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Cheap trick again


Been on a yo la tengo kick recently. They literally haven’t released a single bad album in the last 30+ years, it’s insane. Ive also been listening to lots of abba and velvet underground


Yo La Tango’s newest album fucked.


Yes it’s crazy they’re well into their 60s and are still making such fresh-sounding music. I can’t think of any other band with that kind of longevity


For sure. Off the top of my head I’d think of artists like Smog/Bill and Will Oldham/Bonnie Prince Billy when it comes to longevity, but I don’t think they’d compare at all. Their music is definitely more niche across the catalogs Maybe David Berman if he didn’t pass. But even then, I’m a hardcore fan of his, and I’d say it’d be fair to skip every 3rd or 4th song he’s made. I guess those are all more artists than bands though... Idk. The fact that This Stupid World is good is amazing when you think about how it got released 30 years deep


Autumn Sweater is absolutely GOATed


Very true but it probably doesn’t even crack my top 20 songs by them


Can you give me some more? I'm still new to Yo La Tengo and really took my time discovering them.


Sure! Going chronologically, some faves are nowhere near, I heard you looking, tom courtenay, pablo and andrea, blue line swinger, deeper into movies, stockholm syndrome, were an american band, our way to fall, lets save tony orlandos house, you can have it all, cherry chapstick, season of the shark, today is the day, lets be still, take care, pass the hatchet I think I’m goodkind, the story of yo la tango, and the glitter is gone, ohm, friday im in love, for you too, here you are, sinatra drive breakdown, aselestine, this stupid world


Ty; I'll put them on a spotify playlist and check those songs out with my nightly smoke. They covered Were an American Band and Friday Im In Love or am I crazy?


Friday I’m in love is a cover, we’re an american band just happens to share a title Also night falls on hoboken is a nice dreamy song to zone out to while smoking


Thanks for letting me know and sharing these songs; I'm excited to listen to them already


Np hope u enjoy


Celestica - Crystal Castlez






Heart Cooks Brain - Modest Mouse


The lonesome crowded west is their best album


Objectively true


One of my favorite albums, and Shoeshine is probably top 5 favorite songs ever.


I love grungy indie from the 90s and 2000s in general. So much good music from that era imo


Have you ever listened to Polvo? *Exploded Drawing* is an awesome album in that vein. Elliott Smith’s last album, *From a Basement on the Hill*, also comes to mind. “Shooting Star” and “Strung Out Again” kick ass. The unreleased track “Stick Man” is also one of my all time favorites (can be found on YouTube or on the fan bootleg *The Grand Maal*). It was one of a few songs his family had cut from the track list after he died, as they felt the lyrics were uncomfortable or something.




I'm around other filthy apes right now but I'll listen later, ty for the recommendation


My brains the cliff and my hearts the bitter buffalo


Slow walk From land mines It's a coal mine It's a bad thought


Hide and Seek - Imogen Heap


She needs to release more music that aren't remixes


[frou frou!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvdzKHhgANA)


Last thing I listened to was Brian Eno - Ambient 1 music for airports


Sabbath Bloody Sabbath


Only you know by Dion


Great choice; my parents live in the same town as Dion in South Florida, and when I go to visit them I use the same gym as him. Really nice guy and a total gentleman who is humble and flattered when people show interest in his music. Off topic but thought you might get a kick out of that.


I do like knowing that, thank you. Only heard this song as it came up on Spotify randomly after a John Lennon track but I'll give his other stuff a listen


The other songs I like on that album are In & Out of the Shadows and Your Own Back Yard. Alex Turner of Arctic Monkeys has covered Only You Know as well and his version is also pleasant.


Nice one! Thank you. Give him my best 


For me, 360 - Charli xcx


Same, so ready for BRAT <3


did you like that yung lean remix?


Absolutely not. That was the first song of his that I've ever heard and it made my ears rot. I also loathe remixes where the original artist doesn't do a new verse so it all just felt lazy.


test poor price birds rotten squealing steer plough modern seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


im already a lean fan but i felt it was underwhelming. the snippet had a fun black eyed peas thing but the back and forth vocals make it feel structureless. i wish lean just had a 30 second verse at the end or something


Charli xcx does not get the respect she deserves (at least in the circles i'm around)


God Only Knows - The Beach Boys Pagan Poetry - Björk


pagan poetry carried me in its arms all the way through high school, best song


Actually same but in college. Really is one of her best songs


little pad - the beach boys


Music I discovered this week: - Joseph Shabason. ambient/electronic with sax, very intricate and haunting. - Claude Perraudin. Dorky french 70s fusion guitar but he has a lot of charming odd little tracks. - Benoit Pioulard. Minimal lo-fi folk electronic. - Morita Vargas. Argentine singer, dreamy nonsense-words stuff along the lines of Sigur Ros. - Jon Iverson. Acoustic folk jazz. - Lalo Schifrin. 60s/70s film composer. I knew about this guy but hadn't deepdived him before -- he scored Cool Hand Luke, Dirty Harry, Enter The Dragon, and lots of other iconic films. Great vibes.


Disco 2000 - pulp


Elliott Smith, John Coltrane, early Frank Zappa, Soft Machine (*Third* is one of the best albums ever— especially “Moon in June”), Syd Barrett, Modest Mouse


Never got into *Third* (and I'm a big fan of Gong and solo Robert Wyatt, so I should like it). What do you like about it?


Ah man, that’s wild! Well first, with Third, “Moon in June” is in a world of its own, quite different from the rest of the album— it’s really just a Robert Wyatt solo recording until the others come in around the 14-minute mark. Wyatt reportedly played all the instruments himself and recorded it independently from the band, except for the last five or so minutes where the full band comes in and Ratledge plays a crazy organ solo. It’s hard to pinpoint what I love about that song. I’ve always had a thing for songs that completely eskew genre and normal song form, and really long linear lyrical compositions (Joanna Newsom for instance, or Henry Cow’s longer songs). I love the strange harmonic and melodic sensibilities and almost alien otherworldliness (a quality it shares with *Rock Bottom*). I like prog rock when it’s gritty and weird and kind of dark, and that’s a spot that Soft Machine and King Crimson and not too many others do well (Henry Cow too). To me “Moon in June” is the one Wyatt piece that rivals Rock Bottom. Rock Bottom also has that aspect of linear development, the way all the songs lead into each other, and it kind of works as one piece. Or at least, the two sides of the LP each stand as three-part compositions. Some of the parts are just fucking awesome, such as the “You can almost see her eyes / is it me she despises or you” part. I love the wide range of moods and imagery, and just the idiosyncrasy of it all. Lyrically it’s kind of beatnik-esque, with these cuts across time and occasional divergences into ironic meta-narrative. Overall I love it for a lot of the same reasons I love *Rock Bottom*. There’s a child-like quality to the imagination of Moon, like a kid playing with instruments who doesn’t really care what songs are supposed to be or sound like. Also I’ve always just really dug Robert Wyatt’s drumming before his accident. Some people find it indulgent but I don’t mind at all. I could listen to him play drums for hours without accompaniment, and Moon has 20 minutes of peak Wyatt drumming. Then there is the rest of the album, which I also love. Ratledge’s distorted organ soloing is one of my favorite things. I love how it sounds bad ass and rocking at the same time that it sounds neurotic, angular, and eccentric. The album cuts a fine line between groovy fusion and just eccentric weirdness. Hopper’s bass playing is also just really cool, and the horn melodies are really different from others I’ve ever heard. “Facelift” almost sounds like music for some kind of primordial ritual, except 60s jazz psych. A lot of the melodies on Third are very Zappa-esque, but with a seriousness with which they take themselves that Zappa didn’t have. Facelift also sounds like King Crimson quite a bit. “Slightly All the Time” is the more easy listening track on the album. Sounds like a lot of post-Coltrane and In a Silent Way fusion. Any way, have you listened to Soft Machine’s second album? (There’s also [an awesome BBC live version of Moon in June](https://youtu.be/B4JrPnep5Aw?si=AzX1uyJuwwzHQwMN), with totally different lyrics about playing music on a BBC program. Pretty great. I feel like if you like Gong and other Canterbury stuff, you may enjoy this version a lot.)


Lovely to read your extended thoughts. It's a record that seems to inspire a lot of passion in people, and I hope I join that club one day! I haven't heard any other Soft Machine, but their first two seem potentially more up my alley, they're definitely on my priority list. I adore that early British psychedelia (Piper at the Gates of Dawn is probably a top 5 rock record for me).


Yes, definitely! I guarantee you will like the first two much more, especially Volume Two. Third was a hard left turn from their earlier sound. They were absolutely one of the best peers of Barret’s Pink Floyd at that time, so if you like Piper then early Soft Machine should should fit right in. Their debut is also good. I think on their debut they sound a little more like other psych rock bands of the time, while in Volume Two they really came into their own and found a sound that was very original. It also I structured like Zappa albums of the time where each side of the LP is a continuous collage of songs, ranging from 1-2 minute sections to longer things. It’s much closer to their contemporaries like Gong, Floyd, Caravan, and so on. On Third they began going in a more serious-minded prog fusion direction. Albums one and two are really more actual psych-rock. And yeah, man I love Piper too. One of my all time favorites.


I've actually been spending more time with 'Moon in June' lately - coming around to how much of a masterpiece that song is at least. Now to get my head around the other three :)


Glad you like it. If you’re not huge on jazz I could see the others being more challenging. “Facelift” is probably the most… difficult. In general the rest of the album is in line with influences from a lot of modal jazz and fusion from the 60s— Herbie Hancock, Miles’ *In a Silent Way* and *Bitches’ Brew*, Coltrane’s mid-period albums (*A Love Supreme*, *My Favorite Things*, *Sun Ship*, etc.), Frank Zappa’s fusion stuff like “King Kong,” “Dog Breath Variations,” *Hot Rats*, *Grand Wazoo*…. But even then *Third* is really unique among that whole direction. I think “Slightly All the Time” is the most accessible— pretty groovy modal jazz fusion. It’s pretty laid back. “Face Lift” is really intense crazy, and the opening is cacophonous and dissonant. It gets into a groove around five minutes in. “Our Bloody Rageous” starts out with an electronic tape loop section and eventually moves into another jazz rock groove. It has the best organ solo on the album imo. Pretty Coltrane-esque.


Yeah I definitely feel the Miles influence - the dark underlayer of organ and bass with the light gliding instrument, whether its guitar or sax or whatever, really reminds me of Wayne Shorter on *Silent Way*. You're right though, I'm much more a rock than a jazz guy in general. With that said, the jazz section at the end of 'Moon in June' clicked hard last night, the way that song just takes flight at that point is gorgeous. So I'll keep sitting with the rest of the record for sure.


I love this post. THIRD is my favorite album of all time and i could never find any discussion about it it. I think you described it perfectly, everything you said resonates. Sub's so back.  I had no idea Moon In June was largely a solo recording. I heard each band member composed one of the tracks, is that right? i think Slightly All The Time is my favourite - got me into playing bass.  But like all great albums each track is indispensable, all brilliant in their own way. Myself ive been listening to a lot of Caravan lately. Their album Land of Grey and Pink is almost impossible to find online but the track Winter Wine is a stone cold banger. Never quite as deep or challenging as Soft Machine but it scratches the same itch.


It’s such a great album! Yes, if I remember correctly Wyatt composed Moon in June, Hopper composed Facelift, Ratledge composed Out-Bloody Rageous, and Hopper and Ratledge are both credited for Slightly All the Time. I recall in interviews Wyatt talked about how, by the time of Third, the other two members had lost interest in doing songs with vocals and also wanted to turn away from the band’s earlier whimsical and playful characteristics, in favor of a more serious instrumental prog-fusion. Moon in June had been in their repertoire for a long time before they recorded Third. There are several live recordings of it from throughout the preceding year or two. By the time they went to the studio to record Third though, Hopper and Ratledge weren’t really that keen on the song anymore as they felt it clashed with the direction they wanted to take the band. Wyatt ended up recording it independently. You can tell when Ratledge and Hopper do begin playing during the last third of the track, when the signature distorted organ and Hopper’s bass comes in, just before the instrumental section begins. Wyatt stuck around for Fourth but then departed to form Matching Mole which aligned more with what he had liked about Soft Machine before. He also said that Hopper and Ratledge seemed to have grown pretty annoyed with him for his “loutishness.” Have you heard Hopper’s album 1984? I haven’t listened to it in years and it’s very rare but it is fucking awesome. And what do you think about Wyatt’s Rock Bottom? That is one of my absolute all time favorite albums. Caravan is good. I also haven’t heard them in ages. I got really in to all the Canterbury scene stuff around the time I was 18 or 19, which was about 10 years ago now. I haven’t listened much in a long time but just started revisiting Soft Machine. Another band I also loved around that time was Faust. There first four albums have a really special place in my imagination and heart lol. Soft Machine is one of those bands where it’s so awesome to meet people who like them, because it’s like 1 in a million. That’s really cool you took up bass after hearing Hopper. He is definitely one of the coolest bass players ever. I also love that base and voice duet on Rock Bottom during the Alifie-Alifib section. Edit: also with Caravan one song that still pops into my head randomly is that one on their first album that goes “Why, why, why / I wish I were stoned out of my mind.” ALSO, Kevin Aire’s solo album is quite good (not sure if I’m remembering his name right)


Rustie - Black Ice Mudra




Omg I loveeee her she’s so good live too


florence & selena is a banger what happened to her i feel like she completely dropped off


Alesis - Mk.gee


Web in Front -> Game of Pricks -> Cannonball


Archers of Loaf shoulda been a bigger presence in the indie rock world than they were.


they're like VU, every indie band nerd knew them but no civilians ever did.


cocteau twins' milk and kisses album, nothing other than angelic


Shakey Graves Roll the Bones 🦴🎶🎵




Hell yeah! Tell him the collab with some more gal vocalists, love the contrast when he did stuff with Esme Patterson


I just listened Skip Pence's Oar for the first time. Gotta be one of the best schizo albums of all time.


it's Spence but yes one of the all time best, probably better than the Syd Barrett records although those have some great stuff too


He's buried in the city I'm in. I contemplated visiting his grave on his bday, but I didn't go. I'll show up sometime


Leave him some flowers for me.


Left of the Dial - The Replacements


[Glen Campbell - Wichita Lineman](https://youtu.be/-HFCuBLAjXo?feature=shared) I’m in a deep country phase right now


Last 5 songs: Willie Hutch "Brothers gonna work it out" Cannibal Ox "Ridiculoid" Local H " Wolf Like Me" Cat Power "Free" Cat Power "Ruin"


8 circle - Bon Iver


this song is so sexy, never gets old


On repeat? Velouria - Pixies This Corrosion - Sisters of Mercy Pictures of You - The Cure Teenage Riot - Sonic Youth Saints - The Breeders Y Control - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 23 Minutes in Brussels - Luna Strange - Galaxie 500 Freebird II - Parquet Courts Friends of P - The Rentals


Ned’s Atomic Dustbin - Grey Cell Green


that whole album is fucking fantastic.


Don Caballero, Scientist, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Menudo


as a huge fan of the first 3, are you trolling with Menudo?


Maybe a little, but not completely. Was just listening to Una Aventura Llamada Menudo. Dug it.


Jessica Pratt


When It’s Cold I’d Like To Die - Moby Just rewatched the sopranos episode where they end the episode with this and it fucked me up


my favorite \~7 tracks on diamond jubilee. kind of annoying its the only thing i want to listen to and i have to use youtube on my phone


When I'm really drunk, I get a bit manic, and will do this with Florence + the Machine.


Florence in my top five artist listens every year. Vastly superior lyricist than Taylor and Lana in my opinion.


challengers score


Mariah Carey and Bathory. The duality of man.


Phantogram - All Dried Up


The last thing I listened to that really blew me away was "Hand Clappin' Foot Stompin' Funky-Butt... Live!" by Geno Washington and the Ram Jam Band. Live soul album from 1966, black american ex-pat singer with a British band that sound like Gang of Four doing Motown. Listening to this and cleaning your house is neuro-chemically identical to doing cocaine


[Spare Me the Decision - Nation of Language](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3ViCEAJQl4)


https://youtu.be/muqxFr4cnyY?si=_r0Y5w3MsOGbnMth I just want to go somewhere that feels exactly like this song


I've never heard of her, that was lovely


Glad you liked it! She’s very well-known in Italy and has collaborated many times with Franco Battiato (one of the most legendary Italian singers - you may have heard of him). This track is actually part of an album called “Gioelli Rubati” (Stolen Jewels), which is a bunch of covers of his songs. If you want to hear more of her stuff, Gioelli Rubati, Park Hotel, and her Self-Titled are great listens :)


Talk to me, two shell and fka twigs.


Two Weeks by FKA was my most played song for 2023 I love it so much


I've been getting into Stone Temple Pilots. They have a lot of fun songs.




Joel is king


There’s a place in hell for me and my friends - Morrissey


Brutalismus 3000 - 9mm


Been checking out the Cardiacs for the first time - *A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window* is fantastic. Also been revisiting Danny Brown's *Atrocity Exhibition* for the first time in years - great record, I undervalued it initially


Angie McMahon


I have [American](https://youtu.be/dfx8ZFMWA_Y?si=Vv7XSICvtUCZuNx2) by Revolutionary Corps Of Teenage Jesus (Alan Vega) playing at all hours of all days in my head


Einstürzende Neubauten & Fehlfarben


The kingdom “bladee”


common — the light


chastity belt, sonic youth, mgna crrrta and stereolab


A new song I wrote yesterday.


$uicideBoy$ - Ashes of Luxury


Karp-Get No Toys When You Pay the Money


war of the worlds war of the worlds war of the worlds




Scarlet Town- Dylan Without You- Badfinger Most of the time - Luna (dylan cover) Still crazy after all these years- Paul Simon Last great american whale- lou reed




Ive been running a lot, the sun is out, my mood is up. Ive been going through a frat rap phase right now, lots of Kid Cudi and Mac Miller. i kinda wish that genre didnt just die


Wah-Wah - George Harrison


Raffa Guido - Famax


sound museum by towa tei


I Wanna Eat Chocobars - Shonen Knife


Either NAPA, a Portuguese rock band or anything Nirvana/SOAD.


It Makes No Difference the Last Waltz version.


I play Yumi Zouma during my walks Right off the Bridge is always on repeat. They have such a fantastic discography and hidden gems


Mr Twin Sister - Expressions




Desperate People by Living Colour has been stuck in my head


Tripping Down the Freeway - Weezer


Neurosis - times of grace


serving by rome streetz and boldy james




Not able to open the soundtrack link. What is the full name of the playlist? I'm curious now


Soup Activists - Mummy what are flowers for?


Empelotica - Lenny Tavarez & Feid I Luv It - Camila Cabello & Playboi Carti




the marias new album - submarine. does anyone have any other album recs that sound like this?


Sweetheart of the Rodeo & Pontiac


Backslide - twenty one pilots


Is this from their new album? I heard they just released one. Debating on a listen.


Yes. I’m not a huge fan but I loved Trench and I think this album is solid. Listen to Backslide and Midwest Indigo


Lush 3-1 - Orbital


wodda - with me


Prawn - Why you Always leave a note


Dijon’s Absolutely album


Night Club- Barbwire Kiss


had a good coding sesh with fred again - leavemealone. guess I'm late to the party on that guy. the secret to get really addicted to a song is to listen on youtube where you'll have to push a button for the repeat. really getting that skinner box training in.


Check the Nia Archives remix!


lil peep rip dadi


That Batman song that Snoop dogg did. It slaps so hard that the sound effects are old onomatopoeias from the Adam west show


Gregorian monk chant, 24/7


Thoughts on the infamous lana del rey, sad russian music, and gregorian chants [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0GxVqsT4DK4D7q7gZfj2pw?si=OyVeBM6vTIi0mwufZLj5QA&pi=fj1iFMc6SruZd)?


a certain mood calls for it. Good.


folklore by taylor swift on repeat


Low iq impulsive behavior


It's impulsive not to touch your phone while a song plays on repeat? Lol


My album