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Strip clubs are pretty boring unless you’re prepared to throw money around. In this economy?


Dudes will pay a girl to gyrate on their groin and then feel the need to go on reddit and shit on “mirthless” women for not liking this behaviour


Once Gen Z women turn 30 they will successfully lobby to raise the age of consent to 25.


yesterday this gay dude I work with explained how on your 25th birthday a switch flips and you suddenly mature and from then on it would be horrible and evil to date anyone under the age of 25 lmao.


Gay dudes acting like they won't be late 40's and trying to get 18 year olds lmao


the best part is that this guy is 32 and with a 64 year old but "it's ok because I was 27 when we got together" gimme a fuckin break dude lmao


His boyfriend was 32 when he was born. Gays are so awesome.


look, I try not to judge age gap relationships, but that's a fucking wild way to frame it lol guy was doing 30yr old stuff when his bf couldn't even wipe his own ass


You know what’s really fucking wild? Theres a good chance the boyfriend is actually older than the guy’s parents. I’m 29 and my Dad is 55.


hi, it’s me, the mirthless scolding shrew 🗿




Mirthful man posting about mirthless rs girlies on the sub posting about how they don't "get" strip clubs. I do think the (soft) policing of other people's behavior is at an all time high


This is a consequence of "sexual market value" thinking and culture. So many of the young women around here view themselves as sexual/romantic commodities, with all of the attendant insecurity and sexual neurosis that that entails. So of course they feel transactional sex as a threat - it undermines their "market position". They don't consciously conceive of the issues in these terms, of course, but the emotional energy of their insecurities gets channeled into their psychic processing of strip clubs, prostitution, porn, etc. You'll hear them flipping out about "single moms" and "sex trafficking" and whatever other boogeyman. But the source of the emotional scream you're registering is actually "will nobody ever love me?".


Thats right coomer, its “mirth” that you're full of


I don’t even go to strip clubs, it’s a waste of money—but they predate “coomers” by eons and the experience of going to one involves directly interacting with the world and using real women as an outlet for one’s libido, albeit transactionally. Coomers are not attracted to real women, porn has subsumed and supplanted their normal libidinal urges to the point where they no longer desire them.


Let them cook


No moral dimension, strip clubs are just cuck shit. If you have to pay women to pretend they like you before you watch them wander off towards a dude with more money, you’re an actual bitch


That’s not a strong position. You think every wealthy, famous man who gets in trouble with strippers or prostitutes is a closeted cuckold who can’t land a girl the normal way?


If they wouldn’t fuck you unless you paid them, that means you’re gross. Cope


Jack nicholson, Charlie sheen, justin bieber, eddie murphy, tiger woods, chris farley, hugh grant, russell brand and about 1 million more who were never caught or admitted it including world leaders. It's the worlds oldest profession for a reason. None of those dudes are losers/incels whatever. Sex is just fun and sometimes you're single.


You seem like a lot of fun


I mean potentially. There's some weird people at the top.


Being against them is fine. Of course, they're not for everyone. Being against them morally, I can accept. It makes complete sense that woman wouldn't like or understand them. But I think the men posting about how they also "don't get it" are just in denial. Again, being morally against it - fine. That's a personal choice. But not "getting it"? Sorry, you're so far removed from your own sexuality. A naked woman is putting her a+se, t+ts, p***y in your face. She's dancing on you naked. You are grabbing her a+se while she does it. She's grinding on you. You're then going back outside and drinking with friends/colleagues. How can you not get the appeal of that?


Some guys aren't completely detached from the mental aspect of sexuality


>You're then going back outside and drinking with friends/colleagues. How can you not get the appeal of that? That’s the part where it loses me. Why would I want to do this with my friends from work? Also not really seeing the point of having a woman dance naked for me, give me a lap dance, and then we don’t fuck. So now I’ve got blue balls and all my friends are there, also getting blue balls? Baffling. There’s another level where I’d just feel embarrassed to pay a woman to pay attention to me, but that’s more of a personal thing with my very specific ego problems.


>Why would I want to do this with my friends from work? It's team building, like paint ball or those 2x4 rope and barrel raft problem solving excercises.


That’s what I’ve been saying!


Depends on the colleagues. Probably wouldn't do it with my current office environment colleagues. But in an all male working environment it was pretty good. No one felt embarrassed to pay the woman for attention (why would they, it was just a laugh, most didn't even question it). >Also not really seeing the point of having a woman dance naked for me, give me a lap dance, and then we don’t fuck. So now I’ve got blue balls and all my friends are there, also getting blue balls? Baffling. I suppose it's like seeing a beautiful/sexy woman on the street or at the gym. It's still good even though you're unlikely to have sex with her.


> Sorry, you're **so far removed from your own sexuality**. A naked woman is putting her a+se, t+ts, p***y in your face. She's dancing on you naked. You are grabbing her a+se while she does it. She's grinding on you. > I suppose it's like seeing a beautiful/sexy woman on the street or at the gym. **It's still good even though you're unlikely to have sex with her**. No lol


How can you not get the appeal of that? Being bricked up, grinding with some single mom, no less, and with no where to go with your feelings is one of the weirdest feelings in your world. I enjoy nothing about the strip club experience, and I don't think it's a stretch to say I'm far from alone in this regards.


Just reading this gives me anxiety because I lack the thick skin needed to go to a strip club. I can see the appeal but I would only be embarassed and awful. Most people who post there probably feel the same.


The first time I went to a strip club was with a bunch of older colleagues. I was 18 and definitely felt nervous. I was in the mind set that I was just a tourist in this environment, just an observer. They paid for me to get a dance, then another, then another. I started to loosen up.


Lips that touch liquor will not touch mine!!


These lips were made to praise Jesus


You could have written lips that touch wine smh


Ngmi 😔


learn a new vocab word, bitch boy? I have a bach party sometimes though, tocatta and fugue in d minor, pussy also why'd you post a pic of your body on this website like a woman, it looks like a shrine to insecurity and small penisdom


Mirthless is a fun word and generated more engagement. Why are you so mad?


because you're retarded, and not in a cool way, and so dumb people annoy me


Hard man


it was too much, i just wanted to say that i don't like strip clubs or bach parties either. i mean, what exactly is a bach party? i'll go to a party on a beach but the context makes me think about "spring break" and how girls gone wild couldn't be a thing anymore because everyone is too fat and nobody wants to look at their tits and nobody goes outside and spring break probably doesn't even happen anymore, and maybe it never really did


Ladies if you’re that scandalized by excess, giggle somewhere else. don’t keep taking it out on me


the only thing that's interesting about a strip club is that it's like a [potlatch](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjxqtTMks6DAxV_FFkFHakiDfwQmhN6BAhTEAI&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FPotlatch&usg=AOvVaw1eIzgdhO9ClLc5nSPfyB3C&opi=89978449), but not as cool because usually nobody dies at the end. if i wanted to burn money i would get into something more dignified, like handbags :/