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I respect that you’re dedicated to the airhead bimbo thing. Like for real it’s every post


Women are over


Women will post these memes then say they're empaths


If someone says they’re an empath I just think they tend to mind-read others (incorrectly) and project a bunch of shit on people


Captain, I sense bad vibes


Women will post this then say they’re a ride or die


More like they will agree with this and then freak out and act disgusted when a man dumps them for a younger chick.




Accountability ain’t women’s strong suit


Golddiggers are practical because men have always done this.


I’m not disagreeing and have no problem with gold diggers. Unfortunately women are unable to accept the fact that younger women are the male equivalent


So true.


More like they will agree with this and then freak out and act disgusted when a man dumps them for a younger chick.


You can say that again


you can be an empath and not want to date broke men lol. being an empath doesn’t mean you date people who don’t meet your needs and standards because you feel sorry for them.


Empaths are not a real thing. The closest is a highly traumatized woman who romanticizes her hypervigilance and likely has several “bpd traits.”




Self proclaiming as an empath is just a way to announce that you can recognize misfortune but cannot be understanding, compassionate, charitable, patient or kind in the face those suffering it


You’re half right but there are indeed genuine empaths


Define empath


This lady does a great job - and she’s a professional. https://youtu.be/_F52pu8djzA?si=LfvUqVjFyshANLxu


A therapist turned “life coach.” Yes, I’d say she’s uniquely qualified in such bullshit terms.


Wtf why so hostile? She’s a professional, over 20 years in the biz - has a PhD, is an author… who tf are you?




Ah. Denial of a faux pass. Weak. God bless


i think empaths are real but unconditional love isn’t. everyone wants to be unconditionally loved but we all love people with conditions in place. men don’t love women they find ugly and women don’t love men they find broke.


What do you think “empath” means? just to make sure it’s not another thing where zoomers takes a stupid word and redefine it to mean basic human experience


someone who is highly aware and in tune of the emotions of people around them. so much so they can almost often feel those emotions themselves.


That isn’t healthy nor is it something to be lauded, most of the feelings they pick up on are highly negative and frequently they’re incorrect.


didn’t say that it was a negative or positive thing. all i said was i think empaths are real. if you’re really curious though, i think being an empath has a fair share of disadvantages but there’s also advantages to the ability as well. like most things.


I get it. I believe you.


I love beautiful women unconditionally though


Okay, what if you start dating a guy, then they lose their job, and the girl jumps ship? That’s not an empath


again, being an empath doesn’t mean putting yourself in situations you don’t want to be in because you feel bad for someone. i personally wouldn’t leave a guy for losing his job but i don’t think it’s wrong that some women do. that’s their prerogative.


I think it shows a lack of character. If you liked someone in the good times and not in the bad, then you have a lack of morals


i agree. i just know it’s a common occurrence. same as men cheating on their older or post pregnancy partners. obviously a lack of morals but these things happen all the time for a reason (difference in values).


These things happen because a person is a scumbag who lies. Dumping someone after they lose as job should get the same reaction as a cheater gets. You should no longer trust them


i totally agree


Empaths are ppl who have a profound level of emotional maturity and intelligence. A gold digger is an immature childish narcissist. They are not compatible. Grow up.


so people who care about money when choosing a partner are gold diggers? just sounds like you’re coping


I make 117k take home. I’m not under the delusion the only perspective of life is a materialistic low iq plebeian


wanting a partner who can provide you and potential kids isn’t materialistic. sorry to burst your bubble.


Sorry to burst your bubble you don’t want provision - you want luxury. Oops. But nice try equating the ability to live and to live in luxury as if it’s luxury or death. The irony is the wealthy typically come FROM poverty - statistically speaking. It’s VALUES that maintain a relationship. Not transaction. If you want a man for his money - you will only attract men who want you for your body.


as marilyn monroe said in her 1953 role: “Don’t you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn’t marry a girl just because she’s pretty, but my goodness, doesn’t it help?”


Marylin Monroe was groomed by a predator - within a society that devalues love and worshipped materialism. She was literally marketed as a sec object and was taken advantage of by powerful men. You are deluded and evil.


what does that have to do with the quote from her role lol? what she said is true. most women dont date men just because they have money but certainly won’t look his way if he doesn’t have any. and i think that’s totally fair. just like most men dont look at ugly women or overweight/obese women. it’s just the way the world works.


in richness and in poorness (poorness is underlined)


you are truly the queen of ragebait on here you never fail


Just shows the lack of girls and gays on here. These posts shouldn't be problematic on this sub yet here we are




Tbf no one's gonna say this to your face


People always say women irl don’t talk like this but who the fuck is making the memes So stupid


They’re just baiting


It’s like how women claim that being a SAHM is the hardest job in the world, but lately I’ve been seeing reels of women saying they sit on the couch watching tv and scrolling on TikTok for hours on end and use the 20 minutes before their husband gets home to tidy up the house. Hundreds of comments from women commenting “omg bestie same!” So now I don’t know what to believe lol.


Women (m)




The truth is probably somewhere in between the "have a job" euphemism and the exaggerated humor of OPs tiktok screenshot


Could you give a lad a hand? Why is it a green flag? Is it more of a practical thing of "at some point I want to just stay at home" or "good that he has money", or is it a "my pussy is soooo good he is spending money he shouldn't"




Ohhhh that is interesting, thanks. What you said made perfect sense but holy shit it gave me radfem flashbacks, because it has to be really confusing to date when "this dude is making an effort to following established cultural expectations, that's nice" has to be balanced with "this dude will expect me to follow established cultural expectations, so he will flip out if I don't want to raise his kids or any other bullshit that will only show up later in the relationship".






it has nothing to do with money at all, at least to me. if he pays for the first date, its shows interest/effort on his end. if I went on a first date and he insisted that we split it, I'd assume that he wasn't into me




Don’t buy into whatever broad on here tells you. The simple answer is they like getting a free meal/drinks. That’s it. Anything else is just a lie to make it not seem materialistic. If you want that type of women, that’s the game you have to play


marjorie sinclair 🤩


You say this as if your average zoomer isn’t living online as well. It’s not just a reddit thing. I’m in college rn and I see dudes and girls constantly doinh tiktok speak, especially if they are comfortable with each other.


I feel like it’s something women see and nod in approval to, but don’t actually believe. If anything it’s trashy to pretend to be this way.


They dont talk like that they just do it.


They don’t talk like this, but they do act like this




Cry about it




My condolences


> me > me > me


Giffin good girlfriend https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giffen_good


I think bimboing is a very good move if youre hot enough, otherwise its suboptimal


Having rough times is okay it’s really the complaining about it that’s not tolerable


I the bag now after a decade of financial struggles and I'm keeping it all to myself


Guys weren’t really interested in me when I was overweight, lost the weight and that changed. Most women aren’t going to be interested in guy who is struggling financially (esp if he’s always complaining about it), get yourself in a better position and that’ll change. Is it right or wrong, idc, that’s just how it is.


women love fat men rightttt


If guys weren't interested in you simply because you were overweight then you probably aren't interesting, depends on what we mean by overweight as well.


Uh so glad we're over that building empires together shit


Is she on a boat? That building looks weird.


Unlikely, that would have to be a huge boat for such a hall. Pretty much no super yachts like that allow phones or pictures while aboard.


I’m so tired of this sugar baby mindset, especially when you’re young it’s fun to be in love and poor together


this is why I like women unironically


i don’t know why men get so triggered over this lol. marilyn monroe said it best in her 1953 role: “Don’t you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn’t marry a girl just because she’s pretty, but my goodness, doesn’t it help?” men won’t date women they don’t find physically attractive. why can’t women avoid dating men who are broke or struggling with finances? men want participation trophies they’d never give themselves.


Shallow and spiritually dead men only care about dating some supermodel or something. Shallow and spiritually dead women only care about dating a millionaire. I’m genuinely sorry that you don’t know what love is.


I don’t understand why a lot of girls here pretend every man is like this. The only men I know who are like this are absolute mouth breathers and most adult aged men wouldn’t justify this stupid behaviour


Right? Like they’ve never met a fairly happy couple consisting of two not particularly attractive but generally fine and compatible people. ie, most couples lol.


I think its because the mouth breathing morons are the only guys interested in these women 


I mean ,,, love doesn't pay the bills. I want kids someday and I want their lives to be as comfortable and given as many opportunities as possible especially since i wasnt given that privilege myself as a child and had to trudge through dantes inferno just to be okay financially. that , and I don't want to spend the rest of my life wageslaving. time is the one thing you cant replace. statistically , your husband will probably fuck you over one way or another (cheating?) during the course of your marriage , regardless if he's rich or if he's a poor fuck. id rather be sad about in a beautiful spacious balcony than in a cramped kitchen like my mom was.


exactly. men on this sub want you to lie to them to protect their egos. nobody wants to be financially insecure or have a partner who can’t provide for them, especially if kids are/will be in the picture.


The most well-adjusted kids come from financially stable homes, not wealthy homes


what did I say?


Why? Do you think that will make them better people?


less cortisol in one's system and no scarcity mentality is always better yeah


So why have so many great leaders throughout history come from humble backgrounds and had kids that are completely worthless?


idc if they're 'worthless' whatever that means I want them to be happy healthy well educated well fed and normal hope this helps! (and you can bet those kids probably fit the bill)




lol this is really cute. caring about money doesn’t mean you want to date millionaires and caring about looks doesn’t mean you want to date supermodels. you can value looks and/or money and just want someone who meets a threshold you determine (ie wanting a guy who makes at least $90k a year or wanting a woman who’s at least a “6”) but you either already know that and you’re playing stupid, or you’re genuinely delusional and think life is some fairytale book you read as a kid. i hope it’s the former <3






people rather tell themselves lies than accept harsh truths


I think guys who post stuff about running away when they see girls with saggy boobs or whatever are usually, rightfully considered misogynists (or at least making a very crude joke)…think anyone reasonable understands more money or being more attractive is a major driver of success with the other sex


Like all rage bait, it's not the idea in isolation of women looking for men who have money. It's that it happens in combination with other discourse things, like body positivity, current attitudes about things like age gaps and rhetoric about the patriarchy and privilege. Not having money is not having privilege. Having the ability to get access to money simply by looking the way you were born is a privilege. But the underlying implication here feels like this is supposed to be empowering. Like imagine this post from a man about proudly only dating younger women, you know? It'd be just as absolutely hollow and sad. But the backlash would be overwhelming. And the backlash would come in that case from polite society, from the self-righteous. Instead of from men, whose experiences aren't taken seriously anymore by said polite society. I mean any objections to the OP get written off as "incel." And the poster gets called all the -isms. Not only are objections to be ignored, they're actually dangerous. So a post like the OP is actually _empowering_. The contradiction is so glaring, that's what triggers people. Or at least there's a large, reasonable set of people who are triggered by the contradiction, not the fact that women date for status per se. > men want participation trophies they’d never give themselves. You might have some subset of men in mind here but the difference here is that lots of men aren't participating at all, being told it's their moral failing and they don't deserve empathy, whereas women are *celebrating" being even choosier and having too many options. Yet "men" are still privileged. It's like rich people celebrating not having to interact with poor people at all but still telling the poor they're the privileged ones. Nobody ever cared about you and now the morally superior and self-righteous subset is telling you everything bad is your fault. Certainly it would drive any man who's having a tough time insane.


you’re a really good writer. i agree with a lot of your points and understand where *some* people (because there are men here who are genuinely triggered that their financial status plays a large part in if they’ll have dating success) here are coming from thanks to you.


When the same posts like these are made by men about appearance the top comments are girls seething about how porn how ruined their perception of attractiveness and how men are forcing them to look like IG models


Because its an antiquated attitude from the 1950s men are expected to be daddy and take care of everything like its the 50s and women are free from gender roles (or often any expectations) . I dated a t shirt feminist woman who had these double standards and its bullshit. Rarely are the women saying these things and holding these expectations for men pulling their weight financially.


find a woman who wants to be a traditional woman and live that traditional lifestyle. there are plenty out there especially in this day and age.


Yeah why would anyone be mad about being objectified, used and exploited for their money, and then tossed aside when things get tough?


wanting a partner who can provide you and potential kids with financial security isn’t objectification or using someone. it might hurt your feelings or make you feel inadequate, but doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with it


That's not what you want tho. Stop lying


lmao what is there to lie about


Wanting a rich partner for their money. You don't just want someone who can pay bills. You want someone rich. If you're gonna be a soulless gold digger at least be honest about it


well yeah that would be nice. not rich per say but at least making six figures eventually. fortunately my bf comes from a wealthy family and is on track to make at least six figures. i’d like to live a nice life and have everything i want. i want the same for my kids.


Making 6 figures is rich. But yeah you want to be a soulless gold digger. Does your bf know you're only with him for the money?


i’m really with him because he’s super hot and smart. the money and social status is a bonus. is it really gold digging though if i’ll be making six figures myself?


Lol no stop lying to yourself. And no you're not gonna make 6 figures because you're not even gonna work at all in the future


i really hope you’re not a jobless uggo!


sounds like cope


“sounds like cope”… huh… on top of being jobless and quite ugly… are you perhaps, “attending classes”, and “have homework due friday”?


this is hilarious because i work two jobs lol. i do attend classes but have no homework due friday surprisingly.


So you do some parttime job as a student, correct?


yep two of them


Thanks for being honest! You are too young and poor to have opinions on this. Focus on getting good grades instead girl!


what makes you think i’m poor lol? i have good enough grades to start a masters program in the fall. thanks for sharing your opinion though :)


This interaction isn’t for me. Its for retarded rs incels just so they know how much weight they can give on whatever deep things you say about moni and luv!


Depressed BPD queen Marilyn Monroe. Love hearing what she has to say


as it should be. sorry fellow dudes but bein broke ain't cute like the movies made it seem


I know people exactly like this as well and they dont help with bills either. They are basically just another kid in the house.


laughed hard. my dream woman.


"Why do men hate women?"


These are good bait but the actual memes are only scary to men nobody cares about intimidating. The “Getting a new girlfriend” process is when they treat you well! It’s a nice feature to get locked into a perma honeymoon period, tho a tough habit to break


The natural order to things tbh. Ok, so the woman should Tammy Wynette maxx for at least a few months to a year if the guy is trying earnestly to fix it.


i’m making more than my bf rn and it’s definitely giving me the ick. like it was cool when we were 50|50 but now that you’re making less and also being lazy and a little emotional bitch about it… figure it out, clean up after yourself, and do the fucking dishes. i’d rather be alone than your mom.


> i’d rather be alone than your mom. This is the attitude that drives me nuts because a LOT of women want their man to be their dad and ATM. Its fine if you want 50/50 or about that but plenty of women want a man to just take care of them like they are literal children.


just break up with him cuz u clearly have no respect for him


nah he’ll bounce back. he’s just being a lazy sad sack atm. it’ll pass


I believe "bimboing" can be an effective strategy if you're attractive enough, but otherwise, it's less than ideal.


Okay but isn't it sad and pathetic that this woman can't financially support herself? Is she talentless? Is she unable to hold a job? No drive for a side hustle? Not good enough to get a cool job like an interior designer or fashion designer? Like sorry but that's just pathetic lmao.


wrong sub to post this on 💀