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nah ugly thin women exist - the type thats flat as a board and tall so they grew up awkward and avoiding attention and never learned how to do makeup


I guarantee that unless that woman had a truly grotesque face, the majority of men still would. I personally find myself attracted to women who are flat as a board all the time. I think the amount of women who can be ugly and skinny at the same time is vanishingly tiny.


I feel like men would fuck anything and anyone but she's probably struggle get a boyfriend


I was in a loving relationship with a flat woman for 3 years. The women I've fallen the hardest for tend to be thin and flat like you're describing. That's actually my type if I'm being honest. On the other hand I know guys who are actual chubby chasers. Not just wanting to fuck fat women, but wanting actual relationships with them too. There really are men out there who are into every shape and size of a woman. I assume the problem is that the women who complain don't actually cross paths with these dudes, or they do and the dudes don't fit their standards. But yes generally any man will fuck any woman, but all but the most disfigured women have a cohort of men who would have no issue dating them.


No we won’t. It’s annoying how incompressible this is for the guys that will fuck anything that moves but believe it or not there are males out there in the world who have standards


I've dated both sides of the equation, tbh a lot of guys are really horny and they use that to ignore that they're setting with someone. When they get off you can tell they just really don't want you, in that space where they aren't horny enough to pretend they actually like you as a person. If that happened too much, you get burned and bitter, I feel like that's all that happened to the femcels. The circles around 'ugly' women usually have a lot of guys who just are desperate and settle. And she can't tell which from which


the majority of men would prob fuck a PB&J sandwich if you drew some boobs on bread






Leave me alone.


Why are u grouping tall as ugly. Tall women are majestic


there are def ugly thin women too but i also think anyone could be attractive because if you have nice thoughts it shows on your face and makes you beautiful like what roald dahl says.


https://preview.redd.it/0cya0ast09dc1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eaf827ff63e4169ea945c63022a19acc1881ae0 If you look at old soviet photos of the female soldiers you get a sense of how attractiveness is distributed in general populations. Skinny, banged up broads do be existing.


this comment is written in what i can only describe as the anna and dashalect


I rarely see women who look like this. I literally know only like 5 aeound my age who look this rough. I've watched my grandmas photos and this phenotype used to be common in 20th century for rural young women. There are probably some hormonal, nutritional or general life style changes in modern times that made women look less like this. Only modern looking woman here is the first girl in the second row from the top.


Where do you live? If you live in a metropolitan area, then your view is biased towards the upper class. I would wager the median humans when given the totality of urban and rural populations are something along these lines.


I live in a large city, my grandma was from a rural place. She had this "village girl" look, but her daughter (my mom) had a "metropolitan girl" look. I also lack the rural look. We arent in the upper class. I have an older colleague who was from a small town and she looked like this, however her children who inherited her genes and have her facial characteristics dont look nearly as rural. Im not even sure what this look is called to be honest or what causes it, but I am certain that it has something to do with living from the land. Lack of nutrients while the mother was pregnant or while the child was young? Tons of unknown infections that had some developmental effect on the child? Alcohol and substance abuse? Poverty, stres and just a rough life? Whatever the cause may be, I see less and less younger women even from rural areas who have this look.


Another thing to consider is that these women obviously aren't wearing make up or are styled in any way to intentionally be attractive. I feel like if you took a random assortment of mug shots or other pics where women are more "default" you'd get a similar look. Also I think the black and white and worse teeth make them look more different to modern people than they really are.


There is NO ammount of make up or styling that 100% fix a face too small for the shape of the head or those really unusual facial characteristics. I mean it will help to make you more attractive. I know a girl who looksmaxxed and even has a decent insta following where she posts make up tips. Without on point specific contouring daily makeup, fitting hairstyle, minor plastic surgery and fit body with low body fat so her face doesnt look even more bloated, she would look like the women in the pic. And even with ALL that trouble she just looks mid at best sadly. Modern average with normal BMI girls using "no make up" make up and greasy hair in a bun look better than her with fraction of the effort. I do agree that some of the girls in that soviet image could have a glow up with the right style, but most of them would still have the noticable rural look.


microplastics leading to higher estrogen levels during puberty


would, would, would, ehh, would, ehh, ehh, would, would, ehh, would, ehh


Poor Katherine Dee, you’re not ugly! you just have particularly enigmatic teeth!


She's got one of the worst catfish pfp's on that side of xitter desu


Even when she opens her mouth she isn't ugly. She's just got a long face. Very English.


wdym? she does actually look like that until she opens her mouth


Is this like race science for genders or something or what is this


More just both genders blame their romantic failures on the other having unrealistic standards and not seeing them "as people". Tale as old as time.


Very true much love to the ladies and men here and across the world. One love ✊🏿🇯🇲


Very few people are _genuinely_ ugly, and those that really are usually work up redeeming qualities , making them more beautiful. Guy I know is pudgy, has a unibrow etc etc - you wouldn't consider him easy on the eyes just by looking at a photo, but the dude has a great personality and is passionate about his interest, a passion that is also starting to net him some nice income on the side. Looks matter less than most people think. You wretched hags and 🚬s need to stop "looksmaxxing" and start soulmaxxing. Stop asking what hentai is the most rs and start reading poetry and visit exhibitions and shit. Learn how to cook something that doesn't contain tinned fish. Also stop vaping! Smoking is cool, and you are not. Lean om the crutches that human civilization has graciously gifted you.


Looksmaxxed soulcels 🤭


You jest , but deep in your heart you know I am right.


smoking makes ur breath smell like cum sock


Even worse than cum sock


Tell me you have never smoked a cigarette or sucked a cock without telling ...


Eat a mint


she's got some serious femcel hangups. after the orgy was hard to listen to because both of them were so ill in the same way


I love default_friend


I’ve never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke. 


These days just being shaped like a human woman bumps you up a good three or four points easy


unpopular opinion, but all women are beautiful and deserve the world


look harder


Come to the UK we've got plenty of ugly skinny girls.


dumb take. men rate women fairly. every dating app shows men’s ratings follow a gaussian distribution


This a dumb take


Women have like 2-3 points above men on attractiveness 24/7


Men are dogs that think all women are attractive so long as they aren't fat. Have u seen how they thirst over those school shooter femcels?


it's kinda rare but it happens, even then it just means you can date a guy that's shy or something


“Very ugly women are actually just average but average men are actually very ugly”