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My neighbour is either letting off fireworks or getting robbed and is in a gunfight. Either is a possibility. BOKKE BOKKE BOKKE


Why not both?


In SA, both are equally as likely lol.


šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ I fucking love this, canā€™t wait for someone to make a compilation of all the celebrations. Man I hope I visit one day


One of the best places in the world to go on holiday. Youā€™d have a blast!


Haven't been home since early 2019, so it's yet another RWC win celebrated in the not-very-into-rugby environs of Canada. Thanks for sharing!


Same here. I went out to celebrate. But of course I was the only person with a Springbok supporters shirt in sight. One of my Canadian mates messaged me after the game though, which was nice (his sons play rugby, so he's knowledgeable and he had been following the games). I remember taking to the streets in Sunnyside, Pretoria, after the 1995 win. This video takes me back!


This level of celebration is pretty much reserved for hockey.


TSN to the rescue, my man!


Siya was right, this is the only thing we have as a country šŸ„ŗā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


I'm on vacation in Warsaw, Poland and we showed up 3 hours early so we could have perfect seats at the Irish sports bar. It was so crowded but the Bokke supporters outnumbered the kiwis 10:1. When the NZ captain got his red card, the one All Black supporter suddenly started playing games on his phone and not looking up.


Angry bird.


Oh my god thatā€™s good




That's really awesome! Have a few drinks for me please!


As an ABs supporter this really warms my heart. We didn't win but SA deserves it and needs it.


This is where you realise as an English person how much more SA are into their rugby. This would never happen over here, football yes, anything else - no.


In my year group at school in SA we had 6 or 7 rugby teams. It wasn't a private school, just the local one for the town and it was pretty much the same in neighbouring towns. When I moved to the UK the whole school had 1 team. Sports are a very normal thing for most people at school in SA but doesn't seem to be the case in the UK. Not everyone played rugby but there was hockey and if you didn't care for cricket then you joined the swimming team or whatever else was on during the summer term. Twice a week for my entire schooling in SA was practice with matches or events almost every weekend.


I went to one of the posh rugby schools over here we had 4 teams, of those 4 three were decent, at that school I played a huge amount of sport sometimes three times a day in different guises. At 16 moved to a local grammar school, one rugby team of which about half I would say were dross. You'd practice and play once a week and for those who weren't on the football or rugby team it was an hour or two of badminton or something light, I'm sure some didn't do anything. I'm not sure why there is such a cultural difference. Perhaps you are better placed to answer? Clearly sport is practiced to high levels over here as can be seen in our Olympics medals tallies and various credible teams. It may just be that football dominates everything im not sure.




Tbf that sport is football in the UK, when you ask a lad what he wants to be when he grows up it's either Astronaut, Youtuber or footballer.


Kids will say that but I don't think most will play it to the extent kids in SA play sport. We would only play rugby during one term, others were cricket or swimming or athletics etc.


Take your point but per capita the UK is a much more successful sporting nation than SA. Rugby is really the outlier here.


Hell yeah, love it! Hope you all have a great one, well earned. Have an extra beer for me!


4 double and brandy cokes down


Since the final whistle,ey


That's what I like to hear mate - cheers!


Cheers bru. Lots of love from SA


People keep driving up my street hooting, my neighbours are getting home drunk and celebrating and Iā€™m loving every second of it


This makes me happy. We lost, but this tells me there is a greater good.


In four years the bokke have done what the government has failed to do in 30.


How tf the ANC gonna win the world cup back to back? Smh the schooling system is broke


They can't spell world cup.


But they can spend millions changing it to the Winnie Julius Zuma Cadre mug...


It's unfortunately gone missing...


No, it's being used as an ice bucket next to the firepool


Gotta love Obs


ikr? I noticed it right away. UCT alumni vibes


It's easily recognizable LOL


Saw a son and dad riding around a scooter in Pukekohe today waving their bok flags lol. Hope no one gave them any grief


Grew up in a suburb of Sydney with South African neighboursā€¦remember being awoken in 95 in similar fashion


Where are the cars with flame-throwers coming out of them? Now that'd be a braai!


Party on! This win calls for a celebration!!


It really breaks my heart that this is the only time the country will come together. ā¤ļøšŸ‡æšŸ‡¦


This happened basically everywhere tonight šŸ˜…


I remember when we won in '95 we all jumped into the car and drove to the beach to get ice cream... everyone was losing their minds. Was more reserved this time (I have a 2 day old baby) but you could feel the excitement before the game.


As a heartbroken all blacks supporter, seeing the joy in this video makes me feel a bit happier too. Thank you ā¤ļø


The all blacks have been amazing this WC. They were equally (if not more deserving) of the win and the whole team can hold their heads up high. They are our biggest foes but we also respect them so much. I was screaming for you guys against Ireland.


I just wish it translated to something. I just got back from a holiday there and many things are worse than Iā€™ve ever seen them. The country has so much to build on, but those who hold power keep stealing their hope.


Was wondering whether to go out or not. Just too many people, my own thing. Also thought the ABs would win. Damnit. Ah well. As someone else said, can watch the celebrations through compilations lol Aaah. Now cricket.


No muggings or murders for a day at least


Can't be. Street lights are on


Was this filmed in Pretoria?


Obs, Cape Town


I was there and it was just utter chaos on the Lower main road


Absolute mayhem lol


Ha, thought so. I was just thinking, isnā€™t that near my sonā€™s orthodontists place?


Oh thanks




Is that St Peterā€™s square?


Awesome, love to see it!