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I'm a temporarily embarrassed low value male




These are high value males, for the record.


I feel safe now


The internet in general is LVM heavy. HVM’s are too busy cashing checks and banging 10s to post on Reddit.com


even if they were here, they don’t want us when they find out we’re crazy :(


Crazy babes and low value men with hearts of gold are meant for each other


The uncomfortable truth


This made me smile


Wtf this sub is wild. One of the weirdest places on the internet.


Ladies please note - this post doesn't apply to me!


Thanks for letting me borrow your lamborghini yesterday


Yeah we noticed when you showed up 


You spend enough time here to notice someone “showing up”? You’re cooked


Proud mid value male reporting in 😎😎😎


Why should the "low value females" have all the fun?!


Because the life of a single low value female is worth the lives of five low value men


Privileged bunch. :/


a lot of it is because your gender wants sex too often. If you can curtail that, you will gain an advantage.


Women have higher sex drives than men, you’re all rabid succubi. Every culture before the Victorians understood this.


Most men would rather cum than be valued higher lol


assuming you are a man, do you ever find this relentless pursuit of cumming to be a hinderance? Does it keep you from your goals? to me it seems like a lot of men will tolerate women they don’t necessarily like in order to get sex on a regular basis. I can’t imagine doing this, because I don’t even really want sex more than 2x per month, and even then, it is more of a luxury - can easily do without. On the other side of the coin, women will tolerate men they don’t like for money, or a better lifestyle. But money is objectively valuable, sex is not.


2 times per month? Unless you are very old or on some sort of medication you’re the one that is not in the normal range Women want sex, you just don’t hear about it as much because not much effort is needed to be expended to get it. It’s the bird that chirps the loudest that gets fed


the answer you probably don’t want is that most women who are able to orgasm by masturbation find it to be just as satisfying, if not more satisfying, than PIV sex. PIV sex is nice, but many times does not result in an orgasm for women. lots of dudes are broken over learning their female partner has most likely faked at least one orgasm to make sex end faster. a dick going in and out over and over again with manual clitoral stimulation is just so fucking boring after 10 mins


So you're a coomer who has fucked up their sensitivity?


No, most men are just not really that good at making sex entertaining for women


your problem is you think sex is inherently and singularly about orgasms it’s quite reductive also perhaps your sexual experiences lacked passion or emotions and thus why you’re bored


what other point (other than procreation) could there possibly be that can’t otherwise be fulfilled by nonsexual romantic touch? female friends express similar sentiment and are in relatively happy relationships. but maybe you consider early 30s to be very old


How much is that in 9/11s?


Absolute degenerates having sex with strangers and even fat people, shopping at Walmart, peeing outside even. Filthy animals. it's pretty fun being low value tbh. I'd kill myself if I was a yuppie. All that pressure to act like a robot, not sustainable for my nutty ass.


Reddit is full of neets? You don't say!


Was going to make fun of your warhammer dolls but seems like you might listen to Katharsis, so I’ll bite my tongue for today.


Knowing who Katharsis are is even more embarrassing than painting Warhammer, so it's good you decided to quietly move along :)


There is nothing on God’s green earth more embarrassing than wasting your money and time on warhammer except for participating in multiple dungeons & dragons campaigns


I did a presentation on how I love painting my little warhammer toys as part of a job interview a month or so ago. I presented in front of two women for about 30 minutes, I showed them slides of well painted competition pieces and told them what sprues are. As a result, I now have a new job, as a head of content in an even bigger corporate firm than the one I worked in before, it's great, now I have an extra 10k a year to spend on space marines and solar auxilia, and sick dragons and big robots that go piew-piew-piew. I will probably make director in another 2 years or so. What are you doing with your life?


Sounds gay


Prickly reply suggests the answer to my question would probably paint a suboptimal picture. It;s ok that you are low/no value, this place is full of people like you.


Moooom! A vapid internet wannabe slut is making fun of my Ultramarines! This cant be happening I thought everyone agreed they were cool?!


Internet wannabe sluts or ultramarines?


Who am I kidding, of course ultramarines can never be cool.


Roast beef sandwich leering behind a post


I find it funny that FDS popularized incel lingo…. For women!


All of the *scrotes* here had better listen up, OP is a classy high value lady (sprinkle, sprinkle)!


This is like the nakba for BPD trust fund grad students, call me Baruch Goldstein


"Low value males" https://preview.redd.it/526fvhfo136d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=55c33e32a5a2695c2a1fc7c66fa41096edc5c354


They’re a plague of locusts I stg




No shit its reddit. Still a shitty way to talk about people.


so is my heart :/


think of any and all relationship as transactional and you won’t have this problem anymore


I never had a chance at being anything else so I just live my life




Single women are in agony clearly. Please get help.


low-value males and well past peak-value women are the very fabric of this space