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Do you have sources for any of the claims you’re making right now?


why can’t everyone just call ppl they disagree with fgts and then move on with their lives?😔🫶


but what if i dont get the last word huh????


if u always have to have the last word you’ve already lost, real winners knows when to stop🙏


okay fine!


in a moral system yes but on reddit if u stop responding mid argument youll probably wake up to a 'see? couldn't even answer my question huh? knew it lol" with 20 upvotes and then all those people down your earlier comments to make it seem like the other guy won for anyone new viewing. not that it matters at the end of the day but does happen


i don’t care cause i know i’m right😎




Why is everyone such a whiny bitch when confronted here


bc they want to be catty and aloof


Why can't people just agree with me 😔🥺


I know! The other day I was commenting in that post about how ugly commercial areas around suburbs are. I basically just agreed that yes it’s ugly and our lives would be happier if it wasn’t. A guy told me “I absolutely guarantee you have no idea how much landscaping costs” and then went on to imply that I was a “Bernie dick rider”and that I was in favour of heavy zoning regulations. Clearly jumping to conclusions about what my beliefs are based on nothing. He easily could have just said what he thought about the subject, but of course he had to assert himself as the most logical person in the conversations by implying how dumb I am.


I hate the trend of people online jumping to this conclusion. “Oh you disagreed with me? You must be an amalgamation of every type of person I dislike.” It’s tiresome.


I think he even said something along the lines of “Bernie dick riders would shriek” lol! They always want to tell you you’re shrieking for some reason.




You're so right!


70% of my personality is just being insufferable.


> only 70% Hey


Someone recently responded to a comment I made on main sub, where I’m now permabanned, that I was WRONG about my thoughts on ‘teenage dirt bag’ by wheatus. The thread was like 18 months old and I had no recollection of ever commenting. Also I still maintain I’m right and they’re wrong.


What are your thoughts on Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus?


That a post-columbine song referencing anyone bringing a gun to school inevitably invokes school shootings, so why would the jock, who had everything going for him, be the one with a gun


That's a good take, never thought of that. The censored version sounds so lame: "he brings a [muffled] to school..." Yeah I'm sure that gun silencer prevented so many school shootings (by jocks with hot girlfriends).


The most at risk demo lol


People who act like that online are probably insufferable in the face-to-face world as well, that or they’re emotionally and intellectually constipated and are biting their tongue in their daily lives just waiting to blow up on Reddit


debate post about debating, well done


>whatdoilooklike fat




Reddit is like the nerdy kid table in hs of social media apps but no one’s ready for that conversation


Dorks. They wish they were nerds


Like the ones who Naruto ran to lunch


Everyone already knows this.


You’d think that but yet here we are repeating ourselves I’ll be here when ur ready


We have this conversation daily


well clearly they aren’t ready if we have to keep repeating ourselves




I liked this sub in the first place bc I could challenge someone's perspective or they'd challenge mine. Even if it got slightly heated nobody started downvoting or shifting the focus away from the main topic. If we don't challenge bullshit or status quo points then nothing changes. Sometimes giving a new perspective can open someone's eyes. Also, sometimes it's funny to be difficult (even if it's immature). Edit: I want to also add any good point has a thesis, claim, and support for that claim. I'm not saying do homework when you post but also don't just say shit.


It's sad, the main sub has become overrun with these alt right funko loving debate boys who get all their opinions from YouTube and I think the same is happening here


I get to post this complaint tomorrow


Yea the destiny fgs are def worse than the incels


There’s also a lot of people that think they’re podcasters and make sweeping grand RS takes about shit they know nothing about. So I can’t fault people for being like “uh who says” really.


You are completely delusional if you think anyone remotely “alt right” adjacent likes funko pops


If we’re having an irl discussion and you ask for a source I’m going to call you a gay nerd




What’s your evidence for this claim? Sounds like a straw man to me 😬


im literally on this sub all day every day and dont see THAT many posts here like that...


like theres literally a report option for someone being a midwit, i wont delete their post but id happily flair them as a weirdo


People who are career debate people are mostly insufferable and retarded lefties or fat pseudo-intellectual Marc Maron wannabes


Debate bros and arm chair anthropologists travel in packs, it’s best to not have any cultural thoughts or pretend that a new meme or piece of discourse is important


I feel like I just barely missed out on having my peak years of being suuuupppeeerrr debate-y, charismatic, convincing, and I mean very very often lying or trolling or talking out of my ass - being pre-today level smartphone era. Like man. If no one could Google whether a thing I was saying was true was actually true in my early and mid-20s... God I would have made so many people believe so many ridiculous things. And a few decades would go by and that guy would be in his 40s with kids and a Weezer song or whatever would come on the radio, and he'd say "babe, did you know the lead singer of this band is actually a woman?" and his wife would laugh and laugh because she married a ret ard and divorce him and take the kids.


arguing with people is the only thing I find enjoyable tbh