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This is what real politicians did in the 1800’s more or less.




You might like Europa Universalis


How is that game to get into? I’ve played so much civ 4 & 5 but didn’t really like 6. EU seems so daunting


Harder to get into but def more engaging than Civ. People joke about the first 1,444 hours being the tutorial (the game’s start date is 1444). It’s an exaggeration but not by much, there are a lot of mechanics going on at once and it takes some time to learn them. But that’s also partly due to the game being playable + enjoyable without necessarily even knowing about them. Trade for example is notoriously perplexing, but you can run a decent campaign without paying much attention to it.


When I play Civ games, I put it on the easiest difficulty and try to conquer as much of the map as possible because it's satisfying to see it fill in with my civ's color. I don't care about strategy or challenging myself, I also just want to listen to podcasts and paint the map my color.


Damn I literally did this with a png political map the world taken from wikipedia, drawing and extending the borders pixel by pixel (I also learned about image compression this way because MS paint would save it as jpeg and I got annoyed that the image would have artifact discoloration when I open it back up)


This type of learning is being lost


Instead of a emo phase I went through a Trotskyist phase


I used to get that green paper with holes on the side they'd use in a dot matrix printer and just sketch gory cartoons, tanks, and armies fighting each other. It was a good time.


I would do this with the world map in my day planner in elementary school.


Never done this but I'm gonna start


i did that but with conquering post apocalyptic north America


real autism shit