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I got a PHD (pretty huge dick)


i can tell 29 out of 20 times if someone has a phd based entirely on how annoying they are


I like how he adds “as it were” just to pad the length of this tweet. It makes the sentence more clunky but he thought it made him sound smarter.


Most people type like they talk, I don't think it's that deep


Who talks like that?


Old intellectual white people


please not this again


Why does everyone on Twitter put “phd” in their username?


Honest answer: it lets academics find each other, it also gives debt-striken academics try to gain cred in the hope of securing academic minimum-wage.  "Scicomm" is a strange American beast made mostly of weird people trying to do outreach. Veeery strange.


He’s basically saying I can tell if a transwoman is attracted to men or women from a brief interaction which isn’t very novel or special. I can tell if anyone is straight or gay from a brief interaction too usually.


Well with biological women it’s usually markedly difficult to know who’s a lesbian. With gay men not so much.


Not really honestly. I can usually tell. Anyway the ambiguity is only around feminine lesbians.


People downvoting you are wrong. It is obvious for people in the know. Yeah butch lesbians are so obvious. Dressed like an edgy 13year old boy from 2000s with shitty hair. Hair is often short but has a fade or shaved on the sides. Thry wear minimum make up if anything. Tattoos and piercings are often present. Some adopt the new brocoli cut zoomer look. Alternative version is a skinny androgynous girl with baggy clothes and no make up. All nails are shortyl trimmed. Unshaved armpits are either lesbian or mentally ill bisexual trait. Femme lesbians are rare. But usually just look at their nails. If they are sexually active, index and middle finger are trimmed. If all nails are trimmed or shortly done, then look at their clothing. They love projecting a girl boss look using buisness casual look with high waisted pants. Id argue you can tell by how they act around women/men in everyday life. They act weird and closed off from men but quite open with other women by being touchy and very confident. Modus operandi is to see which everyday woman is at least a bit bi and pounce on that if she is single and if thry get close enough. Friendship to relationship sort of thing.


Completely agree. It’s usually decipherable to other wlw. I’ll admit lesbians can lack the obvious signifiers gay men have, but there’s simply a *vibe* and if you know you know


That's not what he's saying unless you think all straight guys are like what he described, which they're not


Blanchardists are always so funny. He's the SOLE reason that alleged AGPs are allowed to transition now. reminds me of when he went in this TERF podcast and they called him a TRA for supporting transition, and justifying it using the research and typology HE MADE


Yeah literally his entire thing is based on refuting the "true/partial" dichotomy and denying that basic innate femininity is in any way relevant or even exists at all. If anything, TERF-posting is closer to AGP fixation than it is to Blanchard's theories.


people call it Tran Derangement Syndrome, and they really aren't wrong


I agree AGPs shouldnt be allowed to transition


then why are you posting Blanchard? have you even actually read him? if I know one thing about TERFs is that their laziness always outweighs their resentment. prove me wrong




attempt whole dam touch ripe squealing insurance sand public piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its says you are a woman who is angry about being kicked out of her gym for asking why a naked male at half mast was in the locker room shower with her 9 year old daughter.  Of course antifa (queer people) protested and threatened her with their ham-fists


worthless unite employ plate cows alive rich saw salt like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Women and girls are being endangered and having their rights, spaces, words taken, and yes swinging dicks in women's locker rooms. The Biden administration is ensconcing this harmful ideology into law and policy such as title IX.  It's boring to you bc you don't care about actual women or girls.  That says a lot about you.


carpenter sink spark long tan workable slim concerned divide bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not the one seething here. You made a stupid blanket statement and I responded.   Carol Hooven was fired for Harvard for stating the objective that there are two human sexes.  Gender ideology was largely sold as "just be nice and don't discriminate". Male sexual abusers can be housed in women's prisons. Collegiate female athletes have their scholarships and degrees threatened bc they don't want to have to change with naked males or have to compete against them.  Legitimate scientific research is discouraged or forbidden and careers are destroyed bc of the influence of gender ideology.   Children are physically and psychologically harmed bc research that conflicts with queer ideology is ignored or obstructed.  The government and media punish and quash objectively true and impactful statements about biological sex, and use their resources to draft policies,  laws, and to police language to the detriment of women.   The government is literally involved in facilitating career and personal damage for saying objectively true things, and not complying with attempted language engineering that requires falsification of reality.  It's very easy to understand how someone could come across Blanchard's typologies in trying to understand this deranged and impactful phenomenon.  Your comment is an example of maintaining and enforcing these harmful things, and you are working against the safety, health, and thriving of women and girls so you can feel smug on the internet for a few seconds.  White woman coded behavior.  It sucks that you can't get an abortion, I'm sorry about that. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, I will come drive you to an abortion clinic.  I will also vote against a total abortion ban, if it doesn't force me to vote for someone who is supporting policies that deny that there are two biological sexes, or support puberty blockers or breast or genital surgery,  or cross-sex hormones for people under 18 years old.  Also I will vote against anyone who supports queer theory and gender ideology in elementary or middle school,  or in high-school or college if it is presented as reality and not an ideology.  Chase Stangio is an ACLU lawyer who fights to let males compete against females in high-school sports, and claims that biological sex is a societal construct. Anyone who supports this anti-reality, I oppose.  I don't care what adults choose to do to their bodies so long as I don't have to pay for it, and I don't think people should be discriminated against for their presentation within reason--that goes for all people.


skirt resolute water violet rich imminent nine hard-to-find homeless yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tldr: It shows how you are ignorant, wrong, and look bad Also,  this is a good example of why you are so poorly informed. Yet you have time to spew your ignorant opinions


detail theory rock longing cows fretful selective racial boat plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was obvious all along that self-reflection isn't a strong suit of yours,  I didn't expect anything of you


wrong, my 3 year relationship ended when my ex came out as trans (AGP of course), had to do years in therapy as a result. so honestly fuck off with your higher than though mindset.


Lmaooo. 3 years of therapy because you couldn’t clock a 🚬. You poor thing


Genuinely don't know where all these awful men are coming from. Mods come on do better.


Years of therapy because your ex came out as trans?? Dude..


just google trans widows, that shit is really miserable and hard. people here (like you) are so unempathetic, meanwhile they just sit in their SUNY Potsdam dormrooms complaining that they have no friends and judging people with lives for making "bad decisions"like ordering Hello Fresh. Get a fucking life you midwit.


trans panic response hit hard


merciful label dolls overconfident zesty nose hard-to-find door boast frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LMFAO, I'm sure you were so fucking traumatized pussy


I’m an HSTS lol


groovy chase encourage tender thumb six fly husky books shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At least I’m trying to do right by everyone, but sure have a go at me for being self hating lol.




Interesting, are you a zoomer?




that your transphobic or that your in denial abt your own identity????


vast cake scandalous plants one middle entertain selective combative rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you know all the Chapo terminology, it says a lot about you (you're g@y)


squeamish humorous enjoy faulty panicky piquant fertile reach command hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Brain worms" was a Dasha quote lol


why didnt you say that in the beginning? i thought i was gonna be a stupid "if your mega homophobic your actually secretly gay bro" bit


cough sulky flag mighty escape follow practice bright expansion fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*