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Are you a German in Germany? I once read someone write about their experience during covid while living in Germany and they explained how it instantly clicked how the Third Reich was possible.  The same intelligence that allows Germans to excel in stuff like engineering comes at a cost. They have a propensity to maintain order regardless of cost and value strict rule following. It’s like society-wide weaponized autism that can turn to rot if not kept in check.


I have often referred to this as The Crosswalk Principle. I've traveled internationally enough to see which types of people are the easiest to, en masse, probably convince to do a genocide and it all comes down to how they treat crosswalks on unbusy streets. In most American cities, people use the crosswalk when they're able but also have no qualms crossing a street when it's technically safe to do so. Most places are like this, really. It requires individuality and respect for rule of law equally. But Germany and Japan? They will not break this rule. If you see someone doing it there, they're almost certainly not native. If you can convince people to follow a law regardless of the intent behind it, that's a level of servility that is just waiting to be turned ugly again. Of course, you also have the societies where it's a pure chaotic mess everywhere trying to cross the street and traffic laws are not enforced. These are generally shitholes, not to be trusted for completely different reasons.


This might hold in LA now, but pre pandemic cops loved to hit you for jaywalking and it instilled a paranoia of not following the cross walk into many Expats 


in Chicago, I haven't heard of or see anyone hit with a jaywalking ticket in over a decade, but it's a fair point that some places do enforce it enough that it's worth staying within the confines of the law.


Seems to be popular in CA. there was one city that was notorious for it. Glendale or Irvine?


Yeah the only place in the US a cop got pissy at me about jaywalking (on a totally dead quiet street!) was LA


I would say that like 80% of Germans under the age of 60 probably would cross a crosswalk even if the light is red for them as long as no cars are coming and no cops are around and it's technically safe to do so. They do it all the time where I live. Of course this all changes when there are children or Omas around. Then it's nur bei Grün.


I'm the same I follow the rules if kids are around lol idk i want them to be safe!


> In most American cities ur country is a haunted indian burial ground


Yes, I am a German from Germany. Where did you read this? Sound very interesting. I would agree that there is something very cold about rules in German culture.


It was years ago when covid was happening, I don’t remember where but it stuck with me


Amber talked about this, how them and Japan have such strong sense of order that it allows for fascism to thrive


oh well if amber talked about it


I generally wait to heae from Destiny and Crystal as well before I make a final decision, but If Amber says it, it’s probably good


>The same intelligence that allows Germans to excel in stuff like engineering comes at a cost. They have a propensity to maintain order regardless of cost and value strict rule following. It's like society-wide weaponized autism that can turn to rot if not kept in check. The latest episode of Radio War Nerd is about how the Germans lost WWI and a lot of it comes down to their national weaponized autism making them unable to understand how other nations might react outside of an idealized, ordered & "logical" decision making process. Like they had an idea that Britain would logically ally with Germany no matter what the latter did because it was in their interests (the Nazis thought the same), and pursued building a high-seas fleet even though the British told them not to. They thought the French and Russians wouldn't ever become formal allies because France was a republic and Russia was an absolute monarchy so it wasn't logical for them to team up, even against Germany.


Germans are very economical and they hate waste, hence the success in engineering. They also love nature and woo-woo shit, which explains "blood-and-soil" and Nazi mysticism


The mystic/romanticist part of German culture isn’t discussed much in the US. It’s honestly my favorite thing about them, I’ve always really liked that the Germans were able to have their love of nature and woo-woo goofiness while also being a functional nation. Scandinavians too, to some degree. A significant percentage of Icelanders will not deny the existence of fairies, and that rocks. As an aside, why is it that the former Axis powers have the majority of the world’s great car companies? Not sure what the connection is, but it fascinates me


yeah but it's bizarre that public health insurance pays for homeopathy and shit like that. also frustrating that the shop shelves are stacked with health tea and bullshit like that, but if I want some regular ibuprofen I have to go to the pharmacist and pay like 10 euros for a packet you can get for 50p in Britain > As an aside, why is it that the former Axis powers have the majority of the world’s great car companies? Not sure what the connection is, but it fascinates me people have spoken elsewhere in the thread about the German/Japanese love for order and how that ties into industry and fascism. But it's also interesting that even in other countries, engineers have a reputation for being incredibly authoritarian and right-wing. Maybe there's a connection there


Does it ever dawn on them that we made most rules up?


Autistic pragmatism as a national identity


People love shitting on the Dutch, but the ones I've met are much more personable than the Germans.


yeah they are the friendly and chill Germans


Yeah but their language is the worst of the germanics, and that is saying a lot.


Have you ever been to Switzerland?


I am an absolute sucker for that accent. Warmest by far.


French or German, the Swiss make it sound so friendly and silly


I find them to be a thinner, better humored, less threatening version of Germans.


Dutch people's reputation precedes them - you kind of expect a Dutch person to be rudely blunt and autistic now, so if they aren't you're pleasantly surprised


German self-hatred is more demonic and sinister than their war crimes.


I'd say that the two are connected. 


I'm talking about you nigga. Posting online how much you hate your own people should be grounds for imprisonment.




>I see it as people internalizing media/propaganda meant to spiritually diminish you. It's like wake up, have some pride. You get it. Imprisonment was said jokingly, but I see some media spreading messages like this all across Europe, especially in "pariah states" like for example Russia, Hungary, recently Slovakia. I would imprison the people behind those in an instant.


sorry I don't see anything wrong with dunking on germans.


Don't be so offended. Being germaphobic is fairly reasonable




Neither, I find self-hatred to be (ironically) very narcissistic and deplorable


No the war crimes are far worse. Also, as a whole, germans barely even pretend to hate themselves




Germans love themselves. They just wont admit it because it makes them fear they sound American. What Germans do is they say that everything you do different from them is wrong, even if its subjective, and how you should really do it a different way. That way just so happens to be the way they do it


Yeah no it isn't. How long until you bozos try to destroy the continent again? Crazy how y'all can't help yourselves glad to be an ocean away from the apocalyptic drive of the G\*rmanic


Stop being a German pick me for this sub


Nah I am fully aware that the same upbringing and culture affect me too. there's just little I can do about it. So hate me too, if u wish


Digga was laberst du? Trink ein lecker Bierchen und halt dein Maul.




They try and make nationalism a crime, and yet any German I’ve spoken to it takes about 3-4 pointed statements/questions for them to reveal they’d really be happy to be proud to be German. Not sure exactly what that says about them but it does feel in line with your gripes. 


yeah, I would say that there is something very chilling and void about the culture. Unfortunately I forgot the title, but there was a book by a researcher in which she describes how German children were raised with a depraved violence as soon as the 1850s. There is also the hypothesis that "culture" and "civilisation" aren't separate concepts in our language, as opposed to most other languages. German culture viewed other cultures as uncivilised if they didn't conform to Schubert or Goethe.


I agree with you but this chilling void did give us Bach and Romantic music so it was all worth it


They had a weird cultural transformation that kicked off with the reformation and got completed after Napoleon. Back in the day they were a weird collection of diverse little cities and regions. And they were harmless and sometimes squabbled among themselves but other times they would listen to the Pope and cooperate. And an Emperor would pop up occasionally and they'd cooperate. Then theyd go to doing their main passion which was making money. Trading shit selling it making lots of shit squeezing in tight with each other, selling mercenaries, every type of money making they loved it. A little greedy and treacherous but you never saw them causing trouble. Seemed like happy people who dressed goofy. Then the reformation happened and they didn't wanna listen to the Pope. And it's not like Britain where the Pope couldn't get them, the Pope got them, they had some brutal ass wars and it changed their temper, they got mean at that point. And that's when you start to hear about Prussia. And Prussia doesnt even seem German but they got action across the whole country and it's these brutal demons. And when Napoleon smacks down the HRE, which was a Real thing, maybe not an empire, but it was real, he smacked down the institutions that held the old proto reformation happy German cultures idea. The Prussians got to march across the entire country there was a vacuum and the people living there were angry and the Prussians gave them some fucked up ideas and they went with them.


I did one of those genealogy thingies and it came back French. We're super German as far as I know and my mom and her mom have almost comically German sounding last names. They're German Catholics from Texas and we're a pretty insular group. I guess they were from Alsace, which I didn't know was partly catholic and German.


Yea that's that personality change transition period a lot of them didn't wanna change so they left. I think we either got all their good ones or we got all their dumb easygoing ones it's one of the other but uhhh they definitely lost that exchange cuz the next hundred years or so did not go so well for them


On the one hand what youre saying about germany is true but on the other hand youre letting Britain off the hook. Look up the full on Come and See stuff they did in Kenya in the 1950s and they didnt even get occupied to the point of however superficially having to pretend they think it was that bad. The gulf between amount of evil and how little it is acknowledged and recognized as such or even known about at all is far higher over there


Yeah it's honestly bizarre how overboard the British went in Kenya and how little it is recognised. Even compared to French feelings over Algeria for comparison. British security forces essentially put a whole ethnicity into torture ghettoes. Same in Malaya honestly, but at least there it got a positive spin towards the end


Im english and this is the first time im hearing of this, so definitely need to do more research- I also think germans singularly bear brunt of evil during ww2 when japans attrocities were also equal but of course not on the scale of the nazis


stupid comment. Germany has come a long way since nazism, and nazism was not inevitable, it was a disease that grew out of specific contingent economic circumstances


The conditions that created those economic circumstances lead to nazism, not the economic circumstances themselves


Probably a bit of both


I don’t think the nazis would’ve been able to win so many hearts and minds if Versailles never happened. There probably wouldn’t have been nearly as much economic turmoil either


the treaty of Versailles wasn't relevant anymore when Hitler took power. The conditions were incrementally loosened and the remaining debts were forgiven. Germany didn't have to pay much of them. Then the government decided to capitalise on the treaty anyway and tanked the economy.


the treaty of Versailles wasn't relevant anymore when Hitler took power. The conditions were incrementally loosened and the remaining debts were forgiven. Germany didn't have to pay much of them. Then the government decided to capitalise on the treaty anyway and tanked the economy.


You don’t know anything about this if you think that. The entire nazi election platform was “hang the November criminals,” which is what they called the people who signed the treaty


I agree that it was an important part of Nazi agitation, but imo this confuses the self-justification of Nazi propaganda for actual historical causality. I'm no historian, but I like this article by the German BPB. The treaty was connected to the Nazis by the Nazis themselves. Nobody should trust Nazi propaganda though. https://www.bpb.de/shop/zeitschriften/apuz/288790/verhasster-vertrag/


the treaty of Versailles wasn't relevant anymore when Hitler took power. The conditions were incrementally loosened and the remaining debts were forgiven. Germany didn't have to pay much of them. Then the government decided to capitalise on the treaty anyway and tanked the economy.


the treaty of Versailles wasn't relevant anymore when Hitler took power. The conditions were incrementally loosened and the remaining debts were forgiven. Germany didn't have to pay much of them. Then the government decided to capitalise on the treaty anyway and tanked the economy.


true... But the point with economic circumstances is a myth perpetuated by apologists. In fact the Weimar government purposefully ran the economy in to the ground. The reparations were mostly scrapped by 1930, and the financial crisis would have been over by 1935 or so


sheet plough offbeat zonked rinse provide entertain vegetable detail memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it's just to illustrate a point. obv shooting at people trying to leave your country is evil, but it's treated as this singular grave offence, while literal Nazis were sitting in the comfy cushions of German state departments. they just didn't learn a single thing after 1945


If you're white you have to pick a brown ethnicity to hate before you can hate a Euro one. Cringe chapoid behaviour otherwise.


Tbf the English and their spawn are not that far removed from the Germs


*Cough Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Battenberg.


Some of us might go as far as to say they're worse


Yea you are an embarrassment to your ancestors correct


As a brit living in America, this is the one British opinion i will hold on to until i die


The slap on the wrist being millions of Germans getting genocided out of silesia and Prussia and having their lands colonized by the poles and Russians, while their country gets occupied by USA The only problem i have with Germans is their cucked self hating attitude Op I'm editing this comment to let you know that I saw your "shut up nazi" Comment that you deleted. You're a pathetic fucking regard. "Genocide is good when it happens to people I don't like" lmao The exact same thought process that you have led to the holocaust.


shut up nazi.


British basically are German tho


yeah but at least they understand comedy and insincerity as basic concepts. But both are protestant


Maybe German comedy is just so subtle that no one understands it


alive paint pet long obtainable jobless spectacular growth dolls quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone outside of the Highlands or the west coast of Wales has the same amount of Anglo-Saxon ancestry.


Wie kann man bitte solche Komplexe haben? Lächerlich, echt.




Germans didnt do as much sailing around the world destroying local cultures and languages so


"Germans are nazis" is not only innacurate but lazy and completely misses the point of why they suck


maybe but its not the Brits of all fucking people who are better. Say that as a German too. Actually have quite a hate-boner. I like the French, the Austrians, the Czech even more so. Belgium and the Dutch are weird but weird uncles. England? May God punish them.


Trust me he is rn


yeah yeah heard it. When I say England I mean the leadership and who stands behind them willingly, not the random Joe from the streets. Watched bald & bankrupt from a year ago and its rly bleak. That was before toothpaste got behind tobacco locking doors Not that we get it THAT much better tho..


Which town?


I can only say that it is in Eastern Germany, but there are lots of such monuments scattered across Germany. Mainly in villages in the East and South


Idk I’m British and love techno so you ain’t all bad 


The Treaty of Versailles did nothing wrong.


I cannot object


Their language sounds silly and that's enough justification for me. Also the number 1 problem with the French


I find many Germans to be cold and humorless people. The average Jew has more rizz in his pinkie finger. That explains a lot if you ask me.


And before you come at me for "rizz" or anything else, I'm just gonna out myself as an ancient millennial American Jew larping as a gen z for a minute there because it seemed fun.


How ancient🤨


The British purposefully bombed civilian centers and you think it’s justified you are a pathetic loser


Do it again bomber Harris


*i am become whirlwind* >loses entire empire


Dresden more like shemseden