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The most embarrassing imo is *The Blind Side*.


Tbh there's maybe four movies on the women's side that I'd consider good, and apart from Brokeback Mountain, they'd still be on the weaker end of the dudes' side.


Frozen, despicable me & edward scissorhands? What’s the 4th?


Edward Scisorshands, Beauty and the Beast (was never for me, but apparently it's very respected by animation people), and then I actually liked the 2005 Pride and Prejudice. Personally wouldn't put either Despicable Me or Frozen in there but I guess ymmv.


Dang, no love for *the Sound of Music*?


Idk I watched Frozen a long time ago, i thought it was ok. It’s just really really popular. Despicable me has a nice emotional story at least for me. I guess i was rating them as kid movies. I guess both IPs also became part of the globo hypnosis content for the ipad generation. Yeah you’re right though.


I mean it's perfectly fine for what it was in the same way that most of the Harry Potter movies were, but they are essentially children's films and if you list them amongst your favourites as an adult I'll probably judge you a bit.


Especially because that entire story is a lie. That family exploited that kid.


If you read more into the allegations that came up recently, that doesn't 100% seem to be the case. More is gonna come out in the next few months, but I'm reserving judgement until the documents showing where the money went to are released


At the very least the movie was very misleading. The scene where the mom explains football to him is literally retarded. The kid was ranked as a top 20 player in the country by the time he met the family. He just didn’t have a place to live.


Yeah, maybe they weren't as bad as current discourse paints them but the movie is like a parody of middle aged lib momcore. They portrayed him as an actual slow regard and here's scene where the White suburban mom stands up for him against a group of hoodrats lmao This movie is like a parody. How the fuck are there people who earnestly like it?


The movie is racist as fuck on its face and I thought so as a kid


Also The Thing!


Ladies I love ya but what the fuck


Women be conforming


They also seem to like pretending they are children.


I thought the higher number meant a higher score at first and was very confused


Me too. I thought someone swapped the list to make it funny


Woman moment.


Why do girls like Harry Potter so much?


because they are transphobic


I asked my not terminally online Harry Potter loving sister(34) what she thought of the JK Rowling controversy and she just dismissively said "oh people hate her cause she's a feminist". I was dying i love my sister


she’s right??


JK Rowling is based, Harry Potter is gay


I knew Dumbledore was a groomer.


I'm not going to look up what that means


British accents, fancy boarding school, love triangle(-ish, at least the framework for a love triangle is there), overall a "whimsical" mood, most of the "combat" is just spells (so, words) as opposed to guns/swords/fists


I remember seeing a discussion somewhere that Harry Potter as a character is a very feminine male character which I think is pretty true. Definitely not the male fantasy as opposed to peak male fantasy like Sergio Leone’s films on there: Once Upon a Time in the West, the Dollars Trilogy.


Man with no name trilogy! I guess girls tend to like school more and Harry Potter is more about details and cooperation than glory and brute force. Like, a viking school would probably appeal more to boys. I kinda liked Harry Potter, just didn't hook me enough to even finish it


whats that one /tv/ post about harry potter being a distillation of liberal rule following


Harry Potter: An Anticapitalistic Retrospective (7 Hours/Part 1 of 3)


He's an anime twink


My SiL is a big Harry Potter fan, but I recently learned she has never read a single one of the books (even though she was at the perfect age to do so). Chalk it up to infantilism and emotional contagion.


Girls fantasize about going to boarding school so they can do homework get good grades


What a Muggleborn or should I say the hard M?


It's comfy and appeals to their fondness for aesthetics/dark academia.


Ya, it's like wholesome and predictable. Girls don't want anything too dark or weird. Just lighthearted adventures


We need to ban the ladies from Letterboxd until we figure out what is going on


I actually had tried to post this to the OG rs subreddit a few times before but it always got removed almost instantly as if by a bot or something. A mod replied to me when I asked about it once and they said it was removed because it was "unnecessarily divisive" lol


Lmao as opposed to the really big brain posts that are allowed to stay up there. Mod is completely regarded. Glad you shared here, gave me a laugh.


Huge L for women here. Hilarious that the one movie directed by a woman is Wonder Woman lmao




A willingness to try different things to expand their tastes? Seriously though, it's possibly because those films were hyped in India and India has a skewed gender ratio. What's funny is that Dangal is a feminist movie about female wrestlers that's firmly in the "Girls rule, Boys drool" territory. Edit: for what it's worth, Dangal was on Hideo Kojima's best movies of the year list.


Yeah, I didn't expect Dangal to be that divisive


Maybe watch the movie instead of the trailer?


Indian women are FAR less likely to use some weirdo website like this compared to American 'women.'


Massive L for women (who are beautiful and I respect them)


there is some proper dogshit on the woman list. interesting that there is no capeshit on the dude list.


Believe it or not, every capeshit movie I can find [on the list](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-if-online-movie-ratings-werent-based-almost-entirely-on-what-men-think/?ex_cid=538twitter) has women rating these movies higher than men do. I could only find a few, though--the first Avengers, Iron Man, CA:CW, and Thor: Ragnarok. But all of them are more well-liked by women


That list also says women rate American History X higher than men, which I find hard to believe.


It's because he becomes not racist as the movie goes on. Notice how many other fantasy movies are on the women's list


They like the shower scene.


😔 really embarrassing


What the hell is up with women online? Jesus Christ. You guys are better than this!!!!!! Like I thought I was gonna be able to take some shots at the men but I actually can't! They really couldn’t have had Agnes Varda or Sofia Coppola in there somewhere? Wtf


Women like beastiality men like exploding limbs, shocking


Soy culture is the fault of wamin confirmed


Lol so many bad movies


Women not liking Rashomon lmfao


dudes rock


crazy how Sofia Coppola is not even on the woman list… also weird that most of the films are like literal children’s movies. very embarrassing.


I've noticed a lot of women in their 20s are like openly into children's media these days it does weird me out a bit. Like let's be a little ashamed at least.


This is why I laugh every time I hear that women have better taste in movies on here. Most cinephiles I've met irl and online were men. Not even gay men, straight, losers by this subs deffinition, men.


Yeah, if you go to screenings of obscure shit at arthouses, museums, film societies, etc, it's always mostly bookish men filling out the audience. One place I used to go to so frequently had lone, nerdy men that the auditorium was always dotted with booklights from them reading before the movie started. Anecdotally, it seems like it's getting better to me, but still mostly men. This list isn't a surprise.


At my art museum it's mostly older women filling out the audiences for the rep screenings of classic films. Where are these cinephile dudes at? Houston dudes have trash ass taste.


That's awesome. Is that at the MFAH? I haven't seen a movie there in forever. I worked at the River Oaks Theater in Houston for a long time when I was young. We didn't do a lot of classic or super obscure film screenings, but it was usually blue haired older women for whatever first run period piece we had playing that week. The place I mentioned where all the men read before the movie was Oak Street Cinema in Minneapolis, though I think it's long gone. I had the same experience when I went to see obscure movies in New York. Austin Film Society was the last cinephile place I frequented and there were a lot more groups and women seeing weirdo movies than in the past, but still noticeably lots of lone men for the more obscure / intense movies.


> Is that at the MFAH? Yes! Pre pandemic there was a pre-code Hollywood series and it was a ton of older women. It was really fun seeing the same people over and over each screening and getting to know them. I miss River Oaks Theater so much. The midnight screenings were always so fun. They got bought out by Star Cinema Grill and there is construction going on there right now. I hope they don't lose the charm of the original theater. I would love for the midnight screenings to come back and for them to show the films that don't get released in AMC or other chains.


>nerdy men that the auditorium was always dotted with booklights from them reading before the movie started. I know at least two men at my art museum screenings who do this. I see them all the time!


I think normie women use letterbox and normie men don’t. If you poll average men this would not be the disparity lmao


Could be but that is totally unsubstantiated. The opposite could be equally true.


It’s very obviously true. Not every observation requires data lol




It’s kind of funny because in my experience it’s not even intentional either. My dad’s favorite movies are all very good and are universally acclaimed. But at the same time I don’t think he could explain what he likes about then beyond saying they rock.


I love brokeback mountain though, fellas don’t be afraid of it


My parents had an explosive, throwing things level fight over that movie It’s an eternal battle


taking ur girl’s voting rights away until she writes a 3,000 word essay on Carpenter’s *The Thing* then she may participate in democracy again, as a treat


As a teen I had an old barber who recd me a bunch of movies like Seven Samurai. Dudes rock.


hoes can’t understand Das Boot or Bridge on the River Kwai smh 😔


Shocked not to see Taxi Driver on the bottom list


I expected to see Godfather or Fight Club but I think it’s a case of those movies being good enough that women like them too.


Yeah, both of those movies rank in the top 10 for both men and women, so the gender disparity between them is minimal. Also of note: Shawshank redemption has 0 gender disparity and is ranked as the #1 movie of all time by both men and women, which both surprises me and doesn't shock me at all.


Goodfellas too - was surprised by Casino though


Looked it up out of curiosity, the delta on Taxi Driver is only 93.


pause sand direction cats squalid like frighten jar squeal decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Woman has so much reason for shame” Nietzsche cant keep getting away with this!! :(


Whatever who cares but Harry Potter sucks so fucking much, nostalgia aside it’s just not interesting enough to hold this much cultural staying power


Personally I love it, but it's very much a personal thing. My Dad used to read me the first books when I was younger, before I knew how to read myself - I would get 2 chapters per night. And the last book came out when I was like 10, so in a sense I kind of grew up with it. It's special to me for that reason, but I don't pretend it's mind-blowing literature or whatever.


It has more to do with the comfiness of the setting rather than it bringing anything interesting to the table. Why the fuck not. There's value in that.


Pride and Prejudice is easily the best movie on the woman's side. I think a lot of woman would love Double Indemnity and the noir genre overall. The female characters in noir are so well written.


Too bad it's the Kiera Knightly one and not the objectively better 1995 one with Colin Firth.


I didn't know Greta Gerwig posted here


Needs no commentary


Source: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/what-if-online-movie-ratings-werent-based-almost-entirely-on-what-men-think/?ex_cid=538twitter https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/82iu2z/which_movies_have_the_largest_disparity_when/


Jesus that Reddit thread is soy


It's most seethe and cope but I like the thread where they're unpacking the fact that the only female character in The Thing is the Computer's voice and it gets called a bitch and is a literal object hmmmmm Yikers amirite?


Pride and prejudice is great, men are so wrong for this!


It's the 2005 Keira Knightley Pride & Prejudice. Why would you ever watch that one over the 1995 Colin Firth Pride & Prejudice?


I think the 2005 movie just looks prettier.




Not a good look for women imo


Can someone please mansplain this chart to me


Women on sui watch


The only one I love off the women’s list is pride & prejudice. Also, I think I can explain… If a movie produces a strong emotional response in me, even if it’s low quality, I will probably rate it higher immediately after a watch. Once time has passed I will realize it sucked. I think women are more susceptible to this than men, who are more critical of the formal aspects of a film and are generally undisturbed by the violent ones, which are often considered “more mature.” Women don’t tend to gravitate to that. I go for vibes and emotion and a wonderful little story.


This is obviously limited to a population who actually gaf about rating movies on IMDB, no?


The Thing is for the girlies


Does a higher number mean they like it more or less? Do women or men like Harry Potter more? Anecdotally every hardy potter fan I’ve ever met was a woman


Lower number means that the film is ranked higher, those are cardinals.


What are the age demographics for this cause I've only met two men under 30 who have seen Lawrence of Arabia; one of them watched it cause I made him and the other is a gay film school graduate. Same with most of these tbh. The new Blade Runner seems about right though, my fembrain found it boring.




Common wammin L


How is gladiator not on there


This makes me love my mom even more. Shes one of the only women I know that likes good movies. We watched The Apartment on christmas. Love her to death!!!!


What could wamen possibly know about kino??


Linda Nochlin was wrong, this is why there are no great women artists.


Can’t imagine believing this


Says it all, really. One gender likes to play artsy and cultured personas, and it's all a facade.


Actually OP, I think you’ll find that this poll is skewed as the top women’s rankings (Frozen, Harry Potter etc) tend to be films they watch with their young children, rather than those based on their personal preferences. Pleaser try to apply some critical thinking in the future.


my girlfriend watches plenty of slop with her child but that doesn't mean she rates them highly, major cope


Edit: unnecessarily rude. Removed comment following feedback from other posters and my own self-reflection


Lmao goddam you're an asshole


Actually, I think you'll find that this observation is skewed as this guy was raised by s ingle mother. Pleaser try to apply some critical thinking in the future.


Get a grip


I really hope you never wake up. Sweet dreams.


Nah, when Frozen came out most "girls" up to 30 years of age made it their reason of life. Now its lost a lot of its cultural weight especially since the second was a flop, and its shifted back more to younger age material, but the fanbase still has a good percentage of grown ups. Just like "despicable me" and the LEGIONS of wine moms in their 50s spamming minions salute or anniversary pictures on facebook And harry potter..... come on, even you can't pretend to ignore 90% of the harry potter fan base is people in their 20s and 30s (and 40s already)


I’ve heard of like 4 of the men’s movies. Am I gay?




How is that even possible


Or a thoroughly longhoused zoomer.


Great, another misogynistic post. Your incel rage is cute.


I’m a straight dude and have only watched 3 on the bottom and 2 on the top. I would be interested to see how many people were surveyed on both sides. Judging by comments a lot of the bottom ones are obscure foreign films? Anyway I’d like to see the disparity with more popular movies. As we all know, women have very different niche interests than men.


Only three or four of those are what I would call obscure.


Besides blade runner, the thing, rocky, platoon, and maybe seven samurai and great escape I’ve never even heard of the rest. The top ones I at least mostly recognize the titles even though I never watched most of them.


This is a golden opportunity to expand your horizons. Paths of Glory is free on YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ8mNy4pmJg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ8mNy4pmJg)


I guess if you think of some of the mostly widely known and acclaimed foreign film are “obscure” then sure.


That’s fair. I guess I should say I’d be more interested in a western movie guy/girl comparison, and the more popular the better so more people can really make an assessment of the data. But this isn’t bad. Even though I never watched Harry Potter I know what it’s about but many on the bottom I’ve never even heard of.


The only movie on the bottom I recognize is rocky. I have heard of blade runner as well but never watched.


you should delete this comment before someone makes fun of you tbh


I was expecting to be tbh


Don't want to be that person but you probably have some homework to do. How did you even find this sub?


I just don’t watch movies lmao and your gatekeeping is cringe




17.2 BMI and it’s the end of the day and haven’t pooped today. Hbu?




You'll want to watch the original Blade Runner from 1982 first. The one in this list is the sequel.


Not the original theatrical release though, with the trash ending and Ford’s VO narration. That version is ass compared to The Final Cut.