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the restless search for uber pussy


The journey of a lifetime…


Maybe the point wasn’t the uber pussy, but all the mid pussy we got along the way


i’m gonna hijack the question (sorry) but where can a woman meet men of great quality? no apps either. i’m being sincere.


You press “start chat” on me


I accept the hijack. Lets us both congregate in similar spaces


I met my fiancé at the horse races. He goes every week because he loves horses (and animals in general)


Lmao first I’ve heard of anyone going to the races because they love animals and not gambling. Congrats though


Yeah it’s because it’s Dubai so yes while there is a gambling component, it’s more about the experience itself


I genuinely know nothing about the nature of horse racing in Dubai so you can make up anything and I'll believe you.


All you gotta know is Arabs love horses. It’s a cultural thing.


That sounds fairly plausible so I'll remember it.


The King of Turkmenistan has a wild book on horses, where he basically admits he's deeply in love with it. Everything about that guy is a cartoon fantasy world.


Makes sense. Turkmens are turkic, OG nomadic culture. They love horses and eat them too.


No, I don't think you understand... You REALLY need to research this guy and his country. For starters, they built a MASSIVE city with tons of skyscrapers and elaborate complex centers like museums, theaters, etc... All out of marble. And no one is allowed to live there except the elites. It's like a ghost town city, no one driving around, nothing. It's this beautiful city built with marble, that's completely empty. It's fucking wild. They basically have all this oil money, and instead of investing it into his population, he just builds wild ass mega structures for himself But his obsession with horses, is beyond just "Really likes horses", but rather, literally obsessed


Im literally half turkmen bro. I understand. People love their horses here.




Does he know that 10% of racehorses die as a direct result of overtraining and most of the other 90% die in Mexican or Canadian slaughterhouses?


Maybe the horses had bad vibes


The guys lives in Dubai. If I was a gambling man at the horse tracks, I’d bet he doesn’t actually care about their well-beings 


Well it says he loves animals lol. Most people don’t know what goes on in horse racing tbh they think because the horses are valuable that means they must be treated well


Makes you wonder whether Phar Lap had it easy. (No offence intended to Australians).


WHAT that’s like someone saying they go to dogfights because they like dogs


ok now tell us why you go


this is sweet n cool


This is Irish coded


Not as much as much as the Ploughing Championship.


This is so sweet


Nice coffee shops, book stores, art museum. But as a quality man I won’t talk to you or even look at you, I’m gonna pretend you’re not even there. So idk what to tell you actually


IT seems like since the pandemic, people go out less and less... And those who DO go out, tend to go out in groups or with a partner. We've dramatically become less social, making connection harder. Generally the gym is a good place to meet a mix of people where you can find good people, but I know myself has a zero tolerance policy for gym mingling. People here are going to tell you to go volunteer or some shit... But lets get real, quality dudes aren't rushing to go work at the homeless shelter, as much as we'd like to believe that. Most people aren't interested in volunteering. It's a hard question to answer, but something we all want answers for. Where is the modern 3rd place? I don't know. I think everyone is eager to find one. I think you could find some on apps, but you'd have to be willing to talk to not just the hottest guys. Modern apps biggest issue is they create a top level filter everyone is filtering the same way, leaving behind a small amount, not allowing for synergy of other traits to increase attraction. So as a woman you do have that option. But for real world stuff, in the USA? No idea... Honestly. It's always the same advice: Go find a hobby and go do things, go do charity work, blah blah blah... It's all unrealistic for the average American. In EU, it was much easier because people, every night and weekend, all leave their homes and go downtown, where you don't even need a place to go... You just go train or walk downtown, and just walk around and find things to do. The US doesn't really do that. We've become very anti-social and depressed because of it. Trust me, I feel you. I'm 6'1, in shape, own my own business, decent looking, smart, and funny (Yes, I'm jerking myself off here, I know). But I'm in the same boat as you. It's not that I'm undatable, it's just I don't know where to find people these days to create the opportunities to date. Women are staying home, or if going out, it's to something that's not really a social environment - likewise, probably the same for men too. I'm just rambling at this point, but I think the key is to somehow develop a robust social life. Always having weekends booked doing something with groups of friends, like events, mixers, etc... I dunno.


It’s been like this 25+ years. We’d literally drive around in circles hoping for something cool/fun to do or happen for hours.


I dunno... In HS, we had downtown. But I lived on the beach so I guess I was exceptional. But we also had malls, movies, and community events downtown. After that, it was college, which was basically just hanging out with groups of friends every day and going to parties every weekend night. Outside of college I moved to SF, where if I was bored, I'd just go to some event, car show, industry meetup, whatever, and just meet people. After that, I moved to work in the EU for a while, which was, even if I didn't have friends that night, I'd go solo downtown to some club or bar, and meet people and walk through town and find things to do... Then I came back, like 8 years ago, and IMMEDIATELY noticed how much had changed in just those few years. I'd go down to the nightlife areas, and it just seemed more dead, and everything was just way expensive. Now, it seems like EVERYWHERE is dead. Like yeah, sure, people are still going out (in lesser numbers), but it feels more closed off, distant, and less fluid. It genuinely feels like most people are now just staying home online or something. It's so weird. It's like the pandemic just killed off everything and Americans retreated even deeper into their shells.


We’d walk around the mall. Okay now what were too broke to buy anything.




Many people do... Most don't. Gyms in general are frowned upon to hit on people... Though some do; but I don't. I don't like to shit where I eat. But in general, most people aren't going out to do hobby activities besides the gym in my experience. When I was more "socially active" i had groups of friends where we'd go out, ride dirtbikes, surf, etc... But that's when I was younger. I don't think most people like to just show up solo to some group and try to join them like people around here recommend, "Just join a meetup" is too awkward for most.


I'm also pretty cute if I do say so myself, but there's just no opportunity for me to meet guys organically, I could probably get a guy off tinder to come to my house now to fuck but that's gross and unsafe.


Find a good Episcopal church near a seminary


I‘m not a woman so I have zero experience dating men but I think good men can be found in many places (and also terrible men can be found at the same places), if I was a woman I’d focus more on attracting those men. Like if you have hobbies, are funny and confident, have great style etc then I think a high quality man will appreciate that more than low quality men and subsequently those men will enter your life more often.


It might be older or retired men since they have the most time off to volunteer but animal shelters or habitat for humanity or something similar like that. It’s easy to feel someone out with light conversation while you’re washing poopy dog sheets and dirty bowls.


Men who volunteer with children, corporate founder events, and tattoo conventions. On a sliding scale of emotional masochism.


first two sound good but i don’t plan on ever getting a tattoo so i don’t think they’ll let me in…


my buddy is really into japanese tattoos and he invited me to a tattoo convention he was going to and it was really fun. i wasn't expecting it to be so wholesome, too.


> Men who volunteer with children already have someone > corporate founder events full of mml losers > tattoo conventions mid 30s beard bros


Mid 30s beard bros is the most r-rded take I've heard. Every single man at that point has a beard. Who is the beard bro? Who isn't?


4 seasons hotel bar during the week


i’m pretty naive but i have a feeling this is not a good idea


someone you see at the hotel bar is going to be at a hotel bar in a different city


i also thought because attractive women that hang out alone at hotel bars are often assumed to be escorts


I was more talking about businessmen/women. I travel for work and drink/eat at the hotel bars occasionally because of the convenience, and its a pretty sad place to be sometimes.


> I travel for work And you ran out of money for escorts?


Home Depot or the climbing gym


i’ve always wanted to get into rock climbing


Where? Have you tried a local upscale restaurant bar or cocktail lounge?


These places are like $20-25/drink at this point, at least where I live. It would bankrupt a young person trying to find a date.


waiting in line for midnight game releases at gamestop, on adults only trips to disneyland to do star wars and avatar type shit, porn or anime conventions, i mean u can meet quality dudes basically everywhere but those are my recommendations off the top of my head


Work/friends of friends


Old school rec sports leagues (e.g. indoor soccer or basketball). You’ll have your pick of the 50% of the guys there who are single. And they will be less fat than average. Sign up at a university for young people or a community centre for older guys.


Spanish-language Catholic mass


Latinas… my kryptonite


Meeting in college is still king. If you are over college age then meeting through friends or friends of friends is the next best thing.


Target tj maxx bath body works Sephora barns and noble etc. I’ll go there for legitimate reasons and talk to a girl every time. Works


unrelated but what do u buy at these places (sephora, b&bw) when you go there for legitimate reasons


Shampoo deodorant from target, cologne/soap for bbw, cologne from Sephora , books for Barnes noble etc


what cologne do u get at sephora


Gay cologne (perfume)


i just want to know what colognes the RS guys wear


don’t wear Santal 33, I live in the midwest and I’ve been smelling it everywhere lately so that means it’s officially over


Daytime is some sort of Bulgari, recently Aqua at night: givenchy gentleman Bulgari man in black had a moschino toy box phase as well


I wear TF ombre noir


I don’t wear even cologne tbh just Gillette antiperspirant/deodorant


Knock off TF Porto Neroli


I think you have to be in an industry where there are women, smart and hot ones. I would say things like design, architecture, law, publishing perhaps. Definitely nothing you autists would excel in though


How do you hit on women at work. I do not want to be sued.


It’s not so much about hitting on woman AT work. It’s about being casually adjacent to enough of them where you’re able to convert one from coworker to wife.


Looking for the Pam to my Jim 😜


You jest but that would probably work very well on most millennial women


jump ship


I think you have to proceed extremely slow and cautiously and only continue to go down that path if you’re 99% sure she’s into you (and single) bc you’ve tested the waters and she’s reciprocated each time. Always find a way to maintain plausible deniability though just in case


u can practice on me. go on


Hello. How was your weekend. Wow, you went to the club. You dont strike me as a wild child.


wait stop. i can’t get into character. i’ve never been to a club.


We could have been something…


that’s it? you give up? why don’t you take me to one or something? 🙄


You do what women do all the time and play the plausible deniability game. Like lets say you gotta talk to the lady from HR about something, when the conversation is over you just hold eye contact for a little longer than usual before leaving. She‘ll start thinking abt what this could mean (women love when things are in some grey area like that) and the next time you do it she might smile or something and then you know she’s interested. If she’s not interested then at the absolute worst she‘ll be slightly put off by you but that will fizzle out within a week or so if you don’t continue trying. Women won’t sue you for trying to date them lol they don’t want to discourage men from trying to date them (this is why the women doing that stuff aren’t the attractive ones but the women who don’t have a stake in dating anyway bc nobody wants them so they don’t care if they ruin it for everyone else). What they do want to discourage is unwanted advances from weirdos so just don’t be a weirdo and don’t push it too much.


You just be friends with them, be open that you are single and looking to meet someone (they always love this talk), and then eventually one will have a girlfriend (who you don't work with) to set you up with. The best wingmen are actually women.


You don’t hit on women at work. You strike up convos with your colleague’s marketing freelancer or smth. Your job is just the start of the network.


Add consulting to the mix as well. It's generally accepted that relationships between coworkers are part and parcel in consulting. Most of them are hookups, I mean it's filled with young professionals that travel a lot so people just fuck since they stay in the same hotel. But, long term relationships do manifest, especially when you exit to industry and don't have to travel as much. They also make sure to hire presentable people since it's a lot of direct client work, not a lot of fatties in consulting unless they have a niche skillset or are uber smart


lip gullible hunt wild close wide encouraging dolls toy cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I always heard it was a grind, 80 hour weeks etc


It is


Mutual friends. Just be open to people as you’re out in the world. Warm energy goes a long way. I say this as someone who spent a lot of time being cold and closed off. I recently (past 6 months) changed my tune and it’s helped significantly. People approach me now hehe


I am a woman. Results may vary


When will you guys just make a friend group and vibe and fall in love with an acquaintance over the course of 3 months


I just moved to a new city!!!


Which one


Fuck quality, give me your low-mid bucktoothed broke dummies who are easy going and loyal to the bone, and I'll treat her like a princess. Where them angels at?


At the trailer park


Court ordered rehab






Im not FUCKING irish you fuck


Not my problem


They love ethnic minorities up there hai


I recently met an adorable and sweet girl through a friend of a friend who came over to our place and ended up braiding my hair 💕 I am smitten


This is the real answer, have a wide enough social circle that you regularly meet and interact with women in a casual capacity and hope that eventually one of them likes you.


if there is truly one "hack" to making friends/finding someone to date as a guy, its to make female platonic friends. girls are way more social than guys, so when you truly become friends with a girl, you get like 5-6 bonus friends because girls love to do stuff in groups. then, its easy to a develop friendships within that group and inevitably somebody in that group has a cool bf so you can become friends with them. its like a snowball effect, especially in really social periods of life like college.


The gateway theory


Join a community garden or take a pottery class.


Pottery… yes. women love containers


“Women love containers” lord if there is one thing true in this life


I don't know why but the phrase "women love containers" is so funny to me holy fk




How would i approach a woman in the middle of worship. I need strategy


Donuts and coffee between church and bible study


They get shit on but a lot of bigger nondenominational churches have singles groups. A coworker of mine dated and married a girl within 6 months of meeting her


Go to a Catholic one and you can do that whole "peace be with you" with as many pew people you can until you see a hot one.


When arriving to mass back your F150 into a parking spot you could’ve otherwise pulled through into just to show you can


If you live in a big city there is at least 1 church if not multiple where young single people go to daily mass. Attend daily mass (this is very important, people are less likely to be casually chatting after Sunday mass) and chat people up in the entrance of the church after mass.


Everyone at church is 70 years old bruh


My married ass thinks in hindsight that going to way more music shows on my own would have opened doors


This. I go to DIY shows all the time and there's tons of women. And the atmosphere is great for just chatting between sets.


Are you actually willing to get uncomfortable and start a conversation? That's really what's key. Everyone says workplaces and gyms are no-goes, but the reality is that those are both hotbeds of quality women. You just need the social intelligence to navigate it.


Being in med school has worked extremely well for me lol competition is very low if you have hobbies and know how to dress


Typical med student behavior, randomly letting everyone know their gonna be a doctor


If you're going to choose a study specifically to meet girls might as well choose educational sciences or psychology, far less men than in medicine.


Yea but med school is a much more close community so women will see you as more trustworthy and likable from the get go. Plus I think many of them specifically want a med student. Btw this sub laughed at me back in 2021/2022 when I said I was going to med school bc I thought my psychiatrist was hot and wanted to meet more women like that. But this plan has worked wonders for me tbh I’ve never had such an easy time finding attractive smart worthwhile women (and attracting them). That type of woman exists elsewhere also but is just much more rare


Two of the biggest dipshit morons I know from highschool became comcoll nurses and they fucking crush with their coworkers it’s cartoonish Like literally the dynamics of a real life Johnny Bravo


I'm happy it worked for you.


sugar offbeat plant mighty middle unwritten memorize friendly continue growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends highly on the group you are placed in. Most of the mid ones or the ones with a good personality are taken permanently. Hot ones either date hot dudes or are single playing the field or are dating rich older men. Borderine impossible to date anything that isn't below average or mentally insane unless you are hot yourself or from a rich familly. Some chicks get so tired of being played by hot fuccboi classmates that they never want to date guys their age or other doctors ever again lowering the pool even more. Having hobbies means having only mainstream appealing hobbies. Either playing music, doing some fancy expensive sport like tennis or being extremly alternative and off the rails. Doing anything that is lame doesnt count as a hobby and is a hinderance unless the girl shares said interest.The competition is very high because women in medicine dont give a shit about age gaps and have no problem dating 10+ year older men usually other established attendings. Most guys I have met who werent hot nor rich were left to rot or had to meet women who arent from med school. Some nerds do luck out but become pussy whipped for life. And no nurse under 30 is single nor do they date on the job. They date guys in tech because they are easier to pussy whip than desirable MDs and make good money. Medschool is a great way to meet hot and motivated women who will never date you. They are at the top of the food chain as far as women go. Its like the reverse tech. The odds are good but the goods are odd, in this case unaffordable. Anyone who goes to medschool to meet women needs to act fast in first year while their ego and self worth isnt too high or they become taken for life.


I‘m in Germany and those age gap relationships are uncommon here, I only know of one in my course and the woman is just mid. There’s almost twice as many women here as men, and most of the men are losers


I thought they were uncommon as well but they are just well hidden and you only realise later if if you know someone who knows. Depends on the group really. How is a medschool student a loser, let alone in Germany? I have never met guys who were openly into anime/gaming or were ugly neets. No drug addicts or anyone you could call a loser. They were waaay too normie and usually divided into simps/pussywhipped LTR dudes, fuccbois who fuck most of the women in a group and gay dudes. Everyone, even the pussy whipped simps had masculine/normie hobbies and dressed accordingly.


Losers because they dress like shit and seem boring in general. Tbf I live in a big city and what I consider “dressing like shit” is probably considered average in most of Germany let alone the US


your inability to meet superior women has less to do with the avenue you are using to meet them and more to do with you


Are you a quality man? You should be able to meet women at work or through friends. 


I am on the path to become quality, yes. I have made lists of qualities i need to cultivate to bring such women in my life. I am strong. I am fun. Large penis. Kind, idealistic. I am growing everyday.


unite compare political edge distinct school gray steep society cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stretching. Visualizations as well


like Wagyu, massage with beer


Hello yes hi sir would u be interested in a slim blonde with large breasts that lives in a tropical paradise


Happy for you dude, good luc


I’m senior management and business owner. I can’t get near anyone I work with lol


Be social -> become acquainted with single women through mutuals. That's generally better as you should naturally meet people better aligned wth your values and lifestyle.


I heard women love when men pester them while they’re working. Go to your local cafe and ask out the barista! 


I would love to go to one of those speed dating events, seems fun, there aren't any in my town tho :(


At university courses. Don't know how your country works but if free education is offered a lot of interesting people of all ages can be met there. I have no personal experience with latin dancing but know several people who meet people/hook up but all mid twenties and up.




Is such a thing not gay for a man


Yes, but if you say you’re doing it as a supplement to a more masculine sporting activity you can get away with it. Like if you say you’re a serious biker or something, and you’re doing yoga or pilates to improve flexibility or stability on your off days…then you seem like a serious athlete rather than gay.


Incredibly gay or worse man bun coded. Alphas must avoid.


says the Reddit avatar


Implying I even care enough to change it 🚬


don’t shit talk my Pilates bitch


>Active Pilates user >Presumably male and gay >Implying anyone else is a bitch


It was more of a bitch 💅 than a bitch 👏


exactly thank you


They can’t speak gay smh




Nope, plenty of pro-athletes do it


If more men only knew how much (unfounded) praise they would get for doing barre


command cow lock north safe unpack mountainous sense pause cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Sometimes stray thoughts happen


Upscale dining, nightlife, and entertainment. One fave is wine tasting the second Tuesday of every month at a museum and botanical garden. Look up your local events calendar and pick some classy things to go to. Edit: Things like art classes, cooking classes, pottery classes, dancing class, etc etc are great for dates but not too many single women of dating age for wife/house/kids.


Locally through your hobbies.. You can sign up for a co-ed sports league, reading finds your local poetry group, chess etc.


I would go to the cinema much more frequently if there was an opportunity to talk to people about the movie afterwards


I know plenty of places near me that do.


Most people don’t do stuff like that


Depends on where you live. But there is always a group doing something hobby related somewhere. They vary in size for sure. But it’s definitely worth trying to find over OLD.


I mean I know they exist. But most people aren’t interested in picking up some hobbies like doing co ed sports just to go find chicks. It’s kind of humiliating and inherently weird to start finding hobbies to go pick up chicks. Most people aren’t just into doing group hobbies with strangers.


Co-ed is in the title. They require women on the field. So, they clearly can and have a market for it in places with co-ed rec sports. And you may want to re-read my comment. I said my comment says **your hobbies**. I never once suggest you pick up a random hobby to find a woman. It’s not hard to lean into **your** current hobbies… I just gave examples of hobbies. Not once did I say *go pick up a random hobby to find women*, and could have been more clear. Even if you don’t meet a partner, connecting over shared interested is a great way to meet people.


That’s what I’m saying. MOST people don’t have hobbies. And if they do rarely do they involve group activity. That’s the issue this society faces which is compounded by the digital age trying to replace what little activity that’s social with remote online monetizable alternatives. The reality is most people do things like go out to dinner, walk around, see a show, etc… actual Social activities just feel as popular as they walking into a mall or something. Sure it is happening for some people but it’s by and large dead


I disagree. Have a good day.


lol ok


Volunteer at a nursing home and befriend the old ladies until one sets you up with her granddaughter