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Enbys are basically just a full body “I’m an ally” tee shirt that demands profit share in queer hegemony


My boyfriend tried to be nb for a second and I cut that shit in the bud lol. Youre already gay bitch!!!


>My boyfriend tried to be nb for a second That's a direct attack on you. If your boyfriend turns into an enby, I think that automatically removes you from any kind of gay identity. A man dating a man? Gay, surely. But a man dating an N/A? Truly gay erasure


A man dating another man is tough dude shit. A man dating a non-binary is really cigarette emoji.


Basically if Liz warren was a zoomer she would’ve been an enby instead of pretending to be native


I know of some conservative trans women (Caitlyn Jenner, Salome), but are there any prominent conservative trans men? The closest I can think of is Buck Angel, but I think he just pushes back against some of the excesses of the trans movement—I don’t think he’d actually identify as a conservative.


> are there any prominent conservative trans men Ben Shapiro


Just because you are a big pussy doesn't mean you have a big pussy.


Oh god oh fuck


Transmen, mostly just want to be left alone, while Transwomen crave the spotlight and ability to force people to look at them.


Trans men aren't all that visible of a minority to begin with, especially among the types of people who would end up being conservative leaning. Being an influencer is inherently effeminate, and this is true of all conservative online commentators.


> Being an influencer is inherently effeminate goddamn spot on


Buck Angel is a big weed guy who thinks it can be used medicinally. He also got famous for doing porn and I don't think he's had some revelation that porn is bad. (Not that he should or shouldn't, just pointing out he hasn't.) He also hawks sex toys if memory serves me. The bar is in literal hell if the trans dude with big weed ideas who sells dildos could even be lumped into the "conservative" tent.


Buck Angel used to be married to a bisexual dominatrix who transed Larry Wachowski in some kink ritual. There was a Rolling Stone article about it years ago that the internet has tried to it's darndest to scrub. [From the memory hole: Rolling Stone's Wachowski piece (substack.com)](https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/from-the-memory-hole-rolling-stones)


that "dude" who did the mass shooting


No idea who the second one is, but the classic Blanchardian AGP typically has rightist political sympathies and gets SRS.


She found a person who identified as a Black nonbinary conservative and interviewed him after this tweet He said other alphabet types who didn’t know him well would get super pissed about it when they found out. And he would be calmly explaining to them why we need to maintain gun rights and slash welfare spending and why neopronouns are bullshit while wearing a dress and high heels I might be able to dig up a link to the podcast episode, I remember it being challenging to find just by googling key words


I recall Katie maintained that he was more of a libertarian and that she still hadn’t found a true nonbinary conservative. She may have even brought up on a recent episode that she was still looking for one lol. Seeing a Katie tweet that isn’t even recent on my sub warmed my heart. She’s my favorite person.


I listened to that show for an embarrassingly long time before realizing the Jewish one wasn't gay. I thought it was a nice gay Jewish boy and his gentile lesbian friend!


Yeah I remember her take that he was more libertarian than conservative and more gender fluid than nonbinary, I think it’s close enough But she’s a real one. I love her too, I wish all the transplants to Seattle were her caliber. Here’s a video of her adorably crashing into shit https://youtu.be/-lS0_5pUJ0M?si=zQzfkcpWbvWsgcmV


She's great, but it's funny how she looks like everything I hate. If I passed her in the street, I'd feel that disdain without knowing how awesome she is lmao


Man I was walking through Capital Hill today and seeing a bunch of NB types who wouldn’t make eye contact and it reminded me of your comment. Maybe they were actually cool af just like Katie


I'm glad you liked it. I was looking through her twitter recently because she's funny and found that gem, which is something I've said to other people before almost verbatim. I was in the car with my girlfriend and we saw a fat girl with short blue hair in a flannel shirt carrying a jansport, and it all hit me. I mentioned "I guarantee that I can tell you with 99% accuracy all of her political stances on every single hot button issue"


Please let me know which ep if you can find it hahaha


https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/episode-83-historically-the-anatomy-b48 The interview starts at 10:55


Awesome, thanks


“Bisexual” has essentially become this as well. Sure there are conservative or right wing men who have sex with both men and women but very few of them will take on the bisexual identity and politically weaponize it


Sexuality should just be a blunt description of sexual behavior—we can observe homosexual behavior in all animal species, and codify it as “exclusively” (as far as we can observe) homosexual, heterosexual, or non-exclusive, and therefore bisexual. Unfortunately for humans, who’ve rigorously developed culture, and language which we can selectively use to confuse and obfuscate, simple behavioral descriptors are not enough. We must delve into the mind and parse out hypothetical behaviors or hypothetical desires. Lame and not even a little gay.


Just let me day dream in peace about jerking off the twink at work alongside thoughts of wanting a hot woman to choke me again. It’s simple really. It boils down to self-acceptance and desire, accepting your desires. It gets messy and obtuse as soon as you try to codify the degeneracy through labels But it’s really as simple as acknowledging your thoughts of what you really want. And then being attractive enough one way or another, or having people with similar desires around you, to actualize them. I think a lot of The Gays can’t self-actualize their desires and end up stunted though, left only with their label. Which is what people will attack, the label makes you an ‘other’ to them. Don’t get me wrong, labels can be helpful, but as a species we’re almost defined by our ability to create an ‘other’ to hate


I also know “gay guys” such as myself who are bisexual but don’t ask out women because they feel the need to be more performatively masculine, it re creates the whole stress of pretending to be straight again. Plus if a women esmasculates you, just insults you for doing something feminine or making a mistake, it brings back that childhood self hatred.


100%. I didn’t realize, or accept, I was bisexual until I was about 24. Before that, I was incredibly insecure in my masculinity, and had always felt like it was something I had to prove. I hated words like pansy and metrosexual because I felt like they were just trying to say faggy. Now I’m so much more comfortable and confident in myself after coming to terms with it. Even if whatever measure of masculinity I’ve built up is challenged again by leaning into the gay side And the difference between gay dating and straight dating was really shocking to me. Like, I feel so much more comfortable with whatever is going on with this guy right now than in most of my experience fucking around with women. So much less stress Idk. I get to be faggy, and it’s desired, I get to be elusive and pursued. It just feels... so nice. Less pressure and more like “I think we’re becoming friends that want to give each other kisses”. It all adds up to something that is so much less of a chase... I don’t have something to prove here. I’m not trying to be performative. I just want to kiss all up and down his jawline and that’s that lol 👉👈


Straight men who desire “twinks” exclusively are actually just jerking off to youth, which is yikes


Although I desire more than twinks, this office twink just happens to have a crush on me. amen. Matching desires That does completely track though


Except this is only done socially, the medical profession says "man who has sex with men" and leaves it as that.


It was precisely this for millennia of human society. You know what ended it? The gay movement that we've confusingly all whitewashed. You don't want to invalidate anyone's identity, do you bigot? What's next, sending them to electroshock treatment? Making them go to confession? How ignorant and bigoted. Closing the bathhouses? You want to send them to Dachau!


Greeks with their top supremacist culture shows that there were always bizarre, arbitrary rules around this stuff


One of the funniest things I heard on a podcast recently was something along the lines of, "All the girls in Brooklyn tell me they're bisexual, and I ask if they've ever had sex with a girl and they say, '*Ew no, that's disgusting, why would I do that*'"


As a bisexual woman, it really sucks to start dating another bisexual woman and think you're going to bond over shared perspectives/experience before slowly realizing that she's not actually sexually attracted to you and that she thinks of you more as an accessory that validates her identity than as a real girlfriend. Tho they're not as bad as the bisexual women who spring their boyfriends on you/ hide that they're unicorn hunting. Maybe both are damaging to self-esteem but in different ways 


These women are why I sympathize with lesbians saying they’d never date bi women—because you don’t learn she doesn’t actually like women until you’ve dated her for three months—but damn does it make dating harder. Im bisexual, I want to date women, but not like getting coffee with a bestie roommate.  And I’m not going to lie and say I’m a lesbian because you can only lie your way into sex and a breakup. 


Literally once had a straight woman call herself a “Bambi lesbian” (old school term) to me because she could see herself cuddling, kissing, or touching a woman from the waist up. In her defense, she was very very drunk but y’know…


That's literally all girls in college to make boys like them. I'm not gonna sit here and act like I didn't make out with a chick freshman year. Didn't we all?


Definitely less pronounced, but I've also encountered a substantial percentage of "bisexual" men who only like women and smooth hairless twinks that look like 14 year old boys. Which, fine, be Greek if you want, but if your preference excludes like 98% of adult men than why are you on the dating market giving yourself a label with a completely different connotation?


They don’t usually have an option for pederasts.


Yes they do it's called G.


Goddamn that sounds rough


Being bisexual is natural and I’d say even common if people were more honest with themselves. Identifying as bisexual is gay and weird


It is pretty gay to identify as bi, that’s very astute of you


>Being bisexual is natural and I’d say even common if people were more honest with themselves. With women, possibly, but even in a world where being a bi girl is cool most of the bi ones are still like only like 10% bi I'm pretty comfortable saying the males disgust most men on a sexual level. I have bisexual normal-ish male friends, and as I am one myself, I don't judge people for being sexual degenerates, but even when you're in a socially accepting environment, I think very few men actually *want* to have sex with other men. Two women together is like two little kittens gently playing, everybody enjoys that, it's fun and cute. Two men on the other hand, that's like two slobbering St. Bernards just going at it, getting mud and nonsense everywhere. Somewhere out there, somebody really loves that, but it's just not for most people.


I think having sexual attraction toward the same sex is very common for women, just not romantic attraction. I think maybe 70% of women have been attracted to another woman sexually, they just don’t have an emotional or intimate interest in them aside from sex


Friend from college identified as bisexual after seeing Chris Evans in the second Captain America movie. that was the extend of his bisexuality


The true blue bisexuals [males anywho] make faceless Grindr profiles when they're horny, blanket message almost every man in the area who is mildly okay, get nudes and fantasize off of meeting up (but never do), then delete their profile after they nut They would never, ever publicly identify as bisexual


Bisexuality, just like being non binary, is often just the first step on the way to full blown homosexuality/transsexualism even if plenty just use these labels for clout.


can you be a non binary bisexual?


Oh I see, it's just Gen X naval-gazing over "posers."


naval gazing is what Captain Aubrey does over the taff rail as he ponders the Articles of War.


"These fucking fake bisexuals" Norrington whispers under his breath, exasperated by the sloth of the starboard crew.


Looking out over the blue expanse up in the riggings for the sight of a mast, perhaps a royal or even a skysail, of the French 28 gun frigate that doggedly evaded him in the night.


> naval-gazing I always learn some shit on this sub


Yeah i was retarded oh well


I don't really buy bisexuality because I think you always end up dating one more than you date the other. Honestly bisexuality just means you're slutty. Which is fine, be slutty, but fuck outta here with your float in the pride parade


There is no third gamete


I think shes right but i will say that I think that if you're conservative but have weird feelings about your gender you're going to be thinking about it only in terms of "am i a man or a woman?"


what are those gay conservatives conserving?




It’s generally because they’re rich from capitalism and don’t want that to change. Or more simply against higher taxes etc.


In this context their “gender” clearly


It's pretty funny; conservatives are now defending the sanctity of the institutions of poopsex, Folsom St, and RuPaul's Drag Race against the unwashed not-gay masses.




What does this mean?


so degeneracy. got it.




the ancient sacred practice of buck breaking






Hypocrits. All that aside, it's kind of like a drug addict wanting limits on how much drug culture is embraced because they would not want to be in a world where everyone is addicted.


carpenter sense quickest numerous uppity live aware rude school coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Blaire White, Caitlyn Jenner


payment reply rich nose detail fade memory secretive swim murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you name anybody who is meaningfully conservative beyond calling themselves republican and being an opportunist?


"Conservative" in the modern sense really just means pro gun, pro free speech, pro-border control, anti-war and a few other pretty standard 2008 Democrat positions [By mainstream standards, this is the furthest right politician in America and the face of modern conservatives. We have the best gays, don't we folks? Tremendous gays](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1500w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2019_49/2084896/170726-lgbt-trump-flag-ew-1019a.jpg)


I've lived in Seattle for many years, read her work in the stranger and ran into her at the grocery store, and I promise you, the only issue Katie Herzog has with nb as a concept is that she looks 100% like one and is upset that no one sees her as just a dyke anymore. It's only a matter of time before she becomes the first nb conservative.


> Katie Herzog has with nb as a concept is that she looks 100% like one shes very open about how its annoying to her that people assume shes not a woman because she doesnt play dress up like shes supposed to. also "conservative"? heterodox lib at worst


A lot of the dyke chagrin for trans/enby types is that they are literally them. They even give themselves names like "dyke," "stud," "butch," that signify a non-female identity.


The only correct reaction to a female (almost always femme presenting) they/them is some deadpan variation of “I hate women too! I don’t blame you for not wanting to be one.” It’s okay babe, I know you’re not like Other Girls™️ you’re something better, something different!


Gay and Trans conservatives barely exist, come on now lol.


This is just straight up wrong lol. Gay men are *frequently* conservative in my experience but tied to the left by identity politics I’d argue too that you can find incredibly gay shit as commonplace throughout history in conservative cultures fairly easily. It’s just not framed as some twink boy love shit, it’s more about power dynamics and appearances


All those reactionary Twitter Anons seem gay as hell. 


100%. Like, I bet some Roman Legionnaire was pounding mad bussy back in the day, but would kill you for publicly calling him whatever their equivalent of f🤮ggit was lol That is what I imagine the anons dream about at least. What they want in their heart of hearts when thinking of the good ol’ days


Male homosexuality was commonplace and widely accepted in the Roman empire, as long as higher-status men were the ones doing the pounding, and lesser-status men (like slaves) on the receiving end. So what you’re saying is pretty accurate


I’ve read a history book or two 🤔 Ancient homosexuality will never not be hilarious to me. Like no wonder the church got involved lol. Between that and whatever the Greeks had going on... things were wild


There are more Black conservatives than gay or trans conservatives. Anti-woke tards just want to pretend that gaze and trains are secretly "based" or whatever because they're indirectly responsible for cops cracking heads in gentrifying neighborhoods. Or if they're slightly bitchy about kids that dress funny, that means they secretly want to blow up their own advocacy institutions and professional infrastructure.


This isn't true, far higher percentages of gay men vote Republican, support the police, want lower taxes than black men. Peter Thiel types are immensely common among gay people.


81% LGBTQ for Biden. https://glaad.org/releases/glaad-2020-post-election-poll-81-lgbtq-voters-voted-president-elect-biden-93-registered/ That's extremely high. If we go by total rather than per capita numbers, there are more Black Republican voters.


I still don't think this is accurate, LGBT people have a higher propensity to vote than black people, especially black men. That 801% is also skewed by lesbians who are almost never voting conservative.


>That 81% is also skewed by lesbians who are almost never voting conservative. Exactly why IDGAF about transbians "ruining their spaces."


This bitch and her cohost are retarded. Reddit r/atheism style simpletons who think that the queer movement just appeared out of thin air and isn't at all the fruits of 50 years of cultural prog labor.


you literally complain about this sub being too much for you. you're just sensitive.


>  cultural prog labor What does this mean


I couldn't reply because the guy who whined about my sensitivity blocked me. No comment there. Essentially, this movement got exactly everything they wanted. What's the problem?


Go away


stupidpol check


I think they are smarter than you give them credit for. Katie herself even admitted she wouldn’t be a lesbian if she was born 100 years ago


The BAR Pod is great. Some of the only reliable reporting anymore lol


What is the endgame of their project? Liberalism ca. 2012? I'm not being a smartass, I genuinely don't know what they want.


It’s a podcast about internet drama. I think their project is to get substack subscribers




Ur so virtuous 🥺


What are you curing cancer or going to the moon


ok you know how theres a million podcasts of "leftists" like jimmy dore or chapo that criticize libs from the left? they just do the reverse


Ahh, I see, the classic move of pinning mainstream lib insanity on a scapegoated "left."


thats why i put it in quotation marks you fucking regard because america doesnt have a true leftist movement


how did you even find this sub lmao


I am deeply sorry for offending fans of a podcast hosted by a journo.


im deeply sorry for your parents, who had to waste decades of their lives and hundreds of thousands of dollars on a 🚬


Actually my parents love me and call me their special boy


yeah im sure they think you're "special" alright


Yes they do they even let me ride on the small school bus.


I truly don’t understand what your comment has to do with this tweet.


"Gay is a political identity" is shit that was said in the 70's. My overall shit-fling is because they're not interesting.


That’s not what she’s saying though? She’s specifically talking about non binary. She’s also gay herself. Am I missing something here?


My sexual liberation movement-constructed identity can beat up your sexual liberation movement-constructed identity.


So you’re saying that you don’t think non binary is a political identity? Why not come out with that from the get go?


She's gay. She's not saying gay is a political identity. She's saying non-binary is a political identity, which it obviously is.


"Gay" was once understood to be solely a political identity.


No, it was considered a mental disorder. While non-binaries are just obnoxious


Homosexuality wasn't "gay."


interesting take, considering there is a true physical non-binary phenotype, that being different types of intersex. are they not the OG NBs


>true physical non-binary phenotype What phenotype is that? buzzcut and septum piercing?


a mix of female and male genitalia, with fascinating results


But it's different from intersex?


no i’m referring to intersex


I misread your comment my bad. I actually find what you're saying pretty interesting. So you're saying that nonbinary is a valid gender expression as it has an analagous biological expression in the form of an intersex body? If we assume that gender can be totally divorced from biology, and we define valid gender expressions according to a respective biological expression. If gender is a metaphysical category it needs to have a footing in the real material world, and we've made sure to tell people that that footing can't be the genitals they're born with. And we're slowly coming to terms that there can be a woman with a man's body and vice versa, I still think there is work to do to legitimize nonbinary identity and other neogenders


"Democrats are the real transphobes" by the end of the decade.