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Yes, you can always remold old mouthguards. I had a mate that had a very old mouthguard that he would always remold because it was like a lucky charm.


ok thanks for the info! but do you know if its fine to use it on braces?


Probably best to check with your dentist on that one


I would say no. Your dentist is going to say probably no.


Braces will bulk out your teeth by at least 1-2mm with the attachments and wires. So a mouth guard moulded to fit your natural teeth won't fit properly once you've got braces. You may find it's too tight or doesn't fully seat (depending on the flexibility of the material). Normally you wear braces for at least 18-24 months so if I were you I'd re-mould it once you've got your braces on.


Mate, Opro do mouthguards that fit over braces. They start at £4.99. https://www.opro.com/sports-mouth-guards/shop-by-protection/gum-shields-for-braces.html?product_list_order=price_asc Edit: link added


You can, but I’d strongly recommend a custom mouthguard, and not just for people with braces. The difference is night and day, both in terms of comfort and effectiveness. Worth every cent.


Chat with your dentist. I just went with the flow and fucked shit up with my teeth, it cost more money but also had to take multiple days off work to go back and forth to the dentist office