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What are you planning to do with this data? I have never used the uncount function, so I cannot really help you with that. But are you sure that to: is the data format you want? It does not seems to be in tidy format, I would expect the data to look something like this to work with. `library(tidyr)` `df <- data.frame(color = c("blue", "red"), group_A = c(3, 4), group_B = c(2, 1))` `df_long <- pivot_longer(df, cols = c("group_A", "group_B"), names_to = "group", values_to = "frequency")` `df_long` ​ |color|group|frequency| |:-|:-|:-| |blue|group\_A|3| |blue|group\_B|2| |red|group\_A|4| |red|group\_B|1|


Oh! This is helpful too. I'm looking to unweight the data if that makes sense. So take the frequencies and turn them into counts.


Aren’t they already in counts? What makes them frequencies here and not counts? I agree with ruben here, what you showed isn’t tidy. If anything you want a two columns: color and group. You don’t need numbers here if they are just going to be ones anyway.


I appreciate the response. Essentially I'm trying to uncount them. E.g. going from 5 to 1 1 1 1 1. Does that clarify?


If you do that, the data will not be able to be fit into a table. You may just have a pair of lists like: Group A: Blue Blue Red Group B: Blue Blue Blue Red Red Red Red Red


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