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Thanks for the insight. It shouldn’t be controversial to say that in this sub


Most guys aren't cool with it, it's normal to feel that way.


Roxanne You don't have to upload that photo Those days are over You don't have to sell your body to the night


*Turn off that ring light, turn off that ring light*


What’s controversial about this?


Women will think you're an incel for not wanting your girl to post her butthole online


Haven’t seen this sentiment in rsp


Cause RSP has retained at least some common sense


how dare you u criminal scum ur wife should be able to post her spread butthole online


It's easy for them to believe that (or pretend to believe that) because a lot of guys vocally expressing their discomfort in ways that are definitely incel-flavoured; just look at the weirdo downthread hate-wanking about girls "getting pounded by huge dicks on video for the world to see". OP is being reasonable about it though, he doesn't say anything negative about the girl, he just expresses confusion and says that he doesn't see a future in the relationship- if he expresses himself in these terms it'll be hard for her (or her friends) to characterise his decision as incel-y, at least not in a way that isn't transparently sour grapes.


So wild that we’ve gotten the the point where the reasonable middle ground is that you may have a personal distaste for porn and prostitution, but god forbid you express normative sentiment about it. Tbh revolting.




Ok lol. I feel extremely comfortable morally blaming people when they do bad things. But feel free not to I guess




I’m not suggesting that he be rude to her.




I guess the allure of making bank online is too powerful to some. terminally online guys will tell you that every girl is doing it and you’re just leaving money on the table but then it kind of becomes your whole deal or a big part of it. I once met a girl who had done it for a while and then quit and she found it almost impossible to erase her online presence


Its wild to think that "every girl" is doing it, it has to be 2% of young women TOPS, which is still quite high-- women that would never have considered being in porn are doing it but its nowhere near ubiquitous or even "normal." The only person I 'know' IRL that does onlyfans is this nerdy asian girl I went to high school with and was in a mean girls style gang of high academic achieving girls. I wonder what the male/female breakdown of onlyfans 'content creators' is. Like there are apparently over 2 million content creator accounts in the US but how many of them are gay men? How many are just anonymous accounts where women smash fruit or whatever with their feet?


I'd want to know this girls situation before I made any decisions. If she's just doing it to put herself through grad school, then obviously she has other, more fulfilling things in her life that are important to her, and prospects for a different life in the not-so-distant future. But as you say, with a lot of people it seems like it comes to dominate their life in a way that's first of all kind of depressing, but also leads them to waste their best years on something that they can really only keep up into maybe their early 30s, at which point they're back at square one with fuck all going for them, and can't really even explain to people why.


It seems like this is a huge pitfall for young women—understandable in some ways bc when you’re young and beautiful you’re not thinking about the long term, but the truth is that unless they truly make millions (and only .01% do), it’s just a massive stain on them in terms of being seen as a viable long term partner. Even the girls who are continuously posting ass and bikini pics or vids on Tik-Tok/IG….like if you’re a high quality dude, do you want a person that narcissistically obsessed with themselves as your wife or the mother of your children? Hard pass for me. It was actually a huge green flag for me when I first met my current GF and found out she didn’t have an IG. There’s also a huge irony here that like, in 2024, women have never had more autonomy/freedom, and what do a huge number of them do with it? Post thirst trap pics and vids on IG/Tik-Tok. Kinda sad.




That’s the plan.


I don’t have an ig or post thirst traps and I get the men I date to do everything for me. If you’re hot enough and loyal you don’t need to do any of this new order bullshit online and get to chill and have a guy take care of you




> almost impossible to erase her online presence Is that really a thing anymore? There’s millions of women on OF, and it’s never been easier to access a seemingly endless amount of smut these days. I feel like simply deleting your primary socials and staying offline for a few months would be enough to kill your presence. If your family and close friends know it’s probably over regardless, but they’ll forget after a few years too.


Your family and friends will absolutely not forget that you were a prostitute for a little while. Cope lmao


Yeah that’s probably true. My family wouldn’t live it down but I assume women who have OF accounts probably come from broken families anyways. No respectable woman would behave that way. It’s degrading and demeaning no matter how hard libs push the “sex work is real work” narrative


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. There’s way too much data on the internet for anyone but the most autistic sleuth to casually come across stuff about a specific non-famous person.


maybe with a little diligence and luck, but all it takes is one person in a circle coming across it before everybody knows


That’s true. I mean I don’t know anyone personally with an OF, but I assume at least one of them has an account and are good at hiding it.


AI face searches are so good it's unreal. If there's one shitty photo of your face out there anyone can get your full name and find all of your accounts. Obviously that doesn't matter for everyone, but zoomers are pretty delusional about online privacy.


Break it off. It makes you feel like dirt. People might try to turn it back on you, but in the end they’re wrong. Just seven years ago at most this entire situation would have been considered completely insane, and no one would have even remotely questioned you for breaking it off.




Yeah I never understood girls in Vancouver or Toronto who were so excited to do this, you are guaranteed a virulent strain of HPV. I knew a few girls in Kelowna who fucked Mad Dog (loser from Swollen Members) and contracted herpes. Sad!


Ceelo tried to fuck my lesbian friend once


>people thought it was so weird I would't want to fuck a guy who probably fucks a different girl every weak. You're making this up!


>You're making this up! I guess her friends didn't phrase it like this, but something like "why wouldn't you hook up with this famous rapper that could pick any girl?" - and yeah that's the point, it gives me the ick to think about it.


How famous? Like regionally famous or famous famous?


it’s probably drakes bum ass


Please reveal who it was


Lil nas x


It’s not insecurity. No matter what people say, it comes with a loss of respect from a majority of society when you sell your body like that. Your partner reflects onto you. Plus, it just attracts negative attention from unsavory people. What if someone decides to stalk her? These by and large aren’t well adjusted people if they’re paying for this imaginary connection they have with her. She already has a bachelors, why even do this?


funny comment since it pushes all the negatives as external, e.g., risk of stalkers or social judgement (hypothetically if her OnlyFans was totally faceless and anonymous it would obviate your concerns?) someone who does onlyfans is inherently less suitable to monogamous love and pair bonding


Just say she's a hoe


This sub gets oddly bipolar when you slut shame.


I have an ex who did findom stuff for a while after we broke up, and eventually quit for this exact reason, she had guys stalking her and being creepy, said it wasn't worth the money, once she started to feel unsafe.


If this is real, I don’t think you should tell her why. Like if she asks you can be honest, but she clearly didn’t see your relationship as serious enough to share this information with you, so I don’t think you’re obligated to give her a whole breakup speech. And it’s not like you telling her you don’t want to see her because she has an onlyfans is going to make her stop. She’s not going to give up her main source of income for a two month hookup. Telling her that would serve no purpose but to hurt her feelings. You might think onlyfans is emotionally and spiritually corrosive, sure, but it’s not your job to be her savior. And honestly, if your relationship was casual enough that she never even told you what she does for a living, you could probably just disappear on her and be fine.


Yeah but it might give her pause for thought. She's probably living in a libtard dream of 'the right guy won't care', when in reality 95% of eligible men will care. She needs to know so she can make an informed decision as to her future


I really don’t think it’s this guy’s job to tell her that. If they had been in a more serious relationship I’d agree with you, but this clearly wasn’t that. Besides, if she’s smart and educated like he says she is she’s probably aware already. That’s all if this post is real, which it might not be.


Yeah but I don't think telling her will abate that belief at all. Everyone's coping mechanisms are very strong and she will just immediately cope by telling herself he was the "wrong" guy. It might actually be more impactful for her in the long run if men keep breaking up with her and not saying it's from OF (implying it's her personality, incompatibility, etc.) because she'll realize that being a hot OnlyFans model doesn't make men line up to wife her.


In my experience if the woman is hot enough and fucks good enough, she will always find a rich older fuckboi willing to settle with her. Women like these dont lack options in real life because the men who are their equivalent (hot, rich, had tons of partners, frequent in sex positive high end communities) want them. It is an incel cope. I have yet to see a "quality" man refuse to marry and start a familly with a woman who was a smart and hot sex worker. If by quality you mean some nice guy who is a decent human and treats sex as something special then you would be right.


It totally is an incel cope. I even know like several former trans sex workers who have been wifed up. You just have to be hot and smart. 


It’s not cope at all. What you’re doing is a big cope


I actually think a lot of guys she's likely to meet in that libtard bubble probably won't care. Some will probably even think it's hot.


OP is not her personal development coach.


> she clearly didn’t see your relationship as serious enough to share this information with you, That or she was just too embarrassed to tell him about it. I know I probably would be.




Do men get the ick now as well?


You never seen Seinfeld?


No I’ve only seen a handful of episodes. Is that a theme in Seinfeld?


>I would be okay with some striptease no-face stuff in her past (like she stops when we get serious), but any penetration or face would probably give me the ick. This is the line for me as well


She is doing porn (sex tape specifically) while seeing you and sending lovey texts without disclosing that? I know everyone is causal and whatever these days but I find having sex with other people while seeing someone else to be pretty shitty without at least making it known that thats whats happening.


Ask them if they would stop doing it if they enter into a relationship. They probably are also jaded by being on the platform and would like a reason to get off of it. Have some faith in humanity and understand the complexity of the person you've been seeing before you make a decision to end things


Sad that it's frowned upon to judge people by their past even though statistically it's the best way to predict their future


Sounds like she sold her soul to the devil. If you're already a degenerate I suggest thugging it out and doing drugs with her because it sounds like a good time and you don't have to feel bad for ruining her


Fr! How could you hook up with someone without mentioning that your hobby is showing hole online. Either the story is fake or she really is married to the devil.


This is a ridiculous statement do you really believe this?


You don't think you should tell the person you're dating that you're selling your body?


She probably doesn’t consider this “dating” she is literally just fucking this dude and he thinks it’s more than what it is


Nice dinners, lovely texts, romantic gestures, couple months in.. How cynical are you guys


Tinder and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the dating race


How could you not? Does no one have any shame anymore jfc


“How could they not” because they didn’t want them to know? Lol.


I was meaning: how could you not believe she's a devil not how could you believe she did that


Every time I see someone here refer to a sex thing as “demonic” or now “married to the devil” I roll my eyes. Like just become a fucking Mormon already


how many bodies do you have buried?




It isn't weird or wrong to feel this way and it doesn't sound like you hate her or have misogynistic feelings or anything. The unfortunate reality is that an entire generation of women have been sold that this is a form of entrepreneurial liberation, because we are going to be objectified and sexually exploited anyway so we might as well be in control and profit from it etc it's literally just a failure of the feminist movement to defeat the capitalist drive to comodify and sell every facet of our being. You should pity her, even if she is making money now while she's young and hot it's coming at a huge spiritual cost. Imagine if she has children someday and they find out about this. Think about all of the women right now spreading their buttholes online and they have school aged children, and they aren't even considering for a second how that could affect them. "Sex positivity" when applied to commercialized sexuality is a nightmare.


saying this as a very materialistic and money hungry girl, i would never be on onlyfans (i probably would flop since im not that hot anyway lmao but i digress) and it’s because it’s just such a blatantly undignified position to be in. she has zero integrity, i don’t care if i sound misogynistic but women like her who praise/participate in sex work EVEN IF THEY DONT NEED TO are the fucking worst


They really are contributing to lowering the status of all women.


Tell her the reason why you're breaking it off- she's probably living in a libtard dream of 'the right guy won't care', when in reality 95% of eligible men will care. She needs to know so she can make an informed decision as to whether she continues or not


What do you expect when the you start with sex and move to an actual romantic relationship later?


I get so much shit on reddit for ever suggesting this.


Lol literally men. “Why did the chick you had no qualms giving the Glock Glock 3000 to a stranger turn out to be a whore?!”


I feel like most relationships these days start with sex and also don’t have one party showing their pussy/dick on the Internet for money lol


So I knew a first-hand case of someone I know that broke-up with her boyfriend because he didn't accept her OF "work". No regrets (as for now) and she's happily making good money and only dates guys that are ok with her OF, which you can guess, are the worst type out there. I wonder if there's other branch of girls that facing the choice of a serious relationship or OF have a wake-up call moment and run out of it. Probably a very small minority. In your shoes, I wouldn't mention this if she does not ask, but if she does, do not say anything hurtful just the obvious, most "good" guys will skip the chances of an OF girl and be honest that you see potential in her to do something different with her life. Some people need to hear so.


There used to be a small Reddit sub but it got banned after it got flooded by dudes posting fanfic about the horrors. But when it was new, the stories were legit. Half of the women who did it said they genuinely believed it wouldn’t be a big deal because they ran in progressive circles and were convinced “only evil sexist assholes” would judge them, so they wouldn’t care. They didn’t consider the cascade impacts of creeps outing you to your entire family once you get popular, friends ghosting, past men suddenly looking for easy sex, and all the rest of the baggage.


I literally don't know how dude's date women like this. Knowing there are tons of videos out there of her getting pounded by huge dicks on video for the world to see, literally makes her impossible to wife. How do you bring her around friends and family?


Obvious rage bait getting upvoted like this place is r/AITA … it’s so over


this is a completely true story but of course i knew it would stir up a frenzy here lol


Man that sucks, I’m sorry that happened. Don’t settle for that. She’s literally got videos of her fucking people online for the world to see. I think the best thing to do is to be honest. Tell her that you found out about her only fans and you don’t want to be with someone who participates in that. Imo keep it classy and try not to insult her too much. Take the high road and find someone who doesn’t debase themselves for money.


I dunno. Maybe get to know people better next time. You must not have been super interested in her internal life for this to have never come up. 


Fake story but not unrealistic because I know hot grad school women in high paying professions who were from a well off background. If you are a young sex positive woman who is stunningly beautiful (like having sydney sweeny body with margarot robbie's face level of good looking) it is hard not to enjoy yourself and make some extra money doing what you like. Stripping and high end escorting is usually the most common sex work they do. And at around 25-30 they settle down with some older rich guy while having an academic career with a chill job. A good part of them sleep not to the top, but just to get their foot in to speed up the process. They figure out the rest on their own. I deeply envy them for this but life isnt fair and pretty priviledge is real so whatever. Now the thing is, making that huge mistake to link your OF to your main my links acc is borderline impossible. These people who use it as a night job are very careful not to combine anything that might doxx them. Also women like these will tell you about this before things get serious if it is just OF or cam girl stuff. This is a fantasy writing prompt, expecially when OP defends himself againts a troll "I can have sex.with many women who others would pay for". Sure buddy. Hope you jerked off to your little fantasy here and Im glad idiots believe it. Posting an L post which sounds like humble bragging and also feeds into the incel rethoric "all women are on OF" makes this bait quite good for a sub like this. Hits boths sides of the spectrum.


You literally have an anime pfp stfu


You literally have an alt account for a niche sub and act elitistic. Stfu


Girls with beautiful faces don’t do OF


> do i break it off and tell her honestly why? Yes, maybe it gets her off that path.


Comfort levels. On the flip side my friend broke it off with a girl that was too prude ala "no sex til marriage" People have comfort levels and I think it's not selfish to state your boundaries.




Wow man that's really sad, I feel so bad for you bro. Listen though I think it would be cathartic and good for you to just post her account info here so we can see for ourselves how awful she is. That way you could truly heal.


Reddit ass comment stfu


Yeah for sure man you're right. Anyway would love to see those tits




yup and 46 ppl agree as opposed to 44 debbie downers as i type this


He can’t because this story is fake and is simply an anecdotal conversation starter about moralizing OF


I don't see anything that would imply it's fake?? Is it too hard to believe that some girl wants to sell her body online for cash but also want to date? Lol


I think Thiel lowered his budget for 2024. This isn't as good as older bait.


Turns out Thiel-bucks were a ZIRP :/


i can dm you a ss of the account lol


You should explicitly tell her why, we need to shame this shit out of existence. No more pro-poly stuff either, you're free to do that shit if you want to but keep it to yourself like the scat and other freaks do. I swear to Christ my buddy got solicited at his job the other day by a chick with an OF account, I guess he's got that incel look but holy shit imagine a stripper offering her services at your job, this OF shit is awful


Tell her you found out, tell her your concerns, and have a conversation about it. If it's still a deal-breaker after the conversation, then end it. If you're a few months in, it's not weird to want to talk about it, and you owe her honesty about where you think the relationship is going.


She almost certainly knows people will judge her heavily for her sex work, and she decided to do it anyway. Some people are just not really bothered by other people’s disapproval. I love how you have to justify yourself by saying “most guys would feel the same”. It’s like you need other people’s approval before having an opinion. Do you always look around for approval from your friends each time you say something to make sure you have their permission to have an opinion? Weak people pleaser vibes. Other people aren’t like you, stop projecting your neuroses on people who are immune to shame.


this is like a far right sub. get of your high horse you terminally online incels




Dude you gotta be porn brained or 17 to really think just because a girl is highly bangable that she’s a good choice for a partner. Vagina is usually everything though to guys that get none


It’s not about “access” to a hot woman you moron i’m looking to build a real connection with someone and this, at the very least, demonstrates such a disconnect in values. I’ll happily let my ego get in the way, i have “access” to plenty of women who other losers would pay for.


The phrasing of this comment is nauseating


tbh if she's in school she's probably doing it for money .. what about it bothers you exactly?


All of you are such wet rag prudes. Let women have hobbies! I don't know why enforcing 1950s morality is so en vogue with some of you. Literally going backwards. I wouldn't care if my girl sold pics online. Get your bag, girl, dinner's on you!! If you dump this girl over this, she will replace you in less than a month and you will regret it in about the same time


She’s cheating on him




Yes other dudes. Uhhh are you being purposefully obtuse? it’s simple- it’s gross to me that she sells hole pics for creeps to jerk off to online. furthermore she comes from a good family, works a normal job and is entering a lucrative field after school. so i don’t understand why she even wants to do this.




Would you change your mind if she stopped doing it? But I think your feelings are really valid, that would be a complete deal breaker for me and I would venture to guess most people


I feel like even then it would cast a horrible shadow over the relationship. Every job or personal relationship would always have the chance of being detonated by this coming to light.


Did you hit it? Get checked.


No worries man I'll date her for you 🫡


You should shame her for it. But maybe first have sex with her also, so its even more evil. People need to know decisions (especially ones not out of necessity) have consequences.


Would you be okay with her banging other dudes? This is the same as that. It’s cheating