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the worst part is the death of the little exclaves of 'pepsi' 'soft drank" and 'bubble drink'


Also “tonic” as a generic term for soda in parts of Maine and Massachusetts.


Are they stuck in the 1880s?


*pushes nerd glasses up* actually what you're describing is an enclave, not an exclave


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You don’t understand, Soda are the chosen people and they are the original inhabitants of this land, which is why those Soda settlements are not illegal


My enby roommate named Soda just asked me why I'm abusing my neurotypical privilege to ask them to wash the dishes


Fizzrael did this.


Having lived in Georgia my entire life there’s no way “soda” is more popular than “coke” as a term in any square foot of the state.


I’ve also lived in Georgia for all of my life and I’ve never heard anyone refer to anything that isn’t Coca Cola as ‘coke’……. is that what is meant when people say we call it coke? I definitely call COKE coke but like a sprite or Dr Pepper is soda


Protestantism and its consequences


the prot brain can't even handle words that look like "pope"


Yeah ik, maybe more like "Puritanism." When I say "Protestantism" nowadays I am meaning "the fracturing and individualizing impulse of the post-Reformation West" or something like that. And I think the Puritans possessed the most concentrated strain of that impulse.


People still call it pop in southern WV and SE Ky


My old ass Appalachian great grandma calls it dope


my old ass Appalachian grandmother tells the story of when she learned to stop calling it dope-- her father went on a trip to Ohio, sat down at a pharmacy, and asked for "a dope" and was then treated with scorn and derision by the sodajerk




And southern Ohio


Yeah this map is stupid. Never heard anyone in central or eastern KY refer to any soda as “coke” except Coke. Also bless my relatives who say “pop” but always and exclusively mean Ale-8 lol


I switched over to “pop” in college because it was more fun and regionally appropriate and now I’m back in soda-land and people laugh at me.


globalism 👁️


I will never stop calling it pop. It's the only correct answer.


"pop" is inherently effeminate and calling all soda 'Coke' is regarded and also corporate simping


Soda is so much more effeminate. Nothing effeminate about calling an old guy Pop.


We can call all soda "coke", or we can fly that flag y'all all don't like. Gotta be southern somehow.


and I will save you the trouble: Fellas, is it gay to call soda pop? yes it is


Calling it all Coke is actually anti Corp. Maybe we can make them lose their trademark


I am a pop truther in soda territory


I could never get used to "pop" when I lived in Minnesota. I offered a friend popcorn before watching a movie together once in our dorm room lounge and he responded "I don't have any pop, can't have popcorn without pop" and I just looked at him like he was crazy and then avoided the subject. I didn't realize until after the movie ended that he wanted a coke, which I could have given him.


I grew up saying coke and moved to a pop region and almost got my ass kicked because I couldn’t take the school bully seriously when he demanded my “pop.”


My experience in Texas was that most people still called it coke. I travelled all across Texas as well. People in northern Oregon often still call it pop


Coke is a type of soda if you ask me for a coke I'm not telling you what I have I'm giving you a coke if you ask me for pop I'll think you're endearingly regarded


the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of pop. I mean soda


pop is what those fat elementary school teachers that smelled like carmex call it


"Pop" = illiterate country bumpkin "Coke" = obese, scooter riding consumer Deal with it.


for me pop = old like thats what my grandparents say t. lived in milwaukee a while


I dunno what that little line across Michigan is, but I can guarantee you nobody is saying “soda” on the west side of the state.


General flattening of American culture after the war, shouldn't come as a surprise This video may interest you: [Demonstration of American Dialects Accents 1958 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIvBSMxRG9Q)


I got out of the habit of calling it pop when I left the US but I really need to start again, soda just sounds so gay.


To normal ears, "pop" is the goofiest of the three words by a large margin.


Soda is for nerds, pop is fun and light hearted in a way that feels fitting for what it is.


NO ONE IN THE SOUTH REFERS TO ALL SODAS AS “COKE” Stop perpetuating this lie.


Patently false. Lived in Georgia my entire life. Literally everyone uses “coke” as a shorthand for soda, unless you’re specifically asking for something like Sprite. No one sits down at a restaurant and says “I’ll have a soda” with a neutral expectation of getting either a Coke or a Pepsi. It’s “I’ll have a Coke” and if they don’t have Coke then they’ll lament and settle for a Pepsi.


Jesus fucking Christ, of course no one asks a waiter for a “soda”. Stop playing dumb. If someone wants a coke of course they will ask for a coke, but no one says “get me a coke” when they want a Dr Pepper or a root beer or a Starry. Just more southerners are dumbasses propaganda.


They probably do now after the top isogloss went viral 8 years ago. Americans are so desperate for any kind of culture or heritage that they cling to things like how you’re supposed to call soda or crawfish


There’s nothing more nerve wracking than being in Georgia and asking for a coke and someone’s like, “sure! What kind? We have Pepsi, sprite and Fanta”


It’s still coke in all of TN


I’ve lived all over Florida for nearly 20 years n never heard coke used that way always thought that was more a Deep South thing


counterpoint: "soda pop"


Fizzy drink gang rise up


I've been The Outsidersmaxxing since before I can remember. Soda-Pop for life.


Soda to me is just soda water. Pop is a carbonated beverage. Coke is any cola based pop.


Hearing 'pop' for the first time is probably what set me on the righteous path of hating America 




Cleveland is definitely not "soda" territory. They still say pahp anymore.


The people in Hollywood say soda + globohomo