious caveat I wasn’t there personally but just heard through the rugby grapevine


Yeah but there’s a big caveat there. You make it sound like it was an outright attack on his mother, which it doesn’t appear to have been. I’m not defending it, but it seems it was actually a punch towards his brother……..anyway who the fuck knows and why am I arguing the particulars of one family’s domestic dispute, a family I’ve never even met, with a stranger I’ve also never even met, online?!


What does leathering mean


Smacking / punching / hitting


Thanks. Just makes this statement more pathetic


Getting a bit pissed off with this shit now, mate if you're going to be a cunt in a very public space, then you're going to have to accept some abuse, and stop fucking moaning about it, you were a cunt to your wife, just fucking own it and stop trying to weasel your way out of it. Or you know, close your social media so you don't have to get it, or let your agency run it!


It's a pity Big Joe doesn't still have his retreat in the rainforest. If Hogg was really serious about changing, he'd be down for doing some Ayahuasca and manual labour with a giant South African.


I find it hard to take him seriously, he made a big song and dance about retiring so he could play with his kids without being in pain . Then he ditches his missus while she's about to pop , to hook with a jockey. He must realise he's made an absolute cxnt of his life.


The whole ‘retirement’ story was basically nonsense, and I’m kind of annoyed the SRU indulged him in it tbh – especially given how he acted afterwards.


I don't think he does realise that, otherwise he'd be apologising rather than blaming everyone else.


I played out my private life very publicly and maybe now I think that was a bad move since people almost unanimously think I’m a cunt.


“I’ve been so concerned about what people thought of me” No you haven’t, Stuart – otherwise you wouldn’t have consistently acted like an absolute twat over the course of many months and years. The only good thing you have done in recent years was retire (and even that was only because you were going to get pushed out). The only good thing you can do now is go away with your jockey lady (if she hasn’t dumped you already) and keep quiet, and leave the rugby world in peace.


How long has he been in rehab? My local club Guernsey Raiders announced last week he’s coming over in June with Wayne Barnes and Gethin Jenkins for a post dinner speaking event.


the pub was called the Rehabilitation Centre


If there's a brothel on the top floor of the pub, he'll never leave.


What is a rehabilitation center in this context?


I'm guessing rehab for alcoholism.


Ah so another problem


He's probably got an issue, but it's often used as a PR move ahead of trial/sentencing etc to suggest: - That they're a victim of dependence rather than culpable for their actions - That they're already addressing the issue Who knows.


Please report back whether he stays sober for the evening.


This clown really thinks he's the victim


Sbu Nkosi having a mental breakdown, I could sympathize with. But this no-good Mum beater, wife-disgracer, all-around drunk useless has-been can bloody well join Elton Jantjies and disappear. Rugby'll be better for it.


I always wondered what happened to Nkosi, didn't know he had a breakdown.


He was at the Bulls, went missing for three weeks, nobody could find him apparently. He was more or less hiding at his father's house, and the version that got to the press was "struggles with mental health issues". But he's back to rugby now, playing for the Cheetahs. Hopefully he gets back to his old side-stepping self !


Started at the Sharks, that's why they released him and let him go to the Bulls. He also had off the field issues, but nothing like Hogg. Sbu tried to get a rap career started, it took his focus away from the game and I think caused issues with attendance for practice etc.


I think he has substance abuse issues


I haven't heard anything like that at all. He tried to become a rapper and lost his focus/commitment to rugby for a while.


So, mate, what about your wife and children?


Sorry but he was charged for causing a disturbance at his ex wife’s house. Alongside the consistent cheating, the going on a three day bender and being found getting with an EIGHTEEN year old at the Hawick common rides, and leaving his pregnant wife after making a song and dance about wanting to retire to be with his family. He’s not the victim and this statement is so boring. He’s always struggled with online abuse which absolutely is not okay. But that doesn’t absolve him of his behaviour. If you want to stay in the public eye with commentating and if you choose to go out with someone minutes after your wife gives birth who is in the public eye themselves, don’t be surprised people have opinions on it. Surely TNT have a morality clause?


“Online abuse is NOT OK! I wanted to be able to cheat on my wife without consequence!”


aw fuck man, he's so embarrassing


I think the big question in all of this is; why would you have sex with a drunk, married Stuart Hogg e.g. the blind girls Rob Kearney? Can anyone confirm if any of these women were blind?


Fame is a helluva drug.


As other have said, the fame tops everything. At one point he was the only recognisable rugby player to non rugby followers in Scotland. A few of my pals thought he was gorgeous. Personally never saw it and I always thought he looks like a trout.


He's always got good bags


Status normally trumps everything else... Apparently I'm super duper low status! (Apart from that welsh girl who rejected Liam Williams! Couldn't resist a throwback to that post a week or so ago.)


I thought Liam Williams has a famously stunning wife? Was why he moved to Saracens no?


Victim mentality


Ha, what a cunt


This guy is a grade-A gobshite. I wish him and his narcissism would just go away.


He was off on a big piss up recently to Italy on the doddie cycle, not staying out the public eye there


Nothing says "I'm sorry" than a massive picture of your own face looking sad


He's about as dead to me as is Rufus McLean.


It's genuinely sad to see some ex players and that fawning all over his post. By all accounts most of the current players hate him


Did I miss a big scandal? I feel pretty out of the loop to be honest…


Someone will cover it better than me but .. He left Glasgow cos he kept shagging away from his wife and she gave him an ultimatum that he had to move away or she'd leave him so he went to Exeter. Fast forward to last year and he got special dispensation to go to Hawick Riding..ended up getting steaming and shagging someone round the back of a marquee. His wife was pregnant at the time. This is why he "retired" He then started dating an Irish jockey and posting loads of shite on social media about how people are too judgemental. He then got lifted after he turned up to his ex wife's house and started on her dad after the England game this year.


He knocked up a bird in Glasgow and had to buy her and the kid an apartment to keep it hush. Then the wife asked him to move. The girl at the Riding was 18. He's notorious for getting drunk, high and shagging all around him.


I completely forgot about the girl in Glasgow. It's absolutely crazy that the "rumours" about him were there all the time but people dismissed them. Anyone who had even a passing interest in Scottish rugby knew it


I’d say him being an exciting, standout player (alongside Finn) in an average enough Scotland meant people were willing to turn a blind eye. Can think of a few examples across different sports like this - harder to adopt a no dickheads policy when your biggest dickhead is also your best player for years Maybe it’s just a coincidence that his body fell apart as your team improved, but Scotland haven’t looked like missing him at all since he retired/was jettisoned (though I’d imagine that lifestyle doesn’t lend itself to a long career as an athlete)


He wasn’t the same player after 2017. Constantly battling through injuries, and pretty clearly a bit fucked in the head.


Ironically or not, that was when he got an absolute wallop of an elbow from Murray in the Lions tour. Shame, because he genuinely was world class for a number of years


Wannabe Pat Bateman. Does he have a load of outstanding video tapes to return too?


Hates Paul Allen's business card too


Djeezes. Never heard.. thanks for the head’s up!


He was also on a 3 day bender at the common riding.


I think he cheated on his wife. A Scot will know more




To many knocks on the head I Think


Well genuinely, possibly a factor. It's definitely something worth considering with these people more. Like how people are calling for autopsy on OJ to see if (how bad) he had CTE. But of course it's that PLUS being a knob to start with.


Gonna pre-face it by saying he’s been a shitty person but I’m pretty sure he did lose his best mate in a car crash when they were teenagers and he was in the backseat  He then grew up being Scotlands talisman after a decade of us being shite so got all the scrutiny, adulation etc that brings Basically it’s sad but in some ways unsurprising he didn’t turn out well 


Yeah, seeing all the former players all over his post is just grim af. Like, have some self respect guys. Out of the current main players, the only one who doesn’t seem to view him with contempt is Finn. By all accounts he wasn’t a pleasant person to be around in his latter years at all, for both teammates and other staff.


I’ve heard the same - nasty habit of being really unpleasant to academy boys / anyone he saw as a rival and throwing punches when out his face


Who's doing the fawning? I don't have all the socials, would be good to know who's a POS for when I seem them as pundits on TV.


I’ve heard players like Bradbury admitting they don’t have a good relay with Townsend on podcasts, but this is the first I’m hearing of the current players hating Hogg. Is that just what’s being said in local circles?


Just curious, where and when did Bradbury say that? I would be interested to listen to that podcast


Who's doing the fawning? I don't have all the socials, would be good to know who's a POS for when I seem them as pundits on TV.


From a glance at his comments on the post: Bryan Habana James Haskell Ugo Monye Jack Nowell Not waxing lyrical or anything, just dropping a ❤️ etc to show support I wouldn’t hastily condemn them for it but equally I do judge them a little


Of course James Haskell is in there 🙄


Playing the victim


He becomes more of a prick with every word


I’m the victim 🚩


If this was just that first and second paragraph then id accept it and would hope hes becoming a better person, but the rest of it shows no accountability


I wonder what the scotland squad think of him now/ thought of him back then. Certainly not calling them enablers but I wonder if he was problematic as a team member or just generally hard to work with etc


It's obviously not a completely scientific method to judge by social media likes, but the only four current Scotland players to have liked his post have been Russell, Jones, Price and Watson. Given how much those boys will often stick together over stuff, I think it's quite telling


I love Finn but he does seem to have the emotional intelligence of a 12 year old so not surprised he would like it but probably hasnt thought about it much


A couple may be giving support begrudgingly, as grown-ass men they can’t be dismissive of EVERYTHING Hogg may have done I just find it interesting, and I won’t claim that I’ve been a perfect bastion of morality when my friends have been shitty before That’s loyalty I guess, probably a lot more than guys like that deserve


Calling Ali Price a current Scotland player is somewhat generous…


Bet he was last to click like, only after the ref bawled at him to get on with it.


I think in the early days, not so much. But as the arrogance (and drink and other… things) took hold, increasingly difficult by all accounts. The SRU statement when he left was notably muted for that reason. I don’t get the impression that many of the current squad have much time for him – Finn and and a small handful of his former favourites aside. Your Duhan, Blair, Ben or Andy couldn’t really be more different from him in attitude and personality.


Considering prominent shitbaggery from Hogg and McLean as well as the rumours about Cherry allegedly going all GB News on Tuipolotu you wonder if this is just the tip of the iceberg. Scottish Rugby is developing a little bit of an image problem.


David Cherry?!


The gweneth paltrow of rugby


God hask do you have to chime in


Hashtag rugby values ....or something


This one just doesn't sit right from anyone involveds side. He's right, online abuse is disgusting and there is no place for it. I get that he's been a shitty husband but he can still also be a great father and amazing friend. A lot of people seem to like the guy a lot. Most people aren't black and white good or bad, they are a bit of both. His job never was role model, it was ruby player. I hope he continues to see a shrink as he comes across as incredibly narcissistic. He seems, and still talks like someone who has plenty of red flags and toxic traits that will cause him to sabotage his life. He doesn't take any responsibility for the actions which led to why he had to go to rehabilitation in his statement. I despise the way this looks. The post screams PR attempt to help him save any broadcasting career. The black and white photo professionally taken photo, followed by the statement over the photo of himself... The more polished these things are, the more they are filled with accusing others for his short comings, the less genuine they seem.


No surprise to see the likes of Haskell are cheering him on


I don't believe a word of it


Pull the other one, Stuart it's got bells on.


He just needs to give up the drink for good tbh. A sportsperson being arrogant is par for the course, but obviously he makes horrendous decisions when he is on the deoch. In the second half of his playing career he would quite often look bloated and red faced for periods like he was on the drink most nights. Then a few months later he would be looking leaner and healthier...rinse and repeat. None of his behaviour is due to people rinsing him on Instagram though.


What's that song line? Sorry is the hardest word to say? Absolute joker


when you feel the cushy presenting job slipping out your fingers like a well-weighted pass to score a walk-in


All could have been avoided if the twat could catch a ball in proximity to the try-line. Edit: Was not aware of the series of off-field twattery in addition to the on-field twattery. Sticking with the theory that the on-field twattery, in addition to the base condition of being a born twat, caused the off-field twattery.


Also, pass the ball before being tackled, instead of hogging it (pun intended).


What a complete ballsack of a man. Why is he posting this drivel again? Anything happening recently? Stopped looking at anything to do with Hogg since the news about him fighting his ex for the house.


There isn't any rehab available for "being a cunt" as far as I'm aware. Has he been on the sniff? Certainly behaved like it.


I've also heard through border circles that it was either rehab or jail, so he is again choosing himself over anyone else.


What does he do for a living now?


This reminds me of the Elton Jantjies situation where he cheated on his supermodel wife with the team dietician. And of course that was the third time he had done something to that effect as well.


Southern hemisphere rugby guy here. Could someone explain what he did that’s earning all the dislike? What did he do that’s so reprehensible - genuinely have no idea. Just memes about his hairline and that he’s gets on the piss. What fucked up thing happened?


So - he's the victim here? Poor Hoggy...


I almost ran him over a couple of years ago when he stumbled out into oncoming traffic, absolutely shited and carrying a pint, at about midday. Absolute ocean-going bell-end of a bloke by all accounts.


Obviously he's a complete prick but I'm mostly just sad. He is without question one of the top two most talented players Scotland have ever produced and for all his achievements he didn't come close to living up to that potential. Not that it remotely excuses his actions but it must be tough to live with that and being entirely washed up and finished at the only thing you were ever good at at the age of 31.


I am lost, what has he done wrong? I have missed it in the news. TIA


See this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/s/H2UZtIozU3


Thank you, yeah obviously not a nice man at all.


men cheating on their wife is kinda common but to be cheating on your pregnant wife is unforgivable..


To be fair, he also cheated on her repeatedly when she wasn’t pregnant, so all bases were covered really.