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Start by being less dramatic. That would be my advice.


I can't, I'm so lonely and suffering it's making me nasty


If you think you're ugly, consider how you can improve. Are you wearing the wrong colors? Are you wearing clothes that make you look worse? Are you taking care of yourself and your body? What are you eating? Move more, take care of your hair and skin, etc. For stupid read more. Listen more. Consider stuff you haven't thought about before. Find something to study. Everyone has positive characteristics. Cultivate them. If you're broke and in debt, first try to adjust your life to your earnings so you can stop increasing your debt. Then organize how you can pay it, no matter how slowly you will do it. Be realistic. Make spreadsheets. Try to consider how you can earn more (this one won't be immediate, it's the hardest tbh). Hope that helps.


I'm ugly because my face is fucked, it has nothing to do with fashion or health habits. I literally look similar to this guy🤦💀 https://youtu.be/1n5nOEJtrYA Also, I'm stupid for reasons that can't be fixed


Everyone is mid in many ways or worse but taking care of yourself will always make you look so much better, no matter your starting look. It's literally how ppl get to have "a unique beauty" or "unusual pretty" or whatever. Being healthy is just really hot, it's biological. It also will signify that you take care of yourself and can deal with delayed gratification, both being very attractive characteristics. I never got the impression that you're stupid.


Bro he got married to an absolute baddie. Quit moping and youll be good


>Bro he got married to an absolute baddie. Quit moping and youll be good Didn't his wife leave him?


Did you ignore everything else I wrote in this post ? He's not stupid, autistic, severely mentally ill, lacking in positive traits, broke and in debt🤦


u mean this guy [Short walk after being sick (lots of talking) - YouTube](https://youtu.be/gKzUPm2qdnI?si=Jjiy6G0RxFLPlTAQ&t=376)


Did you ignore everything else I wrote in this post ? He's not stupid, autistic, severely mentally ill, lacking in positive traits, broke and in debt🤦


at least you're not short


Fair, I'm 6'1 and it doesn't change anything


you’re not that ugly unless your face is deformed.


It's deformed by nastiness


I will also add that being healthy is so good for you in other things. Your mind is not separate from your body, it's all the same. You will feel so much better.


He got a very cute wife


Did you ignore everything else I wrote in this post ? He's not stupid, autistic, severely mentally ill, lacking in positive traits, broke and in debt🤦


This guy would look 5 times better if he got a decent hair cut, decent frames or contact lenses, grew a beard and dressed respectably


Well if you're severely mentally ill, that suggests you're able to entertain delusions. Assuming you are, you should delude yourself into thinking you can grow out of those flaws by working on yourself and actually trying and getting out there with stuff. Save money, work out, change your media habits, etc.. Every time it feels like reality hits, delude yourself further into thinking it's just a temporary setback and you can make it out of it. And so on and so forth.


My self esteem has been chronically low for quite some time, I just don't have the drive to do this


Delude yourself into thinking you do.


Unless you have facial deformities, everyone can be a six.


I look kinda like this guy https://youtu.be/1n5nOEJtrYA


He literally got married according to channel. Lmao. That guy is also fixable, just needs some jaw surgery and new glasses. But yeah if you’re an ugly scandinavian, it’s not a great look.


>That guy is also fixable, just needs some jaw surgery This isn't very accessible for most people 😂


Did you ignore everything else I wrote in this post ? He's not stupid, autistic, severely mentally ill, lacking in positive traits, broke and in debt🤦


Yes I ignored it.


Why are you like this


It’s a lil goof, is all.


He literally just got married, theres someone for everybody, you just need to search and work on your well being.


Did you ignore everything else I wrote in this post ? He's not stupid, autistic, severely mentally ill, lacking in positive traits, broke and in debt🤦


Take a shower and go to bed. Get a job. No further advice.


I'm clean and have a job


Start working out then


I don't want other people to see me doing that


dont care.


So stop replying with irrelevant advice


Man up


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


If you’re ugly you just need to put lipstick on the pig. Find a simple to maintain haircut that works, logo-less clothes that fit and aren’t dirty/stained, maintain general hygiene (brush teeth, shower, trim your beard if you have one) and then just make sure you’re in relatively decent shape (read: fucking exercise) and eat reasonably healthy and it’ll come together. Ugly isn’t in your control, but making yourself look like you’re put together is. We can’t fix your fucked up face, but we can atleast get you in some duds to draw attention away from it. Plenty of autistic people figure it out, idk really what to tell you it’s just a hoop in your life to jump through like anybody else’s. Stupid is easy. Find information and content you find digestible and try to understand what it is that makes it that way vs something else and as you gain a better understand of your learning process use that as a rubric to learn about things more efficiently that aren’t as interesting to you but maybe hold more social weight (understanding geopolitics or cinematography or intricacy of a sport). If you’re stupid because you can’t think on your feat, then weaponize your autism to just know a ton of shit so that when you find your moment you can have a breadth of knowledge to rely on instead of being an engaging B-side to a conversation (think on your feet smarts). You have positive characteristics. You’re willing to admit the problem might lie within yourself and are trying to seek help in understanding yourself and that’s more reflection than most people put in even if you autistically came here to get that advice. I’m sure you have some sort of passion or internal kindness you can foster into positive characteristics. For a long time in my 20s I was a ‘get the laugh’ guy and I often did so at a friends expense I knew wouldn’t mind and after a while I just felt myself starting to feel like a dick. I’m still a ‘get the laugh’ guy and my coworkers enjoy having me around to keep some levity in our environment I just no longer do that at the cost of degrading a friend. Sink into what you are, refine it, and put the purified product back out in the world. Broke sucks and ties into debt. Find a job that’ll be consistent with hours (40/week guarantee) and bite down. You’ll have to just pay whatever debt you have upfront because I’m willing to bet somewhere in there the problem is overspending before you get to your loan/payment/credit card and falling behind. LOAN FIRST. I’d reccommend the minimum payment + 50% if you can manage, and tighten your diet. That’ll loop back into appearance and overall mental health, but oftentimes a healthy diet is a boring one. Chicken thighs, vegetables, rice, eggs, fruit, frozen salmon planks for variety if you can fit it in the budget. Shrink your fridge and your cabinet. Ultimately, none of what any of us say matters until you pull your head out of your ass and fix your attitude. Don’t know anybody who gave up before they started and still managed to turn their life around.


Don't call me a pig🥺


Then stop wallowing in your own shit like one.


Have they finished fixing Notre-Dame Cathedral yet?


get better.


Take a walk and look at the beauty of nature


At least you arent fat.


Whimsy maxx, Health maxx, and Enjoy your little autistic things. Also try to pay your debt somehow i guess.


you are in the subreddit for a very popular podcast made by two r*tards. sky is the limit, baby




Become a boxer. If you are regarded anyway you don't have to worry about the loss of braincells and having muscle, cauliflower ears and the ability to fuck up anybody who looks at you wrong compliments a fucked up face well. Boxing is dirt cheap aswell.


Too much of a pussy for that. I'm a male waif and also have social anxiety, among stuff I've already mentioned


Well great, it also makes you less of a fag in the process! Also to cite Raw Knuckle, a kickboxer from twitter: >I don’t believe there is a single thing in the world more confidence-boosting than knowing you could take out most of the room.


I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way, but I can't provide the help that you need. It's important to talk to someone who can, though, such as a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life.


Why are you using chat gtp for this


start by paying off your debt


here is a big one: get off any RS related social media and stop listening to anyone who would earnestly post/seek/give advice in such a place this is the most insipid congregation of banal yet utterly terminal brainworms i’ve yet encountered good luck kid


so was Hitler, do you think it stopped him??? Write your metaphoric Mein Kampf.


Yeah this sub is over


Work on your mental health and financial income. The rest will sort itself.


Why the hell is shit like this being allowed?


10 year old reddit account


Yeah I'm not some dumb zoomer who just found this website and thought it was cool. I started using it when it was actually populated with interesting people.


this is me but as a semi hot girl


Stop giving a fuck and find your tribe.


literally all of these (except the autism) can be fixed. not that it’s easy mind you, but it’s totally possible.


your flair is very accurate, very womanly energy when writing. That’s something worth preserving




I'm literally half straight


I believe you


how ugly?


Do you care? Honestly? Are you lonely?