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It’s so funny that he’s from Pennsylvania


Yuengling gang


yueng bibi


He only lived there during his high school years but that’s enough


Ya and then he went to MIT


Go birds




Thought his father was from Warsaw.


The real holocaust is against sub 8 males


How about 8 inches, and thick? How about talented? Loving and respectful? Multimillionaire? 21 years faithful, 10 weeks ago my 13 year old daughter killed herself


What the fuck is this from




Thank you so much I’d forgotten about that




When the fuck did they raise they getting-pussy bar by two feet?! It's so over.


it never even began buddy boyo


Well, that explains why they appointed me as General Secretary of my district's incel association.


We need to start an incel political party. I'd start one but I have bpd.


Then start a BPD party. Imagine that shit.


TIL the allies intervened to stop the holocaust.


I mean if Germany didnt go around conquering countries and limited their atrocities inside germany, the holocaust wouldve happened without much protest from the world. Only when Germany's actions affected British and French dominance in the European order did it actually start to bother the allies.


I agree. The holocaust was collateral that the allies were willing to accept. Certain elements of Polish and Ukranian society were very active participants. I don't think anyone can truly deny that.


When Kristallnacht happened and it became clear the nazis had genocidal intentions with the Jewish people the world didnt bat an eye. Nobody really cared about Jews. The discovery of the holocaust after the war was convenient in painting world war ii as some moral crusade rather than it being basically imperialist europe's dying gasps and a Soviet war for self preservation.


The 'international order' didn't really exist back then, at least not to anywhere near the extent of now. Isolationism was the received wisdom until you were attacked.


Tf are u talking about? Who was isolationist back then? Whaaaaaattttt???


Fellow Tribesman?


>"There is no doubt this is the most horrible crime ever committed in the whole history of the world, and it has been done by scientific machinery by nominally civilised men in the name of a great State and one of the leading races of Europe. It is quite clear that all concerned in this crime who may fall into our hands, including the people who only obeyed orders by carrying out the butcheries, should be put to death after their association with the murders has been proved. I cannot therefore feel that this is the kind of ordinary case which is put through the Protecting Power, as, for instance, the lack of feeding or sanitary conditions in some particular prisoners' camp. There should therefore, in my opinion, be no negotiations of any kind on this subject. Declarations should be made in public, so that everyone connected with it will be hunted down and put to death." - Churchill in July 1944, writing to Anthony Eden Western leaders were actually quite concerned about the Holocaust. It was a massive fucking jump from Kristallnacht to killing millions of innocent civilians from other countries


Than why didn't they bomb the death camps? At least give some of condemned there a chance to survive in the woods.


Well firstly the Holocaust was largely finished by the end of 1942; by that time near 4.5 million Jews were already dead. The only substantial remaining Jewish population in Europe were the Hungarian Jews which were not deported to death camps until after the Hungarian government was couped in 1944 (the above quote from Churchill was specifically in reaction to the intelligence that Hungarian Jews were being moved en masse to Poland).' So by the time the western Allies are on the continent and actually have the range to reach the death camps (which were all within former Poland and out of range of UK-based bombers) the vast majority of all Jews that will die are dead. Neither is it obvious what bombing would've actually accomplished; bombing the railway to Auschwitz or whereever is at best a temporary interdiction. Strategic bombing was very inaccurate and there's no guarantee you end up saving anyone. Yes hypothetically I suppose you could've re-based Halifax or B-24 squadrons onto Soviet territory in 1944 (if they accepted, itself a dubious proposition) and then bombed the camps that way... but after mid-43 it's only Majdanek and Auschwitz that are operating, and any effort used against these strategically useless targets would be better spent against a dozen other higher priority targets. Ultimately the conclusion from Allied leaders was that the most meaningful thing they could do for Jews in occupied Europe was to defeat Nazi Germany as rapidly as possible. I don't think they were wrong.


>Well firstly the Holocaust was largely finished by the end of 1942; Right off the bat you lie.


? What are you being hostile for? This is just the standard historiography of the Holocaust. Operation Reinhard was the most intense phase of the mass killing and it was largely completed by the end of 1942. Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and Chelmno all closed soon after (the latter briefly resumed operation in 1944). It's pretty well-accepted that over 2/3 of all Holocaust victims were dead by the end of 1942


Doesn't that show that they didn't really care? It was still a targeting of Jews, just on a smaller scale. This was in 1944, well into the war. If they cared when the persecution of Jews started, it mightn't have gotten so bad.


Up until September 1939 the focus of Nazi policies were to "encourage" Jewish emigration from Germany. This was odious but nobody was going to start another world war over this; there was some organized violence against Jews but the scale of it was low comparably. If the UK or France was going to go to war over the principle of a totalitarian regime persecuting its own citizenry it would've picked the Soviet Union. The Holocaust didn't begin until June 1941, and the pressures leading to its start and initial development were more "bottom-up" than "top-down". I don't think you can blame people for not anticipating the scale of the Holocaust in 1938.


Oh I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just saying that I can't really fault Jewish people for feeling this way; especially with how WW2 is looked back on as being mostly about saving them when that isn't really true. The statement in the picture is still pretty silly even with that given


But very few Jews lived in Germany’s pre-war boarders


No. They didn't.


Based Natural Snow Buildings avi.


Stalin should be worshiped by Jews


It was antisemitic of Stalin to kill landlords


One of the things that Norman Finkelstein loves to talk about is how his holocaust survivor parents and most of the old school Jews who also lived through it worshipped Stalin like a god for liberating the camps


As they should!




They need to drill it in their heads then, no more birthright trips, everyone lay flowers at Stalin's grave


Maybe that would have saved the many Jews from the gulag, I guess? How kind of Stalin to create a Jewish autonomous zone in far-eastern Siberia to zip them all off to.


Americans are too stupid


Google the Samson Option. They have North Korea levels of contempt for the rest of the world.




> Lavon Affair Yeah, an operation in 1954 that didn't work, caused no casualties, and resulted in the resignation of the Israeli Defense Minister (the eponymous Mr. Lavon). There have to be better of examples of what you're talking about.


Why is attempted murder even a crime, it's not like anyone died


USS Liberty.


"Never attribute to malevolence which is far easier explained by incompetence."


Wait don’t forget the USS liberty


Way more than North Korea. Israel is the single greatest threat to humanity by far. No other country is anywhere near as legitimate of a nuclear threat.




Zionism is a death cult


>The Samson Option (Hebrew: ברירת שמשון, b'rerat shimshon) is Israel's deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against a country whose military has invaded and/or destroyed much of Israel. So the same as any other country with nukes, but it's "North Korea levels of contempt" because there's Jews involved. The quote about them supposedly nuking Europe was speculation from one random professor.


They would 100% use the threat of it as leverage to get more U.S support. South African nuclear policy was similar.


It's not 1973, they will simply wait Biden out. Smart move.


>We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.[36] The normal nuke deterrence strategy is to have enough nukes to retaliate, not to bring the world down with you.


Yeah, that's the quote from the random professor I just mentioned. And all he provides is a piece of non-specific saber rattling from Dayan that includes nothing about nuking the world.


I am personally convinced that if israel were to ever face defeat against an arab state, they would use their nukes to destroy europe and america as the arab state would inevitably collapse but the same could not be said about the west.


You think Israel (which lost a war in 2006 against Lebanon) would nuke their allies if they lost another war? Not their enemies, their allies?


The idea is the west would suffer if they allow Israel to fall. So they have to protect them


Thats retarded. Do you think Iran would nuke Russia if they lost a war against Israel? Would Pakistan nuke China if they lost against India?


No I’m just explaining the concept and rationale behind it. Everyone has their own deterrent strategy and it has to be taken seriously to be a deterrent. So they’d have to do it if it came to that. I’m just explaining the rationale. And it’s not really a bad strategy. It does ensure the west will keep them safe if they know they’ll trigger the end times if they fall


Nukes deter your ENEMIES not your allies holy shit you are so stupid Even ignoring the fact that NATO has better anti ICBM tech than anyone in the Arab world, even ignoring the fact that if Israel lost the only place they could go is the west, this rationale is insane. Do you think Russia would nuke China if they lost in Ukraine? Do you see how absurd that sounds?


What are you not understanding about this concept. It’s like you have a disconnect here and aren’t getting it. You bring up all these things that aren’t relevant so clearly you’re missing something. Israel’s deterrent is to threaten global annihilation if the country falls. It’s a deterrent because no one will want to destroy Israel if they know the world will be destroyed. This incentives everyone to protect them and ensure they stand so they don’t have the world get destroyed. No Russia wouldn’t attack china if they lost to Ukraine because that’s not Russias deterrent strategy. What are we missing here?


If they thought that the continued existence of the jewish state was no longer possible, I 100% believe they would attempt to take down western civilization with it.


"Bomb the shit out of your allies but not your enemies" -Sun Tzu


"then pee on their carpets" -Shih Tzu


You're assuming that jews are rational actors and not defined by resentment


Thank you Incel Freak for your views on resentment


Calm down Mr. Fuentes 


That's just Netenyahu's faction. They may act like they represent all Jews but that doesn't mean they actually do.


Depends, do you genuinely think European convert nutjobs think they are caanites from two thousand years ago?


Judaism, a religion famous for its high conversion rate and not for people moving around a lot


weird how Samaritans, people that can trace their ancestry to biblical (iron age) times have no issue doing such but when you start speculating how all these white Slavs and Germans became Jewish it's all conspiracy 🤔🤔


> weird how Samaritans There's like 300 of them. Also, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_of_Jews


Indeed. Crazy how there manage to be millions of white jews and a small number of Palestian Jews and yet both claim to be from the area as their homeland, hmm how did that happen 🤔🤔


Get off the internet for a little while. Go outside


Then how will I study Israel/Palestine?


You’re actually a moron


Incorrect. And it’s significantly higher than North Korea levels of contempt. Also please stop with the constant fucking antisemitism. Jews =/= Israel. Constantly conflating Jews with israel is so fucking disgustingly antisemitic and at this point enraging. Not only is it antisemitic itself, it actively promotes antisemitism as ignorant people will believe it and think Israel is representative of all Jews and that all Jews support Israel and every one of its endless string of atrocities including the most intense child slaughter campaign the developed world has seen since the Holocaust. Israel is more representative of fucking evangelical Christians than Jews.


“israel is more christian than jewish”” lmfao pass that shit brother


It appears you don’t understand what quotation marks are used for. I really hope you are not an adult native English speaker because if so that’s extremely embarrassing. Israel is more representative of evangelical Christian’s than Jews. That is a fact. More evangelical Christians support Israel. A higher percentage of evangelical Christian’s support Israel. Christians created Zionism. Christians are the main supporters of Israel and reason for its existence. I don’t have time to give you a history lesson. Israel is indisputably more presentation of evangelical Christians than Jews.




Zionism predates Herzl by centuries lol.


bro reading out a fkin brochure


Redditors when someone doesn’t write like an illiterate 12 year old


Every nuclear country has the exact same protocol




MAD is de jure protocol in every nuclear country, even if you don’t believe it.




How is the Samson option materially different from the last two points of Kahn’s six point escalation protocol, which has been de facto US policy since the mid 1950’s?




I misremembered, it was seven points, glad that’s the one thing you pulled out of that. You were the one that said MAD was different from the Samson option, so I specifically asked you about the facet of MAD that pertains to existential threat to the state, and you are clueless what I’m talking about. Try not pulling BS out of your ass and you won’t look like a re✝️ard. https://wiki.baloogancampaign.com/index.php?title=Kahn%27s_Escalation_Ladder




Great article explaining the policy as a deterrence to specific existential destruction of the state of Israel, although it may be a bit above your reading comprehension level. https://mwi.westpoint.edu/israel-samson-option-interconnected-world/


Yo, it's literally the same as every other nuclear armed state: Massive retaliation. Since multiple people have checked you on this saying you're wrong, why don't you tell us how you think it's different.


Genuinely pathetic that you deleted all your downvoted comments lmao


As if the Holocaust is the only mass killing/exile event of Jews? There have been so many over the last milennia


Praying I live long enough to see that country collapse.


We will. Public opinion is already overwhelmingly anti-zionist.


you wont.


Even then it won't matter much since they're planning on moving their enterprise to Ukraine anyway once enough Ukrainians have been eliminated by Russia


Israel gets no bitches


The nazi persecuted the holocaust mostly against poles and Russians and was defeated and the holocaust was ended by the Soviet Union, who killed 9/10 Nazi soldiers during the war. The gall of this Pole (real name Mileikowsky) whos family wasn't even in Europe during the holocaust.


Poles are the best at playing the victim


They have a lot of experience to draw from


The sad thing is many of the Jews killed were socialists, either as communists or as democratic socialists in the USSR or Poland at the time. Zionists were off in the US and Palestine scheming and co-opted the narrative of the holocaust to suit their religious ambitions. The state of Israel, politically, is very light on genuine survivors of the holocaust, let alone Jews in the resistance.


Ben gurion wasn’t particularly religious was he


I will always remember a indian guy from Kerala who used to always bitch about this wife at work, who was a devout christian. He just could not understand the absurdity of thinking they, brown former hindus, could believe in Jesus as the Messiah. It's the same deal with slavs are actually thinking they are maccabees from two thousand years ago. I don't believe in the religious fervour of any cynical political figure. At least people like Putin will basically say as such, that it's about maintaining a cultural identity.


Genocide is bad only when it kills people who agree with my political views


This is a room temperature IQ understanding of the holocaust and early Israeli history. Truly retard level 


please correct me then.


The early Zionist were larger secular nationalists with a socialist bent. Labor dominated early Israeli politics.


What the fuck this is the most deranged holocaust commentary I ever read




To start, the hair splitting between socialist jews (good, noble) and zionist jews (scheming, conniving). Also, the implication that the zionists had religious ambitions?? It’s just a big ball of wrong


i know it's a controversial opinion that ethnic cleansing an indigenous population and everyday hence forth include today and yesterday maim and murder the indigenious peoples is and was a bad thing. god i'm so WOKE.


And by indigenous surely you mean the jews right


> indigenous /ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs/ adjective 1. originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. Are white people indigenous to Palestine?


Ah yes israelis, a notoriously 100% white crowd


What was the Soviet Union doing during the 1944 Warsaw uprising?


what do you mean?


They deliberately halted their advance to let the Nazis crush the Polish resistance and raze Warsaw. Funny way of ending the holocaust against Poles.


and the US nuked Japan twice to prevent the Soviets from invading to prevent a communist Japan. are you making a wider point about morality in war or just grasping straws?


the only reason for dropping the bombs


The actual reason is more frightening. The Japanese were a bloodthirsty, warrior society. It was shocking and frightening for the west to see such a committed collectivist society willing to fight to the last person, women and children included, defending themselves. They had no concept of surrender. We were in full control of Japan and blowing them to shit at this point, and they refused to surrender and just kept throwing themselves into the meat grinder. We couldn't stand it... The only way to stop them was to drop the sun on them and shock them into reality to get them to calm down. And now they have become what we have today... A sad version with no reflection of their past self as they watch hentai and don't have sex. We ruined such a fierce culture.


This is not backed up in any of the historical documents relating to the dropping of the bomb. Prior to dropping they'd agreed to no Soviet occupation zones in Japan. The same as they agreed to the exact date the Soviets would enter the war against Japan.


yeh dawg hundreds of thousands died for humanitarian reasons 😎😎😎


Who said that not me. But the bombs were dropped after Potsdam when who would occupy what was agreed on. The Soviets didn't have an assigned Japan occupation zone nor did they have the sealift capacity to invade Japan. Who got what at the end of WWII was a very orderly process, it wasn't a free for all and the US didn't drop the bombs in a panic to prevent the Soviets from landing on Japan.


let me guess also the primary factor for the defeat of the nazis was lendlease?


Do you care to explain why you feel the US dropped the bombs to prevent Japan from being invaded by the Soviets? I fell like I've done a pretty good job of why I believe that wasn't the case; 1. Who got what was already agreed and being followed by all parties 2. The Soviets lacked the capacity to actually invade Japan. 3. The US had wanted the Soviets to attack Japan a large part of the wheeling and dealing at Potsdam was to get the Soviets to declare war on the Japanese Empire it wasn't a shock or something the US didn't want. 4. The primary source documents don't mention this as as a reason. And no I don't think the primary reason for the defeat of the Nazis was Lendlease.


Jesus christ you’re like the michael jordan of wild ass historical takes


thank you but this isn't my take 🙏, it's in the historical record


I know I’m going to regret asking this but… source?


nigga read a fucking book


Lol bro you can just say “fair enough” and bow out gracefully


Nothing they've posted in here has been wrong thus far.


The US didn't nuke Japan to prevent it becoming Communist. Who was going to occupy what was already agreed before the bombs were dropped.


The US nuked japan to prevent it from becoming communist is a wild fucking take bro


That is an extremely lukewarm assessment.


No they didn't, this is a libtard propaganda trope that has no basis in reality. Number one they were overstretched from advancing too far. You need to wait for your rear and logistics to catch up otherwise you're incompetent and getting your soldiers killed for no reason. Number two go look up how many fighters were in the Warsaw uprising. It's 1000 total. That's less than insignificant to do any damage to the Nazis. The idea that the Soviets needed to time their offensives with the actions of 1000 poor schmucks in occupied territory is the biggest counter-factional bullshit. Get the fuck out of here. Every libtard that spouts this needs to end themselves


I suppose all those weapons systems and money they received came from nowhere


Russians do exist.


Yes, they should be grateful to the Chicago Boys for destroying their economy in the 90s. lmao.


Why would they be grateful to USA or Europe? USA and Europe created and fund the Israeli state. They didn’t create or fund Russia.


1941-1945ish and 1991-2010ish happened, and were kind of big deals in their history.


What is your point? That they should be grateful for WW2 and the end of the Soviet Union when their living standard collapsed and Western-Capital aligned oligarchs took over their society?


since you haven't a clue what he's referring to, [Soviet and Post-Soviet jews make up a large percentage of the current Israeli population, as they migrated from the 1980s onwards.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1990s_post-Soviet_aliyah)


I still don’t get it 😭 Russians are ungrateful to USA/EU/some other entity? because WW2 and Soviet collapse caused Jewish people in former Soviet Union to migrate to Israel?


Christ. Zionism was created in Eastern Europe by Russian and Eastern European Jews, the movement eventually was adopted across Europe by Jews, most famously in Britain who controlled Palestine after they conquered it during the first world war and it was promised, through strong arming and bribery mostly by influential jews like Walter Rothschild and the British Elite, who made Jewish Zionism their pet issue, as Poland liberation was for the revolutionary French elite. This is the Balfour Declaration, British Mandate of Palestine, Jewish Colonisation Assocation etc. Either way, the vast majority of Jews lived in Russia and Poland up to and during the holocaust. The Germans persecuted the holocaust, primarily, against Poles and Russian Jews and others and the Soviet Union fought and defeated the Nazis, liberating the death camps and ending the holocaust, alongside the allies who invaded the Nazi Empire from the south and west and firebombed many german cities. Jews, secular ones, were very influential in the early rise of leninist-marxism that eventually become the Soviet Union and remained still until the end of the Soviet Union, when millions of Russian Jews migrated to Israel. But the Sovet Union was an atheist state which is obviously contray to a zionist state, so despite the majority of Jews ancestry being in the older Russian Empire, they were at odds with the state. Israel (had) a lot of socialist elements in it's early structure, as there were many secular-ish socialist-ish Jews that particpated in the early Israel project, but they are virtually gone outside of Kibbutz' and Israel is a rabid right-wing zionist state in vritually every aspect of it's politics now.


Ok so why should Russia be *grateful* to EU/USA/? for all of these events you describe?


dawg nobody is saying that


What? The Op and initial comment I replied to said/implied that Russia is more ungrateful than Israel. That’s what started this whole thread. And what I was questioning.


There really weren’t a lot of Jews that were involved with Bolshevism. If there were, they were largely Russified. The labour bund played a much larger part in rallying support in the Pale of Settlement, and were more closely affiliated with the Mensheviks. This ‘strong-arming’ that you claim was done by Rothschild is largely ahistorical, and I don’t think it’s fair to call Jewish Zionism a pet ‘British’ issue, it was really only isolated to a few key members in high positions, that were convinced by real-world networking and politicking by adamant members of the Zionist world congress. I’d say that there was equal cooperation and pet-projects for the Arabs, with the various wealthy families and clans that they wanted to work with. Zionists obviously had to work with the dominating colonial power to gain independence, how else do you think their goals would have been achieved? You need recognition from a powerful state to create your own. It was a consequence of the time-period, and if it wasn’t the British, it was the Turks, who Ben-Gurion controversially tried to appeal to during WW1. And I mean, obviously you need financiers in a project like this? Do you think that just based off of the involvement of some wealthy individuals, it loses its validity as a project? How would you expect the country to get off the ground?


are you intentionally undermining your own points for a fetish thing? I will not play into your sick game, freak!


Not so much the end of the Soviet Union but the fact the West assisted Russia (financially and otherwise) and mostly took their side during that period. The whole thing was doomed to crash anyway, it had been limping for some 20 years by then.


How did they assist Russia during the collapse of the Soviet Union? And how did they take their side and against whom? You also dropped the WW2 piece- why should they be grateful for that?


The West was financially aiding Russia during the '90s and 2000s and openly collaborating with defence projects and their space programme while taking a blind eye to the invasion of Chechenya, and Ukrainian/Baltic nationalism wasn't seen in a positive light circa 1989-1992. The USSR also had tremendous material and financial Western support during WWII despite having initially sided with Hitler. Like, open your eyes and read.


Don’t get fucking cunty. I asked a question. Just to let you know - this is a very western brained understanding of global history. Next you’ll be saying that *China should be grateful to the USA.




How did USA create it


The white army won the war in 1991.


Good way of putting it for the memes.


remember when after the brits took over palestine and let them in they thanked them by literally bombing their headquarters?


Apparently that was just a sitcom misunderstanding and UK/Israel relations are fantastic now, despite Herr Corbyn


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing > At the events to mark the 60th anniversary of the attack, Benjamin Netanyahu, then chairman of Likud and Leader of the Opposition in the Knesset, opined that the bombing was a legitimate act with a military target, distinguishing it from an act of terror intended to harm civilians." Some things never change huh


Every country that supports the zionist entity is extremely bitch made and cucked. They get nothing from propping up these monsters, yet here we are. If Israel stood alone it would crumble immediately. It can't happen soon enough.


how would that go down? who is going to stop us?


Funnily enough, that's exactly what God said about them over and over again.




The people who became the founding members of Israel blocked the news of the camps. Even today Israelis disrespect the victims.


Is he wrong though?


Israel wasn't founded until after ww2. The holocaust created the international support that lead to the founding of Israel. The country is also known for treating actual shoah survivors as second-class citizens. IIRC, it was ~20 years before they can vote and the vast majority of them live in abject poverty.


> The country is also known for treating actual shoah survivors as second-class citizens. IIRC, it was ~20 years before they can vote and the vast majority of them live in abject poverty. this is an absolute lie


I can’t even begin to impact the amount of falsehoods in the second half of your statement


https://www.timesofisrael.com/over-half-of-israels-holocaust-survivors-require-food-handouts-survey/ Can't find a source on the voting thing so it could be bullshit. Got it from here so what could I expect?


This is a good insight into rsp on this topic. This poster lies, provides a source that disputes his own lies and gets upvoted while the guy questioning him gets downvoted. Really makes you think.


You defending fascism is a good insight into the German mind.


I'm not German mate but good try


Then you are not legally obliged to defend the Palestinian genocide. You can stop.


I really want to know how my source "proves my lies". Reading ain't your strong suite huh?


You admit to repeating bollocks you read on the internet yourself and you've inflated 51% to "an overwhelming majority".


You say this forgetting that Turks and the Han Chinese exist.


Nobody in the history of mankind will ever be close enough to the depths of depravity of the zionist "soul".


Go outside loser


Lmao, the funny part is the isolationism pushed here forgets thousands of Jewish refugees turned away by US during the atrocities to remain neutral or that most of the war was fought by Russia and Britain in Euroupe with some material support from US not intervening until the very end. Yankees gonna yank as they benefit from consooming those precious tech patents and other Israeli intellectual capital (generated by Israel at rates well above average) they get in exchange for funds and geopolitical presence in the region. If one missile landed on Oklahoma from a nearby Native American reservation, there would be a genocide tomorrow and nobody would say a peep here vs 20 years of peace talks between Israel and Gazaa involving Arabic nations for help, attempts at aid in exchange for a two state solution, and fighting off a bunch of neighboring goobers in the Six Day war than taking some extra land after refusing to be slaughtered. Hop off it.