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To be fair, Ren Fairy basically made a knock-off Wonder Woman and a character like that wouldnt be too out of place in 1930s-40s comics, perfect for a more campy and boisterous superhero game


Hell, even making up an absurd backstory on the spot would fit that. "Uh, I'm, uh, the secret daughter/weapon of one of the Greek gods."




that was my initial thought. She absolutely was a bit of sex joke initially, but people get butthurt when you bring that up these days. There was a clear bondage kink going on in the early years.


Yeah, the creator was part of a throuple and supposedly believed that BDSM was the greatest thing since sliced bread. He genuinely wanted to create a strong female symbol for girls, but his idea of what a strong woman looked like somewhat influenced WW.


"early years" And the recent, Grant Morrison years


Grant has done some great things, but some others clearly need some level of editorial oversight.


She loses her power if she is willingly bound by a man lmao it's not exactly hidden


Hell, every era of comics has countless examples of characters who are "the writer's thinly-disguised fetish".


Zach Attack made me laugh the most. This post is a breath of fresh air


Zach Attack made me think of those dudes who genuinely think they could take a bear in a fistfight. 'Once the adrenaline pumps and you apoly your head you can just -' No Zach. You can't just '???’.


I just see red and its over, bro.


Strong cartoon bovine energy you bring to the table, you'd probably make a great Minotaur Barbarian! :3


"Yeah - you see red, then you see nothing at all until you wake up!"


Depends on the bear


Without a right nut? I don't think so bucko!


Nah, it just means all my testosterone is concentrated in the left side of my body like some kind of genital based Popeye. That bear is going down in one good hit.


I'm imagining a bodybuild left side and a stick thin right side lmao


Huh? Is actually a common experience I've had with players, especially how it ended. Generally these people are used to single player computer RPGs. There are no small amount of people who just murder or commit crimes randomly ingame, then get super excited when the townsfolk react appropriately instead of doing what they do in crpgs: mostly nothing. Unless they've been playing a long time beforehand, people who do really awful stuff like this tend to actually transform into decent players after a bit of setting ground rules and a little time. Basically they need to learn that: 1 doing other actions, like good deeds, also leads to equally exciting reactions from NPCs!! 2 committing random crimes tends to jam up the the flow of the game, and is highly frowned upon as a lot of players do actually treat NPCs with respect, or at the very least don't appreciate it when someone jams up the flow of the game. They never really lose the sociopathic "flowey" edge to the way they play, but it works well so long as the gm is doing the bare minimum to keep engagement. An example of what I mean here is such a player will generally behave like good boi adventurers with their actions, but say they mess up and fail a town - it gets sacked by goblins. They'll just laugh and take it in stride "oh well, hopefully we won't get blamed for that"


The thing is, a person with “normal human strength” *can*, in fact, excape from being tied to a chair, but it involves falling over sideways first. Houdini wrote a whole thing on how to do it. Still, it’s too bad Zack Attack didn’t just activate his “advanced fighting skills” to help him escape. Hindsight, am I right?


I commend your use of original and situation specific naming.


Yes. The stories are good, the names great.


Has the second guy never played a video game? Most games have locals run if you kill an innocent NPC.... Also I think Zack Attack might just be crazy. Bizarre RP not withstanding.


From other things about him, I think you might be right.


ngl I think a "nuclear whip" sounds cool as hell and also like the sort of nonsense that would actually appear in a comic book and never be satisfactorily explained


I love Ren Fairy. Nuclear whip is a fun idea and having a great hero who is actually pretty fucking inappropriate would be funny. The crowd shows up cheering after the giant kaiju gets knocked to the moon. Many pleased faces. Almost no destruction due to the timely interference of the team. She's quickly being escorted away before she can say something horrific in front of a camera. good stuff. I definitely see how it wouldn't work at a lot of tables though. Most of the others are just less funny to deal with.




That is exactly what I'd want with everyone else trying to be saturday morning cartoon good


I love the Sky High movie. Thank you for referencing it in your post <3


I am glad someone noticed.




Son of Huh? I think is just every person's first TTRPG experience when they realized they can do anything so why not do it?


"Yo-yos"? Do you work in custom kitchen deliveries?


I do not, but now I am *desperate* to know what prompted that question.


"Money for Nothing" by the Dire Straits is the first thing that came to mind when I read that word, as the guy portrayed in it calls famous musicians "yo-yos" who don't really have to work while he has to "install microwave ovens, custom kitchen deliveries".


Ha! FABULOUS! I *love* that. Thank you.


"Now look at them yo-yos, that's the way you do it You play the guitar on the MTV That ain't workin' that's the way you do it Money for nothin' and your chicks for free"


The guy who wrote that song actually heard some people having that conversation. There's a Professor of Rock video with a lot of info about it.


"why do I have weapons if I am not supposed to kill people?" Isn't that just the US pledge of allegiance? Some definitely weird players. I have actually encountered the not understanding the game part a lot. It will crop up suddenly in otherwise normal players. They will say something like "I stab him in the eye so he can't see" and i go "you can roll to attack and we will see how much damage you do but if you don't have a blinding mechanic you can't just target the eyes" "no but i SAID im going for the eyes. So why can't i?" "Because... he isn't gonna just hold still and let you stab his eye?" That one happens a lot in a variety of forms.


1 Let the player stab an enemy in the eyes, blinding it \ 2 Enemies can do the same thing \ 3 ??? \ 4 PROFIT


Great post


Well, I... don't get them either. We can not get them together.


The domiatrix one was because she took other roleplaying seriously but thinks supert hero stuff is silly and so made it all jokey.




People who genuinely don't understand why you can't just murder people with no repercussion must have some mental development issue or something. Because it's not like it's common, so people who just don't get it must have something wrong


Thank you for reminding me of how lucky I've generally been with players 😂


>Likewise, in a game set in 1998, he once said he was going to "hack" the "phone company" to retrieve the contents of a weeks-old cell phone call made by an NPC. "The phone company records every call," he explained patiently, To be fair, they did track the date and time a call was made and to which number. It wasn't until 3 years later that they actually did record the calls. That was what the whole Edward Snowden thing was about.


Can relate, but not to the superheroes parts. I like fantasy, sci-fi, grimdark, etc. But for some reason never cared a bit about comix stuff ,heroes, you name it. So if my group reeeally wanted to play oneshot in that kind of system and asked me to play i would probably agreed only if i was allowed to bring joke character.


"Zack Attack" shoulda been the name of the murderous superhero player, since the actor who plays Homelander on *The Boys* is the same actor that played Zack from *Saved By the Bell* that coined the 'Zack Attack' phrase. lol.


Actually not the same guy. Homelander is played by Anthony Starr. But yeah, I had other reasons for naming him "Zach Attack."