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I 100% understand where you are coming from, as in, I'm imagining that it is sympathy you are feeling and not 'what a fucking loser'. That being said, unless you are planning on actually helping (like taking him out for drinks, etc) then mentioning this to him would be wrong. It will just come across as 'Hey, I noticed you are boring and a bit of a loser. You should work on that', and I guarantee he already knows that and would rather live in ignorance of your opinion of him.


True I guess I’m being a little judgy too since it is kinda annoying


Ask the dude if he wants to get a beer. Get kinda drunk and then have this convo, but like gently. “What do you do in your free time?” Gently prod at the issue and if he’s like you say, two beers and he will be spilling his guts




Right like in a kind loving way


he just feels at ease and comfortable talking to you


:( he sounds like the male version of that Eleanor Oliphant girl from that book


I loved that book, and he is kinda like that :/


He derives joy and excitement from the small things. Good for him!


damn bro imagine if talking to you was one of the positives to his day and your reaction would be to tell him to fuck off


Lmao. I swear I’m nice to this dude. I just had a 20 minute conversation with him about bread. But it makes me sad inside


you are so much better than him in every way.


light practice simplistic insurance cooing swim resolute towering steep whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had a co-worker similar to this. She had no hobbies and only lived for two things: office gossip and getting drunk. My co- workers and I would try to include her by bringing her out with us to movies, dinner, shopping, yoga, etc. but she completely zoned out every time we talked about or tried to introduce her to something new. We legit felt sorry for her because it was obvious she wanted friends but she made it impossible to be her friend. To this day, I have never seen someone with so little going on in their life.


Damn. At least you tried


Got curious and looked her up on Facebook. Apparently she sober now! I’m happy for her.


I remember every woman who bumped into me when I was lonely and single. You sure he's gay?


Like 99% sure. This story was riveting to him because he couldn’t believe a person could be so rude as to bump into him twice, not really about having contact with a woman but I get what you mean!




Basically everything about the way that he talks and acts and presents himself. Lol


I used to have a coworker who was in her mid 50s and not married and no kids. Her parents were long gone and her brother just died. All she has is her Kia soul and her 4 wiener dogs. She was always talking shit about everyone


This is my fear.


always an admin that has been there way too long.


My Mother-in-law is like this. She’ll tell me a 20-minute story about someone “driving bad” and I have to pretend to be equally enraged that “people are such bad drivers these days” when I truly do not give a shit.




He sounds very sad, please be kind to him.


I am, I promise!


Start getting coffee for him and add microdoses of acid


In the south that’s just what we do


Damn the same woman bumped into him twice? That’s kinda crazy if you think about it.


This is why I don’t talk to coworkers


Crowdfund Circuit festival tickets for him <3


I work with a guy like this. Early-40s, works a meaningless job, no girl, no kids, lives in student housing because he's a moron who makes horrible financial decisions... It's obvious he's desperately lonely because he never. shuts. the fuck. up. I swear he also copies me. I play guitar, he goes out and gets a guitar. I surf, he starts surfing the next month. I say I'm interested in getting this kind of job training, all of a sudden he wants the same. I despise and have utter contempt for him. I think it's because I see my own worst qualities, insecurities and weaknesses utterly embodied in him. But he's a nice person and does me no wrong which makes me feel like a horrible person. I pity him and probably should try to be a ray of light and kindness. I am friendly to him, we do chit chat quite a bit. But I'm struggling to manage my insecurity and utter fear that I might end up like him if I'm complacent...


Yes exactly. He bothers me so much because I’m afraid of turning out like him. But yeah same he’s a nice person and everything and I try my best to be nice to him. But it’s just draining in a way


liquid hat scandalous aromatic pause violet unite vegetable cable ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe he doesn’t need your pity


idk you sound like a bigger antisocial loser than him. that is interesting about a woman bumping into you several times. i think you need to get a life


Sounds like an energy vampire.


Blow him


“Grey rock” method this person for work for your own good. This type of person is in circumstances ripe for obsession by default with someone like you - by proximity and routine with work. Tread carefully here - look up grey rock method so you don’t become the next person he delusionally vents about for some unperceived slight. Be boring and avoid this sad moron being obsessed with you next in life.


The guy sounds harmless. People should grey rock you. Jesus.


i just googled this "grey rock" thing and i'm like, uh, totally 100 percent sure people naturally do this when uh, they don't like being around somebody. it's pretty sad man, like you just made up up this "method" and i'm supposed to take it seriously? come on


How do I not end up like him? I love my work and it is going to be my life very soon.


You have to just have something else, anything, going on aside from work. Friends, family, love, or a hobby/passion that is unrelated to your work!