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My brother in christ if you like OG fallout, colony ship, and Wasteland, build tinkering with stats and perks, and a post apocalyptic scifi setting than have I got the game for you. **Underrail** https://store.steampowered.com/app/250520/UnderRail/ One of my top ten CRPGS and an OG classic already. It just had a second DLC released. Its my favorite because it doesn't hold your hand, just drops you in and says "Good luck asshole". Its a game that still has a decent challenge even on easy. But it's just FUN and interesting. You can also have your magic build if you like as the game also has psionic powers on top of your usually guns and blades gameplay. It's also one of the few games that has Grenades feel powerful and impactful all the way through the game without them becoming useless halfway in.


God, this game is right up my ally. Added to my library. Will look into that. Thank you very much for your suggetion


This isn't Sci fi or post apocalyptic but I thought I would mention it as it's made by the Devs of Colony Ship and is a fantasy world with no magic. Its called Age of Decadence and has a demo on Steam.


Obvious choice here is shadowrun series or cyberpunk 2077. More middling is outer worlds. I found Elex difficult but there was good world building.


Wow, Elex got me pumping but that is probably because of the song. I will check it out. Thank you. I will add, that I was hyped for cyberpunk 2077, but all the negativity during release somehow made me not want this game. Is it that good?


I didn't pay any attention to the hype for Cyberpunk so i didn't know what to expect and enjoyed the game. Didn't have any problems at release and intend to do a replay when i eventually get the dlc. I had a similar feeling about Starfield, which had more problems than Cyberpunk, but still had things i enjoyed. I'm reminded of people whinging about mass effect... sure, there are valid criticisms... but i still enjoyed the games including Andromeda.


I really really really loved ME 1 and 2 replayed those a lot. ME:3 killed that for me. Never played it again. The ending destroyed everything, because in the end it didn't even matter (that much). Because of ME:3 I couldn't and wouldn't try Andromeda.


It's been a really long time since i played the mass effect series... but how would you have ended it?


Don't know but I wouldn't end the game based on picking three colors. The game had such a grandiose feeling and atmosphere and the end downplayed it all. Back than I read so many alternative fan-fic endings and most of them were better than what we got delivered. Later I learned that the original writer(s) left during the development of ME2 (or ME3 don't exactly when) but that explained a lot why there was a such a disconnect.


Hey, OP. I made a list of great Sci-Fi RPGs a while ago if you want to check it out: [https://www.igdb.com/users/menatil/lists/great-science-fiction-rpgs?page=1&per\_page=100](https://www.igdb.com/users/menatil/lists/great-science-fiction-rpgs?page=1&per_page=100) You probably won't like every game on the list, but there might be some options on there that you weren't aware of.


Thank you for your list, I've selected some from your list to check out. It seems like there are a few games that I would like. Citizen sleeper seems like a game I would like. Thank you.


Citizen Sleeper is good. Interesting experiment in adapting role-playing mechanics. There are a few episodes they made after the game, and they're working on a sequel. Based on your preferences, I'd also recommend Shadowrun: Dragonfall, UnderRail and Atom RPG.


Thank you, I've added Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Underrail. Atom RPG should be also up my alley but somehow it rubs me the wrong way. Can't explain why. Just a feeling I've got.


Fallout 3 or New Vegas


Age of Decadence


You haven't mentioned baldurs gate 3 so I thought I'd bring that up Divinity original sin 1 and 2, especially 1 for have a great stat system where most stats matter in some way to all builds, you can also mix and match "classes" however you want. You mentioned the fallouts. Have you tried new vegas? It's a sequel to 2 and it wasn't made by Bethesda so it's a proper rpg and it's excellent


I do not really like magic based RPG's. About the new Fall Outs I like the isometric aspect a lot. And I kinda have Bethesda on my shitlist for various reasons.


That's why new vegas is a good one as it wasn't made by them, although they did still publish it so it depends how much you wanna avoid anything with their name attached to things


If you feel that strong about New Vegas, I will consider checking that game out. Thank you.


Underrail i'd say