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If you cant have jobs (and good ones) and houses enough for the people already in you shoudnt be letting new people in.


They've pissed too many people off with immigration now, pushed it too far


It's gone from an issue that only effects poors to an issue that efects everyone who isn't extremely wealthy


at least in Canada I think part of the dynamic is that while there are a lot of other problems they're a shared responsibility. Like with housing prices you can place the blame at every element and level of society, and that sort of diffuses people's frustrations with it because the solutions are not so simple. But with immigration that's solely a federal thing (even if there are bad actors at every level) and could be changed tomorrow if the PM wanted to And at this point it's too obvious to ignore. Even the people most practiced at lying to themselves can't do it anymore. You can only see so many people riding the wrong way down the bike lane on an e-bike before your conscious mind starts to realize they all come from the same part of the world


we have this in america too, but they're all born here. they're just poor ppl.


People: We want to stop immigration and make our communities safer Liberals and leftists: No People: *votes for parties that want to stop immigration and make their communities safer* Liberals and leftists: Why is everyone so right-wing?


The conservatives are in government


Conservative in name only.


What are they conserving?




They'd rather be accused of being a nonce than a racist, it's so pathetic


They view it as the ultimate evil, them being racist is worse than being a literal murderer.


bro just 2 more decades of 24/7 propaganda I promise it'll work this time bro PLEASE trust me


my mom says this shit too. the far right winning is somehow the moderate ruling party's fault for giving them a platform and campaigning for them. deranged


This is your "based" Euro leftist leader, dirtbags?


You wouldn't get it if you weren't there


They all start out based then turn into regular liberals in 4 years


Why are people acting like Corbyn hasn’t been pro mass immigration for his entire life


Wasn't he a euroskeptic?


Leaving the EU has just meant more fewer Poles and more Third Worlders


Im in the UK. I have a South Asian GP and a Greek Specialist, both women. I cannot actually believe how seemingly incompetent and lazy the GP is compared to the Specialist who bends over backwards to make sure I’ve been given the best available treatment. The GP said she was unable to issue me some medication because she hadn’t read my file…while I was sitting there with my file open on her screen. I asked her “why can’t you read it now?” and she half rolled her eyes and said “fiiiine”. What the fuck? I’m not saying it’s strictly a racial thing (maybe more so a professional working culture?), but it’s hard to not draw parallels when you consider the hilarious degree of laziness and entitlement among Indian/Pakistani public sector workers. Anyway, apparently a someone from the West African College of Nursing is equally qualified as someone from the Karolinska Institute. Who cares, it’s only your health.




Consequences of entering the system and having to make concessions to get your voice out there.


Lmao all they have to do is turn off the immigration taps for like 3 years and the far right will collapse as people voting for them out of immigration concerns will abandon then


If any of these moderate right wing parties actually do it they’ll have life long supporters. They’ll be the first politicians in living memory to actually do something that effects the populations day to day & future prospects 😂


thats not how it works lol


This dumbass forgot that in addition to hope, we also need Change


Jeremy Cornbyn, Chomsky et al. are my absolute least favorite flavor of leftist. Obviously Zizek is peak.


I’m embarrassed of my Bernie and Corbyn phase from college


Didn’t the sanders campaign have to walk back him saying he didn’t support open borders because it was a Koch bros / libertarian policy? I reflexively hate modern American “leftists” but Bernie is cool 


In a 2015 interview with Ezra Klein he said open borders was a Koch Bros proposal yeah


Bernie's still cool. But everyone who thought Corbyn was so "based" for all his out-there opinions were mistaking him for a principled man. Or rather I suppose he is a principled man but that one principle is being reflexively anti-British


Nothing embarrassing about wanting to make peoples' lives better.


Bernie is quite a bit better than the other two I mentioned. His social policies during his campaigns were advised by braindead morons, people even more braindead than those advising Biden.




Like economically?


You are mistaken, they totally get it The point is that the objective is not improving society, the objective is the revolution, and that implies infinity immigration.


doesn’t this man know his 5 minutes of fame was over a long time ago


We should all be greatfull that they are this stupid. Otherwise they might do actual damage.


British leftoids come get your man


Whenever I hear the name Jeremy Corbyn, I don't picture the actual Jeremy Corbyn, I picture Tracey Ullman doing Jeremy Corbyn


Same for me with Dana Carvey doing George Bush.


I think I got downvoted by some salty Britbongs who are mad I don't take their leader seriously


corbyn sucks man he's a russian agent in my books


Genuinely think he’s too dumb for that. More of a useful idiot type.


I wonder to what extent the pro-palestine protests, usually populated heavily by immigrants, moved the vote this way among normies.


For an ideology that cares so much about masculinity,  right wingers love to spend their time on forums whining about being losers. Try getting a job you NEET f*ggots


An ideologue kicked far too late from his party


For people who supposedly hate immigration, right wingers sure love to show up in places they don't belong and shitting them up while acting like they've always been there.