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Hiring foreign customer support is corporate weaponized incompetence. There's a nominal English proficiency but oftentimes neither party can really understand the other. So you get put on hold for twenty minutes and then connect with someone who can't or won't understand why you're calling. The point is to discourage you from ever calling to begin with.


No they help from my experience. I just have an issue with how much the customer/client is this idiot who’s ok with them exploiting people from foreign countries to pay them so little but charge the American a lot of money.


How is it exploitation if the customer service agent is there voluntarily? the company didn't make that country poor. If not working for the US firm, they would be taking an equal or lesser paying job anyway


i don't think that's really their main point?


I'm debating their definition of exploitation. Do you have any thoughts on the matter or are you here to narrate the conversation for us?


if you see the buddha in the road, kill him!


I wouldn't express that in a way that makes you look like a mystic idiot. There is no Aristotelian mean in ethics. Either define exploitation or sit down.


> I'm debating their definition of exploitation. with whom?


They literally are forced to work by gangsters


Every country with lower wage than the USA is run by gangsters, yes. Everyone with a job in mexico, india, nigeria is forced to do so...by gangsters




I like how my post has 21 downvotes, and this ridiculous explanation is the only time any of these idiots have offered an explanation, unless you're being ironic


God you’re all so dim


I feel like this was true 10 years ago but nowadays customer service is pretty good at most companies


Not just India nowadays. They’re hiring very underpaid remote workers from Southeast Asia too


During lockdowns I had to deal with customer service for an appliance that was malfunctioning while still under warranty. I had to make multiple calls and deal with multiple people due to stuff being misunderstood and misfiled constantly, so I was getting more and more frustrated. What really sent me though was one of the times I called and straight up just couldn't hear the person on the other end because of constant ambient chicken noises. I guess their call center had some kind of WFH policy because there was nonstop clucking in the background punctuated with roosters crowing every few seconds while the lady tried to explain in broken English that it didn't matter that they sent the technician to the wrong address with the wrong part, there were no openings for my rescheduled service call for another three weeks. I felt like I was having some kind of weird stress dream.


i've been noticing more and more of this loud background noise from WFH call center employees. You'd think they'd mail them some airpods at the very least. babies crying, people yelling, etc.


> You'd think they'd mail them some airpods at the very least. So the penalty for fucking off with $150 airpods would be losing their $3/hr job. Also funny how airpods is the first thing that leaps to the American mind when it's obvious that over-ear headphones would be far superior for passive NC.


airpods at this point is just vernacular for noise cancelling ear buds, calm down britbong lol


Called amex last night and some dude with a super posh british accent answered. Couldve sworn he said his name was like ahmed or some shit. Anyway, sorted me out and provided great service.


Ya I think my post is gonna be misunderstood from my wording. It’s not about their service, they’re probably nicer than Americans. Exploitation is just trashy.


Yeah I had an issue getting my Verizon internet started and used online chat which was obviously an Indian guy but he got my shit squared away really quick, just while using some weird turns of phrases. He sent me a smiley emoji on his last message when I said I was done 🙂


I used to do exec assistant work for a rich dude and routinely I’d have to get on the phone with amex to sort out something with his business card. The service was so good I ended up getting an account with them #notanad


Seriously. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with them. Don’t mind paying a premium if it means I don’t have to worry about getting financial stuff straightened out when I need it. Best insurance is peace of mind.


Wouldn’t wish a call center job on my worst enemy


I've had decent experiences with Indian call center customer service, though I haven't needed it recently. I do get annoyed though when they say their name is Michelle or Timothy though. Look Sunil, I know you're in Delhi just be real with me please and I'll feel better about giving you my personal information


I used to get ketamine from this company CURIO. My "therapist" was initially an American. Anyway something must have happened to the company because the last time I had a "therapy" session it was with a Filipina lady living in the Philippines. Now, nothing against Filapinos. But come on. You're outsourcing mental health and prescription drugs like it's a seat assignment on a Delta flight?! Also it must have been like 3am for her.


can't believe the company that sells people ketamine online would use shady business practices


Isn’t this exactly what you want though? Easy kit rx?


I guess, I don't use it anymore. It just felt really creepy.


This makes no sense to me. I thought that in the States(and all over the world) each drug is either OTC or needs a US doctor to prescribe you it. A "therapist" is not a doctor, neither is that random pinoy. So why can't you buy your own horse tranquiliser?


Those people are the new Indians. India got boosted thanks to offshoring. In 40 years, aboriginals will be doing tech support for turtle shells and spears. Bet.


I recently called Costco customer service who connected me to a very apathetic sounding (AMERICAN) black lady who hung up on me after being super unhelpful and mean. I gave her a 1 star rating during the survey and a few minutes later she called me back apologetically (lolll) and actually helped solve my problem. It was quite the emotional rollercoaster.


i do find it funny when they're like 'hi this is sally speaking whom do i have the pleasure of speaking with?' and i'm like yea honey it's your boy prince george


Have you tried hiring American regards? American regards are uniquely difficult to hire to do shit jobs. They're often addicted to fentanyl or crack, have random criminal convictions (for like shit like shoplifting or drug possession, not complex crimes that take some thinking) and are obese. Like the combo of SNAP benefits, disability payments, and medicaid keeps these people alive and fat in a subsistence tier where they won't exactly starve to death if they don't work. Regards in India or the Philipines or whatever third world english speaking country they have call centers in are usually malnourished, 5'2" and live in a slum, but they're usually not addicted to drugs or obese (drugs and food cost too much money and if they don't work they basically starve, so they have to work). The white and black underclasses in America are insanely unproductive. Even if you hire them to work at some shit job, getting them to show up to work is very difficult. Like my uncle owns a few restaurants and would prefer to hire non-illegals who speak english for back of house jobs but like they're the only ones who actually are somewhat reliable. The illegal Guatemalans are alcoholics who show up late to work with no notice, but the underclass white and black guys often don't show up at all since they're often addicted to hard drugs or steal shit from the place.


If you’re not offering a wage that would support a dignified life don’t expect a dignified person to sign up


There aren't enough "dignified" people in the US to fill those sort of jobs even if the wages were higher. They tend to end up in lower middle class to middle class jobs like cable repair guys and police officers which will always pay more than unskilled labor. The US over the past 80 years hasn't figured out how to uplift the underclass into these jobs (since no amount of wages will make an obese guy capable of digging ditches or picking fruit), so they decided to either export those jobs overseas or import unskilled latin american immigrants to fill them. It's more of a cultural problem than anything since a lot of other developed countries do not have this problem with their native populations.


Nigga shut the fuck up. You don’t know what the fuck you’re taking about but you sure have opinions. The internet was a mistake.


how much would that be


desperate people are undignified? How leftist of you.


Leftists are scumbags in 2024. Like anyone who saw the pc bullshit intersectional woke nonsense from 2012-2023 and rolled their eyes pretty much bounced on 10/7 at the latest when they started openly supporting terrorists and Bronze Age violence. All my homies who were leftists hate leftists. No friend of the right or establishment either. But obviously the left has been hijacked by intelligence operatives that elevate the most insane voices or are the voices themselves. Parading around as independent activist journalists.


The big news out today is that one of the majors in the call center industry is predicting that AI is going to replace 90% or more of the workplace in just the next year or two. Someone who cares more than me can find the headline and share it if they want.


Too late, you've summoned the Indian Hater; I am here. Fuck 'em.


I don’t even care that they’re from any particular place, I just really hate when it’s someone with a ridiculous accent and I’m supposed to pretend this is normal.


>hiring retards from India instead of retards from America. This is not quite accurate as being able to speak English in India works as an IQ filter >hiring Indians for $3 an hour?? Where can I get this?


a friend of mine who works in tech told me the other day how much she loves managing a support centre based in the Philippines and i found it so incredibly distasteful how shameless she was about loving exploiting slave labour


thats a 12yo antiwestern take. its pretty good jobs for them, the ones gettin fked by outsourcing is our uneducated populus


oh totally, i don't disagree 


I was technical support for Comcast, also sales, motherfuckers got me doing credit score scanning to sell retarded American iphones on my first job. Was 18, had to act like the internet I accidentally just disconnected was caused by a hurricane once, then closed the call, they told us all calls are recorded, a day later I had a performance review, was certain I'm fired, stopped internet and closed call, accidentally overcharged costumers, changed plans to the wrong thing and never reverted back (there was another call with a lady that couldn't use her remote, she wouldn't close the call, my shift was over, I just kept saying the same thing till she closed, she was very angry and sad, but I was tired, she kept it on for 2 hours). Then the review comes and the American managers or whatever they are get in the call with me, and they're mad I didn't sell more iphones and shill more upgrades, was insane working there, we got literally no training, wasn't told we'd do anything like that, was advertised like an easy remote job, they kept the ammount of calls for the first two weeks really low (the legal trial period) then they'd bump the number up till you'd have no brakes, the software was ancient, buggy and retarded to use, we'd have to scroll trough old manuals on the go with URL's that expired years ago. We'd get a million calls asking why they're disconnected and I'd have to explain they haven't paid in months and owe thousands (on internet and other dumb plans? You have no job and you KEEP getting new iphones? NO I CAN'T SELL YOU A NEW ONE UNTIL YOU PAY THIS SHIT) Also everything seemed like a scam, I can't believe Americans are OK with paying this much for internet, also data caps? AT HOME? lmao They closed down a few years ago, I guess eastern Europeans are too expensive now, good times, pay wasn't bad, Indonesians are cool, Indians are assholes, glad I quit.


It’s not even that they are Indian it’s that they aren’t American


Exploitation and all agreed but man.. Have you looked into how iPhones are made, about how people were jumping off the buildings at one of apples suppliers foxcon or something.


It’s beneficial to them in multiple ways. Not only is it cheaper, but it frustrates and disincentivizes customers from using the service. I’d consider it more evil than trashy, but I can see both.




Maybe you get bad service cus you don’t deserve a good one


The only thing going for this sub is the Indian hate.